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HRM 610: Management of

Organizational Change
Section – 1
Major Assignment

Submitted By
Mastura Naz Shammi
ID: 19164034
Semester: Fall 2020

Submitted To
Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumdar

Submission Date
04th December, 2020
Consider the changes you, your organization, family, city or country have faced over recent
years. Note the changes. What triggered them? Were they anticipated? Were they well managed?
Who benefited? Did you learn from them?

In the recent past, lots of changes have impacted us in personal and professional life. Moreover,
our surroundings have also affected through different change. Every change process has four
layers which will be observed in the report.
1. Trigger layer is to find the underlying opportunity.

2. Vision layer is to establish the future development

3. Conversion layer is to convert to the change

4. Maintenance & renewal layer is to sustain the change.

Over the last several years, life of many others like mine have been affected by the use of social
media which can be termed as happened change. Like many other people around the globe, my
life style as well as way of communication has greatly been influenced by social media. For
example, we used to living simple life knowing not that much about way of life at some other
places of the world whereas in the recent time we have detail information about way of life,
communication pattern, fashion sense and literature around the world. Moreover, now we have
scope to meet different people around the world and communicate with them. This context has
facilitated us to live beyond the border, perhaps a cosmopolitan city by nurturing our choice

Over the last few years, many families like one of mine have observed drastic change in
purchasing behavior. The change was triggered by increase of household income and
prioritization of instant satisfaction over savings. In the past, banking system was not that much
well equipped to introduce innovative payment gateway like credit card and digital payment. For
that reason, household used to buy groceries and other necessities by cash and they tried to save
rest of the amount for rainy day. However, household are now more reluctant to save their
income as they have revolving loan facility available to give them shelter in bad days. Moreover,
sources of entertainment have been increased which are also influencing them to spend more
beyond the necessity to luxury. In the lockdown period of 2020, household became used to with
shopping though e-commerce site and many physical shops and delivery agencies are maintain
the process smoothly. Therefore, introducing and spreading the use of credit card has
revolutionized everything from the purchasing behavior to consumer sentiment.

I completed B.Pharm from East West University. After completion of graduation I planned not to
confine myself within the premises of pharmaceutical factory rather than exploring my abilities
in the business function of pharmaceuticals. For that reason, I enrolled in to MBA classes of Brac
University. The change is a planned change with a vision to enter in to extended context of

Brac University, since its inception, envisioned making world class graduates and for that reason,
the organization underwent different organizational changes. In the recent time, they have hired a
renowned educationalist as VC. This selection process has changed picture of the organization as
it follows with several other recruitment of renowned teachers and overall modernization of
classroom context. Moreover, Brac University anticipated the crisis situation of pandemic and
took anticipated plan for introducing digital platform for teachers and students to provide
unrestrained flow of study. Subsequently, Brac authority is managing overall facility so
efficiently that other universities are taking it as model. Every stakeholder is getting benefit from
this change so far.

In the last ten years, Dhaka city has observed massive migration of population from other parts
of the country in search of work and higher education. To cope up with the population increase,
the city authority took initiative to expand the city from different sides. Moreover, government
has facilitated accelerated loan facility for real-estate construction through banking system which
helps to address the housing crisis in the city. Moreover, authority has taken flyover, express
highway and metro rail project for more convenient city life for the dwellers. Although there are
execution and monitoring flaws existing, the capital city is moving forward speedily to match the
global standard.

In the last several years, Bangladesh overall have observed changes in different sectors. Like,
telecommunication industry has changed the pattern of communication and expedited business.
Bangladesh planned to take strong position in ready-made garment export and in recent time,
they realized the goal. In view of earning more foreign currency, authority has prioritized
leather-goods export. Moreover migrant workers are moving towards different destinations and
facilitating foreign remittance flow. Government has taken major development project to enrich
the internal infrastructure and to facilitate extended demand of utility due to increased production
facilities around the country. Moreover, Government has introduced the context to increase more
internet users and tech-literacy. All this things have accumulated in to a planned change of the
government to transform the nation into more self-sufficient base with sustainable growth.
Amidst the process, major income gap has been observed between upper and lower class of

In conclusion, it has been observed that some changes took place in unplanned way and some in
planned way. Moreover, the flow of anticipated work flow sometimes is disrupted due to
improper analysis of related factors or intermittent adverse factors. To execute change process,
hence adapting the plan with changed environment is required.

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