Pertemuan-3 2

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Pertemuan 3

Aryanti Virtanti Anas
Permintaan adalah keinginan
konsumen membeli suatu barang pada
berbagai tingkat harga selama periode
waktu tertentu.

Quantity demanded is the amount

(number of units) of a product that a
household would buy in a given time
period if it could buy all it wanted at
the current market price.

Per mintaan
D e m a n d
Determinants of Household Demand

The price of the product in question

The income available to The prices of related

the household products available to the

The household’s amount The household’s

of accumulated wealth. expectations about
future income, wealth,
and prices.

The household’s tastes and preferences.

The Law of Demand
Hukum Permintaan:
“Bila harga suatu barang naik, ceteris
paribus, maka jumlah barang yang diminta
akan berkurang, dan sebaliknya”.
There is a negative, or inverse, relationship
between price and the quantity of a good
demanded and its price.

This means that demand curves

slope downward.
Fungsi Permintaan
Permintaan yang dinyatakan dalam
hubungan matematis dengan faktor-
faktor yang mempengaruhinya.

Fungsi permintaan:
Dapat diketahui hubungan antara variabel
tidak bebas (dependent variable) yaitu
permintaan dengan variabel-variabel
bebas (independent variables).

Persamaan matematis:
Dx = f(P1, P2, P3 …Pn)
Fungsi permintaan batubara:
Qd =100 – 10 P
Qd = permintaan batubara (coal demand)
P = harga (price)
Schedule and The demand curve is a graph
illustrating how much of a given
Demand Curve product/goods a household would
be willing to buy at different
The demand ANNA'S DEMAND
schedule is a list SCHEDULE FOR
of relationship TELEPHONE CALLS

between the

price of (PER
product/goods $ 0
and the level of 3.50 7

7.00 3
10.00 1

demanded. 15.00 0
A Change in Demand and
A Change in Quantity Demanded
Change in price of a good or service
leads to

Change in quantity demanded

(Movement along the curve).

Change in income, preferences, or

prices of other goods or services
leads to

Change in demand
(Shift of curve).
The Impact of a Change in Income
Higher income decreases Higher income increases
the demand for an the demand for a
inferior good Income is the sum normal good
of all households
wages, salaries,
profits, interest
payments, rents,
and other forms of
earnings in a given
period of time. It
is a flow measure.

Inferior Goods are goods for Normal Goods are goods for
which demand falls when which demand goes up when
income rises. income is higher and for which
demand goes down when income
is lower.
The Impact of a Change in the Price of Related Goods

01 Price of hamburger rises,

quantity of hamburger 02 Demand for
complement good
(ketchup) shifts left
03 Demand for
substitute good
(chicken) shifts right
demanded falls
Complements are goods that “go together”; Substitutes are goods that can serve as
a decrease in the price of one results in an replacements for one another; when the price of
increase in demand for the other, and vice one increases, demand for the other goes up.
versa. Perfect substitutes are identical products.
From Household Demand to Market Demand
Assuming there are only two households in the
market, market demand is derived as follows:
Demand for a good or service can
be defined for an individual
household, or for a group of
households that make up a market.


Market demand is the sum of all

the quantities of a good or
service demanded per period by 02 03 04
all the households buying in the
market for that good or service.
Mineral Demand
Forecast of future mineral demand trends
The ratio of energy consumption or metal consumption
to the gross national product (GNP) of a country.
Industrialized countries with a high GNP tend to R

consume more than developing countries with a low

GNP. Neither overall nor in relation to minerals can a

direct, let alone linear, function be established. H


The ratio of mineral consumption to the proportion of

industrial production in relation to the GNP. This
specific relationship is even more significant than the
ratio of mineral consumption to the GNP.
03 The ratio of mineral consumption to that of mass-
consumption goods or to the "living standard" in a
country. Statistical data on this is, however, incomplete.
Determinants of mineral demand trends
The results of research into new areas of Changes in end users' habits of
application for specific mineral commodities consumption, which can cause the market
(e. g. new metal alloys or chemicals), leading to for certain consumer goods to decline (e. g.
an increase in demand. when lipstick and nail varnish are no longer
used, which reduces the demand for
Technological innovations in the processing of bismuth used in large quantities in the
minerals to reduce the specific consumption (e. g. form of bismuth oxychloride for the
the introduction of electrolytic tinplating, which production of cosmetics).
uses a mere fraction of the tin metal needed in
hot tinning), leading to a decrease of demand.
Laws and regulations on the processing of
The substitution of expensive or rare minerals by certain metals for ecological reasons
cheap ones that are more easily available (e.g. (e. g. the use of unleaded gasoline or
substituting the tinplate cans by aluminum cans for less mercury and cadmium in areas of
drinks). Substitution processes must be studied danger to health), leading to a decrease
carefully, since they are reversible, as the in demand.
example of aluminum cans has shown: after the rise
in energy prices, production became more expensive As this list clearly shows, the analysis
than that of tin cans. Substitution also proceeds in of demand for mineral commodities
stages, when a large manufacturer decides to re- cannot be based exclusively on
equip with new production technology. economic and industrial growth.
World demand for minerals

Affected by three
general factors:
The standard of living that
03 will determine just how
much each person consumes
The level of population
that will consume these 02
mineral commodities
Uses for mineral
01 commodities
will have a
effect on
than the
creation of
and markets”
Schematic illustration of the change in world steel consumption and
population since 1700. Dashed line shows world population (millions of Graph showing per capita copper consumption vs.
people divided by 10), and solid line shows steel consumption (millions of population in 1998 for the United States, Canada,
metric tons). As for all mineral commodities, the growth of steel Mexico, Brazil, Chile, France, Spain, United
consumption has greatly outpaced the growth of population, reflecting Kingdom, China, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, India,
increasing per capita demand for minerals. Data for this plot are from Japan, Turkey, South Africa, and Australia. Data from
United Nations (1966, 1973, 1995) population reports and the U.S. Bureau American Bureau of Metal Statistics (various years)
of Mines (1953–93) and U.S. Geological Survey (1997 and 2002) and the U.S. Census Bureau Web site at
“Minerals Yearbooks” for 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985,
1990, 1995, and 2000.
Variations in the
standard of living could
affect future mineral
demand more than
population increases will.
Per capita consumption
of almost all minerals
has increased in most
areas during the last
century, and the biggest
differences and changes
were related to
increased standards of
Graph showing changes in per capita copper consumption in China, living.
Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, India, and Japan during the period
1970–2000. Data from American Bureau of Metal Statistics
(various years) and the U.S. Census Bureau Web site at
Maka sesungguhnya bersama
kesulitan itu ada kemudahan
(QS Al Insyirah 5)

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