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The Customized overview of the Rewards and Recognition program suggested for Zetwerk.

Segregation into various Business Units

and identifying the goals of the specific

Identifying the employee performance

and attributes/behaviours that will
reinforce the goals

Determining the KRA and KPI for the

specific jobs which will link the
performance excellence parameters to
the performance appraisal system and
thus providing incentives to motivate

Analyzing the Budget requirements by

ensuring relative weightage and
normalizing based on hierarchy and pay
grades in the organization

Categorizing the Rewards system into

various groups or frameworks Rewards for Operational

Rewards for Functional

Rewards based on Rewards based on
periodic re-skilling of Individual and Group/Team
employees performance

Creating a unified dashboard categorizing

into employees, dealers, customers and
clients to ensure complete visibility of the
recognition received.
------------------------------------- RECOGNITION & INCENTIVES --------------------------------

Based on these categories Recognition solutions to be formulated like:
 Creating intangible system for example: Hall of Fame on the website for special
P accomplishments
L  Stock Rewards
 High technological enthusiasts can be rewarded by providing subscriptions to
learning materials for specific software/technology
Y  Creating an annual report/ yearbook consisting of departmental achievements.
E  Formulating a policy where junior employees receive recognition from the senior
leads/managers for outstanding contribution on a quarterly basis.

Based on these categories Recognition solutions to be formulated like:

P  Manufacturing solutions are highly driven by their dealers and suppliers. Hence
recognizing the high performing dealers or suppliers are equally important for
the growth of the organization.
L  Identifying and recognition of “ Dealer of the Month”
I  Providing them and their families with incentive coupons like: travel tour
coupons, customized merchandise.
 Facilitation and recognizing them with honorary awards in the annual Functions.

 Creating a customized Referral System for Employees which would

promote Diversity & Inclusion.
DIVERSITY  Employees could refer people from their network from the LGBTQ
& Community, physically disabled and irrespective of any gender, race
and geographical region and thereby promoting equity in the

This Rewards and Recognition Program takes into consideration 360 overview of an employee
and all the stakeholders to promote the recognition system so that all parameters are taken
into consideration. It also eliminates any biasedness when performance evaluation is robust
and evaluated quarterly to achieve the goal of identifying the high performing employees and
thus instills a feeling of pride and a better connect with the organization.
Submitted By:

Name: Sarani Sen

Batch: MBA HRM 1st Year

College: XIMB

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