1. Контрольная 2Test2

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1 Fill in the missing word.

45 All of their vegetables

How.............have youare home-................
been working here?

1 At the age of 65, he retired from work. A far В many С much D long

2 She specializes in the history of the Tudor 6 The new shopping centre is easily.............to nearly
period. everyone in the town.
3 The offices are in the city centre. A accessible В affordable С kept D equipped
4 Jake's quick thinking saved the little girl
from drowning. 7 As soon as he saw 1 wasn't joking, the importance
5 My parents used to give me pocket-money of the matter..............home to him.
every week when 1 was young. A arrived В reached С got D came
6 I don't make a lot of money so 1 can't afford 8 The cottage has got a thatched..................
a Mercedes Benz. A garden В door С window D roof
7 The taxi driver knew a shortcut to the airport,
so luckily we didn't miss our flight. 9 Mark has.............been to Spain for his holidays.
8 The waiter cleared away the plates and asked A last В ago С recently D before
us if we were interested in a dessert. 10 "Where can he have gone?" he................
9 She makes a living by working for an insurance A suggested В wondered С explained D begged
10 Margaret has a lot of experience in teaching
young learners.
11 You really ought to cut down on your sugar
intake if you want to lose weight.
12 1 haven't seen my parents since Christmas.
13 The weather has gone from bad to worse over the
last few days. 3 Complete the second sentence using the word in
14 The flat is fully furnished so you don't have to bold. Use two to five words including the word
buy any furniture. given. Do not change the word given.
15 Please wash up after you finish having
your dinner.
16 I can't stand people telling me lies.
1 I'm not sure it's worth waiting for the rest of the group.
17 Make yourself at home. (point) There's no point in waiting for the rest of the group.

18 If you put money by, you save it so that

you can use it later. 2 "How come I didn't try another shop instead of this one?" Helen
19 There's definitely no place like home. wondered. (tried) Helen wondered why she had not tried another
20 Could you go to the supermarket, please? I've run shop instead of that one.
out of sugar.
3 The teacher said he was sorry he was late for the lesson.

2 Circle the correct item. (apologized) The teacher apologized for being late for the lesson.

1 He's called her ten times already and insists on 4 He was the kindest person I had ever come across!
speaking to her. He's very.............. (kind) I had never met such a kind person before!
A patient В persuasive С persistent D punctual
5 Their office was too small to have a meeting with ten staff.
2 The government has decided to increase the..........
of civil servants. (Not) Their office was not big enough to have a meeting with
A wage В salary С money D interests ten staff.
3 The company has more than one owner; there's Mr
Peters and his two...............
A colleagues С employees
В personnel D partners
4 Fill in the correct word derived from the word in 7 Circle the-correct response.
1 A: Better be going.
1 She felt miserable and dissatisfied B: a This early?
with her new job. (SATISFIED) b Sorry, no.
2 A: Come on. Bob. Time for bed.
2 The manager asked her various B: a Already?
questions about her qualifications. (VARY) b No, I'm not.
3 A: When will you have my TV set ready?
3 To his disappointment, Tim realised that his B: a I'd rather not say.
language skills were irrelevant to the job. b I can't say for certain.
(RELEVANT) 4 A: There seems to be something wrong with the
back door.
3 The interior designer she hired was full of B: a Sure. What's wrong?
bright ideas. (DESIGN) b Really? What is it?
5 A: I don't know what to do about Sam.
5 Ben's car was old and unreliable so, he B: a You'd better talk to him.
decided to buy a new one. (RELIABLE) b You might have a point.

5 Read the sentences. If a sentence is correct, put a 8 You are going to read an article about conserving
tick (/). If it has a word that should not be there, energy in the home. For questions 1-7, choose
write this word on the line. the correct answer А, В, С or D.

1 He could still remember back having

to walk to school. (back) 1 The amount of energy consumed by residential
2 They had to send each member a buildings is
personal copy of the report. (/) A 45 million tons.
3 He couldn't avoid from hitting the tree В 27% more than that consumed by industry.
as the road was so narrow. (from) С mainly responsible for global warming.
4 She expected for an immediate answer D going to be reduced by 2010.
from the company. (for)
2 People making the laws had previously focused
5 The boss wasted of so much money
on advertising. (of)
A Europe. С industry and
В residential buildings. D private houses.
3. Blocking up
6 Complete the dialogue.
draughts С requires
A: Any 1) IDEA how I could make some extra A is easy. planning.
money? В is expensive.
B: Here's what 2) I WOULD HAVE DONE IF I
WERE YOU - I’d find a part time job for the D is energy saving.
summer. 4 It is recommended that loft insulation is
A: Hmm ... I hadn't 3) THOUGHT ABOUT that. A 100mm thick. С made of cellulose.
B: Look at this ad here. They're looking for a В 200-300mm thick. D fireproof.
babysitter. 4) THIS WOULD BE ideal for you.
5 According to the writer, we should use light
A: Oh, no! That's 5) TOO HARD FOR me.
which are
A conventional. С standard.
В efficient. D high energy.
Residential buildings are responsible for

consuming 27% of the total amount of energy consumed

within Europe and are the biggest source of global
warming in the world. This is a fact that has, until
recently, been overlooked by law-makers trying to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, who have concentrated their
efforts on industry and transport. The EU has now issued
a new directive which intends to cut carbon dioxide
emissions from buildings by 45 million tons before 2010.
This means that each of us can now save the planet from
the comfort of our own homes.
The first things we can do are simple and easy. We can
block up draughts, switch off unnecessary lights and
make sure taps are not left running. The next step requires
more planning and some expense, but as well as saving
energy, we will also save on bills.
Many homes have loft insulation, but it is rarely half of an average home's electricity needs. A large
enough. Most insulation is 100mm thick, but to be truly conservatory with lots of glass panels on the south side
effective the recommended thickness is 200-300mm. Full 35 of a building will tap light and warmth and reduce
insulation can have a dramatic effect on energy the need for lighting.
consumption. It can save up to 25 percent on your heating We can install a 'grey' water recycling system. At
bills. A variety of materials are available, but one of the present water used to flush the toilets is of the same
most environmentally friendly is cellulose in the form of drinkable quality that comes out of the taps. This is an
compressed recycled newsprint which has been 40
fireproofed. unnecessary waste of energy used in water
We should use energy efficient light bulbs. These are purification. A grey water recycling system cleans
usually expensive to buy but consume less than half the water that has been used for washing and sends it
energy of standard bulbs. Also, these bulbs last much through the toilet system reducing the use of clean
longer than conventional light bulbs reducing the drinking water.
consumption of resources.
Thermal solar panels are very efficient. They are 45
capable of providing all the hot water you need even in New buildings can incorporate much more energy
Britain's climate. Photovoltaic panels can be fitted as saving features in their design. They can have a timber
solar roof tiles or solar windows and are now capable of structure, extensive insulation, electronic environmental
generating about controls, triple glazing, a non-polluting heating system
and a turf roof. However, it is how we 50 deal with our
present homes that will determine housing's
contribution to global warming. It's down to each and
every one of us, so get insulating!
6. Which sort of panels can produce 7 How can individuals reduce global warming?
electricity? A By buying a new environmentally friendly house.
A solar panels В By designing new buildings with energy saving
В glass panels features. С By insulating new buildings. D By
С photovoltaic panels making changes in our current homes
D thermal solar panels
Listening Speaking

9 You will hear part of an interview

10. Below are some photographs of parts of a house. Talk
about a new kind of employment
about the usefulness of each one. Then choose two of them
agreement called 'personal hours which, in your opinion, are NOT absolutely necessary for
contract'. For questions 1-10, a modern home.
complete the sentences with one to
three words.

A personal hours contract is a special

1) agreement| that you have with
your employer. The system offers
the greatest possible degree of 2)
flexibility. It all started when small
companies thought of the system in
order to get 3) high-flyers to work
for them. They devised the new
system as an 4 alternative to more
money. Employees gladly swap high
salaries in order to have more 5
control over their routine. People
who work at home can't cheat the
company because their 6 productivity
is measured. Anne says that the new
system has created a more relaxed 7
atmosphere in the workplace. Some
people don't accept a personal hours
contract because they like to have a
8) strict routine in their jobs. Others
are not offered a personal hours
contract at all because they lack the
9) extra skills which they would
need. People working from home
have to be disciplined, have clear
targets and be skilled at 10) time
11. Discuss the following questions

1 What are the advantages of owning

your home rather than renting one?

There are definitely some advantages to

owning your home. For example, you
don't need to spend money on rent every
month. You can make your personal
repairs to your own personal taste and
style. You can have pets. All the things in
your home are your personal and have
never been used before. You are
responsible for everything that happens in
your home.

2 What do you miss most about your

home when you're away?

When I'm away, of course, most of all I

miss the comfort and friendly family
support. And surely I miss the little things
like a quiet tea party on the balcony, a
warm bath, a cozy blanket.

3 Where in your home do you feel

most comfortable?

For me the most comfortable place in my

home is the bathroom. It practically
serves as my office, where you can work
and relax in a quiet environment. Besides,
I really love water!

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