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Operating Type Voucher NPO NumbeTrading Partner Supplier N Supplier S Invoice Date

OU CSI PE Standard 3050854 7616333 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 24-Mar-20
OU CSI PE Standard 3048707 7615400 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 6-Nov-19
OU CSI PE Standard 3046196 7614780 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 27-Jun-19
OU CSI PE Standard 3046199 7614779 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 27-Jun-19
OU CSI PE Standard 3047202 7615045 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 19-AUG-2019
OU CSI PE Standard 3046552 7614878 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 23-Jul-19
OU CSI PE Standard 3052128 7616695 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 17-AUG-2020
OU CSI PE Standard 3041253 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 26-SEP-2018
OU CSI PE Standard 3053254 7617181 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 24-Nov-20
OU CSI PE Standard 3040789 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 30-Jul-18
OU CSI PE Standard 3040785 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 29-Mar-18
OU CSI PE Standard 3040788 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 29-Jun-18
OU CSI PE Standard 3040786 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 30-APR-2018
OU CSI PE Standard 3040790 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 29-AUG-2018
OU CSI PE Standard 3040787 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 29-Jun-18
OU CSI PE Standard 3040784 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 28-Feb-18
OU CSI PE Standard 3048656 7615549 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 5-Nov-19
OU CSI PE Standard 3047343 7614878 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 23-Jul-19
OU CSI PE Standard 3040783 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 30-JAN-2018
OU CSI PE Standard 3046486 7614682 CLOSURE SYSTEMS INT(BRA 51617 JUNDIAI 17-Jun-19




Invoice Num Invoice Cur Invoice AmountPay Group Payment CGL Date
02_20 USD 750.00 IICS USD 16-APR-2020
CSI RFA 01 USD 958.40 IICS USD 22-Nov-19
013_19 USD 1,088.55 IICS USD 16-Jul-19
010_19 USD 1,228.85 IICS USD 16-Jul-19
012_19 USD 1,451.40 IICS USD 16-Jul-19
CSI 23-19 USD 2,271.57 IICS USD 23-JAN-2020
017-19 USD 2,539.95 IICS USD 18-SEP-2019
014_19 USD 2,539.95 IICS USD 13-AUG-2019
04_20. USD 3,390.00 IICS USD 22-SEP-2020
2611 USD 7,017.40 IICS USD 26-SEP-2018
08_20. USD 7,815.74 IICS USD 23-DEC-2020
ND 3010 USD 8,249.39 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
2300 USD 8,618.16 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
6641 USD 8,809.21 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
2316 USD 9,163.79 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
290802 USD 9,177.52 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
4166 USD 9,663.36 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
2991 USD 10,309.22 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
CSI 020-19 USD 10,486.35 IICS USD 21-Nov-19
015-19 USD 12,276.43 IICS USD 24-SEP-2019
2979 USD 19,592.92 IICS USD 05-SEP-2018
04_19 USD 24,681.60 IICS USD 08-AUG-2019


CES INV 37258 217.50

ES INV 015-19 991.98
Description [] Terms Payment RaTerms Dat Payment RPayment M
O/C7616333 BOLSA PLASTICA .. 015PX ### 16-APR-2020 Wire
O/C 7615400 GUANTES DIELECTRICO .. 60 6-Nov-19 ### Wire
O/C7614780 TINTA VERDE CROMEX .. 015PX 16-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 Wire
O/C7614706 TINTA VERDE CROMEX .. 015PX 16-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 Wire
O/C7614779 TINTA VERDE .. 015PX 16-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 Wire
O/C 7615879 POLIPROPILENO .. 015PX 13-DEC-2013-DEC-2019 Wire
O/C7615045 MASTERBACH .. 60 11-SEP-20 11-SEP-2019 Wire
O/C 7614878 B MASTERBACTH .. 60 23-Jul-19 07-AUG-2019 Wire
O/C7616695 DARAFORM .. 015PX 17-AUG-2017-AUG-2020 Check
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 09/2018 .. 015PX 26-SEP-20 26-SEP-2018 Wire
O/C7617181 CONCENTRADO DE COLOR .. 015PX ### 44159 Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 07/2018 .. 015PX 30-Jul-18 30-Jul-18 Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 03/2018 .. 015PX ### ### Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 06/2018 .. 015PX 29-Jun-18 29-Jun-18 Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 04/2018 .. 015PX 30-APR-2030-APR-2018 Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 08/2018 .. 015PX 29-AUG-2029-AUG-2018 Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 05/2018 .. 015PX 29-Jun-18 29-Jun-18 Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 02/2018 .. 015PX 28-Feb-18 28-Feb-18 Wire
O/C 7615549 RESIN COLOR CONCENTRATE .. 015PX 5-Nov-19 ### Wire
OC7614878 MASTERBATH .. 60 23-SEP-20 23-SEP-2019 Wire
RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 01/2018 .. 015PX 30-JAN-20 30-JAN-2018 Wire
O/C7614682 DARAFORM .. 015PX 05-AUG-2005-AUG-2019 Wire
Liability A Exchange RQuick CrediPayment RaCredited InMatch ActiDistributio Project Exchange DTask
04166.000 3.536 Receipt ###
04166.000 3.339 Receipt 6-Nov-19
04166.000 3.301 Receipt 27-Jun-19
04166.000 3.331 Receipt 13-Jun-19
04166.000 3.301 Receipt 27-Jun-19
04166.000 3.393 Receipt 13-DEC-2019
04166.000 3.394 Receipt 19-AUG-2019
04166.000 3.287 Receipt 23-Jul-19
04166.000 3.576 Receipt 17-AUG-2020
04166.000 3.306 Receipt 26-SEP-2018
04166.000 3.6 Receipt ###
04166.000 3.276 Receipt 30-Jul-18
04166.000 3.229 Receipt ###
04166.000 3.274 Receipt 29-Jun-18
04166.000 3.241 Receipt 30-APR-2018
04166.000 3.294 Receipt 29-AUG-2018
04166.000 3.274 Receipt 29-Jun-18
04166.000 3.25 Receipt 28-Feb-18
04166.000 3.336 Receipt 5-Nov-19
04166.000 3.287 Receipt 23-Jul-19
04166.000 3.219 Receipt 30-JAN-2018
04166.000 3.34 Receipt 17-Jun-19
ExpenditurExpenditurExpenditurRate Type PrepaymenSettlementTaxation C Business C Fiscal ClassRelated Inv
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
PE Sale Rate Peru
Invoice Su Self-Asses Internal S Supplier T Internal R Supplier TaSupplier T Customs LoRemit-To SRemit-To Su
Remit-To Remit-To Release Am( )
Cliente Referencia Fecha de Vencimient Moneda loc
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0176937 7/8/2019 7/23/2019
      2,616.78 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F200-0195004 8/9/2019 8/16/2019
           41.30 PEN
ALUSUD P99-00160-0800457 8/9/2019 8/16/2019
         291.00 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0181311 8/5/2019 8/20/2019
      1,113.61 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0196211 8/20/2019 9/4/2019
         214.16 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0184502 8/26/2019 9/10/2019
      2,616.91 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0197438 8/28/2019 9/12/2019
         186.06 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0197652 8/29/2019 9/13/2019
         106.45 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F200-0199893 9/6/2019 9/13/2019
           41.30 PEN
ALUSUD P99-00160-0806783 9/6/2019 9/13/2019
         579.00 PEN
ALUSUD P99-00160-0806784 9/6/2019 9/13/2019
         579.00 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F200-0199894 9/6/2019 9/13/2019
           41.30 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0186229 9/5/2019 9/20/2019
         362.39 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0199883 9/9/2019 9/24/2019
         105.26 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0199882 9/9/2019 9/24/2019
         105.26 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0199899 9/10/2019 9/25/2019
         105.29 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0199898 9/10/2019 9/25/2019
      1,881.20 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0199900 9/10/2019 9/25/2019
         105.29 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F200-0202468 9/20/2019 9/27/2019
           41.30 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F200-0202484 9/20/2019 9/27/2019
           41.30 PEN
ALUSUD P99-00160-0810113 9/20/2019 9/27/2019
         433.00 PEN
ALUSUD P99-00160-0810115 9/20/2019 9/27/2019
         248.00 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F200-0202483 9/20/2019 9/27/2019
           41.30 PEN
ALUSUD P99-00160-0810090 9/20/2019 9/27/2019
         845.00 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0187599 9/13/2019 9/28/2019
      1,722.10 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0187600 9/13/2019 9/28/2019
      1,744.75 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0187601 9/13/2019 9/28/2019
         366.84 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0187827 9/16/2019 10/1/2019
         958.64 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0201036 9/16/2019 10/1/2019
         228.33 PEN
ALUSUD P99-00160-0810828 9/24/2019 10/1/2019
         387.00 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F200-0203057 9/24/2019 10/1/2019
           62.54 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0201158 9/17/2019 10/2/2019
         183.57 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0201159 9/17/2019 10/2/2019
         187.03 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0201160 9/17/2019 10/2/2019
         104.67 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0202188 9/20/2019 10/5/2019
         237.35 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0188965 9/23/2019 10/8/2019
         360.75 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0188967 9/23/2019 10/8/2019
      1,866.39 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0188966 9/23/2019 10/8/2019
         398.03 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0202606 9/24/2019 10/9/2019
         122.31 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0194061 9/24/2019 10/9/2019
         186.61 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F205-0194062 9/24/2019 10/9/2019
         691.93 PEN
ALUSUD P01-0F300-0202605 9/24/2019 10/9/2019
         122.31 PEN
Estado awb dua
to neto
69 Vencido
45 Vencido 6.63E+09
45 Vencido 6.63E+09 2.35E+12
41 Vencido
26 Vencido
20 Vencido
18 Vencido
17 Vencido
17 Vencido 2.08E+09
17 Vencido 2.08E+09 2.35E+12
17 Vencido 2.08E+09 2.35E+12
17 Vencido 2.08E+09
10 Vencido
6 Vencido
6 Vencido
5 Vencido
5 Vencido
5 Vencido
3 Vencido 8.73E+09
3 Vencido 4.21E+09
3 Vencido 2.4E+09 2.35E+12
3 Vencido 4.21E+09 2.35E+12
3 Vencido 2.4E+09
3 Vencido 8.73E+09 2.35E+12
2 Vencido
2 Vencido
2 Vencido
-1 Por vencer
-1 Por vencer
-1 Por vencer 4.64E+09 2.35E+12
-1 Por vencer 4.64E+09
-2 Por vencer
-2 Por vencer
-2 Por vencer
-5 Por vencer
-8 Por vencer
-8 Por vencer
-8 Por vencer
-9 Por vencer
-9 Por vencer
-9 Por vencer
-9 Por vencer
Operating Type Voucher NPO NumbeTrading PaSupplier N Supplier S Invoice Date Invoice NuInvoice Cur
OU CSI PE Credit Me 3053284 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 11-Jul-19 180619 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3053287 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 01-AUG-2019 37258 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3050854 7616333 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 24-Mar-20 02_20 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3048707 7615400 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 6-Nov-19 CSI RFA 01USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3053286 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 01-AUG-2019 37268 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3046196 7614780 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 27-Jun-19 013_19 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3053285 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 31-Oct-19 311019 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3046193 7614706 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 13-Jun-19 010_19 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3046199 7614779 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 27-Jun-19 012_19 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3049760 7615879 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 13-DEC-2019 CSI 23-19 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3046552 7614878 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 23-Jul-19 014_19 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3047202 7615045 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 19-AUG-2019 017-19 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3052128 7616695 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 17-AUG-2020 04_20. USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3053254 7617181 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 24-Nov-20 08_20. USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3048656 7615549 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 5-Nov-19 CSI 020-19USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3047343 7614878 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 23-Jul-19 015-19 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3046486 7614682 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 17-Jun-19 04_19 USD

OU CSI PE Standard 3040790 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 29-AUG-2018 290802 USD

OU CSI PE Standard 3040789 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 30-Jul-18 ND 3010 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3040788 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 29-Jun-18 6641 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3040787 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 29-Jun-18 4166 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3040786 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 30-APR-2018 2316 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3040785 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 29-Mar-18 2300 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3040784 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 28-Feb-18 2991 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3040783 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 30-JAN-2018 2979 USD
OU CSI PE Standard 3041253 CLOSURE SY 51617 JUNDIAI 26-SEP-2018 2611 USD


Invoice AmouPay Group Payment CGL Date Description []
217.50 IICS USD 24-DEC-2037258 - MASTER VERDE CROMEX ..
750.00 IICS USD 16-APR-2040394 - O/C7616333 BOLSA PLASTICA ..
958.40 IICS USD ### 38716 - O/C 7615400 GUANTES DIELECTRICO ..
991.98 B USD 23-DEC-2037268 - OC7614878 MASTERBATH ..
1,088.55 IICS USD 16-Jul-19 36813 - O/C7614780 TINTA VERDE CROMEX ..
1,228.85 IICS USD 16-Jul-19 O/C7614706 TINTA VERDE CROMEX ..
1,451.40 IICS USD 16-Jul-19 36806 - O/C7614779 TINTA VERDE ..
2,271.57 IICS USD 23-JAN-20 O/C 7615879 POLIPROPILENO ..
2,539.95 IICS USD 13-AUG-2037142 - O/C 7614878 B MASTERBACTH ..
2,539.95 IICS USD 18-SEP-20 37515 - O/C7615045 MASTERBACH ..
3,390.00 IICS USD 22-SEP-20 41498 - O/C7616695 DARAFORM ..
7,815.74 IICS USD 23-DEC-2042470 - O/C7617181 CONCENTRADO DE COLOR ..
10,486.35 IICS USD ### 38710 - O/C 7615549 RESIN COLOR CONCENTRATE ..
12,276.43 B USD 24-SEP-20 OC7614878 MASTERBATH ..
24,681.60 IICS USD 08-AUG-20O/C7614682 DARAFORM ..
9,177.52 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 08/2018 ..
8,249.39 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 07/2018 ..
8,809.21 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 06/2018 ..
9,663.36 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 05/2018 ..
9,163.79 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 04/2018 ..
8,618.16 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 03/2018 ..
10,309.22 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 02/2018 ..
19,592.92 IICS USD 05-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 01/2018 ..
7,017.40 IICS USD 26-SEP-20 RATEIO GAST ADM REGIONAIS 09/2018 ..

991.98 B
Terms Payment RaTerms Dat Payment RPayment MLiability A Exchange RQuick CrediPayment RaCredited In
015PX 11-Jul-19 11-Jul-19 Wire 04166.000 3.617
015PX 01-AUG-2001-AUG-2019 Wire 04166.000 3.616
015PX ### 16-APR-2020 Wire 04166.000 3.536
60 6-Nov-19 ### Wire 04166.000 3.339
015PX 01-AUG-2001-AUG-2019 Wire 04166.000 3.617
015PX 16-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 Wire 04166.000 3.301
015PX 31-Oct-19 31-Oct-19 Wire 04166.000 3.617
015PX 16-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 Wire 04166.000 3.331
015PX 16-Jul-19 16-Jul-19 Wire 04166.000 3.301
015PX 13-DEC-2013-DEC-2019 Wire 04166.000 3.393
60 23-Jul-19 07-AUG-2019 Wire 04166.000 3.287
60 11-SEP-20 11-SEP-2019 Wire 04166.000 3.394
015PX 17-AUG-2017-AUG-2020 Check 04166.000 3.576
015PX ### ### Wire 04166.000 3.6
015PX 5-Nov-19 ### Wire 04166.000 3.336
60 23-SEP-20 23-SEP-2019 Wire 04166.000 3.287
015PX 05-AUG-2005-AUG-2019 Wire 04166.000 3.34

015PX 29-AUG-2029-AUG-2018 Wire 04166.000 3.294

015PX 30-Jul-18 30-Jul-18 Wire 04166.000 3.276
015PX 29-Jun-18 29-Jun-18 Wire 04166.000 3.274
015PX 29-Jun-18 29-Jun-18 Wire 04166.000 3.274
015PX 30-APR-2030-APR-2018 Wire 04166.000 3.241
015PX ### ### Wire 04166.000 3.229
015PX 28-Feb-18 28-Feb-18 Wire 04166.000 3.25
015PX 30-JAN-20 30-JAN-2018 Wire 04166.000 3.219
015PX 26-SEP-20 26-SEP-2018 Wire 04166.000 3.306
Match ActiDistributio Project Exchange DTask ExpenditurExpenditurExpenditurRate Type Prepaymen
Receipt 23-DEC-2020 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 24-DEC-2020 PE Sale Rate
Receipt ### PE Sale Rate
Receipt 6-Nov-19 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 23-DEC-2020 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 27-Jun-19 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 23-DEC-2020 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 13-Jun-19 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 27-Jun-19 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 13-DEC-2019 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 23-Jul-19 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 19-AUG-2019 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 17-AUG-2020 PE Sale Rate
Receipt ### PE Sale Rate
Receipt 5-Nov-19 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 23-Jul-19 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 17-Jun-19 PE Sale Rate

Receipt 29-AUG-2018 PE Sale Rate

Receipt 30-Jul-18 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 29-Jun-18 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 29-Jun-18 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 30-APR-2018 PE Sale Rate
Receipt ### PE Sale Rate
Receipt 28-Feb-18 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 30-JAN-2018 PE Sale Rate
Receipt 26-SEP-2018 PE Sale Rate
SettlementTaxation C Business C Fiscal ClassRelated InvInvoice Su Self-Asses Internal S Supplier T Internal R
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0

Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Peru 0
Supplier TaSupplier T Customs LoRemit-To SRemit-To Su
Remit-To Remit-To Release Am( )

Detail Trial Balance
Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
10000000 Cash - Non-restricte 04166.00000.10000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 3,028.36
10057129 Cash - Banco de Cred 04166.00000.10057129.0000.00000.00000.0000 122,720.45
10057610 Cash - Scotiabank - 04166.00000.10057610.0000.00000.00000.0000 7.35
10057846 Cash - Banco de la N 04166.00000.10057846.0000.00000.00000.0000 8,082.98
10058159 Cash - Banco de Cred 04166.00000.10058159.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,801,636.36
10058554 Cash - Scotiabank - 04166.00000.10058554.0000.00000.00000.0000 2,183.95
12000000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,025,159.45
12001001 AR Customers-Manual 04166.00000.12001001.0000.00000.00000.0000 4,118.00
12003000 AR Customers-Manual 04166.00000.12003000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -16,535.55
12007100 AR - Foreign Custome 04166.00000.12007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,297,890.51
12008901 AR - Clrgn Customers 04166.00000.12008901.0000.00000.00000.0000 374,415.08
12100000 Allow for Doubtful A 04166.00000.12100000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -374,626.57
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04116.00000.0000 25,790.51
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04126.00000.0000 167,757.91
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04146.00000.0000 3,757.65
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04346.00000.0000 1,406,020.28
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.18684.00000.0000 5,637.46
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.18754.00000.0000 153,979.86
12200999 Allowance for Doubtf 04166.00000.12200999.0000.04346.00000.0000 -1,255,869.74
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.04116.00000.0000 -25,790.51
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.04146.00000.0000 -3,757.65
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.04346.00000.0000 -150,150.54
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.18796.00000.0000 -5,637.46
12900000 Other Accounts Recei 04166.00000.12900000.0000.00000.00000.0000 64,303.51
14250000 Notes Receivable - E 04166.00000.14250000.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,600.02
14257030 Notes Receivable - T 04166.00000.14257030.0000.00000.00000.0000 -24.45
15000000 Stores 04166.00000.15000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 414,613.93
15000000 Stores 04166.00000.15000000.5411.00000.00000.0000 0
15000000 Stores 04166.00000.15000000.5450.00000.00000.0000 -56,498.06
15500000 Raw Materials 04166.00000.15500000.5410.00000.00000.0000 0
15500000 Raw Materials 04166.00000.15500000.5450.00000.00000.0000 -27,718.16
15500000 Raw Materials 04166.00000.15500000.5490.00000.00000.0000 636,010.69
15660000 Raw Materials In-Tra 04166.00000.15660000.5490.00000.00000.0000 1,023,827.12
16500000 Finished Goods 04166.00000.16500000.5490.00000.00000.0000 111,954.88
16500009 Finished Goods - Man 04166.00000.16500009.5450.00000.00000.0000 -14,174.41
16500009 Finished Goods - Man 04166.00000.16500009.5490.00000.00000.0000 9,340.09
16850000 Inventory In-Transit 04166.00000.16850000.5490.04146.00000.0000 415.65
17100000 Prepaid Taxes - Base 04166.00000.17100000.0001.00000.00000.0000 0
17250000 Prepaid Insurance - 04166.00000.17250000.0000.00000.00000.0000 5825.57
17900000 Other Prepaid Expens 04166.00000.17900000.0000.00000.00000.0000 241013.41
19007001 Salary Advance 04166.00000.19007001.0000.00000.00000.0000 3,460.63
19810485 IT-E-STD IVA Non VAT 04166.00000.19810485.0000.00000.00000.0000 712,549.47
19850930 OCA - Intracompany S 04166.00000.19850930.0000.00000.00000.0000 9,804.27
19850995 OCA - Inventory Clea 04166.00000.19850995.0000.00000.00000.0000 4,305.35
_x000C_ 19OCA - Inventory Cle a 04166.00000.19850997.0000.00000.00000.0000 -6,246.10
21000000 Land and Depletable 04166.00000.21000000.0001.00000.00000.0000 3,020,300.62
21200000 Structures 04166.00000.21200000.0001.00000.00000.0000 177,836.27
21200000 Structures 04166.00000.21200000.0230.00000.00000.0000 0.00
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0001.00000.00000.0000 12,066,234.92
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0230.00000.00000.0000 0
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0231.00000.00000.0000 0.00
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0232.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0236.00000.00000.0000 0
21407100 Furniture 04166.00000.21407100.0001.00000.00000.0000 3738.68
21407200 Vehicles 04166.00000.21407200.0001.00000.00000.0000 6680
21550000 Right of Use Assets 04166.00000.21550000.0001.00000.00000.0000 566,111.40
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -169,926.64
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0221.00000.00000.0000 0.00
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0222.00000.00000.0000 0.00
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0229.00000.00000.0000 0
22000000 Land and Depletable 04166.00000.22000000.0001.00000.00000.0000 9862.63
22200000 Structures - Accum D 04166.00000.22200000.0001.00000.00000.0000 423405.65
22200000 Structures - Accum D 04166.00000.22200000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22250000 Structures - Impairm 04166.00000.22250000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -4217497.06
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0229.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0231.00000.00000.0000 0
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0232.00000.00000.0000 0
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0236.00000.00000.0000 0
22407100 Furniture - Accum De 04166.00000.22407100.0001.00000.00000.0000 -3642.02
22407100 Furniture - Accum De 04166.00000.22407100.0224.00000.00000.0000 0
22407200 Vehicles - Accum Dep 04166.00000.22407200.0001.00000.00000.0000 -6,680.00
22450000 Equipment - Impairme 04166.00000.22450000.0236.00000.00000.0000 0
22450000 Equipment - Impairme 04166.00000.22450000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22560000 Right of Use Assets 04166.00000.22560000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -146093.28
22560000 Right of Use Assets 04166.00000.22560000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0
23410000 Other Intangibles 04166.00000.23410000.0001.00000.00000.0000 2,430,000.00
23420000 Other IntangiblesOth 04166.00000.23420000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0
23430000 Other Intangibles - 04166.00000.23430000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0.00
23900000 Customer Relationshi 04166.00000.23900000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -713725.48
23900000 Customer Relationshi 04166.00000.23900000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0
23950000 Customer Relationshi 04166.00000.23950000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0.00
29780000 Invested Capital 04166.00000.29780000.0000.00000.00000.0000 863807.06
29780000 Invested Capital 04166.00000.29780000.0000.04156.00000.0000 179236.16
30000001 Accounts Payable - I 04166.00000.30000001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -25,533.53
30000002 Accounts Payable - E 04166.00000.30000002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -17,939.92
30001001 AP Trade - Manual Ac 04166.00000.30001001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -325.16
30050000 Lease Clearing Accou 04166.00000.30050000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -3.27
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.04146.00000.0000 -1705.47
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.06956.00000.0000 -233035.6
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.08576.00000.0000 -0.06
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.18684.00000.0000 -7,144.67
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.18694.00000.0000 -1,650.64
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.18754.00000.0000 -436,642.92
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.24400.00000.0000 0.00
_x000C_ 30Intercompany Accoun t 04166.00000.30100003.0000.25311.00000.0000 -66,194.70
30250000 Invoices Payable - O 04166.00000.30250000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -2,217,630.84
31050000 Notes Payable - Inte 04166.00000.31050000.0000.04146.00000.0000 -2,200,000.00
32020000 Lease Liability - Cu 04166.00000.32020000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -137,263.31
33000000 Dividends Payable - 04166.00000.33000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -555,324.81
34007100 Social Assistance Se 04166.00000.34007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 -136.60
34007200 Contribution Employe 04166.00000.34007200.0000.00000.00000.0000 -119.63
35100000 Payable - For Natl T 04166.00000.35100000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -235036.11

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166
LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
35100000 Payable - For Natl T 04166.00000.35100000.0351.00000.00000.0000 0
35150000 Payable - For Natl T 04166.00000.35150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -765,604.96
35157200 PIS Payable 04166.00000.35157200.0000.00000.00000.0000 -642.65
35157410 I.T.R. - Royalties 04166.00000.35157410.0000.00000.00000.0000 -52,946.76
35407100 VAT Payable 04166.00000.35407100.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
35450000 Payable for Payroll 04166.00000.35450000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -12,950.32
35451001 Payroll Taxes Payabl 04166.00000.35451001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -263.75
35451002 Payroll Taxes Payabl 04166.00000.35451002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -6,561.54
35451003 Payroll Taxes Payabl 04166.00000.35451003.0000.00000.00000.0000 -5961.69
36000000 Accrued Salaries and 04166.00000.36000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -1,353.73
36070000 Accrued Vacation Pay 04166.00000.36070000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -87,311.89
36070000 Accrued Vacation Pay 04166.00000.36070000.0390.00000.00000.0000 0.00
36070000 Accrued Vacation Pay 04166.00000.36070000.0393.00000.00000.0000 0.00
36140000 Accrued Incentive Co 04166.00000.36140000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -180742.89
36140000 Accrued Incentive Co 04166.00000.36140000.0397.00000.00000.0000 0
36150000 Accrued Variable Com 04166.00000.36150000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -7,366.72
36150000 Accrued Variable Com 04166.00000.36150000.0393.00000.00000.0000 0
36157100 Accrd Bonus 04166.00000.36157100.0001.00000.00000.0000 145.55
36157100 Accrd Bonus 04166.00000.36157100.0390.00000.00000.0000 0
37110000 Incurred But Not Rep 04166.00000.37110000.0393.00000.00000.0000 0
37907002 Accrual Alcoa Previ 04166.00000.37907002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -8852.62
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0001.04146.00000.0000 -37430.63
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0001.3725A.00000.0000 -5,184.38
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0390.04146.00000.0000 0.00
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0390.3725A.00000.0000 0.00
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0390.3725B.00000.0000 0
39120000 Layoff Reserve - Cur 04166.00000.39120000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -49794.63
39120000 Layoff Reserve - Cur 04166.00000.39120000.0390.00000.00000.0000 0
39850000 Other Current Liabil 04166.00000.39850000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -364,370.68
39851019 Oth Cur Liab - Royal 04166.00000.39851019.0000.00000.00000.0000 -2058.65
39853001 Oth Curr Liab-Electr 04166.00000.39853001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -26,509.85
39853002 Oth Curr Liab-Audito 04166.00000.39853002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -5,772.38
39853019 Oth Curr Liab-Freigh 04166.00000.39853019.0000.00000.00000.0000 -11,000.00
39853112 Oth Curr Liab-Legal 04166.00000.39853112.0000.00000.00000.0000 -37,078.79
40050000 Notes Payable - Inte 04166.00000.40050000.0001.3725A.00000.0000 -1,500,000.00
40050000 Notes Payable - Inte 04166.00000.40050000.0001.3725B.00000.0000 0.00
40320000 Lease Liability - No 04166.00000.40320000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -305,259.76
41100000 Def Tax Liab - Forei 04166.00000.41100000.6200.00000.00000.0000 -1594785.4
50700000 Pre-acquisition Reta 04166.00000.50700000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -2,277,552.71
51150000 Common Stock - Subsi 04166.00000.51150000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -6,750,116.00
52050000 Additional Capital - 04166.00000.52050000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -1,016,326.63
53300000 Comp Inc - 3rd Party 04166.00000.53300000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0.00
55050000 Retained Earnings - 04166.00000.55050000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -1,820,585.04
55057100 Retained Earnings BB 04166.00000.55057100.0000.00000.00000.0000 876096.36
_x000C_ 55Retained Earnings - 04166.00000.55100000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0.00
55150000 Retained Earnings - 04166.00000.55150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0.00
60000000 Sales - Customers 04166.00000.60000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60000001 Sales - Customers - 04166.00000.60000001.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60000002 Sales - Customers - 04166.00000.60000002.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60000010 Sales - Domestic Spa 04166.00000.60000010.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60007010 Sales - Foreign Spar 04166.00000.60007010.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60007100 Sales - Exportation 04166.00000.60007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
60200010 Sales - Interco Spar 04166.00000.60200010.0000.04146.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.04126.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.04146.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.06956.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.18754.00000.0000 0
60400000 Sales - FOREX Result 04166.00000.60400000.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
60400002 Sales - Realized (Ga 04166.00000.60400002.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
62000000 Scrap Sales - Custom 04166.00000.62000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
66000000 Sales Returns & Allo 04166.00000.66000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
66007100 Export Returns & All 04166.00000.66007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.2600.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.2750.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1790.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.179C.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2100.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2150.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2152.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2153.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2200.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 71Manufacturing Expen s 04166.40000.71000000.2740.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2750.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2751.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3251.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3750.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4990.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.2200.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40130.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40130.71000000.2600.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40130.71000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 71Manufacturing Expen s 04166.40460.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.449C.00000.00000.0000 0
73000000 Production Conv Cost 04166.00000.73000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73050010 Invoice Price Varian 04166.00000.73050010.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73050025 Intercompany Purchas 04166.00000.73050025.0000.25311.00000.0000 0
73100000 Cost of Goods Sold - 04166.00000.73100000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73150000 Cost of Goods Sold - 04166.00000.73150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73150001 Cost of Material Sol 04166.00000.73150001.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74007000 COGS - Outbound Tran 04166.00000.74007000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74007210 COGS-Outbound Trans 04166.00000.74007210.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74050000 COGS - Inv Write Dow 04166.00000.74050000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74250000 COGS - Inventory Con 04166.00000.74250000.5406.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.1850.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.5408.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.5490.00000.00000.0000 0
74350000 COGS - Standard Cost 04166.00000.74350000.5490.00000.00000.0000 0
74450000 COGS - FOREX Results 04166.00000.74450000.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
74450001 COGS - FOREX Results 04166.00000.74450001.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95000.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.2902.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 76Plant Administrativ e 04166.95201.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.2451.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3350.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3650.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3350.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.4260.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 76Plant Administrativ e 04166.96101.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.2472.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4499.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96306.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.99900.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.99900.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.95100.78000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.95100.78000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.1792.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.1798.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.449C.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4260.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 81Administrative Expe n 04166.95301.81000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.2900.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNTDescription Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.3300.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.2750.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.3253.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.4240.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
83000000 Interest Expense - T 04166.00000.83000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
83000000 Interest Expense - T 04166.00000.83000000.3157.00000.00000.0000 0
83100000 Interest Expense - I 04166.00000.83100000.0000.04146.00000.0000 0
83100000 Interest Expense - I 04166.00000.83100000.0000.3725A.00000.0000 0
83100000 Interest Expense - I 04166.00000.83100000.0000.3725B.00000.0000 0
85150000 Gain/Loss on Sale - 04166.00000.85150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85200000 Foreign Currency Exc 04166.00000.85200000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85200001 Exchange Differences 04166.00000.85200001.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85230000 Exchange Differences 04166.00000.85230000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85500000 Misc Non-Operating I 04166.00000.85500000.1490.00000.00000.0000 0
85550000 Misc Non-Operating E 04166.00000.85550000.4030.00000.00000.0000 0
85550002 ROUNDING ACCOUNT 04166.00000.85550002.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
85910000 Restructuring Costs 04166.00000.85910000.4021.00000.00000.0000 0
85920000 Restructuring Costs 04166.00000.85920000.4021.00000.00000.0000 0
85930000 Restructuring Costs 04166.00000.85930000.4020.00000.00000.0000 0
87650000 Non-US National Curr 04166.00000.87650000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
89900000 Earnings Offset 04166.00000.89900000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
99720000 Capital Expenditures 04166.00000.99720000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
99950000 Capital Expenditures 04166.00000.99950000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
--- ---------------
Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06
Page: 1 of 9

Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
-231.55 2,796.81
-208,594.81 -85,874.36
658.17 665.52
-4,934.60 3,148.38
114,743.03 1,916,379.39
11,410.74 13,594.69
-606,983.15 418,176.30
-4,118.00 0
16,535.55 0
-934,267.40 363,623.11
211.49 374,626.57
0 -374,626.57
0 25,790.51
-167,757.91 0
930,402.33 934,159.98
0 1,406,020.28
0 5,637.46
191,963.18 345,943.04
0 -1,255,869.74
0 -25,790.51
0 -3,757.65
0 -150,150.54
0 -5,637.46
-28,485.23 35,818.28
399.98 2,000.00
24.45 0
26,599.19 441,213.12
378.81 378.81
-186,000.00 -242,498.06
15,728.49 15,728.49
-18,710.00 -46,428.16
-331,539.85 304,470.84
-453,690.14 570,136.98
-34,340.86 77,614.02
-38,300.00 -52,474.41
-9,340.09 0
-415.65 0
65891.93 65891.93
-9143.12 -3317.55
-202,278.51 38,734.90
-2,772.29 688.34
-178,932.94 533,616.53
16,738.68 26542.95
-4,305.35 0.00
0 6,311.23 65.13
-2,470,300.62 550000
1,229,780.96 1407617.23
42,048.13 42,048.13
4,634,870.53 16,701,105.45
172,553.99 172,553.99
7,640.95 7,640.95
-7,640.95 -7,640.95

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
-3,123,181.88 -3,123,181.88
0.00 3,738.68
0.00 6,680.00
0 566,111.40
0 -169,926.64
89810.19 89,810.19
-214602.12 -214,602.12
414,803.42 414,803.42
-1,044,528.52 -1,034,665.89
0.00 423,405.65
-37,213.72 -37,213.72
-212105.24 -212,105.24
-7,823,072.12 -12,040,569.18
-729,828.57 -729,828.57
-414,803.42 -414,803.42
-509.39 -509.39
509.39 509.39
2413556.66 2413556.66
0 -3642.02
-85.92 -85.92
0 -6,680.00
278868.1 278868.1
-1194631.15 -1,194,631.15
5,128.08 -140,965.20
-108,153.86 -108,153.86
0.00 2,430,000.00
-445,500.00 -445,500.00
-1077919 -1,077,919.00
0.00 -713,725.48
-133,761.79 -133,761.79
-127556.79 -127,556.79
0.00 863,807.06
0.00 179,236.16
452307.18 426,773.65
170773.16 152,833.24
325.16 0.00
3.27 0.00
1,705.47 0.00
174066.9 -58968.7
0.06 0
0.00 -7,144.67
-11,424.92 -13,075.56
363.23 -436,279.69
-87,303.85 -87,303.85
8 11,538.86 -54,655.92 -456,499.92
536,608.39 -1,681,022.45
0.00 -2,200,000.00
-13,508.94 -150,772.25
0 -555,324.81
18.15 -118.45
119.5 -0.13
434682.89 199646.78

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

Page: 3 of 9
Period Activity Ending Balance
------------------ - -----------------
-227365.05 -227365.05
709,713.58 -55,891.38
565.22 -77.43
52,946.76 0.00
110113.21 110113.21
10,668.34 -2281.98
246.53 -17.22
6,116.34 -445.20
4314.35 -1647.34
-523.38 -1877.11
0.00 -87,311.89
-59803.13 -59,803.13
69788.03 69,788.03
0.00 -180,742.89
128,092.10 128,092.10
0 -7,366.72
-10,928.76 -10,928.76
0 145.55
-56,315.17 -56,315.17
-6665.24 -6665.24
8,533.53 -319.09
0.00 -37,430.63
0.00 -5184.38
20342.46 20,342.46
5184.38 5,184.38
-11,330.02 -11,330.02
0.00 -49,794.63
16,471.36 16,471.36
132210.77 -232,159.91
2,058.65 0.00
-24,478.34 -50,988.19
5,772.38 0
11,000.00 0.00
35,379.90 -1698.89
1,500,000.00 0
-1,500,000.00 -1,500,000.00
138,598.62 -166661.14
1,594,785.40 0.00
0.00 -2,277,552.71
0.00 -6750116
0 -1,016,326.63
-7258.28 -7,258.28
0 -1,820,585.04
0.00 876,096.36
0 3,714,273.83 3,714,273.83
3878464.39 3,878,464.39
-4,263,336.57 -4,263,336.57
-16,524.66 -16,524.66
-16,246.87 -16,246.87
-4,840.00 -4,840.00
-19,110.52 -19,110.52
-2,488,683.58 -2,488,683.58

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

Page: 4 of 9

Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
-5,186.86 -5,186.86
-51,686.40 -51,686.40
-162,540.30 -162,540.30
-1,155.50 -1,155.50
-344,541.86 -344,541.86
-10.94 -10.94
353.48 353.48
-12267.52 -12267.52
11142.29 11142.29
440.04 440.04
11,999.61 11,999.61
52824.96 52824.96
202.00 202.00
4,873.99 4,873.99
12630.07 12630.07
6,346.21 6,346.21
6,121.37 6,121.37
1,095.17 1,095.17
1,089.62 1,089.62
15,021.13 15,021.13
133,469.75 133,469.75
509.39 509.39
634.14 634.14
15013.33 15013.33
668.61 668.61
46.54 46.54
30198.35 30198.35
135041.95 135041.95
316.55 316.55
15,290.42 15,290.42
60624.26 60624.26
16,197.27 16,197.27
16,231.98 16,231.98
139.36 139.36
5,019.30 5,019.30
4993.88 4993.88
11,398.92 11,398.92
207,275.16 207,275.16
-4,159.34 -4,159.34
-3,116.60 -3,116.60
7,670.78 7,670.78
60,663.70 60,663.70
737.43 737.43
58,287.72 58,287.72
0 112,091.02 112091.02
725,068.67 725,068.67
36,842.77 36,842.77
664.47 664.47
427.49 427.49
34898.62 34898.62
69122.2 69122.2
2.26 2.26

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
330.50 330.50
168.91 168.91
16454.75 16454.75
4230.12 4230.12
21,002.72 21,002.72
496.78 496.78
2,453.79 2,453.79
10104.05 10104.05
2,185.44 2,185.44
2,476.41 2,476.41
701.83 701.83
698.29 698.29
2086.74 2086.74
453.5 453.5
29,400.35 29,400.35
461.51 461.51
9,508.00 9,508.00
17.13 17.13
-673.29 -673.29
4449.36 4449.36
19986.44 19986.44
1,270.91 1,270.91
1,715.05 1,715.05
3,518.49 3,518.49
2,317.78 2,317.78
2,692.17 2,692.17
310.09 310.09
308.55 308.55
57821.11 57821.11
8655.04 8655.04
5,279.21 5,279.21
78.32 78.32
4,032.68 4,032.68
6135.69 6135.69
100.07 100.07
-118,445.13 -118,445.13
21877.58 21877.58
71,846.58 71,846.58
-93,351.33 -93,351.33
10,077.95 10,077.95
55,196.21 55,196.21
8,201.74 8,201.74
7,578.04 7,578.04
5,082.62 5,082.62
0 5,451.73 5,451.73
739.36 739.36
735.62 735.62
785.91 785.91
29903.04 29903.04
357.18 357.18
333.55 333.55
842.86 842.86

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
9394.91 9394.91
14.57 14.57
878.28 878.28
-869487.36 -869487.36
-23758.82 -23758.82
19,087.20 19,087.20
856,380.65 856,380.65
3,516,269.94 3,516,269.94
9,340.09 9,340.09
89,427.37 89,427.37
-19,592.41 -19,592.41
240,500.00 240,500.00
49,605.91 49,605.91
-20,000.00 -20,000.00
25,242.88 25,242.88
27,018.08 27,018.08
8,908.15 8,908.15
25,815.20 25,815.20
-7,390.42 -7,390.42
-1,147.40 -1,147.40
4,782.26 4,782.26
13,699.10 13,699.10
83,397.40 83,397.40
5,038.55 5,038.55
2,526.02 2,526.02
7,420.91 7,420.91
8,169.44 8,169.44
254.20 254.20
252.93 252.93
-235.43 -235.43
86.5 86.5
362.19 362.19
703.34 703.34
3131.64 3131.64
316.2 316.2
228.50 228.50
567.38 567.38
445500 445500
13306.28 13306.28
75,391.07 75,391.07
12,895.82 12,895.82
24,376.53 24,376.53
120,246.61 120,246.61
426.18 426.18
0 9,068.36 9,068.36
13969.78 13969.78
12,540.27 12,540.27
13,334.81 13,334.81
994.07 994.07
989.05 989.05
365.99 365.99
68429.72 68429.72

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
11.67 11.67
525.79 525.79
1131.06 1131.06
3001.91 3001.91
6,800.00 6,800.00
7,258.49 7,258.49
16,617.51 16,617.51
3,213.93 3,213.93
6,029.20 6,029.20
759.40 759.40
5,565.75 5,565.75
26298.7 26298.7
3,786.88 3,786.88
5,645.18 5,645.18
2,836.14 2,836.14
2,925.18 2,925.18
447.21 447.21
444.97 444.97
294.72 294.72
94647.07 94647.07
333.8 333.8
9,102.26 9,102.26
164.4 164.4
8,417.42 8,417.42
2845.05 2845.05
1,698.50 1,698.50
10,070.54 10,070.54
48,732.84 48,732.84
2,127.93 2,127.93
5,052.04 5,052.04
5,346.86 5,346.86
5,227.65 5,227.65
481.72 481.72
479.29 479.29
1678.24 1678.24
407 407
168.96 168.96
948.74 948.74
6908.14 6908.14
40.84 40.84
2,957.01 2,957.01
302.06 302.06
2,788.97 2,788.97
13537.53 13537.53
0 2,458.47 2,458.47
4,168.85 4,168.85
1,481.03 1,481.03
1,449.84 1,449.84
250.30 250.30
249.04 249.04
412.77 412.77
571.19 571.19

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
71299.23 71299.23
357.51 357.51
4,109.13 4,109.13
56.08 56.08
118.57 118.57
19.96 19.96
1546.09 1546.09
169.8 169.8
2,058.77 2,058.77
3257.03 3257.03
417.88 417.88
217,245.52 217,245.52
83694.28 83694.28
526.83 526.83
5,408.82 5,408.82
1586.03 1586.03
613.15 613.15
1,049.04 1,049.04
-156940.62 -156940.62
5,103.85 5,103.85
8,851.36 8,851.36
43,635.70 43,635.70
12,201.35 12,201.35
87,278.16 87,278.16
32.69 32.69
4,340.83 4,340.83
6984.89 6984.89
6,643.73 6,643.73
8,535.51 8,535.51
607.40 607.40
604.35 604.35
1938.04 1938.04
3099.45 3099.45
530.98 530.98
1,087.86 1,087.86
7554.11 7554.11
137.99 137.99
21.20 21.20
3009.19 3009.19
1163.99 1163.99
3,631.46 3,631.46
18,046.96 18,046.96
49.78 49.78
1,942.16 1,942.16
0 2,526.02 2526.02
1,925.70 1,925.70
1,888.88 1,888.88
254.22 254.22
252.93 252.93
3704.64 3704.64
133761.79 133761.79
398.15 398.15

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

Page: 9 of 9

Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
21,773.05 21,773.05
3131.64 3131.64
114.58 114.58
2,229.11 2,229.11
15040.11 15040.11
4,707.38 4,707.38
170.86 170.86
4,000.00 4,000.00
274384 274384
679.92 679.92
77,144.04 77,144.04
21670.57 21670.57
136,701.38 136,701.38
38,204.40 38,204.40
9,040.35 9,040.35
-423,970.16 -423,970.16
77,988.31 77,988.31
-7,073.83 -7,073.83
3,898.91 3,898.91
-2,511.16 -2,511.16
2,612,212.18 2,612,212.18
-1.30 -1.30
80,719.41 80,719.41
32969.59 32969.59
-49,794.63 -49,794.63
227,365.05 227,365.05
-3,714,273.83 -3,714,273.83
89,810.19 89,810.19
-89,810.19 -89,810.19
------------------ - -----------------
0.00 0.00
Detail Trial Balance
Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
10000000 Cash - Non-restricte 04166.00000.10000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 3,028.36
10057129 Cash - Banco de Cred 04166.00000.10057129.0000.00000.00000.0000 122,720.45
10057610 Cash - Scotiabank - 04166.00000.10057610.0000.00000.00000.0000 7.35
10057846 Cash - Banco de la N 04166.00000.10057846.0000.00000.00000.0000 8,082.98
10058159 Cash - Banco de Cred 04166.00000.10058159.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,801,636.36
10058554 Cash - Scotiabank - 04166.00000.10058554.0000.00000.00000.0000 2,183.95
12000000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,025,159.45
12001001 AR Customers-Manual 04166.00000.12001001.0000.00000.00000.0000 4,118.00
12003000 AR Customers-Manual 04166.00000.12003000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -16,535.55
12007100 AR - Foreign Custome 04166.00000.12007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,297,890.51
12008901 AR - Clrgn Customers 04166.00000.12008901.0000.00000.00000.0000 374,415.08
12100000 Allow for Doubtful A 04166.00000.12100000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -374,626.57
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04116.00000.0000 25,790.51
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04126.00000.0000 167,757.91
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04146.00000.0000 3,757.65
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.04346.00000.0000 1,406,020.28
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.18684.00000.0000 5,637.46
12200003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.12200003.0000.18754.00000.0000 153,979.86
12200999 Allowance for Doubtf 04166.00000.12200999.0000.04346.00000.0000 -1,255,869.74
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.04116.00000.0000 -25,790.51
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.04146.00000.0000 -3,757.65
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.04346.00000.0000 -150,150.54
12201000 Accounts Receivable 04166.00000.12201000.0000.18796.00000.0000 -5,637.46
12900000 Other Accounts Recei 04166.00000.12900000.0000.00000.00000.0000 64,303.51
14250000 Notes Receivable - E 04166.00000.14250000.0000.00000.00000.0000 1,600.02
14257030 Notes Receivable - T 04166.00000.14257030.0000.00000.00000.0000 -24.45
15000000 Stores 04166.00000.15000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 414,613.93
15000000 Stores 04166.00000.15000000.5411.00000.00000.0000 0
15000000 Stores 04166.00000.15000000.5450.00000.00000.0000 -56,498.06
15500000 Raw Materials 04166.00000.15500000.5410.00000.00000.0000 0
15500000 Raw Materials 04166.00000.15500000.5450.00000.00000.0000 -27,718.16
15500000 Raw Materials 04166.00000.15500000.5490.00000.00000.0000 636,010.69
15660000 Raw Materials In-Tra 04166.00000.15660000.5490.00000.00000.0000 1,023,827.12
16500000 Finished Goods 04166.00000.16500000.5490.00000.00000.0000 111,954.88
16500009 Finished Goods - Man 04166.00000.16500009.5450.00000.00000.0000 -14,174.41
16500009 Finished Goods - Man 04166.00000.16500009.5490.00000.00000.0000 9,340.09
16850000 Inventory In-Transit 04166.00000.16850000.5490.04146.00000.0000 415.65
17100000 Prepaid Taxes - Base 04166.00000.17100000.0001.00000.00000.0000 0
17250000 Prepaid Insurance - 04166.00000.17250000.0000.00000.00000.0000 5,825.57
17900000 Other Prepaid Expens 04166.00000.17900000.0000.00000.00000.0000 241,013.41
19007001 Salary Advance 04166.00000.19007001.0000.00000.00000.0000 3,460.63
19810485 IT-E-STD IVA Non VAT 04166.00000.19810485.0000.00000.00000.0000 712,549.47
19850930 OCA - Intracompany S 04166.00000.19850930.0000.00000.00000.0000 9,804.27
19850995 OCA - Inventory Clea 04166.00000.19850995.0000.00000.00000.0000 4,305.35
_x000C_ 19OCA - Inventory Cle a 04166.00000.19850997.0000.00000.00000.0000 -6,246.10
21000000 Land and Depletable 04166.00000.21000000.0001.00000.00000.0000 3,020,300.62
21200000 Structures 04166.00000.21200000.0001.00000.00000.0000 177,836.27
21200000 Structures 04166.00000.21200000.0230.00000.00000.0000 0.00
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0001.00000.00000.0000 12,066,234.92
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0230.00000.00000.0000 0.00
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0231.00000.00000.0000 0
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0232.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
21400000 Equipment 04166.00000.21400000.0236.00000.00000.0000 0
21407100 Furniture 04166.00000.21407100.0001.00000.00000.0000 3,738.68
21407200 Vehicles 04166.00000.21407200.0001.00000.00000.0000 6,680.00
21550000 Right of Use Assets 04166.00000.21550000.0001.00000.00000.0000 566,111.40
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -169,926.64
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0221.00000.00000.0000 0.00
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0222.00000.00000.0000 0
21800000 Construction Work In 04166.00000.21800000.0229.00000.00000.0000 0
22000000 Land and Depletable 04166.00000.22000000.0001.00000.00000.0000 9,862.63
22200000 Structures - Accum D 04166.00000.22200000.0001.00000.00000.0000 423,405.65
22200000 Structures - Accum D 04166.00000.22200000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22250000 Structures - Impairm 04166.00000.22250000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -4,217,497.06
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0229.00000.00000.0000 0
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0231.00000.00000.0000 0
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0232.00000.00000.0000 0
22400000 Equipment - Accum De 04166.00000.22400000.0236.00000.00000.0000 0
22407100 Furniture - Accum De 04166.00000.22407100.0001.00000.00000.0000 -3,642.02
22407100 Furniture - Accum De 04166.00000.22407100.0224.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22407200 Vehicles - Accum Dep 04166.00000.22407200.0001.00000.00000.0000 -6,680.00
22450000 Equipment - Impairme 04166.00000.22450000.0236.00000.00000.0000 0.00
22450000 Equipment - Impairme 04166.00000.22450000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0
22560000 Right of Use Assets 04166.00000.22560000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -146,093.28
22560000 Right of Use Assets 04166.00000.22560000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0.00
23410000 Other Intangibles 04166.00000.23410000.0001.00000.00000.0000 2,430,000.00
23420000 Other IntangiblesOth 04166.00000.23420000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0.00
23430000 Other Intangibles - 04166.00000.23430000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0
23900000 Customer Relationshi 04166.00000.23900000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -713,725.48
23900000 Customer Relationshi 04166.00000.23900000.0224.00000.00000.0000 0.00
23950000 Customer Relationshi 04166.00000.23950000.0238.00000.00000.0000 0
29780000 Invested Capital 04166.00000.29780000.0000.00000.00000.0000 863,807.06
29780000 Invested Capital 04166.00000.29780000.0000.04156.00000.0000 179,236.16
30000001 Accounts Payable - I 04166.00000.30000001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -25,533.53
30000002 Accounts Payable - E 04166.00000.30000002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -17,939.92
30001001 AP Trade - Manual Ac 04166.00000.30001001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -325.16
30050000 Lease Clearing Accou 04166.00000.30050000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -3.27
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.04146.00000.0000 -1,705.47
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.06956.00000.0000 -233,035.60
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.08576.00000.0000 -0.06
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.18684.00000.0000 -7,144.67
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.18694.00000.0000 -1,650.64
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.18754.00000.0000 -436,642.92
30100003 Intercompany Account 04166.00000.30100003.0000.24400.00000.0000 0.00
_x000C_ 30Intercompany Accoun t 04166.00000.30100003.0000.25311.00000.0000 -66,194.70
30250000 Invoices Payable - O 04166.00000.30250000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -2,217,630.84
31050000 Notes Payable - Inte 04166.00000.31050000.0000.04146.00000.0000 -2,200,000.00
32020000 Lease Liability - Cu 04166.00000.32020000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -137,263.31
33000000 Dividends Payable - 04166.00000.33000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -555,324.81
34007100 Social Assistance Se 04166.00000.34007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 -136.60
34007200 Contribution Employe 04166.00000.34007200.0000.00000.00000.0000 -119.63
35100000 Payable - For Natl T 04166.00000.35100000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -235,036.11

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166
LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
35100000 Payable - For Natl T 04166.00000.35100000.0351.00000.00000.0000 0.00
35150000 Payable - For Natl T 04166.00000.35150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -765,604.96
35157200 PIS Payable 04166.00000.35157200.0000.00000.00000.0000 -642.65
35157410 I.T.R. - Royalties 04166.00000.35157410.0000.00000.00000.0000 -52,946.76
35407100 VAT Payable 04166.00000.35407100.0000.00000.00000.0000 0.00
35450000 Payable for Payroll 04166.00000.35450000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -12,950.32
35451001 Payroll Taxes Payabl 04166.00000.35451001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -263.75
35451002 Payroll Taxes Payabl 04166.00000.35451002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -6,561.54
35451003 Payroll Taxes Payabl 04166.00000.35451003.0000.00000.00000.0000 -5,961.69
36000000 Accrued Salaries and 04166.00000.36000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -1,353.73
36070000 Accrued Vacation Pay 04166.00000.36070000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -87,311.89
36070000 Accrued Vacation Pay 04166.00000.36070000.0390.00000.00000.0000 0.00
36070000 Accrued Vacation Pay 04166.00000.36070000.0393.00000.00000.0000 0
36140000 Accrued Incentive Co 04166.00000.36140000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -180,742.89
36140000 Accrued Incentive Co 04166.00000.36140000.0397.00000.00000.0000 0.00
36150000 Accrued Variable Com 04166.00000.36150000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -7,366.72
36150000 Accrued Variable Com 04166.00000.36150000.0393.00000.00000.0000 0.00
36157100 Accrd Bonus 04166.00000.36157100.0001.00000.00000.0000 145.55
36157100 Accrd Bonus 04166.00000.36157100.0390.00000.00000.0000 0
37110000 Incurred But Not Rep 04166.00000.37110000.0393.00000.00000.0000 0
37907002 Accrual Alcoa Previ 04166.00000.37907002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -8,852.62
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0001.04146.00000.0000 -37,430.63
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0001.3725A.00000.0000 -5,184.38
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0390.04146.00000.0000 0.00
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0390.3725A.00000.0000 0
38100000 Interest Payable - I 04166.00000.38100000.0390.3725B.00000.0000 0
39120000 Layoff Reserve - Cur 04166.00000.39120000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -49,794.63
39120000 Layoff Reserve - Cur 04166.00000.39120000.0390.00000.00000.0000 0.00
39850000 Other Current Liabil 04166.00000.39850000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -364,370.68
39851019 Oth Cur Liab - Royal 04166.00000.39851019.0000.00000.00000.0000 -2,058.65
39853001 Oth Curr Liab-Electr 04166.00000.39853001.0000.00000.00000.0000 -26,509.85
39853002 Oth Curr Liab-Audito 04166.00000.39853002.0000.00000.00000.0000 -5,772.38
39853019 Oth Curr Liab-Freigh 04166.00000.39853019.0000.00000.00000.0000 -11,000.00
39853112 Oth Curr Liab-Legal 04166.00000.39853112.0000.00000.00000.0000 -37,078.79
40050000 Notes Payable - Inte 04166.00000.40050000.0001.3725A.00000.0000 -1,500,000.00
40050000 Notes Payable - Inte 04166.00000.40050000.0001.3725B.00000.0000 0.00
40320000 Lease Liability - No 04166.00000.40320000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -305,259.76
41100000 Def Tax Liab - Forei 04166.00000.41100000.6200.00000.00000.0000 -1,594,785.40
50700000 Pre-acquisition Reta 04166.00000.50700000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -2,277,552.71
51150000 Common Stock - Subsi 04166.00000.51150000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -6,750,116.00
52050000 Additional Capital - 04166.00000.52050000.0001.00000.00000.0000 -1,016,326.63
53300000 Comp Inc - 3rd Party 04166.00000.53300000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0.00
55050000 Retained Earnings - 04166.00000.55050000.0000.00000.00000.0000 -1,820,585.04
55057100 Retained Earnings BB 04166.00000.55057100.0000.00000.00000.0000 876,096.36
_x000C_ 55Retained Earnings - 04166.00000.55100000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0.00
55150000 Retained Earnings - 04166.00000.55150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60000000 Sales - Customers 04166.00000.60000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60000001 Sales - Customers - 04166.00000.60000001.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60000002 Sales - Customers - 04166.00000.60000002.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60000010 Sales - Domestic Spa 04166.00000.60000010.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60007010 Sales - Foreign Spar 04166.00000.60007010.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
60007100 Sales - Exportation 04166.00000.60007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
60200010 Sales - Interco Spar 04166.00000.60200010.0000.04146.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.04126.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.04146.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.06956.00000.0000 0
60207100 Sales Interco - Fore 04166.00000.60207100.0000.18754.00000.0000 0
60400000 Sales - FOREX Result 04166.00000.60400000.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
60400002 Sales - Realized (Ga 04166.00000.60400002.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
62000000 Scrap Sales - Custom 04166.00000.62000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
66000000 Sales Returns & Allo 04166.00000.66000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
66007100 Export Returns & All 04166.00000.66007100.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.2600.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.2750.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.00104.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1790.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.179C.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2100.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2150.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2152.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2153.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2200.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 71Manufacturing Expen s 04166.40000.71000000.2740.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2750.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.2751.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3251.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3750.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40000.71000000.4990.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.2200.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40060.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40100.71000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40130.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40130.71000000.2600.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40130.71000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 71Manufacturing Expen s 04166.40460.71000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
71000000 Manufacturing Expens 04166.40460.71000000.449C.00000.00000.0000 0
73000000 Production Conv Cost 04166.00000.73000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73050010 Invoice Price Varian 04166.00000.73050010.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73050025 Intercompany Purchas 04166.00000.73050025.0000.25311.00000.0000 0
73100000 Cost of Goods Sold - 04166.00000.73100000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73150000 Cost of Goods Sold - 04166.00000.73150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
73150001 Cost of Material Sol 04166.00000.73150001.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74007000 COGS - Outbound Tran 04166.00000.74007000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74007210 COGS-Outbound Trans 04166.00000.74007210.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74050000 COGS - Inv Write Dow 04166.00000.74050000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74250000 COGS - Inventory Con 04166.00000.74250000.5406.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.1850.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.5408.00000.00000.0000 0
74260000 COGS - Inventory Mat 04166.00000.74260000.5490.00000.00000.0000 0
74350000 COGS - Standard Cost 04166.00000.74350000.5490.00000.00000.0000 0
74450000 COGS - FOREX Results 04166.00000.74450000.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
74450001 COGS - FOREX Results 04166.00000.74450001.6580.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95000.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95001.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.2902.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95002.76000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 76Plant Administrativ e 04166.95201.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.2451.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3010.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3350.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3650.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95201.76000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3350.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95501.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.4260.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.95701.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 76Plant Administrativ e 04166.96101.76000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.2472.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96101.76000000.4499.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.96306.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.99900.76000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
76000000 Plant Administrative 04166.99900.76000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.95100.78000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.95100.78000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.1792.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.1798.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
78000000 Operating Expense 04166.99900.78000000.449C.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3100.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3101.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4001.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4260.00000.00000.0000 0
80000000 Selling Expense 04166.98002.80000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1500.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1501.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1502.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1504.00000.00000.0000 0
_x000C_ 81Administrative Expe n 04166.95301.81000000.1506.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1512.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1515.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1793.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.1795.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.2900.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0

Detail Trial Balance

Year to date as of DEC-2020
Currency: US D
LBC Range: 04 166 to 04166

LBC: 04 166 ALUSUD PERU - LE415

ACCOUNT Description Accounting Flexfield Be ginning Balance

--------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---------------
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.3300.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.3950.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.95301.81000000.4000.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.2450.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.2550.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.2750.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.3250.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.3253.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.4240.00000.00000.0000 0
81000000 Administrative Expen 04166.96040.81000000.4320.00000.00000.0000 0
83000000 Interest Expense - T 04166.00000.83000000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
83000000 Interest Expense - T 04166.00000.83000000.3157.00000.00000.0000 0
83100000 Interest Expense - I 04166.00000.83100000.0000.04146.00000.0000 0
83100000 Interest Expense - I 04166.00000.83100000.0000.3725A.00000.0000 0
83100000 Interest Expense - I 04166.00000.83100000.0000.3725B.00000.0000 0
85150000 Gain/Loss on Sale - 04166.00000.85150000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85200000 Foreign Currency Exc 04166.00000.85200000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85200001 Exchange Differences 04166.00000.85200001.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85230000 Exchange Differences 04166.00000.85230000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
85500000 Misc Non-Operating I 04166.00000.85500000.1490.00000.00000.0000 0
85550000 Misc Non-Operating E 04166.00000.85550000.4030.00000.00000.0000 0
85550002 ROUNDING ACCOUNT 04166.00000.85550002.4490.00000.00000.0000 0
85910000 Restructuring Costs 04166.00000.85910000.4021.00000.00000.0000 0
85920000 Restructuring Costs 04166.00000.85920000.4021.00000.00000.0000 0
85930000 Restructuring Costs 04166.00000.85930000.4020.00000.00000.0000 0
87650000 Non-US National Curr 04166.00000.87650000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
89900000 Earnings Offset 04166.00000.89900000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
99720000 Capital Expenditures 04166.00000.99720000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
99950000 Capital Expenditures 04166.00000.99950000.0000.00000.00000.0000 0
--- ---------------
Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06
Page: 1 of 9

Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
-231.55 2,796.81
-208,594.81 -85,874.36
658.17 665.52
-4,934.60 3,148.38
114,743.03 1,916,379.39
11,410.74 13,594.69
-606,983.15 418,176.30
-4,118.00 0
16,535.55 0
-934,267.40 363,623.11
211.49 374,626.57
0 -374,626.57
0 25,790.51
-167,757.91 0
930,402.33 934,159.98
0 1,406,020.28
0 5,637.46
191,963.18 345,943.04
0 -1,255,869.74
0 -25,790.51
0 -3,757.65
0 -150,150.54
0 -5,637.46
-28,485.23 35,818.28
399.98 2,000.00
24.45 0
26,599.19 441,213.12
378.81 378.81
-186,000.00 -242,498.06
15,728.49 15,728.49
-18,710.00 -46,428.16
-331,539.85 304,470.84
-453,690.14 570,136.98
-34,340.86 77,614.02
-38,300.00 -52,474.41
-9,340.09 0
-415.65 0
65,891.93 65,891.93
-9,143.12 -3,317.55
-202,278.51 38,734.90
-2,772.29 688.34
-178,932.94 533,616.53
16,738.68 26,542.95
-4,305.35 0.00
0 6,311.23 65.13
-2,470,300.62 550,000.00
1,229,780.96 1,407,617.23
42,048.13 42,048.13
4,634,870.53 16,701,105.45
172,553.99 172,553.99
7,640.95 7,640.95
-7,640.95 -7,640.95

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

Page: 2 of 9

Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
-3,123,181.88 -3,123,181.88
0.00 3,738.68
0 6,680.00
0 566,111.40
0 -169,926.64
89,810.19 89,810.19
-214,602.12 -214,602.12
414,803.42 414,803.42
-1,044,528.52 -1,034,665.89
0.00 423,405.65
-37,213.72 -37,213.72
-212,105.24 -212,105.24
-7,823,072.12 -12,040,569.18
-729,828.57 -729,828.57
-414,803.42 -414,803.42
-509.39 -509.39
509.39 509.39
2,413,556.66 2,413,556.66
0.00 -3,642.02
-85.92 -85.92
0 -6,680.00
278,868.10 278,868.10
-1,194,631.15 -1,194,631.15
5,128.08 -140,965.20
-108,153.86 -108,153.86
0.00 2,430,000.00
-445,500.00 -445,500.00
-1,077,919.00 -1,077,919.00
0.00 -713,725.48
-133,761.79 -133,761.79
-127,556.79 -127,556.79
0.00 863,807.06
0 179,236.16
452,307.18 426,773.65
170,773.16 152,833.24
325.16 0.00
3.27 0
1,705.47 0
174,066.90 -58,968.70
0.06 0.00
0 -7,144.67
-11,424.92 -13,075.56
363.23 -436,279.69
-87,303.85 -87,303.85
8 11,538.86 -54,655.92
536,608.39 -1,681,022.45
0.00 -2,200,000.00
-13,508.94 -150,772.25
0.00 -555,324.81
18.15 -118.45
119.5 -0.13
434,682.89 199,646.78

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

Page: 3 of 9
Period Activity Ending Balance
------------------ - -----------------
-227,365.05 -227,365.05
709,713.58 -55,891.38
565.22 -77.43
52,946.76 0
110,113.21 110,113.21
10,668.34 -2,281.98
246.53 -17.22
6,116.34 -445.2
4,314.35 -1,647.34
-523.38 -1,877.11
0 -87,311.89
-59,803.13 -59,803.13
69,788.03 69,788.03
0.00 -180,742.89
128,092.10 128,092.10
0.00 -7,366.72
-10,928.76 -10,928.76
0.00 145.55
-56,315.17 -56,315.17
-6,665.24 -6,665.24
8,533.53 -319.09
0.00 -37,430.63
0 -5,184.38
20,342.46 20,342.46
5,184.38 5,184.38
-11,330.02 -11,330.02
0.00 -49,794.63
16,471.36 16,471.36
132,210.77 -232,159.91
2,058.65 0.00
-24,478.34 -50,988.19
5,772.38 0.00
11,000.00 0
35,379.90 -1,698.89
1,500,000.00 0.00
-1,500,000.00 -1,500,000.00
138,598.62 -166,661.14
1,594,785.40 0.00
0.00 -2,277,552.71
0 -6,750,116.00
0 -1,016,326.63
-7,258.28 -7,258.28
0.00 -1,820,585.04
0 876,096.36
0 3,714,273.83 3,714,273.83
3,878,464.39 3,878,464.39
-4,263,336.57 -4,263,336.57
-16,524.66 -16,524.66
-16,246.87 -16,246.87
-4,840.00 -4,840.00
-19,110.52 -19,110.52
-2,488,683.58 -2,488,683.58

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

Page: 4 of 9

Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
-5,186.86 -5,186.86
-51,686.40 -51,686.40
-162,540.30 -162,540.30
-1,155.50 -1,155.50
-344,541.86 -344,541.86
-10.94 -10.94
353.48 353.48
-12,267.52 -12,267.52
11,142.29 11,142.29
440.04 440.04
11,999.61 11,999.61
52,824.96 52,824.96
202.00 202.00
4,873.99 4,873.99
12,630.07 12,630.07
6,346.21 6,346.21
6,121.37 6,121.37
1,095.17 1,095.17
1,089.62 1,089.62
15,021.13 15,021.13
133,469.75 133,469.75
509.39 509.39
634.14 634.14
15,013.33 15,013.33
668.61 668.61
46.54 46.54
30,198.35 30,198.35
135,041.95 135,041.95
316.55 316.55
15,290.42 15,290.42
60,624.26 60,624.26
16,197.27 16,197.27
16,231.98 16,231.98
139.36 139.36
5,019.30 5,019.30
4,993.88 4,993.88
11,398.92 11,398.92
207,275.16 207,275.16
-4,159.34 -4,159.34
-3,116.60 -3,116.60
7,670.78 7,670.78
60,663.70 60,663.70
737.43 737.43
58,287.72 58,287.72
0 112,091.02 112,091.02
725,068.67 725,068.67
36,842.77 36,842.77
664.47 664.47
427.49 427.49
34,898.62 34,898.62
69,122.20 69,122.20
2.26 2.26

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

Page: 5 of 9

Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
330.5 330.5
168.91 168.91
16,454.75 16,454.75
4,230.12 4,230.12
21,002.72 21,002.72
496.78 496.78
2,453.79 2,453.79
10,104.05 10,104.05
2,185.44 2,185.44
2,476.41 2,476.41
701.83 701.83
698.29 698.29
2,086.74 2,086.74
453.50 453.50
29,400.35 29,400.35
461.51 461.51
9,508.00 9,508.00
17.13 17.13
-673.29 -673.29
4,449.36 4,449.36
19,986.44 19,986.44
1,270.91 1,270.91
1,715.05 1,715.05
3,518.49 3,518.49
2,317.78 2,317.78
2,692.17 2,692.17
310.09 310.09
308.55 308.55
57,821.11 57,821.11
8,655.04 8,655.04
5,279.21 5,279.21
78.32 78.32
4,032.68 4,032.68
6,135.69 6,135.69
100.07 100.07
-118,445.13 -118,445.13
21,877.58 21,877.58
71,846.58 71,846.58
-93,351.33 -93,351.33
10,077.95 10,077.95
55,196.21 55,196.21
8,201.74 8,201.74
7,578.04 7,578.04
5,082.62 5,082.62
0 5,451.73 5,451.73
739.36 739.36
735.62 735.62
785.91 785.91
29,903.04 29,903.04
357.18 357.18
333.55 333.55
842.86 842.86

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
9,394.91 9,394.91
14.57 14.57
878.28 878.28
-869,487.36 -869,487.36
-23,758.82 -23,758.82
19,087.20 19,087.20
856,380.65 856,380.65
3,516,269.94 3,516,269.94
9,340.09 9,340.09
89,427.37 89,427.37
-19,592.41 -19,592.41
240,500.00 240,500.00
49,605.91 49,605.91
-20,000.00 -20,000.00
25,242.88 25,242.88
27,018.08 27,018.08
8,908.15 8,908.15
25,815.20 25,815.20
-7,390.42 -7,390.42
-1,147.40 -1,147.40
4,782.26 4,782.26
13,699.10 13,699.10
83,397.40 83,397.40
5,038.55 5,038.55
2,526.02 2,526.02
7,420.91 7,420.91
8,169.44 8,169.44
254.20 254.20
252.93 252.93
-235.43 -235.43
86.5 86.5
362.19 362.19
703.34 703.34
3,131.64 3,131.64
316.20 316.20
228.5 228.5
567.38 567.38
445,500.00 445,500.00
13,306.28 13,306.28
75,391.07 75,391.07
12,895.82 12,895.82
24,376.53 24,376.53
120,246.61 120,246.61
426.18 426.18
0 9,068.36 9,068.36
13,969.78 13,969.78
12,540.27 12,540.27
13,334.81 13,334.81
994.07 994.07
989.05 989.05
365.99 365.99
68,429.72 68,429.72

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
11.67 11.67
525.79 525.79
1,131.06 1,131.06
3,001.91 3,001.91
6,800.00 6,800.00
7,258.49 7,258.49
16,617.51 16,617.51
3,213.93 3,213.93
6,029.20 6,029.20
759.40 759.40
5,565.75 5,565.75
26,298.70 26,298.70
3,786.88 3,786.88
5,645.18 5,645.18
2,836.14 2,836.14
2,925.18 2,925.18
447.21 447.21
444.97 444.97
294.72 294.72
94,647.07 94,647.07
333.80 333.80
9,102.26 9,102.26
164.40 164.40
8,417.42 8,417.42
2,845.05 2,845.05
1,698.50 1,698.50
10,070.54 10,070.54
48,732.84 48,732.84
2,127.93 2,127.93
5,052.04 5,052.04
5,346.86 5,346.86
5,227.65 5,227.65
481.72 481.72
479.29 479.29
1,678.24 1,678.24
407.00 407.00
168.96 168.96
948.74 948.74
6,908.14 6,908.14
40.84 40.84
2,957.01 2,957.01
302.06 302.06
2,788.97 2,788.97
13,537.53 13,537.53
0 2,458.47 2,458.47
4,168.85 4,168.85
1,481.03 1,481.03
1,449.84 1,449.84
250.30 250.30
249.04 249.04
412.77 412.77
571.19 571.19

Report Date: 24-DEC-2020 12:06

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
71,299.23 71,299.23
357.51 357.51
4,109.13 4,109.13
56.08 56.08
118.57 118.57
19.96 19.96
1,546.09 1,546.09
169.80 169.80
2,058.77 2,058.77
3,257.03 3,257.03
417.88 417.88
217,245.52 217,245.52
83,694.28 83,694.28
526.83 526.83
5,408.82 5,408.82
1,586.03 1,586.03
613.15 613.15
1,049.04 1,049.04
-156,940.62 -156,940.62
5,103.85 5,103.85
8,851.36 8,851.36
43,635.70 43,635.70
12,201.35 12,201.35
87,278.16 87,278.16
32.69 32.69
4,340.83 4,340.83
6,984.89 6,984.89
6,643.73 6,643.73
8,535.51 8,535.51
607.40 607.40
604.35 604.35
1,938.04 1,938.04
3,099.45 3,099.45
530.98 530.98
1,087.86 1,087.86
7,554.11 7,554.11
137.99 137.99
21.2 21.2
3,009.19 3,009.19
1,163.99 1,163.99
3,631.46 3,631.46
18,046.96 18,046.96
49.78 49.78
1,942.16 1,942.16
0 2,526.02 2,526.02
1,925.70 1,925.70
1,888.88 1,888.88
254.22 254.22
252.93 252.93
3,704.64 3,704.64
133,761.79 133,761.79
398.15 398.15

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Period Activity Ending Balance

------------------ - -----------------
21,773.05 21,773.05
3,131.64 3,131.64
114.58 114.58
2,229.11 2,229.11
15,040.11 15,040.11
4,707.38 4,707.38
170.86 170.86
4,000.00 4,000.00
274,384.00 274,384.00
679.92 679.92
77,144.04 77,144.04
21,670.57 21,670.57
136,701.38 136,701.38
38,204.40 38,204.40
9,040.35 9,040.35
-423,970.16 -423,970.16
77,988.31 77,988.31
-7,073.83 -7,073.83
3,898.91 3,898.91
-2,511.16 -2,511.16
2,612,212.18 2,612,212.18
-1.30 -1.30
80,719.41 80,719.41
32,969.59 32,969.59
-49,794.63 -49,794.63
227,365.05 227,365.05
-3,714,273.83 -3,714,273.83
89,810.19 89,810.19
-89,810.19 -89,810.19
------------------ - -----------------
0 0

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