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The pressure is measured by pressure gauge. The measured pressure is

knolvn as the gauge pressure. The absolute pressure is fhe sum of the
atmospheric pressure and the gauge pressure.
Pob, = Prt^ + P. = Pr,o, + gh where,
p= fluid density of manometer ( kg/mr), g = gravitationar accereration
(mis'), and h = fluid height (m.p
A manometer containing oil (p : 850 kg / mt) is attached to a tank filled
rvith air. If the oil level difference between the hvo columns is ,15 cm and
the atmospheric pressure is 98 kpa, determine the absolute pressure in the

Pob = Prtu, + Pr,, glt

= Yd+-_ 101.75 kPu

A piston controlled cylinder contains *ater as shorvn in fig (l-g). The mass
of the piston is 100 kg and its cross sectional area is 0.01 ,,,'. .Itr. piston is
resting on the stops. If the atmospheric pressure is 100 kpa, calcurate the
pressure in the cylinder required just to move the piston upwards.

Apply force balance on the piston,

P*Ap = P,,tu,,A+lYp
A= piston cross sectional area (m2).
Wo=weight of piston (N).
P,,=water pressure in cylinder (pa).
P,r,,=atmospheric pressu re (pa).

- ttg-
D -P,,,nrA+ll/o
Fig (l-8)
I(t0000x0.0I+ I00.xI0
= 200000 Pu: 2 bar
The lorver half of a l0 m cytintlricar container is fiiletr rvith pure water
(p:l0OO kg/mi) and the upper half rvith oil that has a specific gravity
0.85' fig (l-9). Determine the pressure difference befween the" top and
bottonr of the container.


lP bn," : (x h),uo, + (H lr),ir

Densitt' o./'oil :specific gravity of oil X densitl' of water

;. Apbo,o = (t 0oo x to * s)+ (0. t s t t ttttT x I 0 x 5)
,Fig (l-9)
= 92500 Ptt
Determine the mass of the cap of the safety valve of a pressure cooker
rvhose operation pressure is 100 kPa gauge' fig (l-10)' The cross sectional
area of the valve opening is 4 mm2. Assume that the atmospheric pressure
is l0l kPa.

Prrbr= Prp+ Pot*

From force balance on the cap,

leon+ e*,,)rl= ntcupxg+ P(rnt,4

.'. P,,pA: mcnpg

PopA to-6
tltc,,l,=1 = toox looox4x
l0 Fig (l-10)
:0.04 k{: = 40 g

If the pressure in the bulb A shown in tig (l-lt) is 50 cm Hg vacuum'
calculate the height (h) of mercury in the tube. Assume that the specific
gravity of mercury is 13.6 and the barometric pressure is 76 cm Hg.


l0 )
Prr!,!9x 50x l0-2 + Pnc?h = PurgxT6x

.'. tt= 26x l0-2 nt= 26 cm

Fig (l-l I)

An elevated water tank is filled partially with water as shown in fig (l-12).
The pressure of the air inside the tank is 125 kpa. The heightof the rvater
level in the tank is 25 m. If the water density is 1000 kg/mr antl the
atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa, calculate the pressure generated by a
water pump required to pump the water into the tank from ground level.

Pp = Poi, + p,ugh= 125 + t000x9.Btx2Sx I0-3

= 370.25 kPrt

Fig (I-12)

The temperature varialion in the atmosphere near the surface of earth is
given by,
Tz = I 5 - where T is in oc and Z is the elevation above the earth
a.0065 I z,
surface. If the atmospheric pressure at (z:0 ) is 101.325 kpa, determine
the pressure at an elevation of2 km atlove the earth.
o. - '

Pn,, : Pz + pzgZ = f, *lZfZ


?,u, = r,(r*#)= r,(-+;:)


At 2000 m,

Tz= t5- 0. 006s I x 2000 =, 1.98 274.98 K

:. Pz = t0 1. ,,J- l= s r rso.s Pu = 8l-1503 kPa
74.98 + L!l:-2!q!
L, 287 l
Assume that the gravitational acceleration varies with altitude according
to the relation ;

g -- A- BZ where, A = 9.807 m/s', B = 3.32x10-6 s-2 and Z= altitude.

Determine the height above sea level where the weight of an object
decreases by lrh. Also determine the wight of an 80 kg person at sea level
on the top of Mount Everest (Z: 8848 m).

g= 1-BZ
At sea tevel Z : 0'807 m/sz
At any other altitude (z),
g z :9.807 - S'32x I0-6 Z
Let the mass of the object = m

wt=mBt' tt)2:mg2
. mgt-n,g2 (, g-')
Petcentfigeloss: m8 =l /-- I

g.,/ r I
:.0.01 = I -
:.2 = 29539 nt
At Z= 8848 m
S = 9.807 - 3.32 x t0-6 x8848
=Y./// m/,2S
w = 80x9.777 = 782. l6 N

The mercury used in a nranometer varies with temperature according to
the following equation,
p= 13595 - 2-5t where (t) is the temperature in

This variation allolvs fhe manometer to read same pressure difl'erence at
different temperatures. If the manometer reads a pressure difference of
100 kPa during summer where the temperature is 35 "C and reads same
pressure diff'erence during winter where the temperature is -15 "C
calculate the difference in mercury height tletween summer and winter.
7p= gtt

During summer,
h= = 0.75467 nt
(tss,ss - 2.sx35)
During winter,
h= = 0.74775 nt
- 2.5r(- ts)xv.s t)
:. Ah = 0.75467 - 0.74775 = 0.00692 m = 6.92 mm

A pressure gauge and a manometer are attached to a gas tank to measure
its pressure fig (l-13). If the reading of the pressure gauge is 80 kPa,
determine the distance trefween the two fluid levels of the manometer
rvhen the fluid is,
a-mercury with a density of I3600 kg/mr.
b-water lvith a densit-v of I000 kg/mr.

P =P' tn(u
i. Prorn = 8{) kPo
Prro,, = pg./l

11 - Pns : 13600 kg / mJ Fig (l-13)

p= P,uu, Soxlooo
- =9.599 m
P tEg 13600 x 9.81

b- p*=Ioookg/ni
, Pu,o,,
Ir= 80 x l0l)0
""':-_=8. 157 nr
p,,g 1000 x 9.8 I

A mercury manometer b * = 13600 kg / ntr ) is connected to an air duct to
measure the pressure inside. The difference in the fluid levels in the
manometer is l5 mm and the atmospheric pressure is I00 kPa.
a- judging from fig (l-14), determine if the pressure in the duck is above or
tlelow the atmospheric pressure.
b- determine the absolute pressurf in the duck.
a- it is clear from the fig. the pressure inside
the duck is higher than the atmospheric pressure.
AP = p srgh = 13600x 9.8 I x 0.0 I 5
= 2001.24 Po:2.00124 kPrt
b- Pot = Patnr * AP : 100 + 2-00 124 : 102.00 124 kPrt Fig (l-la)
A U tube manometer contains water with a density of 1000 kg/m3. The difference
in height of the two columns of water is 25 cm. If the manometer is modified so
that one of its arms becomes inclined m{king an angle of 30 ' with the horizontal,
as shown in fig (l-15) calculate the length of water column in the inclined arm.

a- the U tube manometer.

P = p,"gh = 1000 x 9.8 I x 0.25
= 2452.5 Po= 2.4525 kPtr
b-when the manometer becomes inclined manometer,
P = P,rglt

It: Lsin9 = Lsin30

:. Lsin30 = 25 cm

:. L---=2s 25
=50 cm
sin 30 0.5

Fig (l-I5a) Fig (l-l5b)

An erperimental apparatus is located in an airplane flying at 7-o000 m
where (g = 9.75 m / s) ). The air flolv in the apparatus is measured by

determining the pressure drop across an orifice rvith a rnercury
manometer as shown in fig (l-I6). The manometer level difference
oC. What is the
reading is 250 mm and the local temperature is -10
pressure drop in kPa?

Ap = prygtt

pa, ot - t0 oC = 13620 kg / m3
;. AP =(tsozox9.75x0.25)x l0-r :33.1988 kPa

Fig (l-16)

The atrsolute pressutc of a gas in a closed vessel is 70 kPa. If the
atmospheric pressure is 750 mm of mercury, determine the vacuum
pressure in the vesset in kPa. The density of mercury is 13600 kg/m3' and
ihe local gravitational acceleration is 9.81 m/s2.
Pn,r, : 6h: 13600 x 9.81 x 0.75 : 100062 Ps : 100.062 kPtt


P, = Pot, - .Purnr = 70 - 100'062 = -30'062 kPa

Consider the two cylindrical reservoirs shorvn in fig (l-17). The tlvo
reservoirs are connected via a valve rvhich is initially closed. Reservoir A
contains 100 kg of water and reservoir B contains 500 kg- of rvater. The
cross sectional areas of reservoirs A and B ar.e 0.t m2 and 0.25 m2
respectively. If the elevation difference (h) is one meter calculate the
pressure on both sides of the valve. If the valve is opened and the lvater
level becomes the same in both reservoirs, calculate the pressure at the
valve. Assume that the water rlensity is 1000 kg/mr.
tltor 500 t
VD, - ---2t =----- = 0.5 m'
P,u l00lt

LD,--rtt ,, 0.5
AB=0.25 -2m
t. ltr, : h+ Lu,: I + 2 = 3 nt

- ---ht= e-g!!Bt-L!on, : I 000 x I 0 x 3 + I 00000

: 129430 Pu = 129.43 kPn

tttrr 100
.' P_ = 1000 =0. lm t
v n, 0.1
L,,= ^'=-:ltlt
AA 0. I
P,st : prgL,,l * Putnr: 1000x I0x I + 100000
: I 10000 pa = I I0 kPo

When the valve is opened,

,D J2 -D
- , R2

:.p.ghsz = p,rglt.rz

:. hs2: lt.a2

Lel u mass (m) of rvaler be moved from reservoir B to reservoir A when

the valve is opened.
t. m 82 = 5A0 - m, m.-t: = 100 + m

, H,tz
,l /1
- m-.
11." =---et a 1
PrA c
lllot lll,t
+l- '- . + lllot"- *o..=-'-

p,uAn p.A t AB A I
.'. ttt 62. + p*A , = nt ,,

(soo- *)#. toooxo.r:(too+ n)

.'. m: 142.86 kg

i. m,t2 -- 100+ 142.86 = 242.86 kg

( ,,.. \
P qz = P*Sl - "1 )lt Pn,,,, !!8 + Pu,,,
\P.Ae AA

242.86x l0
'' 0. I

Fig (l-I7)
Two cylinders A and B are connected by a piston of two different
diameters as shown in fig (l-18). cylinder B contains a gas while cylinder
A contains oil that is pumped up to a pressure of 300 kFa by a hydraulic
pump. The mass of the piston is l0 kg. calculate the gas pressure in
cylinder B.

- pBAB + f"(,ao
PAAA + ntpg - ,lu)
e, =
idi = i@.i, = o.oo78s m2

=?oi =l@.ozs), =o.ooo4e m:

PB _Poeo+mrg-pr(,lo_ au)

.. ps 3a0 x 103 x 0.00785 + r0xg.B r - t00x (0.00785 0.00049)

r03 -
= 3504285.714 Pa = 35.04286 bar

ds=25 mnr

Fig (l-18)

For the conditions shorvn in fig (l-19), determine (p,- p) in kPa if the
prevailing temperature is 20 "C.
P, = Po + p, glt,

P" = Po+ P2glta + Ptghs

:. Po + prsh, + ptshs = Pd

I [:;j,:. ,rrr,
Pu + prglt, + p,gh, = P,+ p1gh,' Pzgltz + Psght

'. P,, - Pb= pzght + Ptghs + p2glt, - Ptght - Psght

= prg(tr, + nr)+ prs(hs - h,)- prghj
' P,, - Pb = I35 40 x 9.s I x(0. 5 5 + 0.1 s\ +I 000 x 9.8 t x(0.g - 0.75)- I 73 x 9.8 I x 0.4
: 130873.248 pa= 130.873 kPtr

sp. gr. :1J.54

Fig (l-le)


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