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6288 J. Phys. Chem.

C 2007, 111, 6288-6295

Charge-Transfer Interaction of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) with Platinum and Rhodium

Yuri Borodko,† Simon M. Humphrey,†,‡,| T. Don Tilley,†,‡ Heinz Frei,§ and
Gabor A. Somorjai*,†,‡
Chemical and Materials Sciences DiVisions, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road,
Berkeley, California 94720, Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of California, Berkeley, California 94720,
and Physical Biosciences DiVision, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley,
California 94720
ReceiVed: December 19, 2006; In Final Form: February 1, 2007

The vibrational spectra of platinum and rhodium nanoparticles (2.4-7 nm) capped with poly(vinylpyrrolidone)
(PVP) were investigated by deep UV-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Raman
spectra of PVP/Pt and PVP/Rh showed selective enhancement of CdO, C-N, and CH2 vibrational modes of
the pyrrolidone ring as a result of donor-acceptor interactions between polymer functional groups and surface
metal atoms. This was observed in the UV-Raman spectra of PVP-capped metal nanoparticles by in-situ
measurements in both reduced and oxidized states. Charge-transfer interactions between the polymer donor
groups and surface Pt atoms in the first layer of the PVP/Pt system changed reversibly as a function of metal
oxidation state (Pt(II) and Pt(0)), induced by heating under a flow of H2 or O2. In contrast, the UV-Raman
spectra of PVP/Rh were not reversible upon heating at 150 °C in an atmosphere of O2, H2/N2, or N2; in this
case, fragments of thermal decomposition of PVP on Rh were detected. Furthermore, it was demonstrated
that UV-Raman spectroscopy (244 nm) is a highly sensitive tool to study the effect of surface oxide layers
on chemically enhanced surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). In the case of PVP/Al, a nonreducible
oxide layer of Al2O3 blocked the involvement of conducting electrons from making bonding interactions
with pyrrolidone rings.

Introduction the nanoparticle surface and the oxidation state of surface metal
Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) has been used extensively as atoms. In-situ UV-Raman spectroscopy (244 nm) has allowed
a macroligand for stabilizing metallic nanocrystals with different for a comparison between the behaviors of Pt and Rh systems,
shapes1 and as flexible membrane around metallic colloids. In indicating that the PVP-metal interaction is sensitive to the
some instances, the PVP has been shown to influence the surface electronic structure (oxidation state). Substantial dif-
selectivity of catalytic reactions.2 The application of PVP/Pt and ferences were observed in the characteristic bonding interactions
PVP/Rh nanoparticles in low-temperature catalytic reactions has of PVP-capped Pt and Rh nanoparticles. This has been proven
recently offered promising new opportunities to create tailored by in-situ measurements of band intensities of PVP/Pt in both
catalytic systems. However, very little is known about the reduced and oxidized states. The evolution of new bands in their
structure and nature of the chemical interaction between PVP Raman spectra, observed upon subjecting the samples to various
and metallic nanoparticles at the molecular level. Several redox gas treatments at elevated temperatures, offers information
experimental techniques have been used to explore the PVP/Pt regarding suitable pretreatment methods for application as
and PVP/Rh interfaces.3 Recently, we have shown that deep catalysts. It is also apparent from studies of PVP on Al foil
UV-Raman spectroscopy can be advantageous for probing the that chemically enhanced SERS is effectively blocked by a
interaction between PVP and Pt nanoparticles because of native surface oxide dielectric layer.
substantial intensity enhancement for certain vibrational modes
Experimental Section
as a result of resonance Raman and surface chemical enhance-
ment effects.4 By combining Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Synthesis of Shape-Controlled Platinum Nanocrystals by
and Raman methods, it is possible to differentiate between Reduction in Ethylene Glycol. Platinum cubes (9.4 ( 0.6 nm,
vibrational modes arising from unbound pyrrolidone rings and 80%) were synthesized by adding 0.5 mL of 2 × 10-3 M AgNO3
those with direct interactions with surface atoms of the metal solution in ethylene glycol (EG) to refluxing EG, followed by
nanoparticles. stepwise addition of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and H2PtCl6‚6H2O
In this paper, we present results that demonstrate a correlation solutions in EG. The mixture was heated under reflux for an
between the extent of interaction of PVP donor groups with additional 5 min, precipitated with acetone, and collected by
centrifugation. The supernatant was decanted, and samples were
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
† Chemical and Materials Sciences Divisions, Lawrence Berkeley redispersed into ethanol and again were precipitated twice before
National Laboratory. finally being dispersed in ethanol or chloroform. A more detailed
‡ University of California.
description of the experimental procedure can be found else-
§ Physical Biosciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
| Present address: University Chemical Laboratory, University of where.5
Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, U.K. and St. John’s Synthesis of Shape-Controlled Rhodium Nanocrystals.
College, Cambridge CB2 1TP, U.K. Rh-PVP seed particles were synthesized via reduction of ClRh-
10.1021/jp068742n CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 04/07/2007
Interaction of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 6289

Figure 2. Overview of the UV-Raman system: (A) principal optical

scheme; (B) XY-moving sample holder; (C) optical cell for in-situ study
in the temperature range of 25-200 °C. Legend: L ) lens, S ) sample,
M ) motor, W ) window, V ) valve, and H ) heater.

ratio of diffuse-to-specular reflectance and obtain spectra of

similar quality compared to those measured in transmission
mode. A temperature/vacuum chamber Spectra-Tech 0030-101
was used for in-situ FTIR measurements in H2/Ar (10% H2)
The deep-UV-Raman spectroscopy system is shown in
Figure 2A. A continuous wave (cw) intracavity doubled argon
ion laser operating at 244 nm was used as the excitation source.
A custom-designed (Omega Optical) UV long pass edge filter
effectively blocked plasma lines below 246 nm. A 37-mm focal
length fused silica lens allowed focusing of the laser on a ∼500
µm spot on the surface of the sample. Backscattered light was
Figure 1. TEM images of (a) PVP stabilized cubic Pt nanoparticles,
(b) Rh nanoparticles with multipod structure, and (c) cuboctahedra
collected with the same lens, was collimated, and was directed
structure with corresponding size histograms (bar ) 50 nm). to the entrance slit of a Spex 1877C triple spectrometer that
was optimized for performance in the deep-UV region. Some
(PPh3)3 precursor by B2H6 in benzene and subsequent ligand spectra were taken with an additional band-pass filter in front
exchange reactions.6 Seeded growth methods were used to of the spectrometer to further reduce the intensity of elastically
prepare larger Rh particles, as described in detail previously:6 scattered radiation. Spectra were recorded with a liquid N2-
Rh-PVP seeds in EG were stirred at 120 °C in the presence of cooled, UV-enhanced CCD camera. The instrument dispersion
excess PVP, during the timed addition of desired amounts of is 2.1 cm-1/pixel; the typical resolution of 8-12 cm-1 was
RhCl3 in EG solutions. Upon cooling, products were purified controlled by the slit width of the dispersion stage of the triple
by precipitation from hexane/isopropanol and were isolated by spectrometer.
centrifugation. Additional cycles of redispersion in EtOH and Deep UV irradiation of PVP is known to induce intra- and
precipitation with hexane were employed to remove excess intermolecular cross-linking of the polymer chains.7 To eliminate
polymer. modification or decomposition of PVP/M samples under intense
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Measurement UV irradiation, a custom-designed rotating sample holder with
of PVP/Pt and PVP/Rh. TEM analysis was carried out with a variable speed in the range of 600-2000 rpm was used. This
model Tecnai 12 transmission electron microscope operated at apparatus was also equipped with a second motor for lateral
100 kV acceleration voltages. A diluted solution of the purified translation (240 rpm). In this manner, the laser was xy-rastered
sample was applied onto a 200-mesh Formvar/carbon-coated over the entire sample, decreasing the UV exposure in a given
Cu grid and was dried in air. A representative TEM image of spot by 103 when compared with a static sample holder (Figure
Pt-PVP 8.7 nm cubic platinum nanoparticles prepared in EG 2B). No detectable photodegradation of samples was observed
is shown in Figure 1a. TEM images of Rh-PVP multipods and in this configuration over a period of 90 min. The measurements
Rh-PVP 6 nm cuboctahedra prepared in EG at 120 °C (bar ) of Raman spectra under in-situ conditions were performed in
50 nm) are shown in Figure 1b and 1c, respectively. detachable hermetically sealed flow cells, where samples were
Spectroscopic Characterization. FTIR-DRIFT (diffuse heated in the temperature range 20-200 °C in a flow of H2/N2,
reflection infrared Fourier transform) spectra were measured on O2, or N2 (Figure 2C). A triple spectrometer Spex-1877C CCD
a Nicolet Nexus-670 spectrophotometer with integrated diffuse detector can detect simultaneously only the restricted spectral
reflectance optics (Spectra-Tech Collector II). It was found that region of about 1600 cm-1 under similar conditions. Thus, we
improved spectra could be obtained from a thin layer of PVP/M were unable to compare directly intensities of the PVP carbonyl
(M ) Pt, Rh) prepared by evaporation of chloroform or ethanol stretch, its first overtone, and C-H stretches. To allow for
solutions onto a reflective surface such as aluminum or gold correct representation of intensities, normalization of Raman
foil. Since the layer thickness can be adjusted to render the peak intensities for measurements performed on heated samples
sample partially IR transparent, we were able to optimize the in different atmospheres was achieved using the molecular
6290 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 Borodko et al.

Figure 3. UV-Raman spectra of pure PVP-55K in different aggregate

states: (A) powder; (B) layer on Al foil; (C) solution in H2O; (D) survey Figure 4. Comparison of UV-Raman spectra of (A) pure PVP and
spectrum of PVP/Al in the range of 100-3600 cm-1. (B) PVP/Pt in the region 1300-3550 cm-1.

SCHEME 1: Diagrammatic Representation of the

nitrogen line at 2331 cm-1 as the external standard. The
PVP/M (M ) Pt, Rh) System for a Nanoparticle of
concentration of N2 for independent measurements was held
Unspecified Shape
constant by purging the sample flow-cell with ultrahigh purity
N2 (99.999%, Airgas Corp.) before and after each spectrum was
recorded. The reference lines of gaseous molecular oxygen at
1557 cm-1 and nitrogen at 2331 cm-1 were used to normalize
Raman spectra (in air) recorded over limited ranges between
100 and 3800 cm-1 as is typical for spectroscopy with CCD
To prepare samples for Raman studies, solutions of PVP/Pt
in chloroform and PVP/Rh in ethanol or dichloromethane were
evaporated onto 30-mm diameter Al foil substrates. Typical
collection times were 5-30 min using 3-5 mW of 244-nm
excitation energy. An oil-free Alcatel Drytel 34 turbopump
station was used for sample evacuation. GRAMS/AI software
from Thermo Galactic was used for processing UV-Raman and
FTIR-DRIFT spectra. adjoining spectra recorded by the CCD detector was achieved
by using the intensities of the N2 and O2 lines at 2331 and 1557
Results and Discussion
cm-1, respectively, thus allowing for quantitative comparison
Effect of Reduction and Oxidation on UV-Raman Spec- of intensities of CdO and C-H bands of pure PVP (Figure
tra of PVP/Pt. The Raman spectra of pure PVP in different 3D) and of PVP/Pt. The UV-Raman spectra of pure PVP and
aggregate states did not show substantial changes. Assignments PVP-capped Pt nanocrystals differ noticeably (Figure 4).
of Raman and FTIR spectra were presented in previous work.4 Steric considerations suggest that the number of pyrrolidone
As can be seen in Figure 3, traces A-D, the UV-Raman spectra rings interacting with the nanoparticle surface must be small in
of PVP are very similar whether in (A) powder form, (B) comparison with noninteracting rings (Scheme 1). However, the
deposited on Al-foil, or (C) dissolved in water. The position of selective enhancement of Raman intensities for vibrational
the carbonyl stretch of pure PVP varied in the region 1680- modes associated with chromophoric groups adsorbed on the
1652 cm-1 depending on the quantity of adsorbed water.8,9 metal surface is sufficiently large to result in an intense spectrum
Intensities of the CH2 bending vibration at 1440 cm-1 and C-H of the surface-coordinated groups. In the FTIR spectrum of PVP/
stretch at 2930 cm-1 are larger than the carbonyl stretch at 1660 Pt, there is no such distinction between the cross section for
cm-1 (Figure 3D). This is characteristic of normal (i.e., bonded and nonbonded carbonyl groups. In the Raman spectrum,
nonresonance enhanced) Raman spectra of pure PVP, as a dominant intense line appears at 1605 cm-1 with a shoulder
obtained previously by laser excitation at 244 nm,4 488 nm,8 at 1635 cm-1. The ratio of integral intensities I(CdO):I(C-H)
632.8 nm,10 and 1064 nm.9 Normalization of the signals from is now larger than for pure PVP. It is particularly remarkable
Interaction of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 6291

SCHEME 2: Model for the PVP/Pt Interaction in

Reduced and Oxidized States

that for PVP/Pt the intensity of the first carbonyl CdO overtones
Figure 6. Effect of reduction of PVP/Pt on Raman intensities of the
(at 3200 and 3280 cm-1) is comparable with intensities of the
C-H stretch and first CdO overtone: (a) initial (preoxidized) sample
fundamental modes. This is in agreement with the theoretical of PVP/Pt; (b) after reduction in H2/N2 flow at 90 °C for 40 min.
prediction for adsorbed molecules on a metal surface that exhibit
a combination of resonance Raman and strong charge-transfer TABLE 1: Intensities of Resonance Raman Bands of
interaction SERS. In such instances, the overtone intensity in PVP/Pt Attributed to Carbonyl-Stretching Vibrations after
the Raman spectrum may be as strong as for the fundamental Consecutive Redox Treatment in H2, O2, and N2
modes.11 The number of bound amide groups is relatively small oxidation state integral intensity CdO consecutive treatments
and undetectable in our infrared experiments. The observation 1 ox 100 initial in air, 25 °C
of surface enhancement of some vibrational modes of PVP/Pt 2 red 65 flow H2/N2 (5% H2)
is due to donation of an electron lone pair on the carbonyl group 90 °C for 40 min
into an unoccupied orbital of the platinum nanoparticle surface. 3 ox 110 air, 90 °C for 15 min
4 red 90 flow H2/N2 (5% H2)
It was previously shown that on the surface of Pt nanoparticles 130 °C for 20 min
above 2 nm in size, only a monolayer of PtO was formed, which 5 ox 120 air, 90 °C for 50 min
is reducible by H2 in the range 50-100 °C.12 Pt nanocrystals 6a neutral 100 flow N2
in an oxidized state (Pt(II)) have surface platinum ions with d8 150 °C for 30 min
low-spin configuration and therefore may act as acceptors of a
Initial sample of PVP/Pt (1) was heated in N2 flow.
lone pair electrons from carbonyl groups into vacant d-orbitals.
In contrast, surface platinum atoms in the reduced state (Pt(0)) CdO band (5b). However, after subsequent heating of the same
will repel the lone pair electrons of a carbonyl group (Scheme sample in air or pure O2, the carbonyl line intensity increased
2). Thus, the interaction between PVP and Pt at an oxidized again (Figure 5c). The intensities of the C-H stretch and Cd
surface is stronger than on reduced nanocrystals; this is reflected O first overtone are also sensitive to redox treatment (Figure
by changes in the intensities of the Raman spectrum of adsorbed 6). The relative changes of resonance Raman line intensities of
PVP. PVP/Pt are summarized in Table 1. Heating PVP/Pt at 150 °C
The spectra shown in Figure 5 indicate that consecutive in N2 did not affect the spectrum. Redox treatments were
treatment of the same PVP/Pt sample exposed to flowing H2/ reversible, although the intensity of Raman lines of both reduced
N2 and O2 induced visible changes of the integrated intensities and oxidized samples gradually increased (with the exception
of Raman doublet lines at 1605 and 1635 cm-1. As can be seen of the peak at 1605 cm-1, see below). This suggests that the
in Figure 5, heating a preoxidized sample of PVP/Pt (5a) in structure of the capping PVP becomes denser after high-
flowing H2/N2 at 90 °C resulted in an intensity decrease of the temperature treatment as a result of PVP cross-linking, thereby
increasing the number of contacts between adjacent pyrrolidone
rings at the Pt surface. It is of interest that the shape of the
carbonyl line has a doublet structure with components at 1605
cm-1 and 1635 cm-1: the origin of these lines may be related
to the existence of two different Pt surface sites that may result
in two types of PtrOdC bonds with different carbonyl
stretches. The lack of complete recovery of the 1605 cm-1 band
upon reoxidation indicates that this bonding mode is only
partially regained. However, an increase of the intensity at 1605
cm-1 was induced by sonication of the PVP/Pt sample in ethanol
for 15 min at 150 W power (Figure 7). We can only speculate
on the reason for the intensity increase of the peak at 1605 cm-1
by this procedure, which includes the possibility of removal of
residual surface species from the redox-treated Pt nanoparticles.
Effect of Reduction and Oxidation on UV-Raman Spec-
tra of PVP/Rh. The UV-Raman spectrum of PVP/Rh exhibits
Figure 5. The effect of consecutive redox treatment of PVP/Pt on the
strong lines at 1590 and 1645 cm-1, while the FTIR spectrum
intensity of the carbonyl line: (a) initial sample; (b) reduction of initial shows only a single broad band centered at 1684 cm-1 (Figure
sample under flow of H2/N2 (5% H2) at 90 °C for 40 min; (c) 8). No noticeable differences were detected in the Raman spectra
consecutive oxidation in air at 90 °C for 15 min. for Rh nanoparticles of varying shapes (cuboctahedra or
6292 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 Borodko et al.

Figure 7. UV-Raman spectra of (a) initial PVP/Pt (redispersed in

EtOH); (b) the same sample after sonication in EtOH (150 W, 15 min).

Figure 9. SERS UV-Raman spectra of PVP/Rh redispersed in (a)

EtOH or (b) CH2Cl2. (A) The ratio of the intensity of the carbonyl
stretch at 1590 cm-1 to δ(CH2) at 1430 cm-1 indicates that the number
of interactions between amide groups and Rh in the sample prepared
in CH2Cl2 is higher than in the sample prepared in EtOH. (B)
Figure 8. (a) FTIR and (b) UV-Raman spectra of the same sample Enhancement of the first CdO overtone for PVP/Rh sample dispersed
of PVP/Rh. FTIR spectrum of PVP/Rh is identical to the spectrum of in CH2Cl2 relative to EtOH.
pure PVP while the UV-Raman of PVP/Rh exhibits new lines,
characteristic of chemically enhanced SERS. 140 °C in H2/N2 flow resulted in enhanced integrated intensity
of the amide stretch at 1645 cm-1 (Figure 10A). In the Pt case,
multipods, see Figure 1b, 1c). The Raman spectrum of PVP/ heating of the PVP/Pt sample in H2 led to an overall decrease
Rh closely resembles the chemically enhanced SERS spectrum in intensity of the amide stretch because of loss of PtrOdC
of PVP/Pt, which has peaks at 1605 and 1635 cm-1. For PVP/ type interactions (Figure 5a). Subsequent treatment of the PVP/
Rh, the ratio of integrated intensities I(CdO):I(C-H) > 1, Rh sample in O2 at 150 °C for 40 min resulted in no pronounced
which was also observed for PVP/Pt. This indicates resonance change in the spectrum (Figure 10B). These results show that
and chemically enhanced SERS for pyrrolidone rings adsorbed interactions between Rh and PVP do not show the same response
on the Rh surface. The FTIR spectra of PVP/Rh and pure PVP to H2 or O2 treatment in the temperature range 25-150 °C
are essentially identical. compared to PVP/Pt. Heating of the as-synthesized sample of
PVP/Rh samples were dispersed in ethanol or in dichlo- PVP/Rh in air at 150 °C for 25 min also resulted in a net
romethane. The solubility of PVP/Rh is high in both solvents. intensity increase of the band at 1645 cm-1 but did not influence
It was of interest to study the differences between the Raman the component at 1590 cm-1 (Figure 11, panel 1). When PVP/
spectra of samples prepared by evaporation from polar coor- Rh samples prepared from ethanol solution were heated in a
dinating or noncoordinating solvents. The resulting UV-Raman flow of N2 at 150 °C for 30 min, a marked increase of intensity
spectra are shown in Figure 9. Comparison of the peak intensity for both the carbonyl stretch at 1645 cm-1 and the first overtone
ratios for the characteristic bands at 1590 cm-1 and 1430 cm-1 at 3275 cm-1 was observed (Figure 12B). In contrast, heating
and of the ratio of the CdO overtone and adjacent C-H PVP/Pt in an atmosphere of N2 at 150 °C did not induce any
stretching bands for the PVP/Rh samples prepared from EtOH intensity changes in the Raman spectrum. The in-situ UV-
and CH2Cl2 reveals significantly more intense bands for the Raman studies of PVP/Rh treated in flowing H2, O2, and N2 all
latter. This observation suggests that a greater number of show increased intensities of the CdO stretch at 1645 cm-1.
interactions occur between the pyrrolidone carbonyl groups and Moreover, this change is not reversible upon consecutive
the Rh surface when CH2Cl2 is used to prepare samples. This hydrogen and oxygen treatment cycles in the temperature range
may occur because of the formation of a thicker surface layer 25-150 °C. Previously, it was shown by X-ray photoelectron
of RhOx in ethanol, which behaves as an insulating barrier that spectrometry (XPS) measurements that hydrogen treatment of
restricts the overall number of interactions of the type RhrOd naked Rh nanoparticles in the temperature range 25-150 °C
C. A layer of alcohol-derived oxidation products (aldehydes, reversibly altered the electronic structure of the surface layer
for example) may also be present on the Rh surface. and thickness of surface RhOx, where Rh(III) is gradually
Heating of PVP/Rh in flowing H2 induced changes in the reduced toward Rh(0).13 If reduction of Rh ions with coordinated
shape and intensity of the amide band in contrast to the observed amide groups were to take place, marked changes in the position
behavior of PVP/Pt. Increasing the temperature from 25 °C to or intensity of amide-stretching bands would be easily detected.
Interaction of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 6293

Figure 11. (A) SERS UV-Raman spectra of PVP/Rh: (a) Initial

sample at room temperature in air and (b) after heating in air at 150
°C for 25 min. (B) (a) Initial sample at room temperature in N2
atmosphere and (b) the same sample after heating in N2 at 150 °C for
Figure 10. (A) UV-Raman spectra of PVP/Rh heated in flowing H2/ 30 min with expansion of 2500-3500 cm-1 region in (c).
N2 (5%H2): (a) initial sample at 30 C; (b) the same sample after heating
at 90 °C for 15 min; (c) heating at 140 °C for 20 min. The intensity of
the band at 1645 cm-1 increases, whereas the line intensity at 1590
cm-1 remains approximately constant. (B) (d) Subsequent oxidation
of the sample in O2 at 150 °C for 40 min did not induce any pronounced
changes in the resulting spectrum.

The lack of any such reversible changes in the spectra of H2 or

O2-treated PVP/Rh may be interpreted in terms of higher
stability of surface-coordinated compounds in PVP/Rh compared
to PVP/Pt in the temperature range 25-150 °C. Furthermore,
we assume that the increase intensity of the band at 1645 cm-1
caused by heating of PVP/Rh in H2, O2, and N2 is a result of
thermal degradation of PVP, accompanied by the release of
pyrrolidone moieties. Most probably, pyrrolidone rings that bind
in a bridging, side-on fashion are more strongly adsorbed on
the nanoparticle surface than units which are only singly
coordinated. Hence, the line at 1590 cm-1 may be assigned to Figure 12. (A) Illustration of partial PVP decomposition, resulting in
a carbonyl-stretching vibration of capping PVP while the line pyrrolidone monomers at the nanoparticle surface. (B) The two types
at 1645 cm-1 may be attributed to the carbonyl stretch of of pyrrolidone rings bonding to metal nanoparticles: (I) as a mono-
individual pyrrolidone rings generated by thermal decomposi- dentate ligand; (II) as a bridging ligand (monomeric pyrrolidone).
tion. The release of side-on pyrrolidone rings in the course of nuclear compounds with bridging ligands have also been isolated
thermal degradation of pure PVP has been previously studied.14 and structurally characterized.17 Pyrrolidone units can form
Above the glass-transition temperature of PVP (85 °C), thermal strong coordinating bonds via amine-N and carbonyl-O donors,
degradation proceeds through the release of pyrrolidone rings which bridge adjacent metal atoms on the nanoparticle surface,
and the formation of polyenic sequences (Scheme 3). as observed in “platinum blue”16 and “rhodium blue”17 coor-
Recently, it was demonstrated that thermal degradation of dination compounds. As shown by X-ray crystallographic
PVP/Pt occurs at a temperature near 100 °C, far below that of analysis between bridging amidate ligands, the R-pyrrolidinonate
pure PVP.4 It is believed that released pyrrolidone moieties near is structurally best suited to bridging two adjacent Pt atoms.18
the Pt and Rh surface are chemisorbed as bridging ligands. Using UV-Raman of PVP/Al and the Effect of Conductive
a classical coordination chemistry model15 for metallic nanoc- Electrons on Chemically Enhanced SERS. To test the
rystals capped by monodentate and bridging (bidentate) ligands, influence of the dielectric barrier on UV-Raman spectroscopy
an increase in temperature is expected to result in gradual of PVP adsorbed onto metal surfaces, layers of PVP (55 kMW)
saturation of the accessible Rh surface sites by bridging ligands of varying thickness were deposited on an aluminum foil with
(Figure 12). In support of this interpretation, it is known that an intrinsic surface layer of Al2O3. As can be seen in Figure
R-pyrrolidone as a bridging ligand stabilizes many polynuclear 13, the spectrum of thicker PVP layers is quite regular. However,
platinum compounds featuring Pt2+ or Pt3+.16 Some Rh tetra- the spectra of thin layers show a new intense line at 1600 cm-1
6294 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 Borodko et al.

SCHEME 3: Proposed Mechanism for Degradation of TABLE 2: Carbonyl Stretch Frequencies (cm-1) of Pure
PVP Polymer to Yield Bridging Pyrrolidone Monomer PVP, PVP/Pt, PVP/Rh, and PVP/Al
Moieties and Unsaturated Polymer Backbone Groups monodentate bridging free
PVP 1664
PVP/Pt 1605 1635 1664
PVP/Rh 1590 1645 1664
PVP/Al 1600 1664

intrinsic thickness of approximately 2.5 nm.19 This underlines

the high sensitivity of UV-Raman spectroscopy in probing the
nature of the chemical bond between an amide group chemi-
sorbed to Pt or Rh nanoparticles on Al foil. The number and
position of carbonyl lines depends on the relative strength of
bonding and the type of interaction with the metal surface, singly
bonded or bridging. The carbonyl stretch frequencies are
summarized in Table 2.
which may be assigned to a shifted carbonyl stretch because of An essential feature is the apparent influence of conductive
the presence of the amide functional group (in addition to the electrons on the intensity increase that is observed for PVP
expected nonbound carbonyl stretch at 1664 cm-1). A charge- Raman lines associated with chromophoric groups adsorbed on
transfer interaction between a moderate electron acceptor such the metal surface. In the case of PVP/Pt and PVP/Rh, UV-
as Al(III) and an electron lone pair donor such as a carbonyl Raman spectroscopy has detected selective enhancement of line
group results in a red shift in the CdO stretch to 1600 cm-1. intensities for amide vibrations that may be attributed to both
The ratio of peak intensities of the CH2 bending and carbonyl- the resonance Raman effect and SERS-CT (charge-transfer)
stretching modes observed is typical for “normal” Raman enhancement. A SERS chemical enhancement is due to electron
(Figure 13A), and no intensity increase was observed for the charge transfer between an amide group and the metal surface
first overtone of CdO (Figure 13B). This provides evidence atoms, as well as involvement of metallic electrons in the
that the resonance Raman spectrum of PVP/Al was detected MrOdC bond. This gives rise to polarizability that is associ-
but without influence of chemically enhanced SERS. The FTIR ated with the CdO bond. However, in the case of PVP adsorbed
spectrum of PVP/Al does not have any new additional bands on Al foil with a native-insulating layer of Al2O3 (which acts
when compared to pure PVP. In air, unprotected aluminum foil as a barrier for participation of metallic electrons), only the
has a protective, nonreducible Al2O3 surface layer with an normal resonance Raman effect was observed. Figure 14A
schematically depicts three studied systems with monodentate
structure: (I) PVP/Pt with a monolayer of PtO, which may be
easy reduced; (II) PVP/Rh with a thicker RhOx layer that may
also be reduced; and (III) PVP/Al with nonreducible oxide,
which completely screens interactions between adsorbed amide
groups of PVP and conductive electrons of aluminum. The UV-
Raman spectrum of PVP adsorbed on Pt and Rh nanoparticles
extended the number of SERS systems in which the contribu-
tions of electromagnetic enhancement is negligible.20 Figure 14,
panel B (reproduced from a scheme by Campion and Kamb-
hampati)21 emphasizes the role of conductive electrons in
chemically enhanced Raman lines attributed to the chromophoric
group adsorbed on a metallic surface. For PVP/Pt and PVP/

Figure 13. UV-Raman spectra of PVP layers with different thickness Figure 14. Illustrated effect of the dielectric barrier on CT-SERS
deposited on Al foil. The thickness of PVP layers decreases from i to spectra of PVP adsorbed on Pt, Rh, and Al surfaces. (A) Schematic
iii. The ratio of PVP thickness for samples i and iii is about 102. For picture of PVP/Pt, PVP/Rh, and PVP/Al interface structures with oxide
the Raman spectra of a thin PVP layer on Al foil, a new red-shifted layers. (B) Energy-level diagram for a molecule adsorbed on metal
line was observed at 1600 cm-1 (A) but no visible changes were surface and possible charge-transfer excitation, showing involvement
detected in the C-H stretch region (B). of conductive electrons in resonance Raman.21
Interaction of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 17, 2007 6295

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