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ACS Year II, sem.

Seminar: English for Professional Communication
Tutor: Simona Mazilu, PhD


1. Where to look for a job?

Job fairs, recruitment sites, websites of companies, networking, newspapers etc.
2. How to read a job ad?
Analyzing the job description and requirements: identifying the keywords; fitting your skills and
personal qualities into the profile of the candidate.
3. Drafting the content of your CV/résumé: main sections:
Personal statement/profile/objective: a persuasive summary of your qualifications/skills/experience.
1) Personal details (name + surname, address, phone no, e-mail, photo, marital status (only if
2) Education and qualifications: info in reverse chronological order
E.g. 2019 – present Progressing towards/ Pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Expected 2023
2015 – 2019 Baccalaureate/ High school diploma
George Cosbuc National College, Bucharest
3) Honours and awards (if applicable): awards/prizes from competitions/contests/olympiads;
4) Work experience/ Projects: info in reverse chronological order: describe concisely the main
responsibilities in each position: ACTION VERBS (past tense/ing form), NO Personal pronoun in
Subject position = NO “I”.
E.g 2018-2019 Data analyst at Accenture Romania: analyzed, updated and reported data to the Project
Manager; organized weekly staff meetings, delivered presentations; managed a five-member team.
ACTION VERBS LIST: achieve, administer, analyze, advise, arrange, compile, conduct, coordinate,
create, design, develop, devise, distribute, evaluate, examine, execute, implement, increase, introduce,
instruct, liaise, manage, mentor, monitor, negotiate, organize, oversee, prepare, recommend, reduce,
research, represent, solve, supervise, train etc.
5) Skills:
- computer skills (programming languages + levels of competence, technical abilities etc.)
- language skills (native language/mother tongue, foreign languages + levels of competence (CEFR) +
copies of certificates attached;
- personal skills (soft skills: organizational, time management, leadership, presentation,
communication skills, empathy + personal qualities: hard work, determination, perseverance,
assertiveness, reliability etc. + arguments: where you have acquired/developed these skills or how can
you prove you have these personal qualities);
6. Extracurricular activities: e.g. Volunteering (what you do exactly, where, what you have learnt?)
7. Leisure interests/Hobbies: spare time passions
8. References: people that could recommend you for a position (contact details: e-mail, phone no)
9. Additional information: e.g. Driving license

4. Formatting your CV: consistency, structure, clarity, concision.

Finding the right template: a predefined one (,,
etc.) or building your own template.


1. Find a job ad/internship ad that you would like to apply for and have it with you next time.
2. Download from Moodle Unit 5 CVs and Cover Letters from the textbook English for Professional
Communication and do Task 1, pages 107-108.

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