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Journal #7

Directions: Write a 50-word (minimum) reflection for each of the questions/statements

posted below. Answers must be typed in complete sentences with correct spelling,
capitalization, punctuation and grammar.

Entries can include activities, training, observations, instructions, personal notes, etc. You can
include things that you saw and did and what equipment and technology was used. Your
responses may be shared with your mentor. Please be complete in your

1. Explain the following elements of professional appearance:

a. Attire- When wearing proper attire, it can depend on the job that is obtained, my job
for instance requires me to wear a white button-down polo with black slacks and all
black shoes. Business jobs tend to lead towards suit & tie, dress, etc. others can be
casual like jeans and a t-shirt.
b. Grooming- Most jobs have issues with the way people do their hair, but it is most
appropriate to have hair that is neat and not messy. Body odor is not really an issue
but too much cologne or perfume can be an issue. My job “says” not to wear any
smelling devices, but everybody always smells like Victoria Secret.
c. Accessories- Also depending on where you work, some jobs do not allow things like
rings or bracelets. My job does not like the employees to wear jewelry even though
just about every person in there does. If you have a necklace you also might have to
put it under your shirt.

2. What type of professional attire are you expected to wear at your current job? How
important is your professional appearance at your job?

Like I stated above, I must wear a white button-down polo shirt, with my name tag of course, black
slacks, and all black non-slip shoes. Other departments have their own uniforms they must abide by.
My job takes attire and appearance very seriously, which bothers me, and they have consequences if
you do not follow their rules.

3. What type of professional attire will you be expected to wear in your future career? What
will be the expectations when it comes to your professional appearance in your future

Well, I have not set myself on a specific occupation but if I do decide on engineering probably
whatever I desire to wear. If that does not work out the other option is to be somewhere in the medical
field and that will require scrubs and or a white coat. 😊

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