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A Review of the 500 Year Ezekiel Solar Lunar Cycle

Here is reviewed Ezekiel’s 500 year solar lunar The term M is days per lunar month, the phase or
cycle. Ezekiel (Ez4) laid in repentance for Israel’s synodic value is 29.53059 days, whilst the eclipse or
390Years of iniquity and yet another 40Years for nodal period is 27.2122d, & anomalistic 27.554551d.

Judah’s guilt. Add in the 70Y punishment, & a 500Y For the synodic cycle of 1040Y, it will take 13713Y
cycle emerges. The proposed name of this 500 year to accumulate one day of error. The 19Y cycle gains
solar lunar cycle is the Ezekiel Cycle. For the book one day of error in just 220Y. The 391Y cycle is
of Ezekiel directly detailed this 500Y cycle, most persistent in both lunar and eclipse phases.

390+40+70=500, see Ez4:5-6;8:11;8:18.

A look at d’Berg’s formulation shows the systems of
The 500 year cycle (10 Jubilee cycle) is impressive errors to be both linear and additive, table2.

as it made from Ezekiel’s 390 and 40 years of non The 500, 1500, and 6500 nodal year eclipse cycles
Sabbath keeping, plus the 70 years of rest/ need 24040 years to accumulate a full day of error.
punishment for not keeping sabbath. The 10 Jubilee The 499.99Y synodic cycle accumulates one day of
cycle being called out thusly: ... to ful ll the word of error in 1825Y. The 500.03 year Anomalistic cycle
the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land requires 1025Y to accumulate one full day of error.

had enjoyed her Sabbaths. As long as she lay The eclipse count between 01Aug26 & 06Aug27AD
desolate she kept Sabbath, to ful ll seventy (70) (371days) was exceptionally high, 3 solar and 5
years. 2Chron36:21 (Lev25:4-11 de ned sabbath lunar, 8 in total. Six projections of this eclipse set
years) (7Y/1Sabbath+1Y/7Sabbath)70Sabbath Y = 490+10 = 500Y.
were made, -1000Y, -500Y, +(500,1000,1500,&2k)Y.
The 18th century Swiss astronomer M. de All evaluated years were found eclipse eclipse rich,
Cheseaux rst showed prophetic times of scripture averaging 5 or more per year. The dates of new
can also be Solar-Lunar cycles. He is otherwise moons (solar eclipse) and full moons (lunar eclipse)
known for having observed and described the six- were projected by JDo+(499.98925×365.24219)n,
tailed comet of the year 1744. (Ridgeway pp 64-74) with n varied from -(2,1) & +(1,2,3,4). The projected
The account of De Cheseaux’s discovery was given date had a mean variance of 0.15days from true
in "Memoires Posthumes de M. De Cheseaux" published lunar phase, with a
1754AD. Cheseaux’s showed:
standard deviation of just
315=1260/4 & 2300-1260=1040 (Daniel Cycle).
0.31d, or a highly
In the 1950’s a Dutch amateur astronomer, Van con dent prediction within
d’Berg showed eclipse cycles to be whole number 0.15+/-0.62days of the
combinations of the Saros (S=18.03Y) and Inex lunar event. About 140
(i=28.94504Y). For example the 19Y Metonic cycle is: events were reviewed to
10i - 15S = 289.4504 - 270.45 = 19.0004 Years, Y.
make this comparison.
An initial check of a cycle may be made with the While all Solar eclipses will
spreadsheet math function, d(Y), for moduli or happen upon a new moon
remainder & Years for 1 day error=Y/d(Y).
conjunction and all lunar
• IF(MOD(Y×365.24219,M)>14.5,MOD(Y×365.24219,M)−M, MOD(Y×365.24219,M))
eclipses will happen upon
a full moon, not all full
moons are lunar eclipses,
nor are all new moons
solar eclipses.

Of these comparisons,
only about a half of these
evaluated new or full
moons were eclipses. In
summary the 500 year
Ezekiel cycle is enduringly e ective at predicting
both lunar phases and eclipse rich years. It is not as
e ective at predicting eclipse cycles as is the
Gratton Guiness 391Y cycle. Synetadaa

Feb2021 OP Armstrong 1 of 1



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