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1.Nature: The landscape of Svaneti is dominated by mountains that are separated by deep gorges.
Most of the region which lies below 1,800 meters above sea level is covered by mixed forests. The
zone which extends from 1,800 meters to roughly about 3,000 meters above sea level consists of
alpine meadows and grasslands. The region is notable for its glaciers and picturesque summits.
Svaneti's signature peak is probably Mount Ushba which towers over the Inguri Gorge and can be
seen from many parts of the region.
2.The climate of Svaneti is humid and is influenced by the air masses coming in from the Black
Sea throughout the year. Average temperatures and precipitation vary considerably with elevation.
The highest amount of precipitation falls on the Greater Caucasus Mountains. The region is
characterized by very heavy snowfall in the winter and avalanches are a frequent occurrence. Snow
cover may reach 5 meters in some areas. In general, the lowest regions of Svaneti are characterized
by long, warm summers and relatively cold and snowy winters. Middle altitudes experience
relatively warm summers and cold winters.
3. Geography: Svaneti is situated on the southern slopes of the central Caucasus Mountains and
surrounded by 3,000–5,000 meter peaks, it is the highest inhabited area in the Caucasus. Four of the
10 highest peaks of the Caucasus are located in the region. The highest mountain in Georgia, Mount
Shkhara at 5,201 meters is located in the province. Prominent peaks include Tetnuldi , Shota
Rustaveli , Mount Ushba , Ailama ,as well as Lalveri, Latsga and others. Svaneti has two parts:
Upper( Samegrelo-zemo svaneti and lower Svaneti(Racha-Lechkhumi)
4. foods you have to eat in Svaneti
 Most of the food you can find in Svaneti  are variations of potato, cheese, and dough ingredients.
Locals believe it’s the type of potato grown in Svaneti or the soil itself that makes their local potato-
based dishes so amazing. This maybe true as it is home to some of the best potatoes anywhere: 1.
Tashmijabi is one of the most appetizing dishes of Svanetian cuisine. It contains potato, a brined
Georgian cheese, salt, and water. Potatoes are pureed and then mixed with cheese, water, and salt to
taste. Some milk can also be added to the mixture. 2.Kubdari is a beef or beef-and-pork filled bread
loaf, usually seasoned with fresh white onions and Svaneti salt – It’s a perfect mixture of cumin, dry
coriander, fennel, red pepper, garlic and salt
.5. family features:/ Inheritance . Even after the death of their parents, brothers would usually
remain together: the separation of the household was considered a great tragedy. Should they decide
to split up, the brothers divided the land and property equally, save for a parcel of land (one day's
plowing) that was given to the eldest. Clan subdivisions (ts'æm samkhub) originate in this way.
Should a man die without sons, his property was inherited by his brother's or father's brother's
family. Female relatives were not given any property, and the heirs were obliged to provide for
them. Should there be no males of the above degree of relationship, the estate became the property
of the clan as a whole.
6. Things to do in Svaneti: Besides picturesque nature Svaneti is known for the powerful
polyphonic music, unwritten Svan language and a long history of invasions. Over the years it has
become the most popular destination for skiing during winter and mount climbing during summer.
Trekkers love the trails in Svaneti and will flock there whenever the opportunity arises. There are
plenty of things to do in Svaneti: explore Mestia, visit history and ethnographic museum and
Lamaria church, a trek to Chaladi and Shkhara glacier, Know the Becho and other villages
community, hike up and enjoy Ushguli and Tetnuldi mountains, try local cuisine..

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