Secularism 2

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Islam and Secularism:

When we consider secularism from Islamic point of view so here Muslims many Muslims
strongly opposes this concept as we know that there is no knowledge superior to that of given
by Allah and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). So by looking through these aspects the main many
Muslims scholars like in Saudi Arabia has strongly condemned this by saying that at least these
secularism cannot be implemented in Islamic countries because it raises many questions on
Islam as well e.g.
1. Does the rights included in Quran and Sunat are not enough?
2. Does the law system given by Islam is not enough to handle this modern world?
3. Does the knowledge of humans is greater than that of Allah and His Messenger
Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)?
These are some serious questions although we know that Islam is a complete religion and Allah
is himself is the teacher in Islam because Quran is from him. So we cannot say that secularism is
superior than Islam.
Secularism and label of Terrorist:
Through out the world Muslims are always label as a terrorist, because they want to impose
their own rules and regulatory systems and Islam is the main hurdle in their path so they always
depicted Islam as a terrorist religion. Now this growing secular thoughts which wants to
separate religion from state affairs further boosted these perspective because they knew this
that to destabilize any system (religion) just bring their bad image and now they are doing by
one mean or an other.
Blasphemy and secularism:
Now we know that when religion is separated from state affairs, they can be easily grabbed by
any person and the person has got freedom to say anything against religion because he ia living
in a secular society which himself always try to subjugate religion. These are one of the darks
sides of secularism that here under the flagship of freedom of thoughts one can easily do
blasphemous acts not against Islam but also other religions too. These are reason of growing
blasphemies against our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and even Quran.
Conversion of Islamic countries in to secular countries:
This is also the issue and one of the greatest threat to Islam and Muslim Ummah. Because here
the Islamic law our subjugated and the sick secular thought base law are formed . Although in
Muslim countries these mindset are not that much strong but still they are making spaces
What are the solutions to these problems?
Now if these are the problems then what are solution to these problems, following are some

 To start campaign against these but peaceful campaigns so that we can easily pour are
view in their brains because by taking route of extremism can further worsen image of
Islam; which is not the part of Islam even.
 To not only read but to understand what is written in Quran and Sunnat because by
doing this we can truly understand the basic rights and even how to tackle these
secularist thoughts and to confront them on each and every stage.
 Media plays an important role as it is said that “ It can even bring a life to dead one “ so
by establishing a committee whose prime role is to depict the positive side of Islam and
to address those issues which are Islam and its values in the name of secularism.
 To appoint such a leadership so that we can confront these problems not only at
national but at international level.
 To develop a sense of duty as a Muslim to make ourselves aware of all these happenings
and to make sure to cope all these issues individually.

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