Part 2 Exam

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1. You have invited your Irish friend Shane to stay with you next week, but you now have
to put off this visit. Write a card to send to Shane. In your card, you should:
• apologise to Shane
• explain why the visit has to be delayed
• suggest a convenient time to meet.

2. (Book-Page 33) You’re spending a day in the capitol of your country next Saturday.
Write an email to an English friend called Helen. In your email you should:
• Say what yuo would like to do in the city
• Tell her what time you are arriving
• Suggest where to meet

3. (Book-Page 59) You’re having a birthday party next Friday. Write a card to your English
friend Matthew. In your card, you should:
• Invite him to the party
• Tell him who is coming
• Suggest how to get there

4. (Book-Page 59) Your English friend, Catherine, has invited you to her birthday party
next week, but you can’t go. Write a card to Catherine. In your card you should:
• Thank her
• Apologise
• Explain why you can’t go

5. (Book-Page 59) It was your birthday last week. Your English friend Ben sent you a
present. Write a card to Ben. In your card, you should:
• Thank him for the present
• Describe what you did on your birthday
• Ask him when his birthday is

6. (Book-Page 97) You are on holiday at the seaside and you buy a postcard. Write the
postcard to your English friend called Sarah. In your card, you should:
• Tell her about your journey
• Describe the place where you are staying
• Say what you like best
7. (Book-Page 121) You’re spending the weekend at a friend’s house. Write a postcard
to you brother or sister. In your postcard, you should:
• Say what the house is like
• Say what you have done this morninh
• Tell him/her your plans for the rest of the weekend

8. (Book-Page 121) You’re spending next weekend with some friends who live in the
country. Write a postcard to them. In your postcard, you should:
• Say how you plan to get there
• Ask about what you will all do
• Tell them what time you will arrive

9. (Book-Page 121) You spent last weekend at a friend’s house. Write a postcard to your
friend. In your postcard, you should:
• Say what you enjoyed most
• Tell him/her about your journey home
• Tell him/her your plans for next weekend

10. (Book-Page 197) You and some driends are planning to go to the cinema. Write a note
to an English freind called Jerry. In your note, you should:
• Tell him which film you are going to see
• Invite him to come with you
• Say when and where you are meeting your friends

11. (Workbook- page 11) An English friend of yours called David wants to meet you next
Saturday, but you can’t see him then. Write an email to David. In your email, you
• Say why you can’t see him
• Suggest a different day
• Tell him what you would like to do

12. (workbook- page 19) Your English friend called Gareth has invited you to a barbecue
nest Sunday, but you can’t go. Write an email to Gareth. In your email, you should:
• explain why you can’t go
• Describe a different plan
• Ask him if he agrees
13. (Workbook- page 47) It’s early in the morning. You’ve taken a phone message for
your mother from the garage manager, Mr Marshall. He received your mother’s
email last week but he didn’t have time to reply. Write a note to your mother. In
your note, you should;
• Say when he phoned
• Tell her what he said
• Ask her to phone Mr Marshall

14. (workbook-page 63) You went to a restaurant with your family on Saturday. Write an
email to your friend Sara. In your email, you should:
• Tell her why you liked the restaurant
• Invite her to go there with you
• Explain where the restaurant is

15. A friend in youe English class called Elena has invited you to her wedding. Write an
email to Elena. In your email, you should:
• Congratulate her on her marriage
• Say how pleased you are to be invited
• ask her if there is anything she would like as a present

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