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Theo 1301 / 3301

Topics for the Assessment (Exam)

LM 3

1. Know identify, and Explain the Theory of the 2 sources regarding the
composition of the Torah or Pentateuch: please indicate the name of the
most representative scholar who promoted this theory.
Jean Astruc – tried to discern the sources behind the Genesis
Yhwh and Elohim indicate 2 different sources. Both sources were
combined to form the final edition of the Torah.
2. Know identify, and Explain the Hypothesis of the Fragments
regarding the composition of the Torah or Pentateuch: please indicate the
name of the most representative scholars who promoted this theory.
Alexander Geddes and Johann Severin Vater were the fathers of this
hypothesis. Torah is the result of a massive and complex of editorial
work of literay units that were dependent of each other at different
Palestine times. Collection of stories of the same story were spread
throughout Palestine. The priest collected all of the stories and
combined them all to make a logical story (Torah – Pentateuch).
That’s why there are contradiction, duplets, etc.
3. Know identify, and Explain the Hypothesis of the Complements or
Supplements regarding the composition of the Torah or Pentateuch: please
indicate the name of the most representative scholar who promoted this
Supplement - An addition that is made to some type of platform.
Heinrich Edwald – not afraid to criticize old theorist. There’s a basic
narrative from beginning to end.
They were Additions and Insertions to the main story to make it
richer and better without leaving the main story behind (Proverbs)
4. Know identify, and Explain the Documentary Hypothesis regarding
the composition of the Torah or Pentateuch: please indicate the name of
the most representative scholar who promoted this theory.
Julius Wellhausen was the father. Didn’t discover the four sources (J,
E, D, P) those authors were identified in the 19th century. Wellhausen
explained that the Kingdom of Judah used the version of Yahwist.
Kingdom of Israel used the version of Elohist.
Kingdom of North (Israel) has been in conflict with the South (Judah)
Assyrian Empire in 722 destroyed Samaria and this event combined
both the editions of J (Yawhist) and E (Elohist), having as a result the
version of JE (Jehowist or Yehowist).
Josiah appeared in Jerusalem during a period of religious reform the
“scroll of the Law”. Wellhausen identified the Book of the Law as the
core of Deuteronomy and designated with D. Josian Religious
Reform produced the new redaction of JED.
Destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian Empire. Return to
Jerusalem and rebuilding of the city and second Temple.
P final document was written btwn 450-500 BC by priestly exilic
circles in Babylon influenced by the message of Ezekiel. Redaction of
this document would be culminated during the time of Ezra and
Priestly redactor (P) made the fusion of his own material with the
J,E,D, producing the final form: JEDP
5. Know identify, and Explain the main characteristics and theological
profile of the Yahwist source or author (J) in the Torah.
Predominant use of the name Yhwh. Author usually uses
anthropomorphism to describe God. Giving human characteristics to
Speeches of Yahweh. Summarized speeches of God said in the OT.
“after the flood, ‘I will never again curse the ground.’” (Gn 8:21-22)
Traditions concerning Judah (Jerusalem). Unconditional promise
made to Abraham. The Davidic Dynasty.
Etiology is the explanation or attribution of the cause or reason for an
event, name of a person or place.
Eve = Hawah = Life
Moses = Moshe = I drew him out of the water
J describes the character flaws.
Abraham lies to Phraraoh: Sarah is his sister
Deceit of Jacob in tricking Esau and Isaac
J mentions Canaanites: inhabitants of Palestine. In E is Amorites.
6. Know identify, and Explain the main characteristics and theological
profile of the Elohist source or author (E) in the Torah.
It is predominant the use of the name Elohim.
North Kingdom of Israel is important

The Yahwist had a universal interest: Abraham was called to be a

blessing to the nations
Elohist emphasize that Israel was called to be God’s people,
exclusively devoted to him: more nationalistic
Use of prophetism. Pre-monarchic heroes of faith: Abraham, Joseph,
and Moses.
Fear of God, fear out of love, respect, reason of my existence.
Elohist does not have any pre-ancestral stories and hesitant to
criticize the ancestors and leaders (except Aaron)
Repetitions when God is calling someone: Abraham, Abraham. -I’m
7. Know identify, and Explain the main characteristics and theological
profile of the Deuteronomistic source or author (D) in the Torah.
Pure Monotheism: Just only one Lord
The promise land – connection with this land and this nation will be
conquered in the name of God.
Represent the Law of God.
Essential war against Idolatry
D sources insists on trh entralization of worship in the place that the
Lord yout God will cos
The word of Ywh is always true
Shows special concern fo rhte poor, widows, and orhans. All
Israekites are birothers and sisters, each will answer to God for his
and he traetmen of the neighbiors.
8. Know identify, and Explain the main characteristics and theological
profile of the Priestly source or author (P) in the Torah.
Priests are educated at Jerusalem. Every way of repremd Yawh. God
is majestic and tansendent. No human can see God face to face
We need to have a offers, rituals, and sacrifices to show our faith to
Rules of worship found in Levitikus. Role of priest: aaron. Aaron are
only descendants that were allowed to officiate in the inner
Faith in Yhwh, ritual and cultic ceremonies: relationship with Yhwh.
Order and organization.
Use of genealogies, “were”
Forml and repetitive style. Let there be light, and there was light.
Repetition found.
Isarel should preserve its identity (nationalistic). Avoids
intermarriage with non-israelites
Faithfulness to the same ethnicity=fithfulness to God
Holiness: purity of the people and the land.
Israel to be “a priestly kingdom and a holy nation”
P’s elaborated rules and rituals = create and perseve holoness
They separated way the live, dress, moral codes with the rest of other
Divides history into four epochs from Creation to Moes: covenants

Creation covenant
Noah covenant
Abraham covenant
Moses covenant

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