Oxygenated Drinking Water

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Skip to Technical Discussion of Oxygenation

It's lunchtime in Tokyo, Japan. The smog hangs in a thick, ugly layer over
the narrow streets as tens of thousands of automobiles compete with
pedestrians and bicycles for a pathway through the congested city.

On this narrow street in Tokyo is a small shop where customers enter the
shop looking haggard and seemingly out of breath. A few minutes later,
they emerge from the shop smiling broadly, a new spring in their step and
looking as if they had undergone a complete emotional and physiological

What is happening in this little shop is also happening in Beijing, China,

Toronto and Los Angeles. A peek into these shops reveals a row of
customers sitting quietly in chairs reading newspapers, having a cup of
herbal tea or orange juice or dozing--but each customer has an oxygen
mask over their face.

Each of these oxygen-starved customers is paying $16 to inhale pure

oxygen(O2) for 20 minutes. in an OXYGEN BAR

A few years ago, we used to say that we would eat crow before we had to
pay to obtain pure drinking water. Now, water stores and bottling
companies provide over one third of all Californian's with better drinking
water. A multi-billion dollar industry has risen from the need for pure
drinking water. Is it possible that we now will have to begin paying to
obtain the necessary oxygen for our body?

This "oxygenation" phenomenon is not going un-noticed in the beverage

industry where dozens of juice and water bottlers are preparing to
introduce various types of oxygenated beverages into health food and
convenience stores as well as the larger supermarkets. Already, Wall
Street is announcing this new oxygenated beverage market as a billion
dollar bonanza for potential investors.

The innovative concept that underlies this new phenomenon is one of

placing pure oxygen(O2) in various beverages, such as spring or purified
water. The beverage "holds" that oxygen, somewhat like carbonated
beverages hold carbon dioxide and then releases the oxygen directly into
the body's cells faster, more efficiently and far more economically than
inhaling $16 worth of oxygen in one of the "Oxygen Bars" described

The difference between a carbonated drink and a properly oxygenated

beverage is that in a carbonated drink the carbon dioxide dissipates
rapidly after the bottle is opened. The carbonated beverage becomes
"stale" or "flat" while a properly oxygenated beverage will hold the
dissolved, pure oxygen long after the bottle is opened.

The oxygenated beverage is usually bottled in a standard 1/2 or 1 liter

PET(recyclable bottle) and contains oxygen in a concentration sufficient
to provide significant physical energy boosts for the athlete while
reducing pulse rates by 5-15 beats per minute; a shocking increase in
mental acuity and clarity for the office worker or laborer, or a healthier
"upper" than coffee for the airlines pilot, the public safety officer on the
night beat or the long haul truck driver.

Because of the high oxygen concentration, only a few ounces of the

oxygenated beverage are consumed at a time. However, consuming the
entire bottle in one sitting will not create any problems except perhaps to
begin a cleansing cycle where the oxygen breaks down and disposes of
toxins in the bloodstream by an oxidation process.

All of this for about a dollar and a quarter per half liter--with no caffeine,
stimulants or side effects.

Actually, the idea of using oxygen in beverages is not new. In addition to

steroids, the Soviet Union and Eastern European Olympic teams have
used various "oxygen cocktails" for years, dominating all medal
categories and causing US Olympic coaches to scratch their heads when
the Soviet players showed far more stamina and consistently physically
outplayed the better coached US teams.

Oxygenated beverages may well become the most popular non-

carbonated drink in several decades, replacing the addictive, sugary
"energy" drinks which one often sees on the sidelines on Monday Night

The idea of replenishing the body's electrolytes using various juices is a

good idea--but these electrolyte "energy" juices provide little or no
benefits when strenuous activity drains oxygen from the body(hypoxia).
Without rapid and intensive oxygen replenishment, tissue breakdown may
begin to occur.
To be sure, I cannot recall ever seeing a professional football or soccer
player actually swallow a so-called "energy" drink on the sidelines. They
only rinse their mouth with it, spit it out and then reach for the oxygen

So, why is oxygen such an important factor in our body's operation? Next
to pure water, oxygen(O2) is the natural element required for the effective
operation of ALL body systems. Unfortunately, we are not getting
sufficient levels of oxygen through breathing, even when we exercise,
since we live in an oxygen-deficient environment.

Severe urban pollution drops usable oxygen levels to less than 20%,
perhaps half the oxygen levels which unpolluted, rural environments
provide and only a third of oxygen levels which existed thousands of
years ago.

Our brain makes billions of electrical decisions per second, as rapidly as

some of the world's fastest computers. Oxygen is essential to proper
neurological activity. Deprived from oxygen, the brain can cease to
function in less than 6-7 minutes.

Similarly, pure oxygen(O2) is an essential ingredient in any body

metabolic function related to proteins, carbohydrates and energy.
Without oxygen, there is no energy. Without a continuing supply of
external oxygen(via air, water or foods), the body cells, tissue and organs
begin drawing on internal oxygen reserves and may deplete these
reserves to the level that these reserves are subsequently not adequate
to fight pathogens and incoming free radicals, both of which can create
unsavory health problems.

Before oxygenated drinks were possible, scientists and medical

personnel had to rely on "surrogate" methods of providing higher levels of
oxygen to the body. Many forms of oxygen were used to conduct this so-
called "oxygen therapy".

Hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) and ozone(O3) were, and continue to be used,

primarily outside of the orthodox medical community, as a means for
such oxygen therapy. The positive oxidation effects obtained by
hydrogen peroxide and ozone, both of which are recognized as free
radicals, do not come without a price--in some cases that price can be
serious side effects.

The Food and Drug Administration has not approved ozone or hydrogen
peroxide therapy and because of the known side effects of such
procedures, the legality of such procedures varies from state to state.

Additionally, various types of "stabilized oxygen" products have found

their way into the health and nutrition markets. These "stabilized" oxygen
products do not use natural oxygen but rely on the use of various
chemical compounds, including chlorine, to extract or release reserve
oxygen from cells rather than providing additional oxygen to the body's
cells, tissue and organs. We know of no products in this category which
have FDA approval.

By comparison, the use of pure oxygen(O2) is becoming increasingly

popular in a widening array of conventional and acute medical situations.
Traumas such as crash injuries, burns, gangrene, carbon monoxide
poisoning and other serious conditions routinely use pure oxygen to both
facilitate healing and prevent infection. One such popular medical
process is called Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy(HBOT), where the patient is
placed in a sealed tube and subjected to pressurized pure oxygen for 30-
120 minutes.

The main difference in these cases is that the type of oxygen is a natural
oxygen, O2, versus a "derivative oxygen" obtained by ozone, hydrogen
peroxide or chlorine dioxide-type compounds used in so-called
"stabilized" oxygen products.

Unfortunately, the response of the orthodox medical community to

oxygenated beverages has ranged from tepid to derogatory to say the
least. While we know of no oxygenated beverage bottling or
manufacturing operation which is making medical claims, the
testimonials coming in daily clearly indicate that some surprising
physiological effects are occurring after the use of oxygenated
beverages. The medical community needs more convincing, through the
types of tests described elsewhere in this section on structured water.

Beverage bottlers are now taking this "natural" form of oxygen(O2)--

oxygen which has conclusively demonstrated itself to be highly "bio-
available", or having characteristics which allow it to enter the
bloodstream quickly and efficiently, and trying to put it in a dissolved
form into their beverages.

Some bottlers use high pressure, low temperature, rapid mixing, or a

combination thereof to achieve temporary, elevated oxygen
concentrations in their beverages. These processes do not use natural
energy effects and consequently the effectiveness of holding the
dissolved oxygen in the beverage is poor.

Others have found more advanced, natural techniques for bonding the
pure oxygen into the beverages--and subsequently holding the oxygen in
the beverage for extended periods of time.

Some companies have determined that simply "mixing up" or "stirring in"
some oxygen in water does not necessarily guarantee that the oxygen will
be carried into the body's cells nor arrive there in a healthy, bio-available

Several companies have begun licensing or selling their oxygenation

technologies worldwide to high-speed bottling operations involved in
water, aloe, herbal, homeopathic and cosmetic manufacturing where the
introduction of pure dissolved oxygen in these products can be
revolutionary to say the least.

Combining pure oxygen, pure water, and nutritional supplements may

create hundreds of new products for the beverage and nutritional

The ability to "bring oxygen home" to the body's bloodstream quickly and
efficiently has been a dream of scientists and medical personnel
worldwide for the last hundred years. Now, it seems that these successful
processes have a bright and useful future in the commercial arena.

Now, the average individual, be they a sports enthusiast, a senior citizen,

a youngster playing soccer or little league baseball, an airlines pilot who
experiences "hypoxia" or oxygen deprivation at high altitudes, the
individual who always seems to be "tired" or who simply "can't catch their
breath" or the millions of other individuals who simply want an additional
energy surge and mental clarity during their workday can now obtain pure
oxygen, mixed with pure water, in an energizing and refreshing drink, free
from sugary or caffeinated additives.

All this in a portable, disposable water bottle, without the need for an
oxygen mask, expensive health foods, complicated medical treatment or
questionable "pseudo-oxygen" sources such as ozone or hydrogen

Remember: pure, natural oxygen(O2) is a very powerful catalyst for body

energy. Taking oxygenated beverages before retiring for the evening may
result in a sleepless night. They are best used in the morning or afternoon
hours, during tedious physical or mental jobs or during and after
strenuous exercises when oxygen demands by the body are highest.

Using an excessive amount of oxygenated water may induce a

detoxification or cleansing process. This may be especially true if
environmental pollution continues at its alarming rate and if Americans
continue to look for better ways to improve their health and physical
stamina at either work and play.

A SPECIAL NOTICE: since this above article has been written, we have
learned from a number of well-known medical journals that oxygen in
excessive amounts can seriously damage the DNA and reduce the
expected lifetime of cells. What can be considered "excessive" is
certainly open to discussion.

In addition, many of these deleterious effects may be due to improper

"bonding" of the oxygen in the beverage(s) as well as the possible
(mis)use of ozone as a source for oxygen in these beverages.





©2001 Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sic Amet • Lorum • Ipsum • Dolor • Sic Amet •
Consectetur Consectetur

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