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MRSA - Funds

Informational Brochure

- Dangerous MRSA Virus

The Integumentary System Disease MRSA

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What is MRSA? MRSA, which stands for Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, is an infection. It is particularly dangerous
due to its resistance to antibiotics. Although normally spread as an
infection from surgery, it can also be gotten from skin to skin
contact. MRSA's main symptom is that it starts out as a painful skin

“We need to start making changes to deal with MRSA now, before it’s to late”
-David Liernur

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MRSA may start out as a simple red pimple that looks like a bug bite.
But, quickly it starts turning into something much worse. They turn
into painful red abscesses, which could require surgery to drain.
These simple boils can turn into a deadly infection.

What Causes MRSA?


MRSA is simply a STAPH Infection, which is relatively common and

many people carry it, the issue is when it gets into a wound, which is
common during surgery, or just in normal small cuts and injuries. Then
the infection turns into a bug looking bite, and then turns into a
boil, and then can cause deadly infection…

It’s for these reasons that I recommend that you transfer more
funds to looking to contain, and ultimately cure this dreaded virus.
The faster we act, the faster we can stop irreparable damages.

I’ll talk more about the current treatments for MRSA, and then
give some final thoughts..



In some cases, MRSA will respond to certain antibiotics and

will clear up the infection, including but not limited to, vancomycin,
daptomycin, linezolid, and tigecycline. These are currently the best
IV antibiotics for treating MRSA, but there are also some oral
antibiotics, such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, clindamycin,
doxycycline and Rifadin.

Those only stop the infection, in some cases, surgery is

necessary to drain the boils (abscesses) before they can cause deadly
infection by infecting the heart, bone, lungs, and bloodstream.


MRSA is a virus running rampant in hospitals, it kills over

19,000 people a year. Not only does it have this devastating power,
but even people who think they’ve ridded themselves of the virus, can
still repeatedly contract it, and depending on their conditions, do.

You can help assist the people you represent by helping fund
clinical trials and studies to help find a cure or better treatment
for MRSA, which could save thousands of lives. Thank you for your

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