Kelp 8 - OLux - PTP - Revisi Kamis Ke 3

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Valentinus Paramarta1, Ayu Irene Windar Andika, Syahrul Ramadhi Wibowo,

Amanda Claudiya A
Departemen Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, 12345, Indonesia


Abstract. On the amount of optical measurement using the luxmeter showed that there is a linear
trend between the intensity received by the current changes or distances varied. The value will
be the greater intensity with seiringnya increase in current supplied from the light source. And
the value of the intensity will be reduced by as you are given the distance between the source
with luxmeter used.

1. Introduction
a. Background
To achieve a certain goal in the physics, we usually make observations accompanied
by measurements. Observation of a phenomenon in general is incomplete if not
accompanied by quantitative data obtained from the measurement results. Lord Kelvin, a
physicist says, "if we can measure what we are talking about and express it in numbers, then
we know what we are talking about it". On this occasion we will know about Illumination
related to lighting, as well as measuring the illumination level by using a tool called a
Previous note in advance the definition of light before talking about the illumination
(lighting). Light is an electromagnetic wave-shaped kind of energy that can be seen with
the eye. Light is needed in everyday life. The sun is the main source of light on Earth. Green
plants need light to make food. Rays from the sun that comes can be called natural light.
The properties of light is, light travels straight in all directions. The proof is that we can see
a light glowing from all directions in a dark room.
While Illumination is the level or levels of light or strong lighting that relate directly
to light (illumination). Darmasetiawan & Puspakesuma (1991) defines a powerful
illumination is the quantity / amount of light on the level of illumination / specific surface.
Unit = lux (lumens / m2).
Talking about the lighting means we divide the two light sources into two parts
buatan.Cahaya natural light with natural light is the light that comes on the sun as the source.
Natural light is then divided into two kinds of solar light and reflected light. Sunlight is the
light that comes from the sun directly without any intermediaries or conductor influence.
While the reflected light is light that has been exposed to influence from the outside either
reflected or other treatments. Artificial light is the light that comes apart from the sun and
usually deliberately, for example light cameras, lights and other lights.

b. Problem
- Is the effect of distance on the intensity received by Lux Meter?
- How Lux Meter can capture light in the form of intensity?
- How to measure the amount of optic using an experiment conducted by means
- How is the graph formed from the result of measurement of light intensity using a
c. Motivation
1. Explaining the Basic Theory of Light Measurement.
2. Optical measuring the magnitude of the Lux Meter.
3. Creating and Analyzing chart measurement data.

2. Basic Theory
Light intensity is the amount of basic physics to measure the power emitted by a light
source in a particular direction per unit angle. The SI unit of light intensity is Candela (Cd)
or luminous intensity (Iv). Other unit to light is lumen (lm) or Luminous Flux (Φv) where
if we want to change candela lumen can be formulated:
1 cd = 4π lm (1)
1 lm = 1 / 4π cd (2)
1 lm = 0079 cd (3)
Tool measuring light (lux meter) is a tool used to measure the intensity of light
somewhere. The amount of light intensity is necessary to know because basically humans
also require adequate lighting. To determine the magnitude of the light intensity of this will
require a sensor that is sufficiently sensitive and linear to light. The farther the distance
between the light source to the sensor will be smaller then the indicated value lux meter.
This proves that the farther the distance, the light intensity will decrease this tool in showing
the results of measurement using a digital format that consists of a frame, a sensor. The
sensor is placed on the light source to be measured intenstasnya.
The amount of light intensity is necessary to know because basically humans also
require adequate lighting. To determine the magnitude of the light intensity of this will
require a sensor that is sufficiently sensitive and linear to light. The farther the distance
between the light source to the sensor will be smaller then the indicated value lux meter.
This proves that the farther the distance, the light intensity will decrease. This tool shows
in the measurement result using a digital format consisting of ra ngka, a sensor. The sensor
is placed on the light source to be measured intenstasnya.
Luxmeter essentially does not measure the intensity of light, but the measured
luminance (Lv). Luminance is a photometric measure of the luminous intensity per unit area
of light that goes in a certain direction, or it can be said that the luminance describes the
amount of light that passes through or is emitted from a particular area. SI magnitude of
luminance is candela per meter squared (cd / m2), while the amount of its CGS is stilb,
which is equal to one candela per centimeter squared (cd / cm2) or (10KCd / cm2). So if we
want to find the value of Luminance (Lv) we can calculate it by dividing the luminous
intensity (Cd) with a cross-sectional area of the luxmeter used (m2).
The reading of the results of the Luxmeter read on screen panel LCD (Liquid Crystal
Digital) which was put on the reading format digital format. Digital formats itself in
appearance resembles a figure 8 discontinuous. LCD also has the characteristic that use
asymmetric molecules in the liquid transparent organic and molecular orientation is set by
an external electric field.
The working principle of a lux meter is to change the energy of the photons into
electrons. Ideally, one photon can generate one electron. The light will illuminate photo
cells which will then be captured by the sensor as the energy transmitted by the photo cell
into electric current. Then this tool converts light into electric current, measure the current
and turning them into units of lux. Inside the device there are a lux meter amplifier which
serves to strengthen the incoming stream so that the flow can be read. Without this current
amplifier current generated by the light can not be read because the resulting current is very
small. For digital lux meter results will be displayed on the display panel while the current
analog lux meter will move the pointer scale. Lux meter can generally work on a range of
0 ° C - 40 ° C, with the use of the power of ± 10 mW, and has an accuracy of ± (5% + 1)
under 3000 lx and ± (7.5% + 1) to 3000 lx up.

Picture 1. Luxmeter
The light sensor used in lux meter is a photodiode. Photo diodes are used as a
component of detecting the presence or absence of light and can be used to form an accurate
measuring instrument that can detect light intensity below 1 PW / cm2 to intensities of over
10 mW / cm2. Photo diode has a low resistance at forward bias conditions, we can utilize
this photo diodes in reverse bias condition in which the resistance of the photo diodes will
fall in line with the intensity of incoming light. Various types of light entering the luxmeter
both natural light artificial atapun will get a different response from the sensor. Various
colors are measured will produce different color temperatures, and different wavelengths.
Therefore, reading the displayed results displayed by the display panel is a combination of
wavelength effects captured by the sensor photo diode.
The reading of the results of the Luxmeter read on screen panel LCD (Liquid Crystal
Digital) which was put on the reading format digital format. Digital formats itself in
appearance resembles a figure 8 discontinuous. LCD also has the characteristic that use
asymmetric molecules in the liquid transparent organic and molecular orientation is set by
an external electric field.

3. Method

1. Compile the entire experimental tools like the image set-up experiments.

2. Connect the power supply to the incandescent lamp

3. Set the distance between the lamp and luxmeter with a distance of 15cm

4. Turn on the lights to regulate the power supply to obtain figures on the ammeter shows
a current of 0.4A

5. Record the results indicated on luxmeter

6. Conduct an experiment to a current of 0.4 A at intervals of 5 cm from 100 cm to 15 cm.

7. After completing the first experiment, change the transformer so ammeters show

4. Data Eksperimen
Jarak Arus (A)
0.4 0.38 0.35 0.33 0.3 0.28
15 1772 1317 638 407 186.8 128.8
20 1081 780 457 303.7 122.5 79.6
25 792 529 351.3 213.6 94.1 58
30 560 397.7 237.6 141.8 60.4 45.1
35 482 339.2 184.7 130.9 57.1 37.49
40 426 271.8 162.1 109.9 54.5 29.34
45 368.2 252.1 151.6 94.7 36.04 23.62
50 301 222 150.2 78.7 35.96 20.74
55 282.1 195.3 113.2 72.5 29.4 20.65

Tabel 1. Data Percobaan Luxmeter

5. Pengolahan Data
By meeting that Luminance is a photometric measure of the luminous intensity per
unit area of light, it can be formulated:
𝐿𝑣 =
Lv = Luminance; Cd = Candela
Jarak 1/r^2 Lv
(m) 0.4 A 0.38 A 0.35 A 0.33 A 0.3 A 0.28 A
0.15 44.44444 39.87 29.6325 14.355 9.1575 4.203 2.898
0.2 25 43.24 31.2 18.28 12.148 4.9 3.184
0.25 16 49.5 33.0625 21.95625 13.35 5.88125 3.625
0.3 11.11111 50.4 35.793 21.384 12.762 5.436 4.059
0.35 8.163265 59.045 41.552 22.62575 16.03525 6.99475 4.592525
0.4 6.25 68.16 43.488 25.936 17.584 8.72 4.6944
0.45 4.938272 74.5605 51.05025 30.699 19.17675 7.2981 4.78305
0.5 4 75.25 55.5 37.55 19.675 8.99 5.185
0.55 3.305785 85.33525 59.07825 34.243 21.93125 8.8935 6.246625
sum 545.3608 380.3565 227.029 141.8198 61.3166 39.2676
sum^2 297418.3 144671.1 51542.17 20112.84 3759.725 1541.944
Tabel 2. Data Pengolahan Lv
Grafik Pengolahan
Pada arus 0.4 A

Grafik 1. Cd Vs Jarak 0.4 A

Grafik 2. Lv Vs Jarak 0.4 A

6. Analisis
In experiments measuring the optical scale by using the tool Luxmeter, praktikan perform
distance variation and current variation. Where, as measured by praktikan is the value stated on
the luxmeter in other words measured by praktikan is in the amount of candela. In the retrieval
of data taken by the practitioner, there are limitations of the tool in which the tool can only read
intensity up to a certain distance. From the data obtained by praktikan in laboratory experiments
it was found that there is a change in the intensity values captured by the luxmeter to the distance
given by the practitioner. Where the intensity of the relationship is linear distance down, where
the value of the intensity will decrease with increasing distance from the source of light given
to the luxmeter. While the relationship between the intensity of the applied current is linearly
rise which will rise with the intensity values with increasing current value is also given.
Due to the amount captured by luxmeter is in the form of candela, therefore praktikan need to
convert it into a form of luminous (Lv) where Lv will be worth the same as the Cd / m ^ 2 or
candela per unit surface area of the light source along ditembakkannya. Praktikan so do the
calculations to obtain the value of lominousnya.
Praktikan of the results obtained by the mathematical calculation that the relationship anatara
luminous and candela is inversely proportional. So it will be found that Lv relationship with a
given distance will be worth a linear rise or luminous value will berinilai greater with increasing
distance seiringnya given. As for the relationship luminous and current award is worth a linear
rise where the value of luminous seiringnya will be even greater with the increase of the value
of current supplied.

7. Conclusion

1. The intensity of the distance relationship is linear and under, where the value of the
intensity will decrease with increasing distance from the light source to be given

2. The relationship between the intensity of the applied current is linearly rise which will
rise with the intensity values with increasing current value is also given.

8. Reference
[1] Modul praktikum teknik pengukuran

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