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Volume 16, Number 1

The Neighbor’s Connection

Inside this Issue

Community Fish It Takes Everyone

2 Sgt. Jonathan Stewart
Fry & Picnic
By: Carol Hedrick
LUNA Executive Administrator
By: Stacy Keith

o have a successful
Heart of Lubbock Event Committee Member
3 neighborhood, everyone must
work together. Who knows a
neighborhood better than those who

UNA is excited to be planning live, work and play in that
Grandparents Scam the First Annual Community neighborhood?

4 Fish Fry and Picnic.

support from United Supermarkets,
Suddenlink, Wentz Orthodontics,
In order to make that neighborhood
a safe and well-kept, neighbors
must have the desire to want to
Wells Fargo Advisors and River
Nixle’s Community make their neighborhood a place
Smith’s this first time fundraiser will
5 Information Service occur on Saturday, April 16, 2011
from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
where they feel safe; a place where
homes and yards are kept in good
condition and taken pride in; a place
It will be a family friendly and family where neighbors know each other
Register for National focused afternoon to gather and eat and look out for each other; and a
6 Night Out great fish and chicken while
enjoying music from area musicians.
place where neighbors feel free to
alert City Officials to problems in
Please bring your lawn chairs and/or their neighborhood in order to see
your blankets. The cost to attend change.
Recipe will be $10 per person and children
7 under 10 are free.
We’ll also have activities for the kids
I think most would agree that those
neighborhoods where the residents
keep their homes and yards in good
The Neighbor’s Connection and lots of great food and condition, who take pride in how
is a quarterly publication of conversation. The event will be held their neighborhoods look and who
Lubbock United at Miller Park off South Loop 289 are watchful of each other, usually
Neighborhood Association, between Indiana and Quaker have a lower crime rate than those
which is a nonprofit Avenue. who allow their homes to fall in to
organization, dedicated to the disrepair and allow yards to look like
We hope you will support this great
growth and promotion of alleys or jungles.
day and if you are interested in
neighborhood associations in being a sponsor you will receive Save your neighborhood, step up
Lubbock. great recognition before and during and get to know your neighbors, be
the event. watchful in order to make your
neighbors and to make your
Sponsor levels and benefit
neighborhood one of the jewels of
packages are still available until
th Lubbock, Texas. You CAN make a
March 15 . Please call the LUNA
difference. Get involved in your
office at 749-5862 or by e-mail at
Lubbock United Neighborhood Assoc.
neighborhood association or form a for more
1706 23rd Street, #104 new neighborhood association.
details. Thank you for your support
Lubbock, Texas 79411 Start 2011 off by being a good
of this great event and LUNA!
neighbor and making your
neighborhoods something to be proud of. I challenge each and

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

every one of you to make a The winners are: Pam Stinnett at

difference in the neighborhood in General 6407 Peoria Avenue, Mr. & Mrs.
which you live. Eddie Childers at 5411 71 Street,
Membership Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rhoades at 5416

If your neighborhood has an Meetings – 2010 89 Street, Nora Marquez at 3204

46 Street and Kyle Watts Family at
association that isn’t currently active 5308 43 Street. □

or if you do not have An association

in your area, contact the LUNA
office at 749-5862 or by e-mail at THANK YOU TO to find OUR NEWSLETTER
out how to organize an association SPONSOR
or to re-activate an established
association. □

ark your calendars for
LUNA’s General Membership
Sgt. Jonathan meeting to be held on the
following dates for 2011:
LUNA’s Executive Council, staff,
and LUNA’s member
Stewart Monday, April 11, 2011 – 7 p.m. neighborhood associations wish
to express their heart-felt thanks
Monday, July 11, 2011– 7 p.m.

UNA staff and board members to our Newsletter Sponsor for
would like to welcome Sgt. Monday, October 10, 2011 – 7 p.m. 2011, The CH Foundation. Due
Jonathan Stewart as the new to their generous contribution,
supervisor of the Lubbock Police Monday, November 14, 2011 – 6:30 LUNA is able to provide our
Department’s ―Neighborhood p.m. neighborhood associations the
Services Unit‖. All LUNA General Membership opportunity to print newsletters,
meetings are “Open” meetings. which has proven to be the most
Sgt. Stewart has taken over the
Everyone is invited to attend the effective way to communicate
LPD’s Neighborhood Services Unit
quarterly General Membership with neighborhoods.
since Sgt. Bill Casey has moved to
the Patrol Unit. LUNA looks forward meetings. Please come and
to forging a new relationship with network with other neighborhood
Sgt. Stewart. associations. □
Sgt. Bill Casey has over the years This & That
provided invaluable help and
assistance to LUNA. He will be ―Lights in Good Neighbors Sharing
missed but we wish him well.
Sgt. Stewart’s phone number is the
Lubbock‖ Winners Christmas
Chatman Hill Neighborhood
same – 775-2971. Association was fortunate to receive
five turkeys from T-Mart and one
from an association member, Mrs.
Deborah Deary. They felt that this
good fortune should be shared with
families in the neighborhood that
may not have a blessed
Coming together is a beginning. Thanksgiving, so the Student
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

Henry Ford
F ive Lubbock homes were
selected as this year’s ―Lights
in Lubbock‖
Congratulation to those home

owners who spent a lot of time and

Council, students and teachers of
Iles Academy and the members of
Chatman Hill Neighborhood
Association collected items to add
with the turkeys. The Chatman
talent decorating their homes. Neighborhood Association provided
three food baskets to families in the
The Neighbor's Connection

Chatman Hill Neighborhood students and working professionals be more about that at our January
Association. who tend not to be home during the meeting.
day, and transitory tenants who
They also shared three turkeys with
don’t know and aren’t known by, Our April meeting, organized by
the Dunbar-Manhattan Heights
their neighbors. Our blocks are Ralph Shelton, will be a
Neighborhood Association to be
densely residential and easily conversation about relations
provided to families in their
accessible by vehicle, bicycle or between student residents and
neighborhood. □ foot. Our mix of homes and Heart of Lubbock homeowners,
properties, with their varied styles of involving leaders of the Texas Tech
security features, fences and points student body.
New LUNA Email Address: of entry, can be ready targets.
Most exciting of all, though, is the
LUNA’s new email address is as historic structures survey that will be
And yet I hear it over and over
again: ―I love my neighborhood.‖ undertaken this spring by a Texas
―I’ve lived here all my life.‖ ―I enjoy Tech College of Architecture
the convenience.‖ ―It’s great to be graduate seminar in Conservation
Newsletter Printing Policy
right in the middle of Lubbock’s Policies, taught by Prof. Gary Smith,
To schedule your newsletter and/or culture.‖ ―I wouldn’t want to live AIA. The survey will yield valuable
flyer printing, please contact the anywhere else.‖ information about residential,
LUNA office at 749-5862 or by email commercial and institutional
at Why do you suppose that is? structures within the neighborhood.
Creativity, access, affordability, Prof. Smith is an expert on West
You need to schedule your printing diversity, history - these are the Texas architecture and architects,
ahead of time. □ assets found in abundant measure including the architect of Dupre
in the Heart of Lubbock. Elementary School. We expect the
class will present a program for us
LUNA’s Big Winner While we celebrate and preserve this spring, as well as interact with
On Wednesday, December 15, 2010 these benefits, we — the all- the association in other ways.
Stacie Burt was the winner of a 46‖ volunteer Heart of Lubbock
Neighborhood Association — hold Let’s usher in 2011 with a pledge to
Sony TV. According to Stacie this
the single most important key to improve our safety ranking this year.
was a welcomed Christmas present
reducing our incidence of crime; the Start this week by knocking on one
for her family.
chance to get to know our door of a neighbor you don’t know,
Congratulations to Stacie Burt. □ neighbors. swapping phone numbers and
agreeing to help watch out for
Pledge to get involved in 2011. It unusual activity on your block.
doesn’t require much. We meet Together, we can make a difference.
Heart of Lubbock once a month for an hour, and we 
By: Barbara Brannon, undertake about half a dozen
valuable community programs each Attention All Neighborhood
Heart of Lubbock, President
year. There are no mandatory dues. Associations
New year, new opportunities
For the coming year, your officers If you have something that

n Sunday, January 16, 2011, the and board have already been hard would be of interest to other
Lubbock Avalanche-Journal at work on a slate of interesting neighborhoods and our
captured the character of the opportunities and topics. We’ll start Basic Crime
readership, LUNA
Heart of Lubbock Neighborhood: off our January meeting with a
our rich and close-knit arts culture, preview of Art Out in the Heart — a Prevention Tips
encourages you to submit an
article for LUNA’s quarterly
exemplified by Melissa Grimes’s tour of outdoor art that will be our By: Lubbock Police Dept.
Rockin’ Box 33 house concert April fundraiser. Melissa Grimes newsletter. Articles may be
Neighborhood Services Unit
series, and our less desirable rd
has volunteered her 33 St. house emailed to LUNA at
ranking as #3 in Lubbock’s 2010 775-2971/775-2738 or
as the kickoff stop on the tour.
roster of home and auto burglaries. can be mailed to Lubbock
We have also been working on a United Neighborhood
If you’ve lived here for any time at Heart of Lubbock Neighborhood Association, 1706 23rd Street,
all, you completely understand this Association membership directory Ste. 104, Lubbock, Texas
apparent contradiction. Our — an excellent way to meet new
population includes both university 79411.
friends and stay in touch. There will

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

a purported grandchild in need of  Callers requesting that

Crime money. money to be sent by wire
transfer (because those
Prevention Usually, the ruse includes a caller
who says something like ―Hi,
funds are hard to track and
almost impossible to
Education Grandma,‖ or ―Hey, it’s your favorite
grandson.‖ The caller’s goal is to
learn the name of a recipient’s 

y educating your neighbors Vague or elusive callers
in safety techniques, you actual grandchild. Sometimes the who get personal details
can improve the security of caller may even have learned the wrong.
your neighborhood. A well- name of the grandchildren in
informed group with an active advance – and claim to be a You should always exercise some
interest in crime prevention can grandchild on the call. skepticism when they receive
significantly reduce the local telephone calls urgently requesting
The caller typically tells the victim money. If a relative calls and asks
crime rate. You may also even
that he or she has been in an for money, they should verify the
consider starting a Neighborhood
accident, was arrested, is stranded identity of the caller with personal
Watch group.
or in similar trouble and needs questions a stranger would not be
How to get started: money immediately. Most often, the able to answer. Seniors should not
1. You can receive crime
caller claims to be traveling in ―fill in the blanks‖ for callers but
Canada. The ―grandchild‖ also should ask them to give their
reports from the LUNA office
insists that the victim not tell anyone names. You may also consider
on your particular
else – which increases the odds that calling back using a telephone
neighborhood association.
the fraud will be successful. If all number they know to be genuine.
2. LUNA can provide copies of goes according to the con artist’s Another option is to ignore the
Neighborhood Watch plan, the victim will wire money to caller’s wishes and verify the story
information. LUNA cannot the ―grandchild.‖ By the time the with another family member.
organize Neighborhood elderly call recipient realizes what
Watch groups, but we can happened, the money is long gone If you believe you have been the
provide information. and most likely not recoverable. target of a scam, contact the Office
of the Attorney General at (800)
3. Contact Sgt. Jonathan This type of fraud is particularly 252-8011 or online at
Stewart with Lubbock Police troubling, as it plays upon a
Dept.’s ―Neighborhood grandparent’s natural desire to
Services‖ at 775-2971 and he protect a grandchild. Although Source: The Attorney General of
can assist you with getting a variations of this scam have been Texas; Greg Abbott; Senior Alerts
Neighborhood Watch group around for a long time, it has
organized. become more sophisticated with the
Any information about
proliferation of information on the
Internet. Con artists are more often
neighborhood safety programs
should be distributed to your
using personal information gleaned
from the family blogs, genealogy
Project Idea
residents. Once you have a Web sites, social networking Web
crime prevention program
sites and online newspapers to add
established, you should publicize
credibility to their calls.
it to discourage criminal activity in
your neighborhood. □ Watch out for these red flags:
 Callers requesting money

f your neighborhood association
 Callers claiming to be in has a project that they would like
Grandparent Scam Canada or other foreign to embark on and do not have the
location funds to get it started; why not ask
your association members to collect
 Callers insisting on secrecy their loose change and give it to the

he Office of the Attorney
association for your project.
General is warning retirees  Urgent callers pressuring
and senior citizens to be wary quick action You may not collect all the
of a grandparent scam. Recent necessary funds at one time but this
reports indicate that seniors have  Callers with unfamiliar
voices can be an on-going project. □
been receiving telephone calls from
The Neighbor's Connection

on the ―Nixle‖ link and begin

Nixle’s receiving notifications from the LPD
on your cell phone! LUNA Supporters:
Judi Blakey
Information Idea for Getting Darlyne Chatman
Julie Coffern
Service People Involved Connie Gray
Cheryl Isaacs
By: Sgt. Jonathan Stewart Gwen & Maurice Jones
LPD’s Neighborhood Services ne way to get people Mrs. Dorothy Kinner

O involved is to ask them about

their talents and skills.
David R. Langston
Ann McDonald

esidents of Lubbock can now Create a neighborhood directory Tom & Toni McGovern
receive important, official that lists people who offer Steve & Jeanette Meinecke
notifications from the babysitting, lawn mowing, dog- Lon/Gertrude Miller
Lubbock Police Department on their walking, house-sitting services or Joni L. Rose
cell phone. The LPD has joined with etc. Florinza C. Stokley
Nixle’s Community Information Darrell & Mary Vines
Service to provide up to the minute List people who have special talents
information sent directly to your cell to offer such as calligraphy, bike THANK YOU ALL
phone. Messages can be received repair, or music lessons. Also list For your generous contributions!
via SMS/text message, e-mail and people who have special knowledge
over the World Wide Web. or training in areas such as
The Nixle service is built to provide plumbing, electrical repairs, house
secure and reliable communication painting, computer repair, etc.
from the LPD to the citizens of Keep Your Goals
Lubbock. The authenticated And don’t forget to list all your
serviced connects the LPD to residents in your association. This in Sight
citizens in real-time, delivering will make your phone tree group’s Author Unknown
information to residents of job a lot easier when they have

hen she looked ahead,
geographically targeted areas and needed information at hand. Florence Chadwick saw
neighborhoods. Nixle builds on the nothing but a solid wall of
foundations of other public-to-public Funding for this directory can come fog. Her body was numb. She had
communication services, such as from several areas such as selling been swimming for nearly sixteen
Twitter, Facebook and My Space, ad to be placed in your directory and hours.
but adds a key component: security. asking members to pay a nominal
When citizens receive information fee. □ Already she was the first woman to
from the LPD via Nixle, they know it swim the English Channel in both
can be trusted. directions. Now, at age 34, her goal
The Magic of Believing was to become the first woman to
Notifications you can expect to
receive may include: Amber or I’m not old enough to play swim from Catalina Island to the
Silver alerts, ad advisory to be on baseball or football. I’m not California coast
the lookout for a dangerous fugitive eight yet. My mom told me
or a suspect in a recently committed when you start baseball, you On that Fourth of July morning in
crime, road closures or delays due aren’t going to be able to run 1952, the sea was like an ice bath
to traffic accidents or dangerous that fast because you had an and the fog was so dense she could
conditions, recent crime trends and operation. I told Mom I hardly see her support boats.
other need to know information. wouldn’t need to run fast. Sharks cruised toward her lone
When I play baseball, I’ll just hit figure, only to be driven away by rifle
The system is easy to use and there them out of the park. Then I’ll shots. Against the frigid grip of the
is no spam. Best of all, the service be able to walk. sea, she struggled on ---hour after
is provided for free. (Text hour---while millions watched on
messaging rates may apply). national television.
Edward J. McGrath, Jr.
Sign up now at the Lubbock Police ―An Exceptional View of Life‖
Department’s website Alongside Florence in one of the by clicking boats, her mother and her trainer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
offered encouragement. They told Celebrating its 28 year, this unique Registration forms, contact names,
her it wasn’t’ much further. But all crime prevention initiative, phone numbers and additional
she could see was fog. They urged sponsored locally by LUNA and information will be given to each
her not to quit. She never had. . . . nationally by the National individual or group hosting a
until then. With only a half mile to Association of Town Watch and National Night Out event. It will be
go, she asked to be pulled out. Target Stores, is designed to 1) the responsibility of each individual
heighten crime and drug prevention or group to make contact with City of
Still thawing her chilled body several awareness; 2) generate support for Lubbock officials to finalize plans.
hours later, she told a reporter, and participation in, local anticrime
―Look, I’m not excusing myself, but if programs; 3) strengthen Child ID kits will be available this
I could have seen land I might have neighborhood spirit and police- year as the result of a grant from
made it.‖ It was not fatigue or even community partnerships and 4) send The Helen Jones Foundation. You
the cold water that defeated her. It a message to criminals letting them may also request Child ID Kits either
was the fog. She was unable to see know that neighborhoods are on the Registration Form or by
her goal. organized and fighting back. contacting the LUNA office at 749-
5862 or by e-mail at
Two months later, she tried again. Scheduled for Tuesday, August 2,
This time, despite the same dense 2011, National Night Out, ―America’s
fog, she swam with her faith intact Night Out Against Crime,‖ Members from LUNA’s Board of
and her goal clearly pictured in her encourages residents in Directors will be present at the June
mind. She knew that somewhere neighborhoods throughout Lubbock 7th Registration meeting along with
behind that fog was land and this and across the nation to lock their a representative from the Lubbock
time she made it! Florence doors, turn on outside lights and Police Department. Refreshments
Chadwick became the first woman spend the evening with neighbors will be provided.
to swim the Catalina Channel, and police. From block parties and
eclipsing the men’s record by two cookouts to ice cream socials and With neighborhoods across Lubbock
hours! visits from police and fire falling prey to arson, theft and
departments, more than 30 million vandalism, the Lubbock United
Source: A 2 Helping of Chicken people will participate in National Neighborhood Association (LUNA)
Soup for the Soul; Jack Canfield & Night Out 2010. is hosting both of these events in an
Mark Victor Hansen; Health effort to raise awareness and
Communications, Inc. LUNA’s Registration for National strengthen participation in local
Night Out will be held Tuesday, anticrime efforts. Our community
June 7, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at St. receives benefits from NNO well
John’s United Methodist Church beyond this night.
Register for located at 1500 University
Avenue. Last year’s registration Take this first step in fighting crime
National Night proved to be very successful and in your neighborhood. Whether or
LUNA is hoping this third annual not you live in an area where there
Out meeting will continue to help is an established neighborhood
facilitate planning NNO events. association, get involved and
become aware of things going on in
Individuals that attend this your neighborhood. Getting to know
registration meeting will have the your neighbors is a step in the right
opportunity to request special direction in helping to fight crime.
guests or speakers such as the CRIME KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES.
Lubbock Mayor, City Council 
representatives, Police Chief, Police
Officers and Fire Departments
representatives. This will be the There isn’t a person anywhere

I f you are not familiar with

National Night Out or why
Lubbock United Neighborhood
Association hosts a Registration
Meeting for National Night Out, then
only chance to request City officials,
so participants are asked to provide
specific details regarding their
National Night Out event during
who isn’t capable of doing more
than he thinks he can.

Henry Ford
registration to help expedite the
you should know the following
recruitment process.
information and mark your calendars
to attend both events.
The Neighbor's Connection

Garden Pasta Salad

By: Ann Haggard
West End Neighborhood Association

1 cup Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 2 cups Broccoli Flowerets, cooked

½ cup Parsley, chopped 1 (4 oz.) cup Tri-Colored Corkscrew Noodles,
1 tsp. dried Basil leaves, crushed cooked, drained
1 clove Garlic, minced 2 medium Tomatoes, cut into thin wedges
1 (8 oz.) pkg. Mild Cheddar Cheese, cubed ½ cup Walnuts, chopped (optional)

Combine salad dressing, parsley, basil and garlic; mix well. Add cheese, broccoli and noodles; mix lightly.
Chill. Arrange tomatoes on platter; top with salad. Makes 6 servings.

**The above recipe is just one of many that are in LUNA’s cookbook Our Town, Open Hearts, Welcoming
Kitchens – The Colors of Lubbock. This cookbook would make a wonderful gift for family or friends. To
purchase a cookbook, contact the LUNA office at 749-5862.

Lubbock United Neighborhood Assoc.

LUNA Resource Center depends on donors and sponsorships to
continue its current projects and to expand new projects.

LUNA provides its services to its member neighborhood associations and assists other individuals, groups
or organizations in Lubbock, Texas. $10 buys 5 Child ID Kits, $10 supplies 40 Seniors with crime prevention
materials and $5 provides Neighborhood Watch materials to residents.

LUNA encourages every citizen of Lubbock to make a difference in their neighborhood.

―You don’t have to move to live in a better neighborhood‖
―Don’t ask what your neighborhood can do for you; but ask what YOU can do for your neighborhood.‖

Thank you for allowing LUNA to continue to spread the word ―You can make a difference in your neighborhood
and in the City of Lubbock‖.

Donation: ____$25 ____$100 ____$250 ____$500 ____$1,000 ____Other

Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone:__________________


Email: ________________________________________________________________________________

May we publish your name in our quarterly newsletter, The Neighbor’s Connection?
Thank you for your Donation

Please make your check to:

Lubbock United Neighborhood Association
1706 23 Street, Ste. 104
Lubbock, Texas 79411

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

There’s An Association Near You.

Get Involved!

Arnett-Benson Coronado Area Parkway-Cherry Point Stubbs-Stewart

Ballenger Dunbar-Manhattan Heights Preston Smith Tech Terrace/UNIT
Bayless-Atkins Heart of Lubbock Raintree University Pines
Blue Sky Guadalupe Regal Park & Day Estates Waters
Bowie Jackson-Mahon Remington Park Westchester
Caprock Kings Park Shadow Hills West End
Carlisle Maedgen Area Skyview Wester
Chapel Hill Maxey Park Slaton-Bean Wheelock & Monterey
Chatman Hill North by Northwest Southgate Windmill
K. N. Clapp North Overton South Lubbock
Clayton Carter Northridge SORCA & OSNA

There is a neighborhood association near you. Getting involved in your neighborhood association is simple and easy.
If you know a board member of the neighborhood association where you live, contact them and tell them you are
interested in getting involved. If you do not know how to reach a board member, contact Lubbock United
Neighborhood Association (LUNA) and our staff will be glad to put you in contact with someone from your
neighborhood association.

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