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Gojan college of

Teacher education
CH – 2

Education in Pre-Independent India
• The Upanishadic Period

i. Listening to the spoken words

ii. Comprehension of meaning
iii. Reasoning leading to generalization
iv. Confirmation by a friend or a teacher
v. Application

• The Buddhist Period – Preceptor ( Upajjhaya), novice/disciple


• The medieval Period – Maktabas and Mosques

• The modern Period – Madarsas

Significant recommendations of commissions and

❖ Lord Macaulay’s Minutes

❖ Wood’s Dispatch on Education,1854
❖ The Indian Education Commission 1882
❖ The Indian University Act,1904
❖ The Government of India Resolution of February 21,1913
❖ The Calcutta University Commission,1917-1919
❖ The Hartog Committee,1929
❖ Wardha Scheme of Basic Education
❖ Sargent Report ,1944
Education In Post-Independent India

- Education was still a dream for people from villages and suburbs
- 15 out of 100 was able to read or write during 1947
- No Proper policy was documented during Nehru Period
- Few Education commissions was set up by Nehru government in 1948 and 1952
paved way for the development of education in India
- Education for all under the age of 14 has been made inclusive
- Sargent Commission was power was transferred to CABE (Central Advisory
Board of Education)
- These plans and decisions were planned to be made available by 1960
Significant recommendations of Commissions and

• University Education Commission ,1948

• Secondary Education Commission , 1952
• Education Commission (D.S.Kothari) 1964-66
✓ Internal Transformation
✓ Qualitative improvement
✓ Expansion of educational facilities
• Banaras Hindu University Inquiry Committee 1969
• Draft National Policy on Education,1979
Kothari Commission 1964-1966

Internal Transformation:

✓ Work Experience
✓ Vocational Education
✓ The Common school
✓ Social and National Service
✓ Language Policy
✓ Promotion of National Unity
✓ Elasticity and Dynamics
Qualitative Improvement:

✓ Utilization of Facilities
✓ Reorganization of Educational structure and Teachers stages and
✓ Selective Development

Expansion of Educational Facilities:

✓ Adult Literacy
✓ Primary Education
✓ Secondary and Higher Education
Achievements in Education - Post-Independence period:

• Secular democracy – as a form of government and way of life

• Eliminate poverty and ensure a reasonable standard of living

• Efforts taken to modernize agriculture and industrial development

• Modern science and technology were believed to connect with ancient

educational and traditional values

• To secure equitable distribution of wealth

• Proclaims equality of opportunity for all

Secondary Education Commission – Mudaliar Commission

Terms of reference Aim

To enquire and report the To enquire , suggest , re-
present position of secondary organize and improve
education in India Primary and higher education

Method Of Enquiry
Questionnaire method
Report of the Mudaliar Commission:

Aims of Secondary Education Defects of Secondary

→ Development of democratic →Bookish in Content
citizenship →Examination Oriented
→ Initiation into art of living → No Qualitative Development
→ Development of personality → Unilateral and No diversification
→ Improvement of vocational → No scope or close contact between
efficiency student and teacher
→Education for leadership → Lack of good teachers
→ Development of true patriotism → No proper facility for play &
Implementation of the Secondary Education Commission

The Secondary Education Commission recommended

- Establishment of multipurpose schools

- Improving teaching and school libraries
- Training of teachers
- Introduction of crafts in middle schools
- Conversion of high schools into higher secondary schools
- Increase the duration of secondary education by 1 year

But the above recommendations were not met successfully and met the fate as other commissions
did – Insufficient Funds/Financial support by State & Central Governments.
Reasons for unsatisfactory Implementation of Mudaliar

Variety of school patterns followed across India

Difference in duration of primary , secondary and senior secondary stages and
also difference in admission ages
Many states did not agree for the transformation in education system (Mumbai ,
Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh)
Inability to convert from secondary to higher secondary even with aid from
central govt.
Improper infrastructure , non-qualified teachers , inadequate finances
Unavailability of teachers with required qualification in the specified stream
Recommendations of Mudaliar Commission:

1. Organizational Pattern of Secondary Education

2. Organisation of Secondary school curriculum
3. Text Books
4. Methods of Teaching
5. Discipline
6. Moral and Religious Education
7. Guidance and Counselling
8. Supervision and Inspection
Merits and Demerits of Mudaliar Commission:

# Activity Based Education # Suggestions were given in

# Stress on Agricultural haste
Education # No statement regarding the

#Child Centered Education improvement of social and

economic condition of teachers
#Improvement in teacher’s
# No suggestion regarding

salary and position
#Co Curricular Activities
Women Education
#No more stress on External #Continued stress on English
# Stress on Multipurpose schools
# Open technical schools near

❑ Introduction of Socially Useful Productive Work(SUPW)

❑ SUPW – Recommendations

- Professional state of teachers and SUPW teachers should be the same

- Provision for part-time employment of skilled personnel
- Separate Cells in the state Department of Education and the State
Institutes for development of in-service training
- Content should be prepared by NCERT in collaboration with other
technical institutes(ITI)
Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW):

S – Social :
The child would be able to work efficiently and adjust with the immediate

U – Useful:
Refers to the functional nature of the activities and products . Should be able
to provide returns for the group.

P – Productive:
Refers to the fact that work should result in some product or service that is
consumable by the society
Nature of Socially Useful Productive Work:

Purposive Work

Meaningful Work

Manual Work

Resulting in either Goods or Services

Useful to the Community

Teaching - Learning Process in SUPW:

Study of the world of work through Observation and enquiry

Experiment with materials , tools and techniques

Work experience with scientific theory as basis

Working with community and social service

Correlation for academic subject with Work experience

Application of theoretical principles in the actual field

Learning through survey , field work , cultural activities etc.,

Development of social and personal values



Midday Needle
Meals work Wire Craft
Map and
model Social
Paper Detergent making Bakery
Covers POwder

Andhra Karnataka
Fruit and Wealth
Greeting Tooth Vegetable from
Cards Powder Processing waste

Face Coir Work

cream Typewriting

Photography Horticulture

Repair and
of domestic Wood Work

State of Orissa:

The state of Orissa offers the following activities at the secondary stage under
Work Experience

- Essential Activities and Experience:

- Elective Work Experience
✓ Community service
✓ Survey and Collection Work
✓ National and Emotional Integration Project work
✓ Cultural and recreational activities
Major Recommendations of the committee:

➢ Learning must be based on SUPW or through vocationalised course

➢ Should be in agricultural and rural areas
➢ In accordance with the availability of resources the coursed should e
➢ Semester pattern and credit system to be introduced in class XI and XII.
➢ Counselling and placement officers to be appointed
➢ Experts and part time trainers can be appointed for training
➢ Pre-service and in-service teacher training programs to be properly
Review Committee on the curriculum for the “ten –year school”
• To scrutinize the NCERT’S syllabus and text books , review the present scheme of studies
and the time allocated for various subjects

Secondary Education with special reference to

• Set up under the chairmanship of Dr.Malcolm S Adiseshiah,vice-chancellor University of
Madras submitted the report “LEARNING TO DO” on February 28 th 1978

Draft National Policy on Education,1979

• Designed to reform the syllabus and curriculum for teacher education at primary and
secondary level
• Pedagogical and professional preparation for teachers in higher secondary
• Center for developing curricular materials and teaching aids
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