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Brandon Phan

INSY 4325-001
Professor Koshy
Feb. 12th, 2021
Course Project Proposal
The subject of my course project I have chosen is concerning with the technological issue of
companies and the new changing currencies of crypto currencies. As the world faces many
struggles in this current economy, the US is headed towards a high inflation with a depreciation
of the US dollar. With many people and major companies find a way to prevent their money to
value from decreasing, companies such as PayPal have found a new way to prevent such
deflation of money. However, the answer is not just as simple as building an app or developing a
website. It requires developing the technology of being able to accept and trade cryptocurrency
as a form of money.
The specific company I will be proposing a technological solution will be major banks,
specifically Chase. Chase is one of the biggest financial institutions in the world. But their
business model has been the same for decades, and it works. However, the world is changing,
and new problems face us. What I am proposing is the availability to allow Chase and their
consumers the ability to use crypto currencies. Many benefits will come from this new idea of
trading and technology. For Chase this will allow many users to actively use Chase as their
financial institution. Instead of third-party websites or other institutions such as Papal, Coinbase,
and Robinhood. To make this happen Chase needs the technology and application to accept
these values of cryptocurrency and be able to support them to their daily value and black chain
While this blockchain technology is new and scary, it is where the future is going. Just as
how Tesla changed the world of motor vehicles with auto pilot driving and all electric,
cryptocurrency is changing the world of technological finance. As chase being the biggest
financial institutions in the world, they will set a new movement throughout the financial world
that faces depreciation of dollar and an inflating economy. Blockchain is a type of technology
that enables the existence of crypto currencies. Now when you think of cryptocurrency, you may
think of bitcoin, but that’s just not it. There are many different crypto currencies that can be used.
Just as the world has USD, Canadian Dollar, Peso, Pounds, and Yens, the world of crypto
currencies have Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), etc. The possibilities are
endless and new crypto currencies continue to be made.
I am hoping that the all the heads of any and all financial institutions not just banks, but
financial companies such as PayPal, investing companies like fidelity will listen and think about
the new technological world of crypto currencies as the world heads towards an inflating
Cited Sources

Conway, L. (2020, November 18). Blockchain explained. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

Dalton, M. (n.d.). Blockchain banking: FIVE financial institutions and their stance on crypto.
Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

Google search. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2021, from


Joshi, D. (2020, January 14). How secure is cryptocurrency and blockchain TECHNOLOGY?
Security benefits and issues Of dlt. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

Mogul, Z., Kronfellner, B., Buser, M., Lai, C., Wee, K., Rhode, W., . . . Abedine, A. (2021,
January 29). How banks can succeed with cryptocurrency. Retrieved February 12, 2021,

PayPal launches new service enabling users to BUY, hold and SELL CRYPTOCURRENCY.
(n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

PricewaterhouseCoopers. (n.d.). Making sense of bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain.

Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

What is Blockchain Currency? - Blockchain cryptocurrency - Intellipaat. (n.d.). Retrieved

February 12, 2021, from

What is Ethereum? Ethereum explained for complete beginners. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12,
2021, from

_TylerTheTyler_. (2021, February 12). PayPal CFO Says company is unlikely to invest cash in
cryptocurrencies. Retrieved February 12, 2021, from

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