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LEADER TRAINING COURSE - PARTICIPANT EVALUATION ‘TRAINEE: Hlemntce- TRIP DATES: Aft feats - j2/20] es 1. SKILLS RATINGS: Circle your estimation of the person's ability or knowledge in each area. On the scale 0 represents no ability and 5 represents extensive ability. None J Little | Moderate | Average | Good | Extensive ‘Minimal Impact / Environmental 0 T 2 3 4 | Awareness ‘Tent/Tarp Set-up 0 1 2 3 @& 5 ‘Equipment - Care & Use 0 T 2 3 4 OD Basic First Aid (Blister Care, 0 T 2 3 4 (@) Dehydration, Hypothermia, First Aid Kit Contents) Safety Consciousness and Risk 0 T 2 3 4 © | Management Physical Ability of Activity 0 T z O a 3 Understanding of Policies and 0 i 2 3 © 3 Procedures . Teaching and Instructing 0 1 2 3 @© 5 Bersiees 2. GENERAL COMMENTS: Be brief, but try to give a fair picture of the person's abilities. A. How does s/he get along in a group? Heathee GETS AG were Tw AGRE. HeaThee SeEM> TO oNNECT Wath Evee row ty HE Ghour AWD HEE Conueesatzow fan YS Act9 Td INCLYPE AND BECNG Goer VxBEs we qTHE Ofnp B, How does s/he perform while leading the group? What is hisfher leadership style? FELATSaMSHEP Waste Ugerlae was PASELY ABLE TO ADAPT Amp Have Hee L.0.D. Day ~~ — Be THevst vper Hee LMT MIweqic. Ste CAME up HItH P So.rp PE Jo Get PEPE OEGAMIzED AWD PE FamwGs HAPPEN LATE@ Migur. Sle as Vocal Amp Keers PARtIC+eAWTS ON TASK. C. What are his/her strengths as a leader? -ORGAWEZOITON = Humoe —CommuNsc ation -Vistow + Actrow — PYSHEMG qHeostt PROMFpoee D. What are his/her weaknesses? - DELCGAtIon + CLEAR DECISIVE Decteeom MaknrG > BE MEmppic OF wiler Tou Aska. AMD wer tu TEL, - PAYsteae STEM aT — MPENTALY Pootiery t Bezye __ ~Seer- care (Rare MEDee Areforerate Capri twTake) "O™ E. What type of leader would you pair with this person? wou Pate, Heater ~/ 0 Mope Dravee-? Tyre ote CEAREE Ufo TS Mot GERAT 4] MArAGIW~G DETABLS, F. Please rate the person in one of the following categories and explain why you gave the person that rating: _ 1 = Leader-in-Training (someone who needs more general trip experience before s/he is ready to be an Assistant Leader 2 = Support Leader (someone who has the basics of hard skills and soft skills to be assistant leading a trip with a Primary Leader - who has led before) 3 = Assistant Leader (someone who has solid hard and soft skills and who would be competent to Jead with someone at a similar skill level even if neither had led before) 4 = Head Trip Leader (someone who has excellent hard and soft skills who would be competent to lead a trip and supervise an Assistant Leader) Note: Only people who have extensive outdoor experience before entering OA are apt to be considered for this category. Explanation and Comments: Aeue Mot BEEnG ABLE Je ATIEn> Ovk Ewtee Back pheurme Tec? (Pr Te Last Manute), I wis Worerep Heater vole Be Belard Mt JHe staer oF THe vEw “Tere lenpee Cuese. Heatdee CICELY Stored Hee Steemotds ar ORGAMIZzATIoN + VIsIow VM THE PLAXMIMG Phocess LENDING uP Te THe covlese. HeaTHEe huse whe Viscly fer qw ADOPT List Mapu To NECOED Tere CHamGes, THe LespordDed Peoresstavauy AvP THact- Foury, WHECH 1s A SKLLL HAT wader Steve Her WELL & OA. nw? tw fu of Hee fuyuge Ene Avoes. LEADER TRAINING COURSE - PARTICIPANT EVALUATION TRAINEE: CAL TRIP DATES: Ue [2/0 Leo Diy lone 1. SKILLS RATINGS: Circle your estimation of the person's ability or knowledge in each area. On the scale 0 represents no ability and 5 represents extensive ability. 9 8 8 None | Little [ Moderate | Average Extensive Minimal Impact / Environmental 0 1 2 3 QO 3 Awareness Tent/Tarp Set-up 0 T 2 Cy 3 Equipment - Care & Use 0 T 2 © 3 Basic First Aid (Blister Care, 0 1 2 3 CO 5 Dehydration, Hypothermia, First Aid Kit Contents) Safety Consciousness and Risk 0 T 2 O ay 5 Management ~ Physical Ability of Activity 0 1 2 CS 4 5 Understanding of Policies and oO 1 2 3 4 Oo) Procedures Teaching and Instructing 0 T 2 3 ® 5 | pooper [ 2. GENERAL COMMENTS: Be brief, but try to give a fair picture of the person's abilities. A. How does s/he get along in a group? Z Che Ges puny an A Gemp Like Bree. Cat Goes Were WITH AMY Group” He is V6rAc tw & SpPoRT LE Ae Anp TS ALWAYS AskxmG Gvestron~S JS pus qHav6) Forne. cau Was & GREAT Peeserce tw A Gro. SPo- MO B. How does s/he perform while leading the group? What is his/her leadership style? 2fo- MO Cou 2s voche Amp Has A comMAMEina preseceR DY A Co€aP SETTING. CALS STRErGTE IN TiCGRr2ATtom AD Obra PPLE Be Actiwwe TS HEevefer. C. What are his/her strengths as a leader? -Gilewt Lenoee suze verec! - EN@AOIHG + fur TEACHEHG S1Yec. ~ Cvesous + CARING MATRE / PeEeS - ENCoURAGENG, D. What are his/her weaknesses? - MbsetpevEO Te VStan AWD HI gHlever oF | CoMMurEcatign Heeiuot THE DAT = Statin ice ~ ExEUBIU Good JvoGEerat vile THrmterng AR TP.MELwo ghee WD Crk Mant — Sthrewe PRESeeT E. What type of leader would you pair with this person? Bucer Avelist ACcHTTECH Tre F. Please rate the person in one of the following categories and explain why you gave the person that rating: 1 = Leader-in-Training (someone who needs more general trip experience before s/he is ready to be an Assistant Leader 2 = Support Leader (someone who has the basics of hard skills and soft skills to be assistant leading a trip with a Primary Leader - who has led before) 3 = Assistant Leader (someone who has solid hard and soft skills and who would be competent to lead with someone at a similar skill level even if neither had led before) 4= Head Trip Leader (someone who has excellent hard and soft skills who would be competent to lead a trip and supervise an Assistant Leader) Note: Only people who have extensive outdoor experience before entering OA are apt to be considered for this category. Explanation and Comments: a Wes Geert “to Have Cac ow FHS Covese, Cae Beever GEAT EwkeRer | Fuw Homog, Awd Gevutve Cursoszty TS VF Group. 7HESE ARE Some of The Best Quiccttes we look for 10 exe LEADERS. WHen CAL TR lockeo Tn fs A Pestamhted LeMpEee of ActiuE FoLioree HE Pearl PRePECS THe Grap feprArr To Actree TAS Gon. WHen Che Gets DasTeActeo Lap OWSEDE CR FeeTAc Fogces He HAS Te opposr7e Errect OM JHE Ge. COL Yorn ConTtLme wD Seek Ow LEADERS tHe ofpoprewattes AT Q AvD DAY OM Task) PResent, hee Posrprue witLe LEaOrNG exes, LEADER TRAINING COURSE - PARTICIPANT EVALUATION Trainee: MAD DLL — rRppates: (2{¢-Uv lsd Dat ‘Ag 1. SKILLS RATINGS: Circle your estimation of the person's ability or knowledge in each area. On the scale 0 represents no ability and 5 represents extensive ability. None Little | Moderate | Average Good | Extensive Minimal Impact / Environmental 0 T z 3 q O Awareness | Tent/Tarp Set-up 0 T 2 3 ® 5 Equipment - Care & Use 0 1 2 3 4 oO Basic First Aid (Blister Care, 0 1 2 3 @ 5 | Dehydration, Hypothermia, First Aid Kit Contents) ‘Safety Consciousness and Risk 0 T 2 3 Oo 5 Management Physical Ability of Activity 0 T 2 3 4 CG | Understanding of Policies and 0 1 2 3 © 5 Procedures ‘Teaching and Instructing 0 1 2 3 @? 3 StRexHy 2. GENERAL COMMENTS: Be brief, but try to give a fair picture of the person's abilities. A. How does s/he get along in a group? Mave do Leake NetRotowAL Yeast, THe FEAXY Goes nel W/ EvertrHTwG. t~ A Gee Mapore Is THAT Sorry Pratee WHe Te sttovG, PELLABLE, AnD Gysgstext. I wourn cee 4b S¢eé MAODLE'S Peesowncty @ME SUT Mogg, zi SHED hl B. How does s/he perform while leading the group? What is his/her leadership style? LAT EOM SED MasTee Moonie MD WELL ON Hice LoD Day, SHE PLaveeO EFfactentey EXECAED WELL AMD UEO FTALD WEEmEre, ’ C. What are his/her strengths as a leader? — Mepoe PexertevO AeURT BeBe MAMT PDEGNINT whey CM OR fresr He - More B AdeAT Ber lereder UBB + ATION ~ Mave 1S STENDY Awd Consistent D. What are his/her weaknesses? Morne AWG THe PRE OF Gop Trai xttes LUT STtomG VOCAL PEcswee_ ~STHEMG PRestet AS A Lenvee ay Te Uince PAer oF THe DAy E, What type of leader would you pair with this person? Mote wal> voce were Wott A Spo- mo/oecver Ttee- F, Please rate the person in one of the following categories and explain why you gave the person that rating: 1 = Leader-in-Training (someone who needs more general trip experience before s/he is ready to be an Assistant Leader ___ 2 = Support Leader (someone who has the basics of hard skills and soft skills to be assistant leading a trip with a Primary Leader - who has led before) 3 = Assistant Leader (someone who has solid hard and soft skills and who would be competent to lead with someone at a similar skill level even if neither had led before) ___4=Head Trip Leader (someone who has excellent hard and soft skills who would be competent to lead a trip and supervise an Assistant Leader) Note: Only people who have extensive outdoor experience before entering OA are apt to be considered for this category. Explanation and Comments: Mavpre Hrs A VERY Sito FouwDatton on WHicl TS PUN FoR A lewotdr Cavege As AM OA TerP LEADER. Ste Cay MAvAGE MvLTIPLE Tasks AT THe SaMeatme. SHE CAM ORGAMIzZE AMD PLAY WELL SHe IS Geeat t¥ THe BAckcoantyr kIT CHE, SHE TAkes (rood Chee OF Heyer MADDIE Chn Gto~ As A LeADEZ BY DELEGATING Mee Espectay Wier a7 COMES Ta GIvinG vocAc Dreettan ys Awd MArACtNG@ Multiple TAses. LEADER TRAINING COURSE - PARTICIPANT EVALUATION rE ss [Uje-2e tod, 12 ‘TRAINEE: MAKEY trepates: | 2/)6-2 aD. 14 1. SKILLS RATINGS: Circle your estimation of the person's ability or knowledge in each area. On the scale 0 represents no ability and 5 represents extensive ability. ‘None | Little | Moderate | Average | Good | Extensive Minimal Impact / Environmental 0 T 2 3 G@>|_ 5 Awareness _ Tent/Tarp Set-up 0 1 2 3 4 OD Equipment - Care & Use 0 i 2 3 a CO | Basic First Aid (Blister Care, 0 T 2 3 © 5 Dehydration, Hypothermia, First Aid Kit Contents) Safety Consciousness and Risk 0 1 2 3 O 5 Management Physical Ability of Activity 0 T 2 3 4 ion Understanding of Policies and 0 T 2 3 a 5) Procedures Teaching and Instructing 0 T 2 3 Ca 3 2. GENERAL COMMENTS: Be brief, but try to give a fair picture of the person's abilities. A. How does s/he get along in a group? Sect here. Mteer Is A VERY Sotxe CePéprtcey MATE. EersA@le. GwsTS7ert. ALWAYS PuttemG after NEEDS 1 Fert GF HIS OWN. tauplessele. B. How does s/he perform while leading the group? What is his/her leadership style? MekeY Dip A Good FoR PrArt~G AHEAD VOTH Hts Co- LENDER On A ScHeDue Aro Play Foe A ComecicaTed DAY \waursr AgctrecH C. What are his/her strengths as a leader? MEkCY AS AWorbinr oh WE Pawramg AD Hrs OWN FREMOTHSArEalvesses . MLkKEL “TAkes Good ¢ nee. of HMGeur Ame Foe Moders Hiss seue-cace wee. D. What are his/her weaknesses? — mucy aw Be ST Spicy Ar? OcAM Get Bacoep Dow ie DETACLS wothouy Werte oF THE Bag figs - [a5 “EGATE Mos a hoe 2 MEd Meeps 1? Re KE TB pal Te PI E, What type of leader would you pair with this person? MIKEY WOLD Pee WELL METH A Speco oNspoken LADDER. F. Please rate the person in one of the following categories and explain why you gave the person that rating: 1 = Leader-in-Training (someone who needs more general trip experience before s/he is ready to be an Assistant Leader 2 = Support Leader (someone who has the basics of hard skills and soft skills to be assistant leading a trip with a Primary Leader - who has led before) 3 = Assistant Leader (someone who has solid hard and soft skills and who would be competent to lead with someone at a similar skill level even if neither had led before) 4= Head Trip Leader (someone who has excellent hard and soft skills who would be competent to lead a trip and supervise an Assistant Leader) Note: Only people who have extensive outdoor experience before entering OA are apt to be considered for this category. Explanation and Comments: LAM vert Grae THin Meeker (avo Aes Séraes) Foyms Here WAY TO GA. Mier Berwos A Much Miebem FETAGOLITY Jo Tits Lave oF YWoek, Sarto , ST@evG, AIP ALAS LodkIWG TS IMPRME. ve NEED MecE TRIP Leapecy lake MLKEY. HTs BICGest HER For G 15 SpeseDvG loupty awFrve. Aly, Aue Le aeend KY an GULPE Actron Ano Comber tury We Clap. orce MtkEr Dracs Thzs tv Jece mit Fe few a Vor Follow ink CP THAT men LEADER TRAINING COURSE - PARTICIPANT EVALUATION TRAINEE: SULT aN! TRIPDATES: (Z//Q- 27 Lop DAT 12/21 1. SKILLS RATINGS: Circle your estimation of the person's ability or knowledge in each area, On the scale 0 represents no ability and 5 represents extensive ability. None | Little | Moderate | Average | Good | Extensive ‘Minimal Impact / Environmental 0 T 2 3 ® 5 Awareness Tent/Tarp Setup 0 T 2 3 Equipment - Care & Use 0 T 2 3 3 Basic First Aid (Blister Care, 0 T 2 &® a 3 Dehydration, Hypothermia, First Aid Kit Contents) Safety Consciousness and Risk 0 T 2 3 4 @) | Management Physical Ability of Activity 0 T 2 3 a CG | Understanding of Policies and 0 T 2 3 CY 3 Procedures Teaching and Instructing 0 7 2 4 3 | for Caer, 2. GENERAL COMMENTS: Be brief, but try to give a fair picture of the person's abilities. A. How does s/he get along in a group? jurtaAY Gers flewS wer Iw # Gre. Hes an Arpeccr* LE Awd’ In- Awe! peesrecttue of THe on doors [yet ae Fecrmvs. Sultan Caw CHAT wot JHE BEst OF ‘eA, AND THES a5 A GeeAt FEapec ty 4 Group. B, How does s/he perform while leading the group? What is his/her leadership style? > Dewee/Spomo “uth usp WIS SThevu vote 10 LeAD tHE arp = weer Ard CHeck LY oW xs Peees. UG keep 4He Grp ow Sclérug Peo Metutamco THE Plauwep yrstow VERY KELL. C. What are his/her strengths as a leader? —ST@en VOchU PRESEME “PLASMIN G Alead FuTerTIUrAcy ~ BEING HTUtWO TO TAkIC Tu OTHER PERSPECLUE>, + Aospr — socrAc - AGT D. What are his/her weaknesses? -USENG PRofSssmNALISM LY Tree leapEe Fore —YSING Soro supGemMerT Aledrs ~ SeéMOMG Denectir+ Concrséry —9 ‘SM Mee, BY PAtavlg Less! E. What type of leader would you pait with this person? A StkomG@ DeTACUa ORrE AED Felatronsdre Maste F. Please rate the person in one of the following categories and explain why you gave the person that rating: 1 = Leader-in-Training (someone who needs more general trip experience before s/he is ready to be an Assistant Leader 2= Support Leader (someone who has the basics of hard skills and soft skills to be assistant leading a trip with a Primary Leader - who has led before) 3 = Assistant Leader (someone who has solid hard and soft skills and who would be competent to lead with someone at a similar skill level even if neither had led before) 4= Head Trip Leader (someone who has excellent hard and soft skills who would be competent to lead a trip and supervise an Assistant Leader) Note: Only people who have extensive outdoor experience before entering OA are apt to be considered for this category. Explanation and Comments: JoLrw Beeras A Geear Evercy, ErTHUStASM AnD Dee of voNDCR qe THe Teep LOAPER Porte. HE TS VERY MEW tHe von dF Back ~CouMney Ar But Ts cunzovs Avo WAMTIERG 7 Loppers ft iy, LEnew TUES Artegvte MY Be ome oF qutars axe? STUGMOTES .,. 423 OPER NESS AWD DESECE Yu LOR RM, id CMY TEC sutTay HAS GAtweo MAwy SkoUS Tureouy Hout Has Sémestad of TPhamtyG AND OverrG ove TIC ALKE MG CLs¢. Just Tb * Maen Woda AWd Feesto reaper WHEY IM ie DESEGMMTED LeAPee Jour. TuLs zs GICAT- Wie Juitay GOB qo De Hes HEAD Ager Mastakey on, Joo PITACHED Jo Mace TRING AY ae Dy -MAcvagLe Seheoe OF TeMeewy HE CANGEr FRSTEMED' Aub DestRActep, We ENCoRCE Jurca T? STtek 10 Seheoe /ursaan, Bor Aso Know Wier Toy ease VP ow the uy ! % wer) -swsnr Gpoup wher tr seems APP RepfDATE. Cnet, Ve CHaclenGGiTo Comitmerto PRActree Concise MessacrmG 40 THe Geo, Fume UNNECESIOEY FEUeE Keeps AXD UST Sat Tie key “weer 10 Kyo" STUFF. THES mete Herp PAE TICLPAK IY KNow wiay Hey HAVE TO DO NErt- A Lote puTtrrG toe SEF FM Cee ee EVE byyecrt Avo THERES ay LEADER TRAINING COURSE - PARTICIPANT EVALUATION TRAINEE: Bev TRIP DATES: I2he-2r 4D pay (2/20 1, SKILLS RATINGS: Circle your estimation of the person's ability or knowledge in each area. On the scale 0 represents no ability and 5 represents extensive ability. None | Little | Moderate | Average | Good | Extensive Minimal Impact / Environmental 0 d; 2 ®) 4 5 ‘Awareness Tent/Tarp Set-up 0 1 2 3 @ 5 Equipment - Care & Use 0 T 2 By 4 3 Basic First Aid (Blister Care, 0 T 2 3 e 3 Dehydration, Hypothermia, First Aid Kit Contents) Safety Consciousness and Risk 0 T 2 (> Ww 3 Management Physical Ability of Activity 0 T 2 3 q By) Understanding of Policies and 0 7 2 3 Cy) 3 Procedures Teaching and Instructing 0 1 2 3 4 ion 2. GENERAL COMME! Be brief, but try to give a fair picture of the person's abilities. A. How does s/he get along in a group? For GUS Alor Swee hE tw A Ger. We 25 Werr- like AvD His Gecat Humop Azer P— fol Were CEAOKHH B. How does s/he perform while leading the group? What is his/her leadership style? Ber Wes + VwY CAREMe AMO Casehe S1fe wicee CEAPOWC, NEw Eo ERR ates Bac nS pr LEY ee add “CAIN Arc! Ber Ts AN ANALYSE Agence AWD Pevake> TxMEertve, C. What are his/her strengths as @Teader? Bens STRENGTHS As A Leabee TS Hes ABrecty To 2 tGtwvp's MEEPS + Dewees, HE TS vecy APPRAHABLE ’& A Leaner five “Hew He speater THE Crecp CBTens + fs UD Bite eterS. Clo y D. What are his/her weaknesses? - - Ber Ts oFIew Te Carp Bacle ASH LEADCE, WHT Acons THe ScHeoute Ano Tasks Jo BE DECAYED of wot HOePEM Ar Ace - BEM GES fo boke GN BEerMy ASeeTUe | Decrees Dreect -~ Ber VES Te DELEGATE Moke As A comDER. E, What type of leader would you pair with this person? Few wovlb Pare WELL Wert AM EwERGCIECF Dectseve Demved/Spo Me TYPE. F. Please rate the person in one of the following categories and explain why you gave the person that rating: 1 = Leader-in-Training (someone who needs more general trip experience before s/he is ready to be an Assistant Leader 2. = Support Leader (someone who has the basics of hard skills and soft skills to be assistant leading a trip with a Primary Leader - who has led before) __3= Assistant Leader (someone who has solid hard and soft skills and who would be competent to lead with someone at a similar skill level even if neither had led before) ____4=Head Trip Leader (someone who has excellent hard and soft skills who would be competent to lead a trip and supervise an Assistant Leader) Note: Only people who have extensive outdoor experience before entering OA are apt to be considered for this category. Explanation and Comments: Ber As A Reac upisetcwG@ Phesercé ON TUrs Covese Hs flume® Awd Socthe STeexcTds BroaHT OLE Glor FEGCTHER. Hes Geverke vee fs # Baers Seer Lemoee 15 vEey OPE AMD WLELCeMENG Far. Ack WWres of Phets

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