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Seed-Mediated Growth of Nearly Monodisperse Palladium & DESIGN
Nanocubes with Controllable Sizes
Wenxin Niu,†,‡ Zhi-Yuan Li,§ Lihong Shi,†,‡ Xiaoqing Liu,†,‡ Haijuan Li,†,‡ Shuang Han,†,‡ VOL. 8, NO. 12
Jiuan Chen,†,‡ and Guobao Xu*,† 4440–4444
State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, China, Graduate UniVersity of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences, and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China

ReceiVed March 4, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed May 6, 2008

ABSTRACT: Nearly monodisperse Pd nanocubes with controllable sizes were synthesized through a seed-mediated growth approach.
By using Pd nanocubes of 22 nm in size as seeds, the morphology of the as-grown nanostructures was fixed as single-crystalline,
which enabled us to rationally tune the size of Pd nanocubes. The formation mechanism of initial 22 nm nanocubes was also
discussed. The size-dependent surface plasmon resonance properties of the as-synthesized Pd nanocubes were investigated. Compared
with previous methods, the yield, monodispersity, perfection of the shape formation, and the range of size control of these nanocubes
are all improved. These Pd nanocubes may have potential interests in surface-enhanced Raman scattering, sensors, catalysis, study
of size-dependent properties, and fabrication of high-order structures.

Introduction Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (China). Cetyltrimethylammo-

nium chloride (CTAC, 98.0%) was obtained from Tianjin Guangfu Fine
Metallic nanoparticles show many properties that are signifi- Chemical Research Institute (China). All the chemicals were analytical
cantly different from those of their bulk counterparts.1 To study grade reagents and used without further purification. Double distilled
their size- and shape-dependent properties, considerable attention water was used throughout the experiments. A ten millimolar H2PdCl4
has been paid to developing new synthetic methods,2,3 and solution was prepared by dissolving 0.1773 g of PdCl2 in 10 mL of
0.2 M HCl and further diluting to 100 mL with double distilled water.
significant progress has been made while many subjects remain Synthesis of 22 nm Pd Nanocubes. 0.5 mL of 10 mM H2PdCl4
unexplored. Palladium, well-known for its high hydrogen solution was added to 10 mL of 12.5 mM CTAB solution under stirring,
solubility4 and effective catalytic activity5 for Stille, Heck, and and then the solution was heated at 95 °C for 5 min before 80 µL of
Suzuki reactions, has received much attention in recent research freshly prepared 100 mM ascorbic acid solution was added. The reaction
of shape-controlled synthesis of metallic nanostructures. Various was allowed to proceed for 30 min.
Pd nanostructures have been synthesized;6 a polyol process7 and Seed-Mediated Growth of Bigger Pd Nanocubes. 125 µL of 10
a water-based synthesis developed recently8 have been proven mM H2PdCl4 solution was added to 5 mL of 50 mM CTAB solution
kept at 40 °C, different volumes (400 µL for 37 nm, 200 µL for 44
to be very versatile methods. Pd nanocubes have been synthe- nm, 80 µL for 56 nm, 40 µL for 76 nm, 10 µL for 109 nm nanocubes)
sized through several methods;9-12 however, most of these of the as-synthesized 22 nm Pd nanocubes solution were added, and
methods still need improvement in terms of yield, monodis- then 25 µL of freshly prepared 100 mM ascorbic acid solution was
persity, perfection of cube formation, and size control. In this added and mixed thoroughly. The resulting solution was placed in a
study, we report a facile process to prepare small Pd nanocubes water bath at 40 °C. The reactions were stopped after 14 h by
of 22 nm in size with a high yield of 95.5%. Using the as- centrifuging (12000 rpm, 10 min). The precipitates were redispersed
synthesized small Pd nanocubes as seeds, nearly monodisperse in deionized water for UV-visible extinction spectra characterization.
Two more centrifugations (12 000 rpm, 10 min) were applied to the
Pd nanocubes with controllable sizes from 37 to 109 nm could samples for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission
be obtained through a seed-mediated growth approach. Com- electron microscopy (TEM) characterization.
pared with previous methods, the yield, monodispersity, perfec- Control Experiments. (a) One-step synthesis of Pd nanoparticles
tion of the shape formation, and the range of size control of (CTAC-capped Pd seeds) in the presence of CTAC. All procedures were
these nanocubes are all improved. The formation mechanisms the same as those described for synthesis of 22 nm Pd nanocubes except
of the Pd nanocubes were investigated and discussed. The that CTAC was used instead of CTAB. (b) Seed-mediated growth of
surface plasmon resonance (SPR) properties of Pd nanocubes bigger Pd nanoparticles with CTAC-capped Pd seeds in CTAB solution.
All procedures were the same as those described for seed-mediated
were investigated and compared with theoretical calculations
growth of bigger Pd nanocubes except that 80 µL of CTAC-capped
using the discrete dipole approximation (DDA). Pd seed solution was added as seeds. (c) Seed-mediated growth of bigger
Pd nanoparticles with CTAC-capped Pd nanoparticle as seeds in CTAC
Experimental Section solution All procedures were the same as those described for seed-
mediated growth of bigger Pd nanocubes except that 80 µL of CTAC-
Chemicals and Materials. Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB, capped Pd seed solution was added as seeds and CTAC solution was
99.0%) was obtained from Shanghai Sagon Company (China). L- used instead of CTAB solution. (d) Seed-mediated growth of bigger
Ascorbic acid (99.7%) was obtained from Beijing Chemical Reagent Pd nanoparticles with smaller Pd nanoparticles of 3-4 nm in size as
Company (China). Sodium borohydride (NaBH4, 96%) and palla- seeds. All procedures were the same as those described for seed-
dium(II) chloride (PdCl2, anhydrous, 59% as Pd) were obtained from mediated growth of bigger Pd nanocubes except that 2.5 µL of smaller
Pd nanoparticle solution was added as seeds.
Instrumentation. TEM studies were performed with a HITACHI
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: guobaoxu@ H-8100 TEM operated at 200 kV. SEM images were taken using a Tel: +86-431-85262747. Fax: +86-431-85262747.

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry. FEI XL30 ESEM FEG scanning electron microscope operating at 25

Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. kV. Selected area electron diffraction studies were performed on a
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Tecnai G2 20 S-TWIN TEM operated at 200 kV. At least 100 nanocubes

10.1021/cg8002433 CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 09/25/2008
Growth of Nearly Monodisperse Pd Nanocubes Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 8, No. 12, 2008 4441

Figure 2. SEM image of the assembly of 56 nm Pd nanocubes (scale

bar: 1 µm).

Figure 1. (a) SEM image of initial small Pd nanocubes of 22 nm in

size. The inset shows corresponding TEM image (scale bar: 100 nm).
(b-f) SEM images of 37 nm, 44 nm, 56 nm, 76 nm, and 109 nm Pd
nanocubes (scale bar: 200 nm).

were measured for size distribution. UV/vis extinction spectra were

taken at room temperature on a CARY 500 Scan UV/vis/near IR
spectrophotometer using a quartz cuvette with an optical path of 1 cm. Figure 3. TEM images and corresponding SAED patterns of (a, b) a
X-ray diffraction measurements were obtained with a Philips PW1710 single seed Pd nanocube and (c, d) a single seed-mediated grown Pd
X-ray diffractometer (Cu KR radiation). nanocube (scale bar: 20 nm).

volume increment of a single Pd nanocube increased about 36

Results and Discussion
times as the volumes of the added seed solution decreased from
Initial small Pd nanocubes were synthesized through a one- 400 to 10 µL. Figure S1b-f, Supporting Information shows
step reduction of H2PdCl4 with ascorbic acid in 12.5 mM CTAB histograms of size distributions for the five batches of nanocubes.
aqueous solution at 95 °C. The reduction process was rather Table S1, Supporting Information shows corresponding average
fast and the color of the solution turned brownish yellow within sizes, size distributions, yields, and byproducts of the nanocubes.
30 s. The reaction was allowed to proceed for 30 min. Figure The average sizes (size distributions) of the five batches of
1a shows SEM and TEM images of these nanocubes. The yield nanocubes are 37 nm (3.7%), 44 nm (4.4%), 56 nm (5.0%), 76
for these nanocubes was 95.5%, and byproducts included nm (7.1%), and 109 nm (7.0%), respectively. The yields for
polyhedral (3.8%) and rodlike (0.6%) nanoparticles. The average the five batches of nanocubes are 92.4%, 90.2%, 93.3%, 75.2%,
size and size distribution of these nanocubes are 22 nm and and 70.6%, respectively. 37, 44, 56, and 76 nm Pd nanocubes
3.6%, respectively. A corresponding histogram of size distribu- shared the features of nearly perfect sharp corners and edges,
tion is shown in Figure S1a, Supporting Information. while 109 nm Pd nanocubes were slightly truncated. Some of
To grow bigger Pd nanocubes, a seed-mediated growth these nanocubes could assemble into large-scale ordered two-
approach was adopted using the as-synthesized 22 nm nanocubes dimensional arrays on the ITO substrates (Figure 2), which also
as seeds. A seed-mediated growth approach separates the demonstrated their monodispersity. In accordance with previous
nucleation and growth stages of nanoparticles, which provides reports, residual CTAB was found to be essential for the
better control over the size, size distribution, and shape evolution formation of ordered assembly.2g,12 If the sample was washed
of nanoparticles.3 It has been reported that the growth of Pd three times (once more than the normal procedure), ordered
nanoparticles could proceed in a controlled manner at relatively assembly of the nanocubes could not form (Figure S2, Sup-
low temperatures.11,13,14 Therefore, our growth reactions were porting Information). However, the residual CTAB could affect
performed at 40 °C in 50 mM CTAB solution with ascorbic the quality of the SEM images; therefore, Figure S2, Supporting
acid as reductant, and were stopped by centrifugation after 14 h. Information are slightly clearer than Figure 1.
The final edge length of nanocubes could be tuned by adding Figure 3 shows TEM images and corresponding selected area
different volumes of seed solution. Figure 1b-f shows SEM electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of a single seed Pd
images of five batches of the enlarged nanocubes obtained by nanocube and a single seed-mediated grown Pd nanocube. The
adding different volumes of seed solutions. By comparison, the square spot arrays of SAED patterns show that they both are
4442 Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 8, No. 12, 2008 Niu et al.

Figure 4. UV/vis extinction spectra of Pd nanocubes of different sizes:

(a) 22 nm; (b) 37 nm; (c) 44 nm; (d) 56 nm; (e) 76 nm; (f) 109 nm (all
spectra are normalized against the intensities of their main adsorption

single crystals bound by {100} facets; such SAED patterns have

been observed in the case of silver and gold nanocubes.15 The
X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of Pd nanocubes of ∼50 nm
in size has an abnormally intense (200) peak (Figure S3,
Supporting Information), which suggests that most of the Pd
nanocubes were preferentially oriented with their {100} facets
parallel to the substrate.
Size control is an efficient method to tune the SPR properties Figure 5. (a) UV/vis extinction spectra of 109 nm Pd nanocubes. (b)
of Pd nanocubes.9 Here we investigated these properties in a Extinction (Qext), scattering (Qsca), and absorption (Qabs) cross sections
calculated for a Pd nanocube with an edge length of 109 nm using the
broader size range. Figure 4 shows that the SPR peaks of Pd
DDA method (Qext ) Qabs + Qsca).
nanocubes progressively shift from 290 to 580 nm as the sizes
of Pd nanocubes increase from 37 to 109 nm. In contrast to
smaller ones, the SPR properties of 109 nm nanocubes showed used to grow single-crystalline nanoparticles by selectively dis-
some new features. The extinction peak became extremely solving twinned nanoparticles with chloride or bromide in the
broad, and a shoulder peak appeared at about 400-450 nm. presence of oxygen.20 It may not be responsible for the formation
Theoretical extinction cross-section curves of a Pd nanocube of single-crystalline Pd nanocubes herein for the following reasons:
of 109 nm calculated using DDA16,2c are displayed in Figure (1) In oxidative etching process, Cl- is known to be more corrosive
5b. The location of the calculated peaks roughly matches with than Br-;20c,21 therefore, it was supposed to get single-crystalline
the experimentally measured spectrum shown in Figure 5a. We nanoparticles in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium chloride
consider that the deviation is due to a relatively low yield (CTAC) if the reaction followed the oxidative etching mechanism.
(70.6%) for 109 nm Pd nanocubes. Moreover, truncation of 109 However, if CTAB was replaced with CTAC, the final product
nm Pd nanocubes may also lead to a blue-shift of the SPR was a mixture of polydisperse nanoparticles of irregular shapes
bands.17 According to the DDA calculations, we can also (Figure S5a, Supporting Information). Seed-mediated growth of
identify that the shoulder peak of experimentally measured larger Pd nanoparticles by using these CTAC-capped nanoparticles
spectrum is from adsorption while the main peak is an overlap as seeds in 50 mM CTAB solution also produced various
of scattering and adsorption. Moreover, 109 nm Pd nanocubes nanostructures, which suggests the nonuniformity of crystal
show strong scattering properties compared with 50 nm ones structures of the initial CTAC-capped seeds (Figure S5b, Support-
reported previously.9 ing Information). (2) Oxygen is necessary in the oxidative etching
Two considerations were taken into account to understand process.20 However, ascorbic acid is an oxygen scavenger22 and
the formation mechanisms of Pd nanocubes, that is, why the has been used to prevent copper nanoparticles from being oxi-
nanocrystals were formed as single crystals and why the dized.23 It may play the same role for Pd nanoparticles. (3)
nanocrystals were formed bound by {100} facets. Oxidative etching could be partially eliminated at low temperatures
In the case of growth of 22 nm Pd nanocubes, controlled such as 70 °C.18 However, we have obtained nanocubes in high
experiments were carried out to understand why the nanocrystals yields at temperatures as low as 65 °C (Figure S6, Supporting
were formed as single crystals. We found the reaction became slow Information).
when the concentration of CTAB was increased to 50 mM or 100 In the seed-mediated growth procedure, the adoption of 22
mM while keeping other parameters unchanged. The final products nm Pd nanocubes as seeds was responsible for preservation of
were polydisperse nanoparticles (Figure S4a,b, Supporting Infor- the single-crystalline nature of the as-synthesized larger Pd
mation). Similar results were obtained when the reaction temper- nanocubes. To demonstrate the importance of seeds, we prepared
ature was decreased to 40 °C (Figure S4c, Supporting Information). smaller Pd nanoparticles of 3-4 nm according to Berhault et
Therefore, relatively fast nucleation favors the formation of Pd al., 80% of these nanoparticles were supposed to be single-
nanocubes.7,18 Fast growth may have reduced the time available crystalline.11 When these smaller Pd nanoparticles were used
for the formation of twin defects,19 resulting in the formation of as seeds, the product was a mixture of multiple shapes (Figure
single crystal Pd nanoparticles. Oxidative etching process has been S7, Supporting Information). This result suggests that the
Growth of Nearly Monodisperse Pd Nanocubes Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 8, No. 12, 2008 4443

utilization of large single-crystalline seeds was critical for the nm ones. These Pd nanocubes may have potential applications
formation of nanocubes in high yields in the seed-mediated in surface-enhanced Raman scattering, SPR sensors, catalysis,
growth procedure. It is believed that crystal structure of seeds and fabrication of high-order structures.
fluctuates at very small sizes, but the structure will be fixed as
single-crystalline or multitwinned as the size of the crystal Acknowledgment. We gratefully acknowledge support from
increases.24 The size of the seeds used in our synthesis was the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
large enough to avoid twinning, which enabled us to rationally 20505016), Department of Sciences & Technology of Jilin
tune the size of Pd nanocubes through the seed-mediated growth Province (20070108), and Hundred Talents Program of Chinese
procedure. Academy of Sciences. Z.-Y.L. thanks the National Natural
The as-synthesized Pd nanocubes are bound by {100} facets. Science Foundation of China (No. 10525419 and 60736041)
It has been reported that CTAB could preferentially bind to the for financial support.
{100} crystal facets of palladium and promote the formation Supporting Information Available: XRD pattern of Pd nanocubes
of {100} facets of palladium.6g,13 In a control experiment CTAC of ∼50 nm, histograms of size distribution of Pd nanocubes of different
was used instead of CTAB in the whole seed preparation and sizes, SEM images of Pd nanoparticles synthesized at different
seed-mediated growth procedures; the as-synthesized nanopar- conditions (Figures S1-S8), and size and shape distributions of Pd
ticles were polydisperse, and most of these nanoparticles had nanocubes of different sizes (Table S1). This material is available free
rough surfaces (Figure S5c, Supporting Information). The of charge via the Internet at
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