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The second issue is the concern on

local participation in the job market.

The first issue is regarding the
Laws: Industrial increasing number of foreign
Relation Act and The workers being hired in Malaysia.
Employment Act 1955 Caused the employers to
hire more foreigners to fill the The issues of minimum
labour shortage in the low- The parties involved in wages implemented by the
The relationship between skilled jobs this issue is Ministry of government on the service
workers and employers within Human Resources and sector.
the work environment. SME Corporation

Issues Problem statement

Roles and Functions of regarding the
Government in the issue of Related implementation of
minimum wages in Malaysia. concept with minimum wage in
The ministry of Human Malaysia
Resources Industrial ISSUES ON MINIMUM Introduction
relations WAGES IN MALAYSIA The high dependency towards the
Living standard to the poor foreign workers has been the
paid employees and reduce reason for the government to
the dependency on the low- introduce the minimum wage
skilled foreign workers policy 2012

Suggestion Conclusion Consider your audience – what

Government must improve minimum
they need to know. Use a mind-
wage policy implementation throughout
map to think through and record
the country by setting adequate
this. Explain your experience and
minimum wage rates that are
Add more variables into learning from the module
comparable to the current cost of living
the current model to
measure the impact of Script must be easy to follow. Keep
Examining the impact of the Enhance the labor foreign workers in the job presentation simple – better to let
minimum wage policy laws in Malaysia market and work audience ask for further information
implementation on manufacturing include important performance than to cram too much in!
sectors in other developing countries pieces of

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2018,” Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia, 2018. Available: [Accessed July 20,

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Malaysia: manufacturing employers’ perceptions of training provision and
fringe benefits, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 15

Tajuddin, S. A. F.S. A., Hasan, F.A., Muhamad, S., & Sulaiman, N. F. C.

(2019). Minimum Wage Reduce the Low-Skilled Foreign Workers in
Malaysian Manufacturing Sector. International Journal of Recent Technology
and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(3S2).

Wei, A. J. Murugasu, A. Wei, C.Y. (2018). Low-skilled foreign workers’

distortions to the economy,1-12.

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