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Greeting everyone our group is conformed by JORGE BETANCOURT, and VIVIANA SIMBAÑA,

welcome to our second interactive video were will be talking about “The adventures of Tom

The authors name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Florida, Misuri; 30 of november 1835-
Redding, Connecticut; 21 of april 1910), better know as the famous MARK TWAIN, he was an
american writter, speaker and humorist, between its most famous works we find novels such
as the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras
County” (1865) and many others.

The story takes place in St. Petersburgo, Missouri, a small town nearby the of the banks of the
Mississippi river in the middle of the 1800s.

In a street fight, Tom gets his clothes dirty and is forced to paint the fence the next day as
punishment. Tom skillfully convinces his friends to redeem small treasures for the privilege of
doing his job. He then negotiates the small treasures for Sunday School tickets that are
normally received when Bible verses are memorized.

Tom exchanged Bible for tickets, to the surprise and bewilderment of the superintendent who
thought that "it was simply absurd that this boy could have stored two thousand verses of
biblical wisdom in his head while, a simple dozen, would undoubtedly force in extreme

“Tom falls in love with Rebecca Thatcher (Becky), a new girl in the city and daughter of a judge,
and convinces her to "commit" to him, kissing him. But his romance collapses when Becky
learns that Tom has previously "engaged" with Amy Lawrence. Shortly after Becky rejects him,
Tom accompanies Huckleberry Finn, the son of the town drunk, to the cemetery at night (on a
Friday night) where they witness Dr. Robinson's murder at the hands of Joe "the Indian”.

Tom, Huck and Joe Harper escape to an island. While they enjoy their new freedom, playing
pirates, the children learn that the community was cleaning the bottom of the river to find
their bodies. Tom sneaks into his house one night to observe the commotion caused by his
escape. After a brief moment of remorse to see his loved ones suffer for him, Tom comes up
with the great idea of appearing at his own funeral.

Back at school, Tom wins Becky's favor again, after he nobly accepts guilt for a book she has
torn. Soon, Muff's trial begins, in which Tom testifies against Joe "the Indian." Potter is
acquitted, but Joe "the Indian" flees the courthouse through a window. With Joe "The Indian"
fugitive, Tom fears for his life, since he thinks he can find it easily.

Summer comes, and Tom and Huck go in search of a treasure buried in a haunted house. After
venturing upstairs, they hear a noise at the bottom. Looking through holes in the ground, they
both see Joe "the Indian" disguised as a deaf mute Spaniard while discussing with his partner
the plan to bury a stolen treasure. From their hiding place, Tom and Huck squirm with pleasure
at the prospect of digging it up to get it. Huck begins to follow Joe "the Indian" at night, looking
for an opportunity to get gold. Meanwhile, Tom goes on a "picnic" to McDougal's cave with
Becky and his classmates. In an excess of confidence, Tom deviates with Becky from the
marked roads and is hopelessly lost in the cave. That same night, Huck sees Joe "the Indian"
and his partner slipping away with a box. Huck follows them and listens to his plans to attack
widow Douglas. By running for help, Huck prevents crime and becomes an anonymous hero.

During the following days, Tom and Becky roam the extensive cave complex. One day, Tom
accidentally bumps into Joe "the Indian" although, fortunately, the echo of the cave makes his
voice difficult to trace for his nemesis. Finally, Tom and Becky find a way out, and the
community welcomes the two children again. As a preventive measure, Judge Thatcher
(Becky's father) closes McDougal's cave, trapping unknowingly Joe "the Indian" inside. Several
days later, when Tom, who during that time had been in bed, finds out about the cave's seal,
he directs a gang to the cave, where they discover the corpse of Joe "the Indian" right at the
sealed entrance, starved to death.

A week later, after having checked the presence of Joe "the Indian" in the McDougal cave,
where the villain in turn would have hidden the stolen gold, Tom takes Huck to the cave and
together they find the box full of gold, which will help them to invest in their future. Widow
Douglas adopts Huck, and when he tries to escape civilized life, Tom tricks him into believing
that he can join his gang of thieves if he returns with the widow, claiming that thieves, unlike
pirates, have respect of the society. Reluctantly, Huck accepts and returns with his protector.

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