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LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Let’s Watch and Learn
(Lesson Check – Up)
After watching the Technology – a tool for good or evil by
Darlene Damm at TEDxDanubia, identify the positive and negative
impacts of technology by filling the table below:

Positive Impact Negative Impact Possible Issue

 Can save a life  Drones could kill  Might overdue its
 Easy access of people purpose that
everything  Could kill a life creates more
 Solve all of our  Creates problem problem to
social problems  Has the potential to society
 Has the potential negatively affect  Might produce
to improve lives physical and virus in the future
emotional health  Massive


(Lesson Check – Up)
Make a timeline tracing the emergence and development of robotics
in the Philippines indicating the year and event/s in a table format.
Give also your insights on what other technological advancements on
robotics can possibly be developed in the future


2010  MANILA, Philippines - Engineering students

of Adamson University recently unveiled a
number of robotic inventions on "Umagang
Kay Ganda" (UKG) including a talking female
humanoid robot.
 Gas detector. Another invention showcased
on UKG was the stair-climbing robot that
detects combustible gas leaks.

 Students also presented a surveillance robot

designed for rougher terrain.

 Also featured was Adamson’s geo-

exploration robot, an all-terrain mini-rover
that has a robotic arm and built-in loader
designed to collect soil specimens from
geological surveys.

2017  A GROUP of aspiring inventors created a

pulse rate monitoring device with a built-in
android application, which alerts registered
guardians through text messages and
contacts the nearest hospital when the
user’s pulse rate reaches its critical limit.
 Federico, Merdegia and Navarez of Colegio
De San Juan De Letran created the “Naval
Patrol Tactical Surveillance Robot,” which
aims to protect Philippine waters. Ramos and
Santos of De La Salle Santiago Zobel School,
on the other hand, made the “Justice Bot,” a
robot that aims to help preserve public

2018  High schoolers Justin Reign Aguinaldo

and Trishaley Castillo of the Philippine
Yuh Chiau School in Cabatuan, Isabela,
created what they called the Aqua-Bot, a
robot that resembles a raft, It had water
bottles as floaters and on top were solar
panel, a motor and data-collection

2019  Persons with limb disabilities due to

severe damage in their nervous and
muscular systems can now stand or walk
again with the Hybrid Assistive Limb
(HAL), the first cyborg-type robot which
provides support and improves the bodily
functions of the wearer.

2020  CITY OF MALOLOS, Bulacan–The

physical exposure to the coronavirus of
medical frontliners caring for COVID-19
patients is expected to be reduced after
the Bulacan Medical Center acquired
a Robot Roving Doctor (Rovidoc) to help
treat COVID-19 patients at its Bulacan
Provincial Quarantine Facility.


1. How is technology affecting our human rights?

 New technology offers a range of opportunities to protect
and secure human rights. For instance, satellite and other
imagery sources are increasingly being used to monitor and
uncover gross human rights violations. Such images can
later be used as evidence in bringing perpetrators to
2. What other ethical dilemmas faced by the community regarding robotics?
 A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction,
allow a human being to come to harm; 2) A robot must obey
the orders given it by human beings, except where such
orders would conflict with the First Law; and 3) A robot
must protect its own existence as long as such protection
does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.


Technology Today

Our society is enjoying technological processes and products that provide our
needs and making our life comfortable without considering much of the impacts in
our lives and in our environment. . Our concern is focused on how we can avail of
these technologies and more often than not, we failed to look into what these
technologies are ripping off from us in terms of having meaningful life. Let us look at
the following technological products and their effects in our life.
A. In Agriculture:
• Mechanization in agriculture. Use of Power tillers, Reapers, Seed
planters, Mechanical sprayers, rotovators and other mechanical
• Hybridization of plants and animals. Production of high yielding
varieties and a shorter period of development thus higher yield and
quality of products.
• Use of pesticides and herbicides to ensure production.
Positive Effects:
 This advancement in the field of agriculture helps a lot for many
because technology tend to make their work easier in fields and
faster that would also lead to bigger crops. Considering the
production of every variety that people consumes because as
the population grow, many crops, plants, and animals will be
needed that’s why the invention of different hybridization was
Negative Effects:
 And through this advancement many things were destroyed also.
Chemical application on plants and crops was tend to overuse due
to the dissatisfaction of some farmers on wanting their crops to
look larger but the thing is it get larger but the quality and the
natural nutrients from it was sacrificed. Same with the hybridization
of animals. Many experimentation was done unsuccessful and many
lives of animals is wasted because of these experiments.

B. In Information and Communication Technology:

• Use of Mobile phones, computers and television (in communication,
computing, photography, games, online shopping, clocks, calendars,
planner, etc.)
• Access to the world wide web or internet (one stop shop for
information). Accessibility in all types and form of information.
Positive Effects:
 Because of this technologies we’ve been able to connect with
one another and share information despite the distance that we
are in. Entertainment was easy to find in any type of technology
which is good in order for us not to get bored.
Negative Effects:
 Overuse technology such as computers, mobile phones, etc.
might destroy someone’s life because some people use this
technologies in a wrong way that’s what it makes negative
effect to us. And technology itself could affect our mental,
physical, and social aspect in a way that if we’re addicted to it.

C. In Medicine:
• The use of different life support systems.
• Organ Transplants and production of artificial human parts.
• Use of non –invasive surgeries, cryosurgery, laser technology in
• In vitro babies, ultrasound examination, Magnetic Resonance
Positive Effects:
 Basically, in the field of medicines, it contribute a lot to us. It
can let us survive a little longer for example, the oxygen in the
hospital. It takes away temporarily the pain that we are feeling.
Negative Effects:
 I think the illness that most of the people acquire was because of
technology. And not all of the surgery was done successfully so
somehow it can also yield to sudden death of a patient. I am more
fond of natural medication rather than technological equipment use
for temporary survival because basically, we’re all going to
experience death.
D. In the Banking System
• Use of ATM cards, credit cards, cash cards
• Money Transfer systems
Positive Effects:
 The assurance of our money is safe and secured. For ATM cards,
which is handy it is easy to bring in any location because of its
design that is thin and pocket size material. We don’t need to
bring large amount of money when we are outside.
Negative Effects:
 If the bank is close when times of emergency or in need of money.
At times some of the savings of some people was suddenly gone for
unknown reason based on my personal experience. It might be safe
for others but loss for some.
E. In the Food Industry
• Availability of instant foods in supermarkets
• Production of food products from Genetically Modified
• Mechanization in food production
Positive Effects:
 A replacement for those who can’t cook proper meal. It is very
helpful for a workaholic or busy person because it will just take
less of their time. It contains some vitamin that is needed in our
body but still just an alternative and should not consume every
Negative Effects:
 Instant foods destroy the health of an individual if consumed daily.
We all know that processed foods are nothing but a toxic substance
inside our body because the ingredients of this produced unwanted
chemical substance that cause destruction to our physical body.
This type of food is designed not for a daily basis. All products made
out of technology has its purpose in which it helps and must not
taken advantage by us.

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