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Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space.

Caravanning in Wales

The sea cliffs and sandy beaches of Wales are hard 1......... beat. Add to
..........wild, romantic scenery, ancient castles, modern theme parks and cheap
accomodation and you’ve got a great family holiday. Of course 3........... makes
Wales so green is the rain. Even in mid-summer, you can expect a couple of wet
and windy days. But don’t let that off. There are 5........of indoor
activities, so you can enjoy 6............ whatever the weather. For 7............. people
Wales is a caravan country. If you haven’t stayed in a caravan were
little, it’s 9........... you tried it again. Standards of comfort are much higher
............ a decade ago, with facilities such 11......... laundries and kids play areas. A
good example is the Fontygary Holiday Park. You can stay in a spacious caravan
equipped 12.......... TV, shower, separate bedrooms and fridge, 13............ works out
to be less expensive when compared 14................... a guesthouse or self-catering
cottage. And you won’t even need to leave the site to The kids can
swim in the –metre indoor pool, or join 16.......... the games organised by the
entertainment staff. Meanwhile you can take a sauna, go to the gym, have your hair
styled, or just sit on the cliff top and enjoy the view.

1 to 9 time
2 this 10 than
3 what 11 as
4 put 12 with
5 lots 13 which
6 yourself 14 with
7 many 15 have
8 since 16 in

For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D
best fits each space. There’s an example at the beginning (0)

Why don't the British cycle? Only a quarter of the 0 … twenty--- million bicycles
in the country are thought to be in 1 … use in Denmark, which is flatter but no
darker or rainier than Britain twenty per cent of all journeys are made by bicycle,
while in Britain the 2 … is only 5%. The government are trying to 3 … this. It is
hoped that a grant of millions of pounds from the National Lottery will 4 … more
people to use their bikes. The money will be used to 5 … for a 6,500 mile national
network of cycle tracks. Britain needs to 6 … environmentally friendly schemes
such as this. The southern third of the country is one of the most 7 … areas of the
world. Environmentalists make it 8 … to build new roads, and 9 … roads are very
overcrowded. One official committee described growth of motor transport as
“possibly the 10 .. environmental threat to the UK”. The 11 … of building the
cycle tracks is to motivate people to use their bicycles instead of their cars.
However, the new tracks are being built 12 … cities and not through them. This 13
… that only long distance journeys may be easier and safer. Those cyclists who
want to 14 … inside cities will be in danger of 15 … their lives on busy roads
every time they use their bicycles.

0A counted B numbered C estimated D guess

1A right B regular C normal D proper
2A size B portion C figure D part
3A improve B succeed C excel D help
4A support B activate C boost D encourage
5A cost B give C pay D afford
6A do B introduce C commence D make
7A full B loaded C occupied D crowded
8A rough B uneasy C stiff D difficult
9A existing B prevailing C living D left
10A hardest B greatest C grandest D strongest
11A aim B function C design D course
12A from B in C among D between
13A tells B says C means D defines
14A travel B wander C tour D follow
15A expiring B losing C missing D terminating

3Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If a line is correct, put a
tick (√) by it. If it has a word which should not be there, write the word at the
end of the line.

Winter Visits to London

Every year at Christmas time my parents 1 √

pay on a short visit to London. They like 2 on
to fly there on a Friday morning and 3 √
return on a Sunday evening. While been in 4 been
they always stay in an expensive hotel 5 √
close to the Marble Arch. Christmas time may 6 √
seem a strange time for to visit London. 7 to
After it all, England in the wintertime can be 8 it
cold, wet and foggy itself. Sometimes it even 9 √
snows. However, my parents like going 10 √
because, despite of the cold weather, 11 of
there is a lots to do. My mother goes 12 a
in order that to visit the shops and buy 13 that
presents, my father does enjoys visiting the 14 does
museums and art galleries, and they 15 √
both like to visiting the theatre in the evening 16 to
when the streets are being lit with Christmas 17 being

Find the word which should not be in the sentence

1. She let me to use her computer.

2. The Persian rug was too expensive for us to buy it.
3. Taking regular exercise it is beneficial to your health.
4. In addition to be losing her purse, Joan also lost her passport.
5. We saw the Queen to welcome the British Olympic winners.
6. It was enough too late to find accomodation elsewhere.
7. We would sooner to renew our contract than move somewhere else.
8. The archaeologist is believed to have being found the tomb of the ancient
9. He might to be given a more responsible position in future.
10.To making promises you do not intend to keep is dishonest.

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the space. Write your word in the answer boxes provided.

Collecting Things
Nowadays, you are more likely to hear 1............. than serious comment when
stamp-collecting is mentioned because it’s no longer 2............. . But lots of people
are 3............ about collecting yhings and find it a 4 .............. way to spend their
time. Souvenirs from holiday 5............., whatever the country, are 6 ..............
popular with collectors. So are household items with something special in common
which makes them 7................., such as sugar spoons with engraved pictures,
scarfs or 8............. mugs. Collecting things is a 9............activity – great for
meeting new people – which may be why it is said to have 10 ................ benefits.
It is a relaxing and interesting 11............... .
1 LAUGH laughter
2 FASHION fashionable
3 ENTHUSIASM enthusiastic
4 CREATE creative
5 LOCATE locations
6 PARTICULAR particularly
7 ATTRACT attractive
8 COLOUR colorful
9 SOCIAL sociable
10 PSYCHOLOGY psychological
11 OCCUPY occupation

1. Add the missing words to make travel collocations.
1. Negative footprint
2. Organized trip
3. Historic monument
4. Gastronomic masterpieces
5. Good deal
6. baking sun
7. budget tickets
8. boutique hotel

2. Complete the sentences using the collocations.

1. We stayed in a boutique hotel that had rooms that made you feel like you
were living in a medieval castle.
2. You can always find a good deal if you look on the Internet a week before
you want to go.
3. I couldn’t stand the weather there. Every day we had to put up with baking
4. Some people prefer to go on organized trip. Then they don’t have to drive
around or make arrangements for themselves.
5. The menu was full of gastronomic masterpieces that just made your mouth
6. Turkey has a historic monument on just about every street corner. It’s so full
of history!
7. The amount of development causes so much pollution and is bound to leave
a negative footprint.
8. The problem with budget tickets is the airports they use are often quite a
long way from the place you’re visiting.

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