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I live in a village in which everybody knows each other, the grass are green, and the

flowers are blooming. I feel like there are no place better than this and if ever I ever had a

glimpse of heaven, this would be the exact look of it. Families, friends, and neighbors have deep

connections with one another and that the respect in which they have belongs only to the purest

of the purest of soul as this village is the embodiment of wholesomeness. This village is perfect

and is almost dreamlike, but there is no such thing as perfect in this reality as there is one

imperfection in this place that so vile, nightmarish, and reeks of evil. The house across the street,

it is where nothing grows. Not a single weed grows in its yard, the trees are dead, and the birds

are crows. It is filled with eeriness and not a single living being can be seen inside of it.

I went ahead and had some fun with my friends in the clubhouse of the village. The

shouts are loud, the drinks are high, and the party’s wild. The night is filled with stars, as it

shines so bright. I look at everyone with glee, and I hope they cherish this memory. As the night

ends I feel oh so hazy. Me and my friends are feeling crazy. Given the dare, we are drunk as hell,

we though we’re in for some fun. As we went into the dark street in which the dark house stays,

we feel a presence, we feel all eyes all over the place.

We went inside the lawn of the house as I see for myself the clay among its fields has

been long dry and been long left with no tears from the skies, no rain. A wild thought went in me

as if the house suggested me, it welcomes us and waits behind the door. I went in and I hear

every creak. We are in for some treat. The doors went shut and locked outside. I wonder, is this

what Dante felt when he entered the doors of hell? The candles went lit inside of it, and it directs

us to a child’s room. A doll, a letter, and a pen sits in it. The letter says the doll is a father’s gift,

in which she cherish the most and she wants to be with it at the very end. It seems its clear that
the house speaks to me, as I held the doll up so high the lights light up and directs us once again.

A second room in which a frame sits on the wall. A child wants to play with us all. So, I left the

doll below it and I feel like the eeriness of the house starts to leave…

From that day the house across the street has changed. From the driest soil it once had,

arise a field of flowers as it emits a joyous aura.

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