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Assistant Candidate Selection Committee

Optimization and Logistics Modeling Laboratory

Indonesian Logistics Management Tingga School On-site,

Your native ' alaikumWr. Wb

Om Swastyastu

First, I would like to say that the Logistics thanks to the assistant
Optimization and Modeling Laboratory will hold an open (LOPL) STIMLOG for giving
recruitment for BATCH II and me to participate in the opportunities to
selection. My name is Ni Made Anggi Wira Yuni is normal
called Anggi, wrote this motivational letter to express my interest in becoming a candidate for
aslab in the Logistics Modeling and Optimization Laboratory.

I started taking formal education in 2007. From elementary school at SDN 2Mundeh, at that time I
was actively participating in academic competitions, namely the District Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Olympiad and non-academic ones such as dancing and sports. Thanks to that achievement, I moved to the
city and was accepted at SMPN 1 Tabanan. After that I continued my high school education majoring in
Mathematics and Natural Sciences at SMAN 1 Tabanan which is one of the best high schools in Bali and I
graduated with good grades.

During my studies in junior high and high school, I was very active in organizations
both internally and externally. I am active in the Scouting and Scientific Writing organizations.
Through these two activities, I was trained to be alert, disciplined, responsible, and able to
analyze and solve a problem well. Besides that, at SMAN 1 Tabanan I also participated in the
School Security Patrol (PKS) and was trusted to be the deputy coordinator. Because I love
adventure and challenging things, I also joined the Garbage Bank club and GAPENTA
(Nature Lovers Movement). I am one of the students who rarely participate in teaching and
learning activities in class because of the many organizational activities that I participate in.
But because of my determination and hard work in studying,

After I graduated from high school, I made a plan where I would continue my
education. STIMLOG became my third choice to continue my education in higher education
because I saw an opportunity
which is very big in the field of logistics going forward. I feel logistics is an interesting and
unique science to study. Initially I was hesitant to cross majors into management, but in fact
my basic knowledge of Mathematics and Science is very supportive and related to my current

Being a student is a fortune and a good opportunity to dig deeper into one's potential.
The knowledge gained is not only obtained through lectures on campus with lecturers, but
there are many ways to get this knowledge, one of which is by being able to convey the
knowledge we have to others. One way is to become a laboratory assistant. I am very
interested in becoming an LOPL native because I love statistics, operations research,
optimization techniques, and logistics modeling.

There are many benefits that I will get if I become a laboratory assistant, especially as
LOPL, namely adding insight into optimization and modeling, adding experience, adding
relationships, implementing soft skills and public speaking, and training leadership because later
I will work as a team.

So with the ability, motivation, intention, and willingness, I am sure that I am a hard
worker, disciplined and willing to learn more. I realize my weaknesses and strengths,
hopefully I can use this opportunity well and I can be selected as a laboratory assistant at

That is the motivation letter that I made for consideration, thank you for your


Ni Made Anggi Wira Yuni

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