Unit One Test For Sophomores Breeva 214

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Complete the following exercise with the correct form of the verbs

in parentheses.
1. Hi, I   (be) Matt Rotell, a friend of Alice's.
2-3. Oh, yes. Alice  (mention) you the other day. Gee, you
don't look
 (not look) like a detective.
4. Well, that's good, I   (guess).
did decide
5-6. I'm curious. Tell me, how   you   (decide) to become
an undercover cop?
was loved
7-12. Well, when I   (be) a kid, I   (love) to read detective
was had read
novels. By the time I   (be) ten, I   (read) every book
knew wanted
in the Hardy Boys series. I   (know) that I   (want) to
go into law enforcement.
13. But according to Alice, you   (attend) law school
got didn't mind
14-18. Right. I   (get) married last month. I   (not mind)
being on the police force when I   (be) single, but ever since I
met have wante
 (meet) Nicole, my wife, I   (want) to do
something less dangerous.
understand did have
19-21. I   (understand). By the way,   you 
(have) any luck yet with those counterfeiters?
have been following
22-24. Well, I   (follow) them for more than a month now, but
haven't able to
so far I   (not be able to) catch them in the act.
Sometimes I   (worry) that by the time they're caught, I'll have
my law degree and I'll be defending them.
Fill in the gaps with the correct words:
1) The Hubble Telescope allowed astronomers to make significant
_discoveries_________about our galaxy.
2) Scientists have made a major __breakthrough____________ in the
treatment of cancer.
3) When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one
of the ten most __innovative____________ products of the year.
4) The patent lists six ___inventors_________ who worked on the
5) We hope that further research will confirm our
6) They ____did__________a series of experiments to test the theory.
7) In_____scientific_________ experiments, we used patients who
did not know that it was a test situation.
8) Watson did __a pioneering___________ (=first ever) research on
the long-term effects of dieting.
9) Sugar is represented by the simple ___formula__________ CHO.
10) Mr Ebstein is the lead author of one study of the gene in
the January issue of the___journal___________ Nature Genetics.
11)  When oxygen diffuses into the buffer from a test
tube__________, it is reduced at the cathode.
12) It was first investigated in the late nineteenth century, and by
1932 its formula had been ____formulated_______________.
13) He will present his research ___findings___________at the
14) Some of the math is quite sophisticated,
using differential __equatuions_________, linear algebra, and
covariance matrices.
15) A lot can be ___infered_________ from these statistics.

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