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 “Waking up early” starting your day to become productive and make most use of your

 “Treating failure like gold” Not being afraid to fail and learn from your failure to turn it
into success
 “Spending Money” do not be cheap and try to take short cuts and save money. Spend or
invest to make most of money to make more money.
 “Making sacrifices” sacrifices things such as time, family, etc but in the long run it will
be worth it because it is a small sacrifice for an investment into your future
 “Exercising consistently” exercise is vital and important on the mind and body. It also
shapes yourself character wise and physically

The habits I see myself adopting in the future are “exercising consistently” and “treating failure
like gold”. I constantly exercise now and ever since I was 15. So, I have already built my self-
discipline and work ethic from this and continue to grow more and more each day. I also am not
afraid of failure because I have never let my failures define me. I learn and reflect off my failures
to improve myself for my future and have always thought this was.

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