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A Very-High Output Impedance Current Mirror for

Very-Low Voltage Biomedical Analog Circuits

Louis-François Tanguay, Mohamad Sawan, and Yvon Savaria
Polystim Neurotechnologies Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Montreal, Canada.

Abstract—In this paper, we present the design of a new stages, as well as the DC gain factor. Finally, such CMs are
very-high output impedance CMOS current mirror with required in the charge-pump of phase-locked loops and fre-
enhanced output voltage compliance. The proposed current quency synthesizers dedicated to implantable communication
mirror uses MOS current dividers to sample the output current
and a feedback action is used to force it to be equal to the input modules operating under very low supply voltage [3]. Using
current; yielding very high impedance with a very large output large-voltage compliance high output impedance CMs results
voltage range. The proposed implementation yields an increase in accurate Up/Down current matching and minimum variation
of the output impedance by a factor of about gm ro compared of the output current magnitude over a wider voltage range,
with that of the super-Wilson current mirror, thus offering thus minimizing reference spurs and reducing the level of
a potential solution to mitigate the effect of the low output
impedance of ultra-deep submicron CMOS transistors used in phase-noise in the output spectrum.
sub 1-V current mirrors and current sources. A NMOS version Under very low supply voltages, the reduction of output
of the proposed current mirror circuit was implemented using voltage headroom and limited output impedance of the typical
STMicroelectronics 1-V 90-nm CMOS process and simulated cascode connection is unacceptable and other architectures
using Spectre to validate its performance. The output current must be investigated. One technique consists in using an
is mirrored with a transfer error lower than 1% down to an
output voltage as low as 80 mV for an input current of 5 µA, operational amplifier (op-amp) in a feedback loop to force
and 111 mV when the input current is increased to 50 µA. the drain voltages of the output transistors and that of the
reference current source to be equal [4]. This results in
a very high output impedance, but it is accompanied with
I. I NTRODUCTION a degradation of the bandwidth, and the op-amp must be
With recent advances in CMOS technologies, the possibility carefully compensated in frequency in order to achieve stable
to integrate radio-frequency (RF) circuits, baseband signal operation. Recently, a regulated cascode CM that offers much
processing, and even sensors on a same chip has led to a higher output impedance than the conventional cascode CM
tremendous growth of interest in implantable smart medical was first presented in [5], and an all-cascode double nested
implants and their applications. Ultra-low power consumption version was later presented in [6]. As shown in figure 1(a),
and low supply voltage of 1 V or less are critical to allow using the downside of this CM is that the input of the common-
miniature batteries that can last over a long period. Recent source amplifiers used in the feedback loops are connected to
nano-CMOS technologies are found to be very appropriate to the drain of the transistors M2-M4 performing the mirroring
reach this goal, since nano-CMOS transistors can be operated action. Therefore, these transistors must be operated deeply in
in weak inversion up to the GHz region with reasonnable weak inversion to allow sufficient loop gain at low CM output
gain, and their low threshold voltage allows designing analog voltages, thus limiting the bandwidth and increasing the area
circuits that can operate under 1 V. However, the shrinking of of the CM. Finally, a low-voltage CM architecture based on
the supply voltage combined with the low output resistance the super-Wilson CM was presented in [7]. The high-swing
of transistors in these nano-CMOS processes make it very super-Wilson CM, shown in figure 1(b), can operate on a
difficult to implement current mirrors (CMs) and current very low supply voltage of one diode drop plus two saturation
sources or sinks that offer very-high output impedance over a voltage, and it features a wide output-voltage swing, down to
large output voltage range. two saturation voltages.
Several biomedical circuits demand large-voltage compli- In this paper, we present the design of a new very-high
ance current sources and current mirrors with a high output output impedance current mirror inspired from the high-swing
impedance. In implantable microstimulators, stimulation using super-Wilson CM [7]. The output impedance of the proposed
precise current sources and sinks provides greater control over CM is a factor gm ro higher than that of the high-swing
the injected charge [1]. Large-voltage compliance high output super-Wilson CM, and its output voltage compliance is also
impedance CMs can also be used in low-power integrated improved. In Section II, the design and implementation of this
bioamplifiers [2] to improve the common-mode and power- new CM is presented. In Section III, simulation results are
supply rejection ratios (CMRR and PSRR) of differential reported, and conclusions are drawn in Section IV.

978-1-4244-2342-2/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE. 642

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Vcn M5 M7 Vcn

M1 M3 M6 M1 M3 M5
M6 M8

M2 M4 M2 M4

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. a) All-cascode NMOS double nested regulated cascode CM [6], and b) High-swing super-Wilson CM [7].

II. C URRENT MIRROR ARCHITECTURE replaced with a cascode one. Unfortunately, doing so would
A. Background introduce an undesired current offset since the drains of M2-
M4 would not be at the same voltage anymore. The goal is
The new current mirror proposed in this paper is inspired then to find a way to maintain a high impedance at the drain
from the high-swing super-Wilson CM presented in [7], of M1, without breaking the drain symmetry of the current
and shown in figure 1(b). The high-swing super-Wilson CM mirror formed by M2 and M4.
achieves a high output resistance by using negative feedback:
the current mirror formed by M2-M4 samples the output
current IOU T and compares it with the input current source
current IIN . As a result, the gate voltage of M3 is adjusted to
ensure it sinks a current equal to IIN . The output resistance is
directly proportional to the magnitude of the loop-gain of the VD,M1
feedback action from the output current IOU T to the gate of IIN M1 M5 M3
the output transistor M3. This loop-gain can be attributed to
transistor M2 which, in combination with current source load VD,M2 VD,M4
IIN , form a common-source amplifier used to maintain the M2 M4
gate voltage of output transistor M3 such that IOU T is equal VB
to IIN .
Assuming that the output resistance of the current sources
is very large and that transistors M2 and M4 are saturated, the Fig. 2. Proposed high output impedance low-voltage CM circuit schematic.
output resistance rout of the high-swing super-Wilson CM of
figure 1(b) can be approximated as:
B. Proposed very-high output impedance current mirror
rout ≈ gm2 ro2 ro3 (1)
The new high output impedance CM presented in this paper
where gm2 and ro2 are respectively the transconductance and is shown in figure 2. The main idea is to increase the loop gain
the output resistance of transistors M2 and ro3 is the output by a factor gm ro by cascoding transistor M1 while maintaining
resistance of transistors M3. In this equation as well as in the drain symmetry of the current mirror formed by M2 and
the remaining of this paper, body effect, drain-induced barrier M4. Let us first consider only the bias-loop circuit formed
lowering (DIBL), and hot carriers effects are neglected for the by transistors M1 to M4 and the two current sources IB ,
sake of simplicity, since the goal is to give an idea on the and forget about the input current source IIN and the output
order of magnitude of rout rather than finding an exact value. transistor M5 for the moment. With the output transistor M5
The interested reader can refer to [8] for an in depth treatment disconnected out from the loop and with no input current
of these short channel effects. applied at the drain of transistor M2 (IIN = 0), the steady-
In the high-swing super-Wilson CM presented above, a state drain voltage of M1, VD,M 1 , is equal to that of M3,
diode-connected transistor M1 is used to reduce current and is thus equal to their gate bias voltage VB . Furthermore,
mismatch between IIN and IOU T by keeping the drain of mirror transistors M2 and M4 are at the same saturation level
mirroring transistors M2-M4 approximately to the same volt- IF /IR (the ratio of their forward current component to their
age. However, the output resistance of this diode-connected reverse current component [9]). As a consequence, their drain
transistor is only 1/gm1 . Therefore, an increase of the loop- voltages are identical: VD,M 2 = VD,M 4 .
gain -hence of the output impedance- on the order of gm ro Now let us see what happens if M5 closes the feedback loop
would result if the diode connection of transistor M1 was and a current IIN is forced in the drain of transistor M2. Since


Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi di Bologna. Downloaded on February 03,2021 at 18:45:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
M2 is biased with a gate voltage VB to sink a current IB , the current is sampled- to the gate of output transistor M5 allows
current applied at its drain will disturb this steady state and the CM to maintain a high output resistance even when the
result in an increase of its drain voltage. As a consequence, the output transistor enters the triode region.
gate-source voltage of transistor M1 will be reduced, resulting In the regulated cascode CM shown in figure 1(a), the input
in a rapid increase of its drain voltage to allow current IB to of the common-source amplifiers used in the feedback loops
keep flowing. This voltage being applied to the gate of the are connected to the drain of transistors M2-M4 performing the
output transistor M5, the output current will increase and so mirroring action. Therefore, the minimum output voltage must
will the bias voltage VB , which is determined by the sum of the be maintained above VGS + VDS,sat to allow transistors M6
drain voltage of M4 and the gate-source voltage of M3: VB = and M8 to turn on and provide sufficient loop gain. Therefore,
VD,M 4 + VGS,M 3 . The steady state will be reached when the transistors M6 and M8 are usually operated deeply in weak
current through M4 is equal to IIN + IB , such that the current inversion to minimize the required minimum VGS and thus
forced out of the source of M1 is equal to ID,M 2 − IIN = IB . enhance the output voltage compliance. The proposed CM
At that point, the saturation level of transistors M2 and M4 is does not suffer from this drawback, since the output current
exactly equal to IF /IR = 2 + IIN /IB , and their drain-source of the CM is sampled at the drain of transistor M4 which
saturation voltage VDS,sat is identical as well. Therefore, the is biased at the edge of the saturation region. This current
drain symmetry of the current mirror formed by M2 and M4 sampling method combined with the very high loop gain allow
is maintained and there is no current offset between the output the CM to maintain a very-high output impedance as long as
and input currents; the output current IOU T is exactly equal the output voltage is a little over VDS,sat .
to IIN . 3) Auxiliary bias current sources IB : The value of the two
C. Proposed current mirror characteristics bias current sources IB used in the proposed CM determines
its output voltage range and influences its output resistance.
1) Output Impedance: The output impedance of the pro- The minimum output voltage is for the most part fixed by the
posed CM can be found using a test voltage source vx at VDS,sat of transistors M2 and M4, which in return depends
the output and finding the resulting current ix flowing into on their saturation ratio IF /IR . In order for these transistors
the output port. If we assume that the output resistance of the to mirror accurately the input current to the output, they
current sources IB and IIN are infinite, we find that the output must operate in saturation, such that their forward current
resistance of the current mirror is given by: component is much larger than their reverse component; that is

vx 1 go5 gm5 IF >> IR . In the proposed circuit configuration, all transistors
rout = = · 1+ +
ix go5 (gm4 + go4 ) gm4 + go4 have the same aspect ratio. Therefore, the saturation ratio
gm5 gm1 gm2 + gm1 go2 + gm2 go2
 of both M2 and M4 is equal to IF /IR = 2 + IIN /IB .
+ · (2) Hence, making IB 10 times smaller than IIN will ensure that
gm4 + go4 go1 go2
M2 and M4 are always at the edge of the saturation region
where gm1 , gm2 , gm4 , gm5 and go1 , go2 , go4 , go5 are respec- [9]. The value of current sources IB can be either fixed or
tively the transconductances and the output conductances of adaptive, but making them equal to IIN /K will ensure that
transistors M1, M2, M4 and M5. If we further assume that the saturation level of transistors M2 and M4 is always equal
the transconductance gm of the transistors is much larger than to IF /IR = 2 + K, regardless of the amplitude of the input
their output conductance go , equation 2 reduces to: current IIN .
rout ≈ gm1 gm2 ro1 ro2 ro5 (3)
Comparing this result with (1), we see that the proposed
implementation produces an increase of the output impedance The proposed current mirror circuit was implemented using
by a factor of gm ro over that offered by the high-swing super- STMicroelectronics 1-V 90-nm CMOS process. A minimum
Wilson current mirror. The output resistance of the proposed channel length of 0.25 µm is used in the proposed CM for
CM is equal to that of the regulated cascode, but its output good matching, and identical device geometry is ensured by
voltage compliance is larger, as will be explained below. using unit transistors with an aspect ratio W/L = 0.5/0.25
2) Output voltage compliance: The output voltage compli- that are either put in parallel or in series to obtain different
ance is the range of output voltages over which the current device sizes. Figure 3 shows the output current as a function of
mirror will provide an output current IOU T that corresponds the output voltage for the enhanced low-voltage CM presented
to the input current IIN . In the proposed CM, since the in this paper when IIN is swept from 5 µA to 50 µA in 10 µA
transconductance gain gm5 of the active output transistors M5 steps. IOU T is maintained within 1% of the value of IIN for
is much larger than its output conductance go5 , the correction output voltages as low as 80 mV at 5 µA, and 111 mV at
voltage required at its gate to compensate for an output 50 µA. The output impedance of the proposed CM is shown
voltage change is relatively small. This remains true unless in figure 4, where it is plotted as a functuion of the output
M5 enters the deep triode region where the value of its output voltage for an input current of 10 µA. The output impedance
conductance approaches that of its transconductance. Still, the rapidly increases when VOU T is above 100 mV to peak at
very high loop gain from the drain of M4 -where the output about 200 MΩ at VOU T = 500 mV.


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Output Current (uA)


Output Current (uA)

30.0 15.0


High-swing super-Wilson CM
0.0 Regulated Cascode CM
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 Proposed CM

Output Voltage (V) 0.0

0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
Output Voltage (V)
Fig. 3. Output current variation as a function of the output voltage for the
proposed low-voltage CM. Fig. 5. Output current variation as a function of the output voltage for
the high-swing super Wilson CM [7], the regulated cascode CM [6], and the
1E9 proposed low-voltage CM.


be extended further by increasing the value of the bias current

Output Impedance (Ohm)

sources ICP /K. Such performances make the proposed CM a
good candidate for the design of ultra-low power, low-voltage
analog circuits.
The authors would like to acknowledge financial support
from FQRNT, Micronet R&D, and the Canadian Research
Chair on Smart Medical Devices. Thanks are also due to CMC
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0
Output Voltage (V)
Microsystems for the design tools and fabrication support.
Fig. 4. Output impedance of the proposed current mirror for an input current
of 10 µA. [1] M. Ghovanloo, VLSI Circuits for Biomedical Applications. Artech
House, 2008, ch. 10, pp. 191–205.
[2] B. Gosselin, M. Sawan, and C. Chapman, “A Low-Power Integrated
Bioamplifier With Active Low-Frequency Suppression,” Biomedical Cir-
Finally, figure 5 shows the output current as a function of cuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 184–192,
the output voltage for the high-swing super-Wilson CM [7], for Sept. 2007.
the regulated cascode CM [6], and for the new CM presented [3] L.-F. Tanguay and M. Sawan, “An Ultra-Low Power ISM-Band Integer-N
Frequency Synthesizer Dedicated to Implantable Medical Microsystems,”
in this paper. All CMs were implemented using identical Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, pp. 1573–1979, 2007.
transistor sizes and biased to obtain a similar bandwidth of [4] J. Ramirez-Angulo, R. Carvajal, and A. Torralba, “Low Supply Voltage
200 MHz. The input current of the CMs was set to 20 µA, High-Performance CMOS Current Mirror with Low Input and Output
Voltage Requirements,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog Digit. Signal
and the output voltage was swept over the supply range 0 V Process. (USA), vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 124–9, 2004.
to 1 V. The output impedance of the regulated cascode and [5] E. Sackinger and W. Guggenbuhl, “A High-Swing, High-Impedance MOS
the proposed CM is significantly higher than that of the high- Cascode Circuit,” Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of, vol. 25, no. 1,
pp. 289–298, Feb 1990.
swing super-Wilson due to the higher loop gain of the feedback [6] A. Garimella, L. Garimella, J. Ramirez-Angulo, A. Lopez-Martin, and
action. Figure 5 also shows that the proposed CM outperforms R. Carvajal, “Low-Voltage High Performance Compact All Cascode
both other CMs in terms of the output voltage at which the CMOS Current Mirror,” Electronics Letters, vol. 41, no. 25, pp. 1359–
1360, 2005.
output current drops by 1% below IIN . [7] B. Minch, “Low-Voltage Wilson Current Mirrors in CMOS,” in IEEE
ISCAS, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2007, pp. 2220–2223.
IV. C ONCLUSION [8] C. Enz and E. Vittoz, Charge-based MOS Transistor Modeling: The EKV
model for low-power and RF IC design. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006.
In this paper, we presented the design of a new very-high [9] B. Minch, “A Low-Voltage MOS Cascode Bias Circuit for All Current
output impedance CM using output current sampling that has Levels,” in IEEE ISCAS, vol. 3, Phoenix-Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 2002, pp.
low input and output voltage requirements. Implemented using
STMicroelectronics 1-V 90-nm CMOS process, simulations
show that the value of the output current is maintained within
1% of that of the input current for an output voltage as low
as 80 mV at 10 µA and 111 mV at 50 µA. The operating
bandwidth of the proposed CM is over 200 MHz, and it can


Authorized licensed use limited to: Universita degli Studi di Bologna. Downloaded on February 03,2021 at 18:45:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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