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Annales d'Université „Valahia” Târgovişte

Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire

Tome XII, Numéro 2, 2010, p.39-55
ISSN 1584-1855

The database of prehistoric bone and antler industry from Transylvania,

Romania: some remarks about the Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” site

Diana-Maria Sztancs*, Sabin Adrian Luca**, Corneliu Beldiman***

* “Lucian Blaga” University, Doctoral Program, Sibiu, Romania;

** Brukenthal National Museum, General Director; “Lucian Blaga” University, Faculty of History and
Patrimony, Sibiu, Romania;
*** “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Faculty of History, Bucharest, Romania;

Abstract: The database of prehistoric bone and antler industry from Transylvania, Romania: some
remarks about the Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” site. The bone and antler industry represents all the artefacts,
made in series, with the application of some well-defined operatory schemes (choice of raw materials, methods
of débitage, façonnage etc.). The paper, uses data inserted in the Ph.D. thesis elaborated by the first author
(“Bone and antler industry in the Neo-Eneolithic of Transylvania”), and proposes an example of Microsoft
Access database application in the study of 88 artefacts made from bone and antler through detailed morpho-
typological analyses of a batch of materials from the archaeological site from Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”,
Sibiu County (researches led by Professor Sabin Adrian Luca). The data’s analysis is based on the methodology
recently proposed by Corneliu Beldiman (2007). All the parameters of the artefacts were studied as descriptors
of the database: the archaeological context of the discovery, the special number of the artefact, the typological
code, the conservation state, the morphometry, the integral description (morphology, the manufacture process
with diverse parameters, the absolute chronology and the imagery). The database queries may offer relevant
elements about the characteristics, specific associations and the evolution of different components of the batch
from the same culture or several Prehistoric (Neo-Eneolithic) cultures from the site (Starčevo-Criş, Vinča,

Keywords: bone and antler industry, database, Miercurea Sibiului, Neo-Eneolithic, Petreşti, Romania, Starčevo-
Criş, technology, Vinča.

Résumé: Base de données de l’industrie préhistorique des matières dures animales de Transylvanie,
Roumanie: quelques considérations sur le site de Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. L’industrie des matières
dures animales représente la totalité des artefacts produits en série par l’application d’une chaîne opératoire
standardisée bien définie (choix des matières premières, procédées de débitage et de façonnage etc.). L’article
utilise les données insérées dans la thèse de doctorat élaboré par l’auteur principal (“L’industrie des matières
dures animales du Néo-Énéolithique de la Transylvanie”) et propose un exemple de application de Microsoft
Access database pour l’étude des 88 artefacts datés du Néo-Énéolithique en provenance du site de Miercurea
Sibiului – “Petriş”, dép. de Sibiu (fouilles menées par Professeur Sabin Adrian Luca). L’analyse adopte la trame
méthodologique proposée récemment par Corneliu Beldiman (2007). Tous les paramètres quantifiables des
objets ont été utilisés comme descripteurs de la base de données: le contexte de la découverte, le numéro unique
de l’artefact, le code typologique, l’état de conservation, la morphométrie, la description intégrale (forme, les
procédées/opérations de débitage et de façonnage, mode d’utilisation supposé, datation absolue, images). Les
interrogations peuvent offrir éléments relevants concernant les paramètres des artefacts, les associations in
complexes et l’évolution de divers components de l’ensemble analysé pour chaque culture ou par l’approche
comparative des cultures attestées dans le site (Starčevo-Criş, Vinča, Petreşti).

Diana-Maria Sztancs, Sabin Adrian Luca, Corneliu Beldiman

Mots-clé: base de données, bois de cerf, industrie des matières dures animales, Miercurea Sibiului, Néo-
Énéolithique, os, Petreşti, Roumanie, Starčevo-Criş, technologie, Vinča.

Bone and antler industry is an important 1. débitage; 2. façonnage; conception and

research domain of prehistoric technology, execution of various morpho-functional details.
economy or spiritual manifestations. It reveals The last segment consists in: 1. using and
important data which is insufficiently studied or abandoning the artefact; or 2.
assimilated in the present Romanian using/reshaping/abandoning the artefact.
archaeological research. The stages are simplified when we
This particular kind of industry is discuss the deer’s antler characteristics. In this
remarkably illustrated in Romania by the case, the acquisition is simplified and refers only
structure of the prehistoric mobile inventories to the gathering of the antlers in the period of
dated from the Upper Palaeolithic to Bronze Age. shed (bois de chute) stags’ hunting and the
Bone and antler industry (in fact detachment of the antlers from the animal’s skull
including also teeth and shell) represents the (bois de massacre) (C. Beldiman, 2007; D.-M.
preconceived artefacts obtained after applying Sztancs et al., 2005).
well-defined operative schemes (these include In the past two decades some Romanian
generally the process of raw material acquisition, archaeologists have been constantly interested in
débitage and façonnage proceedings, finishing the systematic study of Prehistoric bone and
and usage). antler industry (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neo-
The terms “(animal) skeletal materials” Eneolithic). In 2000 Corneliu Beldiman has
and “hard skeletal material industry” (matières elaborated the doctoral thesis entitled: “Bone and
dures animales, industrie des matières dures antler industry in Romanian Prehistory. Natural
animales) were proposed by the French resources, human communities and technology
researcher François Poplin in 1974 and were soon dated from Upper Palaeolithic until Early
assimilated in the international literature (F. Neolithic” (published in 2007). This represents
Poplin, 1974, p. 16; C. Beldiman, 2007, p. 44). the only monographic contribution treating all
The various categories of objects these epochs.
belonging to the bone and antler industry, like The methodological pattern proposed
artefacts made of bone, antler, teeth, shells etc. then was applied in some subsequent studies
occupied a central place in the life of prehistoric (C. Beldiman, 2001; C. Beldiman, 2004;
communities. Their study offers important C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2005a; C.
information regarding paleoeconomic aspects, the Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2005b; C. Beldiman,
paleotechnological evolution, exchanges that are D.-M. Sztancs, 2005c; C. Beldiman, D.-M.
specific for a certain archaeological culture or Sztancs, 2005d; C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs,
epoch. 2006a; C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2006b;
Human behaviour includes the C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2007a;
subsistence strategies and the selection of C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2007b;
species. By studying bone and antler industry in C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2008; D.-M.
these contexts, we may establish the traditional Sztancs, C. Beldiman, 2004; D.-M. Sztancs,
characteristics of human behaviour in a precise C. Beldiman, 2007; D.-M. Sztancs et al., 2004).
chronological sequence and we may define the The analyses of the artefacts made of
innovations that appear at a certain chronological animal skeletal materials form Miercurea Sibiului
sequence. – “Petriş” were made according to the above
The raw material acquisition refers to a mentioned methodology. This fact had some
specific chain of stages that succeeded in a short advantages regarding: the possibility of defining
period of time. This chain starts with: 1. hunting some new types and subtypes of Prehistoric bone
wild animals or slaughter of the livestock; 2. and antler industry; the increasing of the studied
processing of carcass; 3. storing, preparation, lots and the formulation of some considerations
consumption; 4. skeletal materials recovery. regarding the artefacts’ typology and the
The second segment is the technological Neolithic specific paleotechnology in
one, which refers to the artefacts’ manufacturing: Transylvania; the increasing of the studied Vinča

Tome XII, Numéro 2, 2010 40

The database of prehistoric bone and antler industry from Transylvania, Romania: some
remarks about the Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” site

lots; the first systematic approach of a lot of queries and the preparation of reports (with
artefacts belonging to the Petreşti culture; the structured data, charts and pictures).
possibility of correlation of the archaeozoological The statistical approach using Microsoft
diagnosis with the bone and antler industry Access database is the main part of our
parameters; the correlation of relative conclusions regarding the specifics of the studied
chronological that where established taking into bone and antler industry which allows us to
account the cultural phases and sub phases establish the important aspects of a culture or of a
represented in the site. cultural phase. We also tried to distinguish the
On this occasion we had the opportunity main characteristics and “chrono-cultural
to define some specific markers regarding the markers”, to observe the diffusion of influences
methodology, the typology, the paleotechnology (C. Beldiman, 2007).
and paleoeconomy. The lot of artefacts from As apart of doctoral thesis entitled “Bone
Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” could be and antler industry in Neolithic and Eneolithic of
augmented through future excavations. Then the Transylvania”, elaborated by the first author, this
chance of an extended research – an exhaustive article advances an example of Access database
and multidisciplinary research of the site – that applications in the study of bone and antler
would offer the opportunity to correlate the industry by using detailed morpho-technological
conclusions concerning the bone and antler analysis of the artefacts from Miercurea Sibiului
industry with other data. – “Petriş” (archaeological researches led by
Our approach intends to analyse and Professor Sabin Adrian Luca) (S. A. Luca, 2004;
enhance the value of the bone and antler industry S. A. Luca, 2005; S. A. Luca, 2006; S. A. Luca et
taking into account the methodology inspired by al., 1998; S. A. Luca et al., 1999; S. A. Luca et
the Cahiers de Fiches typologiques proposed by al., 2000; S. A. Luca et al., 2001; S. A. Luca et
the Commission Internationale de Nomenclature al., 2002; S. A. Luca et al., 2003; S. A. Luca et
sur l’industrie osseuse préhistorique of al., 2004; S. A. Luca et al., 2005; S. A. Luca et
U.I.S.P.P. (H. Camps-Fabrer, 1974). In order to al., 2006a; S. A. Luca et al., 2006b; S. A. Luca et
exhaustively explore the information, it takes into al., 2007a; S. A. Luca et al., 2007b; S. A. Luca et
account the registration and the analysis of all al., 2008a; S. A. Luca et al., 2008b; S. A. Luca et
essential data regarding: artefacts’ identification al., 2008c; S. A. Luca et al., 2009; S. A. Luca, C.
using a code, the realisation of the repertoire Suciu, 2007; S. A. Luca, C. Suciu, 2008). In this
(which lays out the dataset regarding the code of case, the aim of our database is not to inventory a
the piece, discovery context, raw material, type of archaeological objects, but to offer
conservation status, subtype, and description), descriptive information regarding those using
morphometry and manufacturing chain. Also, an codes specific to typological taxonomy
important part is related to the digitization of (C. Beldiman, 2007).
information (pictures and database). The archaeological site from Miercurea
The methodological aspects regarding Sibiului – “Petriş” is located at 50 km North of
the complex study of bone and antler industry National Route No. 1 and at 3.5 km West of the
are: criteria and typology structure (categories/ town centre, at 250 m North of Secaş River (S. A.
groups/ types/ subtypes/ variants/ subvariants); Luca et al., 2006, p. 10) (fig. 1). Archaeological
the structure of the repertoire and individual excavations began in 1997. Archaeological
form; coordinates of the analysis which follow vestiges are spread on a surface of approx.
the stages of the manufacturing chain; the 300/100 m. Until now, 5 sections have been
registration and the interpretation of the excavated and the stratigraphy is the following:
manufacturing procedures and the use-wear the first level belongs to Starčevo-Criş culture (Ia
traces. – Starčevo-Criş IB; Ib – Starčevo-Criş IC-IIA; Ic
The study stages are: the examination of – Starčevo-Criş IIB-IIIA); the second level
artefacts using macro- and microscopic belongs to Vinča culture (in the IIa sublevel there
instruments; the setting the typological code; the are huts built in two stages: Vinča A2-3 and Vinča
identification of morphometrical parameters; A3; the IIb sublevel belongs to Vinča A3-B1); in
realisation of the database with the repertoire and 2007 pits with Vinča archaeological objects were
images; the completing the descriptive repertoire. discovered (S. A. Luca et al., 2008a; S. A. Luca
An important part of our study regards et al., 2008b); the third level
computerised analysis: the input of data, applying

41 Tome XII, Numéro 2, 2010

Fig. 1 - Geographical situation of archaeological site Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” (Sibiu County map)
The database of prehistoric bone and antler industry from Transylvania, Romania: some
remarks about the Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” site

belongs to the Petreşti culture, AB stage; the discovery, typological code of piece,
fourth level is represented by pits dated from the morphometry etc. From Miercurea Sibiului –
II-I centuries B.C.; the fifth level has Gepidic “Petriş” there are 88 records which correspond to
complexes and graves from the V century A.D.; each artefact and 38 fields that correspond to
the sixth level is represented by a house from the each characteristic of artefact.
I millennium A.D. (S. A. Luca, 2004; S. A. Luca, The structure of the NEOLITIC IMDA
2005; S. A. Luca, 2006; S. A. Luca et al., 1998; table takes into account data regarding all the
S. A. Luca et al., 1999; S. A. Luca et al., 2000; S. stages of the artefacts’ processing, characteristics
A. Luca et al., 2001; S. A. Luca et al., 2002; S. and use (tab. no. 1). For example, the field related
A. Luca et al., 2003; S. A. Luca et al., 2004; S. to the length of the active part has two numeric
A. Luca et al., 2005; S. A. Luca et al., 2006a; S. fields (one for the length of the preserved active
A. Luca et al., 2006b; S. A. Luca et al., 2007a; S. part and one for the renewed one). For the objects
A. Luca et al., 2007b; S. A. Luca et al., 2008a; S. that are not broken, the two mentioned values are
A. Luca et al., 2008b; S. A. Luca et al., 2008c; S. the same. Two fields (having the same format)
A. Luca et al., 2009; S. A. Luca, C. Suciu, 2007; were designed for the cases in which the
S. A. Luca, C. Suciu, 2008). reconstruction of the incomplete artefacts is
The absolute dating of the Prehistoric possible. Some records in our database are
levels from Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” is based presented in the tab. no. 2.
on results that have been published recently The DICłIONAR table contains all the
(S. A. Luca et al., 2008a, p. 45): abbreviations and codes used in the main table.
When the DICłIONAR and the NEOLITIC
Culture/subphase Complex Dating IMDA tables are connected, we obtain decoded
Starčevo-Criş B10/2003, GrN 28520: information regarding the characteristics of the
IB-IC Ia Level 7050 ± 70 BP analysed artefacts (tab. no. 3).
G26/2005, The database queries may offer important
Starčevo-Criş GrN 29954: clues regarding: the distribution of the artefacts’
Ia Level,
IB-IC 7010 ± 40 BP characteristics, the specific associations and the
ritual pit
Starčevo-Criş B1/2003, GrN 28521: evolution of the different components of the lot
IC-IIA Ib Level 6920 ± 70 BP (in our case, Starčevo-Criş, Vinča, and Petreşti
GrA 26606: cultures).
Starčevo-Criş B9/2003, The distribution of materials on levels
6180 ± 40 BP
IIB-IIIA Ic Level and complexes reveals the following situation:
Vinča artefacts are the most numerous (53);
In this site an assemblage of 88 bone and Starčevo-Criş materials are on the second place
antler artefacts was analysed (figs. 2-7). All data (25) and 10 artefacts belong to the Petreşti
can be finding in the previous publications culture (chart no. 1).
(C. Beldiman, 2004; C. Beldiman, D.-M. It had been made a query regarding the
Sztancs, 2005a; C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, typological distribution on cultural levels and
2005b; C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2005c; C. complexes. The data obtained in this way was
Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2005d; C. Beldiman, statistically processed using an Excel datasheet.
D.-M. Sztancs, 2006a; C. Beldiman, D.-M. According to chart no. 2 (which represents the
Sztancs, 2006b; C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, result of the statistical procedure of the above
2007a; C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2007b; C. mentioned query) we may observe that the
Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2008; D.-M. Sztancs, Starčevo-Criş artefacts were discovered in closed
C. Beldiman, 2004; D.-M. Sztancs, C. Beldiman, complexes such as huts (B1, B4, B9, B10, B17,
2007). B19, B20) and pits (G21 şi G43); only three
The database of bone and antler industry objects were discovered out of complexes – in
from Neolithic and Eneolithic from Transylvania the layers (the sublevel). The Vinča artefacts
contains three main tables (NEOLITIC IMDA, were discovered in huts (B5, B12, B15, B22),
DICłIONAR, CATEGORII TIPOLOGICE). houses (L11, L14) and two pits (G41 and G44),
While designing the first table (NEOLITIC while the Petreşti artefacts were discovered in
IMDA) there were recorded all the quantifiable house no. 1 (L 1) and in the cultural level out of
parameters of artefacts which became the fields complexes.
and store each information such as: context of

43 Tome XII, Numéro 2, 2010


Fig. 2. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Archaeological excavations in 2005. Starčevo-Criş culture: bone
points and polishing tools (left). Starčevo-Criş culture: bone spoons; blanks, bone and antler raw
materials; antler pendant; bone hammer (right)

Fig. 3. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Archaeological excavations in 2006. Vinča culture: bone and
antler industry
Fig. 4. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Vinča culture: points made of bone, antler and boar tusks;
polishing tools; bone spoons; pendant made of boar tusk

Fig. 5. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Vinča culture: blanks, raw materials, bone and antler waste
Fig. 6. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Archaeological excavations in 2006. Vinča culture artefacts 11 –
14; Petreşti culture artefacts 15 – 19

Fig. 7. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Petreşti culture artefacts

Table no. 1. Structure of „Neolitic IMDA” table

Table no. 2. Records in the main table

Table no. 3. Records in „DicŃionar/Dictionary” table.

Table no. 4. Records in „Listă tipologică/Typological list” table.

Table no. 5. Query design for analyzing the raw materials of the Starčevo-Criş culture at
Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”.



Petreşti Starčevo- Criş Vinča

Chart no. 1. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Cultural distribution of artefacts
























Chart no. 2. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. Distribution of artefacts in cultural complexes

Diana-Maria Sztancs, Sabin Adrian Luca, Corneliu Beldiman

Site Culture Type Débitage Pieces sampled, such as: total length, the dimensions of
distal extremity/part, medial part, proximal
extremity/part, the length of active part etc.) is
Miercurea Starčevo-
I A7 PD/D, Şa 1 very important. Entering all this information into
Sibiului Criş
the database offers an important view regarding
the way in which the anatomical parts were
Miercurea Starčevo- I A7 chosen so as to obtain a certain type of artefacts.
PD/D, Şa 1
Sibiului Criş a The studying of the length classes, corroborated
with the archaeozoological analysis contributes to
Miercurea Starčevo- I A7 formulating conclusions regarding: the moment
Şa, PD/D 2 the raw material was obtained (the animal’s age,
Sibiului Criş a
the season of hunting/slaughter etc.); the
Miercurea Starčevo- I A9 technical proceedings applied during the
Şa, PD/D 1 manufacturing chain; the functional role of the
Sibiului Criş b
artefacts; the elements regarding the strategies
applied in animal exploitation (tab. no. 6, 7, 8).
Miercurea Starčevo- For example, table no. 5 and chart no. 6
I A9a Şa, PD/D 1
Sibiului Criş present the length classes for the typological
category of points (I A). The graphical
Miercurea Starčevo- Şa representation allows us to conclude that the
V A2 1
Sibiului Criş bilaterală Starčevo-Criş points from the site have an
average length of 70 – 80 mm and that Vinča
points have an average length of 60 mm. From
Table no. 9. The débitage by groove and this information, we may establish that the points
splinter technique of the Starčevo-Criş culture were used during the same activities. Also, we
at Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” may observe that two Vinča points were broken
and one of them had reshaped the active part.
The distribution of the artefacts on levels, Inserting the characteristics of the bone
complexes and layers offers a specific image of and antler artefacts in the database allows us to
the utilisation of certain artefacts in complexes as formulate relevant conclusions regarding the
huts. In this case, we may establish if the Prehistoric exploitation of the environmental
artefacts were used during more stages of the resources and the human relationships with the
cultural evolution and we may draw conclusion vegetal and the animal world.
regarding i.e. the process of knowledge transfer In this context, the discoveries from
between generations (pointing out the role of Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş” offered new types
tradition). of artefacts attested for the first time in Romania
The study of raw materials may be done (for example, the Starčevo-Criş hook-pendant).
in correlation with levels, complexes and the The using of a database allowed us to insert them
typology. To exemplify this, it was chosen a in the typological list (C. Beldiman, 2007).
database query regarding the use of metapodials Database queries are very important
for obtaining different types of artefacts during because they deliver us relevant information
the evolution of three cultures presented in the about the artefacts’ characteristics, about the
analysed site. Statistical approach will offer the specific associations and the artefacts’ evolution
opportunity to draw conclusions regarding in the same culture or across centuries, in the
specific options made by prehistoric people with Transylvanian Neolithic and Eneolithic cultures
respect to the choice of raw material during the using complex combinations of parameters.
community evolution (charts 3, 4, 5).
The differentiation of animal exploitation
in the analysed communities could be observed
by applying a query regarding the evolution of
Contributions of Diana-Maria Sztancs to
raw materials from which specific types of
the present paper (database, artefact analysis,
artefacts were made at different chronological
translation into English etc.) are realized as part
moments. This is illustrated in table no. 4.
of Project ID-7706 (Invest in people!-The
In the analysis of bone and antler
development of doctoral studies’ and the PhD
industry, the morphometry (all the parameters

Tome XII, Numéro 2, 2010 50

10% 10%



V A2 I A9 I B1 I A7 I A1

Chart no. 3. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. The use of metapodials as raw materials of the Starčevo-
Criş culture

7% 12%

7% 7%




I A1 I A7 I A9 b I B1 I B1 I I1 V A2 V A2 V A3 a V A3 a

Chart no. 4. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. The use of metapodials as raw materials of the Vinča


I A7 a I I1 b2 I I1 I I1 a I I1 b

Chart no. 5. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. The use of metapodials as raw materials of the Petreşti


















Lungime iniŃială Lungime păstrată

Chart no. 6. Miercurea Sibiului – “Petriş”. The length of points made of metapodials (mm): ST =
Starčevo-Criş; V = Vinča; P = Petreşti
Type Raw material Number of pieces
I A1 Metapodial 1
I A14 Tooth 1
I A15 Rib 3
I A7 5
I A9 b 1
I A9a 1
I B1 1
I B1 Long bone 5
I C4 Humerus 1
I F10 Rib 3

Table no. 6. Raw materials of the Starčevo-Criş culture

Culture Type Total length 1 Total length 2

Starčevo- Criş I A7 a 78 76
Starčevo- Criş I A7 a 73 70,5
Starčevo- Criş I A7 a 79 76,5
Vinča I A19 87 68
Vinča I G1 a 130 72
Vinča I A7 a 79 76,5
Vinča I A15 68 60
Vinča I A15 49 45
Vinča I A15 37 33
Petreşti I A7 a 57 55

Table no. 7. Classes of length used in tools typological category – points

Table no. 8. Query design for analyzing the débitage by groove and splinter technique (Şa) of the
Starčevo-Criş culture
Diana-Maria Sztancs, Sabin Adrian Luca, Corneliu Beldiman

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BIBIOGRAPHY preistorică a materiilor dure animale, Cronica
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Beldiman C., 2001, Tehnologia şi mediul 224-229, 493-498.
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55 Tome XII, Numéro 2, 2010

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