Developing A Sustainable Culture of Innovation Management: A Prescriptive Approach

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Knowledge and Process Management Volume 12 Number 3 pp 190–202 (2005)

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/kpm.229

& Research Article

Developing a Sustainable Culture

of Innovation Management:
A Prescriptive Approach
Mohamed Zairi1* and Majed Al-Mashari2
European Centre for TQM, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK
IS Department, CCIS, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

This paper proposes an approach to innovation management, which produces seamlessness,

unleashes full creative potential, integrates activities, delivers superior performance, and
builds a sustainable culture. At the heart of World Class innovation is the role of senior man-
agement. This paper argues that senior managers have to exercise interest and commitment to
innovation activity and have to play a more transparent role in nurturing the development of a
sustainable innovation culture. Other critical aspects found through comprehensive research to
be inherent factors and key triggers of success are also covered in this paper with prescriptive
steps that can help in the establishment of sustainable innovation activity. Copyright # 2005
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

INTRODUCTION: THE ROLE Senior managers need to observe the discipline

OF SENIOR MANAGERS of NPD themselves by letting the team decide on
‘how’ in order to deliver ‘what’ the best outcome
Senior managers have to recognize that they are not needs to be. Senior managers can create the biggest
operationally involved in the implementation of impact at the early stages of NPD, mainly idea for-
new product development (NPD) projects. They mulation, concept and feasibility. In reality, most
have to be very clear about their role in monitoring senior managers start to get excited about projects
progress, stopping projects if they become too pro- at the capability/prototype stage.
blematic and ensuring that what is being worked The major role of senior managers in NPD
on is to support strategic objectives. Research indi- includes four main areas. Firstly, senior managers
cates that senior managers tend very often to show exert leadership in the planning of the project
little interest in a project until it is at the prototype through clarity of vision, formulating and commu-
stage. However, once a project is at the develop- nicating strategy, and developing goals and out-
ment stage, senior managers can have a little comes. Secondly, they have the responsibility of
impact without upsetting the entire project. Inter- following closely the implementation of projects
fering with the progress of the project at a later through proper gatekeeping, monitoring and
stage can demotivate the project team and create reviewing outcomes. Thirdly, they allow teams
a lot of frustration. enough flexibility to deal with issues, to carry out
execution of the project and use innovative ways
for achieving time-to-market measures. Finally,
teams have to be empowered by senior managers
*Correspondence to: Mohamed Zairi, European Centre for TQM,
University of Bradford, Bradford BD9 4JL, UK. to make decisions and own the projects and guide them successfully. Senior managers cannot put

Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Knowledge and Process Management RESEARCH ARTICLE

rigid rules and discard options that the teams put short-term goals should result from the interface
forward. of a series of sub-strategies including marketing
In NPD projects, employment can be accom- strategy, customer development strategy, commer-
plished in several ways. Firstly, competencies cial strategy and supply chain strategy.
have to be built in people, and long-term capabil- As Figure 1 illustrates, corporate goals should
ities in processes and use of state-of-the-art technol- represent a blend of targets, where some of those
ogies have also to be established. Another factor is are measured in terms of innovation activity.
building strategic robustness from the point of The deployment of the corporate strategy should
view of brand development (products) and supply take place at all levels in order to achieve goal con-
chain (process) and their effective communication gruence and real alignment to deliver optimized
and understanding, so that there are ‘no unpleasant value to the end customer, and consequently, finan-
surprises’ midway through the NPD process. cial and competitive benefits to the organization.
Furthermore, early involvement of people, parti- At the strategic level, the integration of innova-
cularly at the feasibility stage, is important to tion activity should be represented in terms of an
ensure that the right projects with the right targets aggregate project plan, a blend of areas, which
are to be worked on. Finally, gatekeeping has to be are aimed to deliver discontinuities, major
adhered to in a disciplined manner, through objec- improvements and maintenance to existing brands.
tive assessment. Projects need to be reviewed on This level is to be managed by senior managers at
their degree of fit to strategic objectives, and in so director level. The tactical level is the specific pro-
far as the projects are sound, they have to be ject selection and implementation and progress is
allowed to proceed forward. Interference with the reviewed on a regular basis through a gatekeeping
projects’ progress can only be justifiably made if system by senior managers including director level.
there are changes in strategy, market or technology. Operational integration of innovation is the use
In the context of NPD and using a disciplined of the funnel and the management of projects using
approach to innovation based on process, phases process gates and lists of deliverables until the suc-
and gates, senior management are to control the cessful launch. This is to be followed by a post-
effective implementation of strategic goals and launch review to ensure that corporate targets
ensure that selected projects will deliver the set have been met and successful completion will trig-
goals. The execution of the strategic goals, however, ger the whole innovation deployment process to
should be left to the teams who can be made ensure that innovation becomes a continuous activ-
accountable for the management aspects of projects. ity through the injection of new learning, the reali-
Gate abuse has to be measured so that senior man- zation that there are opportunities to be exploited,
agers will start to subscribe to a rigid standard of the threat of competitive gaps, the exploitation of
discipline and only interfere with projects if reasons new technology and know-how and the further
are given previously to justify the need. needs of the vision (which is medium to long
The conflict between functional line management term in nature).
positions and process working is authorized by Effective competitiveness will only come if the
gatekeepers. Once a project is authorized to pro- needs of the market (voice of the consumer) are
ceed, functional areas which ought to be repre- addressed simultaneously with the needs of the
sented at the right levels and with right process (capability). Effective competitiveness can
knowledge levels should not impede the progress only come from building an ability to handle chan-
of the project. Objectives of the functional areas ging demand and offering flexibility and respon-
should in fact be measured in terms of their contri- siveness catering for the requirements of different
butions to innovation activity. customer basis and different markets.
Gatekeeping effectiveness should be measured in The integration of brand development and sup-
terms of quality of decision-making, particularly at ply chain at the feasibility stage of the innovation
the earliest stages of NPD, and also in terms of reso- process has to be stressed to start at the highest
luteness in culling projects off at the early stages. level possible by closing the gap between the var-
ious strategies at the corporate level having repre-
sentation at the right level and at all stages, and
STRATEGIC INTEGRATION working through goal congruence and sharing
OF INNOVATION similar sets of objectives such as the following:

Innovation activity should not be a bolt on activity  Brand development seeks to introduce new-
to a corporate strategy. In fact corporate strategy ness, uniqueness and complexity to the market
which is defined in terms of long-, medium- and consumer.

A Sustainable Culture of Innovation Management 191

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Figure 1 Strategic integration of innovation activity

 Supply chain (logistics and planning) has the opportunity; competitors are doing it; nobody
task of ensuring quality, increasing productivity, has thought of it; it is required by our corporate
reducing costs and speed effectiveness. strategy.
 Manufacturing/engineering as a function inno- Supply chain, on the other hand, is concerned
vates through process improvement, process with building robustness in the organization so
development and technological exploitation. that it can respond effectively, flexibly and compe-
titively. The lines of questions could include need
The overall challenge, however, is to achieve to optimize the process, need to control, focus on
time-to-market through the effective management quality, cost, delivery and long-term process cap-
of the innovation portfolio and the launching of ability.
major discontinuities. There is also a need to As Figure 3 illustrates, effective conflict resolu-
resolve the innovation goal conflict between supply tion for new innovations has to integrate market
chain and brand development. and consumer needs with the internal capabilities,
Brand development is concerned with identify- in order to deliver the expected competitive results.
ing and fulfilling consumer needs which will give Supply chain, for instance, has different stake-
the organization a unique position and a healthy holders (Figure 4), including the needs of supply
market share. As Figure 2 illustrates, the line of chain (logistics and planning), the needs of brand
questioning is: the consumer needs it; excellent development and the corporate needs. A sound

192 M. Zairi and M. Al-Mashari

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Need to delight customer Volumes/Capacity issues

Need to be creative Materials/Supplier issues

Focus on market share Technology/Tooling issues

Short -term project success Planning & Scheduling issues

Newness & Uniqueness Know-how/Manpower issues

Competitor Reaction Focus on Quality, Cost, Delivery

Part of the Strategy Long-term process capabilities

Figure 2 The conflict between supply chain and brand development

manufacturing strategy will be based on reaching a  effectiveness in dealing with complexity;

happy compromise.  volume vs. value measures;
The measurement of the innovation strategy  rate of technological exploitation; and
should, therefore, be measured in terms of ’the  process capability
happy compromise’ status, which reconciles the
While it is more straightforward to measure the
softness aspects of innovation with the hardness
impact of brand development on bottom-line
elements (Figure 5).
results, this is not so easily the case with the supply
The strength of integration between brand devel-
chain. In order to get Senior Executives locked in
opment and supply chain should be measured so
and committed to innovation, measurement has
that there is willingness and commitment from
to take place to assess impact on the bottom line
both parties to work in harmony in achieving the
in terms of innovation and not just areas of cost,
corporate strategy.
quality and delivery. There are two possible scenar-
Examples of brand development measures are:
ios to consider here:
 no NPD/period of time; (A) Supply chain producing low innovative
 new product launches—size of opportunity; brands (relaunches) at high speed, low cost
 NPD cost effectiveness; and high volume. In this case, impact on the
 NPD project timeliness; bottom line is low because the product is
 speed of launches; mature, does not command a premium price,
 percentage of discontinuities as a percentage of or low cost targets cannot be translated in
total new product launches; and terms of benefits to consumers.
 rate of technological exploitation (B) Supply chain producing highly innovative
brands (breakthroughs, major improvements).
Examples of supply chain measures are:
In this case, impact on the bottom line is
 changeover Time; high because the product is new, commands
 responsiveness; a premium price, or has lots of benefits to
 flexibility; consumers.

A Sustainable Culture of Innovation Management 193

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Figure 3 Innovation conflict resolution between SC and BD

As Figure 6 illustrates, the real challenge for the instance, which would people prefer: deliverables,
supply chain is to challenge the status quo by checklists, critical success factors: The documenta-
adding the need to ensure high quality, high tion has to be simple, practical and enabling rather
productivity, low cost, and to measure innovation than creating further bureaucratic stacks.
effectiveness. IT support will not do the project for the team. IT
is a powerful tool, but will only give out quality
information if there is quality input. In addition,
IT support can be considered as the umbilical
EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION cord, which will ensure that the integration
OF THE INNOVATION PROCESS between supply chain, brand development and
the other stakeholders is very effective. IT systems
It has to be recognized that the new culture of inno- will also enable project teams to compile the history
vation based on the ‘funnel’ approach which uses of the projects and track progress online.
gates and gatekeepers can only be made to work If the new culture of innovation is to remain sus-
and become sustainable if there is behaviour mod- tainable, the emphasis ought to be on strengthening
ification. While the theory seems to be absorbed the process (process-based) and not focusing on
effectively, the real challenge is whether the recog- individual projects (projected). It has to be recog-
nized discipline is going to be observed during pro- nized that a robust innovation process will produce
ject management. successful projects time and time again and will
There are various challenges that need to be help deliver time-to-market targets through the
observed if there is going to be effective implemen- injection of new learning, compression of time, par-
tation of the funnel approach, thus resulting in allel working, etc.
achieving time-to-market product launches. The The required discipline for the innovation
documentation used for the process has to be based process will have to come not only from the
on a ‘language’ that people can identify with. For project teams but also the gatekeepers. Effective

194 M. Zairi and M. Al-Mashari

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Needs of Supply Needs of

Chain Marketing &

Trial runs,
Long runs, experiments,
no interruptions, new tooling,
cost new materials
quality &

Process improvement,
building flexibility
capability &
responsiveness – USING A SOUND

Corporate needs for


Figure 4 The stakeholders in the manufacturing process

innovation process management can only result Exxon Chemicals, for example, used a pocket-
from effective management through frequent sized guide to their gate-based innovation
reviews at the right levels, in the right format and process for project teams. They also have a similar
at the right gates. guide for gatekeepers. This is a very powerful
Effective implementation of the ‘funnel’ will approach to creating discipline and ensuring
have to result from proper planning and a compre- that people speak a similar language and follow
hensive strategy. Awareness and training on the the guidelines.
new approach are required at all levels. Innovation Organizing innovation fairs and innovation days
activity is business activity, and therefore people is also reported to review the level of progress in
should be conversant with the same language and developing a culture of innovation, successes and
only one language. future challenges and also to share learning and
Effective communication of the corporate strat- experience.
egy and the goals being pursued will undoubtedly Furthermore, in-process measurement is
achieve congruence and real alignment. Once peo- needed to review the flow of projects through
ple know why certain projects have a sense of the gates, the rate of progress, the timeliness,
urgency in them, they will stop questioning and cost, quality and success of launches and also
obstructing. Use of videos, posters, case studies the discipline of gatekeeping. This is perhaps
and interactive computer packages on the ‘funnel the most powerful way of ensuring that the disci-
approach’ will start the process of behaviour mod- pline gets adhered to. Measurement prevents
ification so much needed for effective and sustain- complacency, prompts improvement and brings
able competitive performance. about discipline.

A Sustainable Culture of Innovation Management 195

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Figure 5 Integration of SC and BD through a happy compromise

Also, the use of quality tools and techniques will AUDITING THE INTEGRATION OF SUPPLY
help create an interdependency between the var- CHAIN AND BRAND DEVELOPMENT
ious activities, an ethos of continuous improvement
through Plan–Do–Check–Act and a commitment to It has to recognized that the effective integration
excellence. The application of total quality manage- of supply chain and brand development is not
ment (TQM) will help ensure that the culture of just a question of having a list of deliverables,
innovation is developing in a positive way. IBM, co-option and creating the right to say ‘no’. Effec-
Rank Xerox, Rover and Exxon, for instance, tive integration can only result through a long-
use quality improvement teams to assess the term strategy of having key elements embedded
strengths and weaknesses of the innovation process in the culture including, amongst other systems,
and make recommendations for action where tools and techniques measurement, team
appropriate. building, empowerment, clear understanding of

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Figure 6 Supply chain real impact on bottom line

business requirements, customer focus and tech- can we introduce into the market-place?). In other
nological competence. words, a healthy competitive strategy will take into
If it is assumed that quick and regular changes in account the voice of the process (long-term capabil-
personnel, particularly in the area of brand devel- ity). Pursuing only one of the two avenues may
opment, will be ongoing, and in order to maintain either deliver small, incremental series of impacts
effective integration between supply chain and or infrequent series of big impacts.
brand development, regular audits can be carried Figure 8 shows a brand development process
out to ensure that there is total harmony and which is very pervasive in many industries driven
smooth project progress. by consumer needs and involving various stake-
As Figure 7 illustrates, it is possible to develop a holders to deliver what is required. In this scenario,
matrix based on the whats (all the deliverables) the focus is on branding and building market share.
which have to be observed during the feasibility Figure 9 shows another scenario, which is
stage and a list of all the enablers (hows). Perhaps based on process/technology development for
annually this assessment can be carried out by ask- providing capability and a technical edge over the
ing all the teams that have worked on projects to competition. The focus is on building a technical
rate the relevance of each deliverable to the project, advantage.
and the level of support/leak received from each The disadvantage of the first approach is that
enabler. there may be a market and consumer needs but
This will enable the organizations concerned to perhaps the ability to fulfil those needs may be
put into effect an action plan for reprioritizing the lacking or at very best just adequate. The disadvan-
list of deliverables in relation to the total project tage of the latter approach, on the other hand, is
portfolio and also to develop missing enablers or that there may by a pioneering technology which
remove anything which hinders project progress. has been very costly and without an identified mar-
ket, customer interest or the opportunity to achieve
effective ROI.
PRODUCT VERSUS TECHNOLOGY-BASED The two approaches to innovation are not in
APPROACH TO INNOVATION contradiction or conflict but are very much com-
plementary. Taking the short-term product route
Effective competitiveness has to result from having is essential; profits and market share are the life-
a good interface between brand development strat- blood of any business and therefore there has to
egy (what does the market need—what do we be a proper mix of innovations which are capable
need to offer?) and manufacturing strategy (what of giving the right levels of competitive perfor-
technologies can we exploit—what breakthroughs mance. On the other hand, the long-term process

A Sustainable Culture of Innovation Management 197

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Senior Management Support

Performance Measurement

Learning through Sharing

Effective Communication

Innovation for Results

Best Practice Adoption
Tools and Techniques

Supplier Involvement
Project Management

Competitive Impact
Sales Involvement

Process Discipline

Goal Congruence

Prioritization for
Briefly Clarify

Quality Focus


Figure 7 Auditing the integration of SC and BD

route is to build the ability to continue to deliver petitive edge. The PLOT (pilot, learn, optimize
big innovations to existing and new markets and transfer) approach can be used for technology
and to ensure that there is uniqueness and pre- adoption.
vent competitors from copying the technology.
Figure 10 compares the two approaches, using
criteria such as outlook, focus, objective, mea- LINKING-IN OTHER STAKEHOLDERS
sures and frequency.
The interface with research could enhance the Although the integration of supply chain with
performance of either of the two scenarios. In brand development will go a long way towards
the first instance, existing technologies can be achieving time-to-market, it has to be recognized
converted into commercial success if there is that other stakeholders will enhance the opportu-
close liaison and a good working relationship nity for creating a seamless working relationship
between scientists, and process engineers can and smoothness in the transfer of projects
help provide new manufacturing facilities and from one phase to the other. In particular,
process capability that will given a technical com- customer development (trade management) can

198 M. Zairi and M. Al-Mashari

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Innovation Process Road Map

RESEARCH Demand Variable

Brand Development Strategy





Figure 8. Product-based approach to innovation in FMCG

Innovation Process Road Map






Figure 9 Process technology-based approach to innovation in FMCG

play a critical role in many different aspects. It interface with the trade until launch day,
can be through the provision of intelligence on scheduling of deliveries and securing the right
consumers, customers or strategies. Another role volumes. Figure 11 illustrates the various roles
is the early input on customer acceptance of of customer development throughout the NPD
the brand under development; also continuous process.

A Sustainable Culture of Innovation Management 199

RESEARCH ARTICLE Knowledge and Process Management


Long term capability Short term, speedy OUTLOOK

& flexibility innovations

Internal External FOCUS

(Voice of process) (Voice of customer)

Deals with offering Deals with demand OBJECTIVE

(process capability) (market

- flexibility Consumer satisfaction

- market share
- quality, cost, speed
ROI - market penetration
- sales volume

Technological Market dominance, OUTCOME

competitive superiority

Least frequent route More frequent route FREQUENCY

- breakthroughs - support SIZE OF

- improvement
- platform

Figure 10 A comparision between process-based and product-based approaches to innovation in FMCG

DRIVERS FOR BD As far as marketing is concerned, size of innova-

tion, justifications of innovation (brand extension,
There is a very urgent need to develop a prioritiza- maintenance or just interference) are examples of
tion matrix for project selection where projects’ deliverables.
merits and features can be weighed against each On the other hand, benchmarking aims to establish
critical success factor from the corporate strategy. several questions, such as how good are we at the
Strong correlations mean top-priority projects; moment? What can we possibly do? Where is the
low correlations mean areas which are not critical benchmark? What is the impact of innovation on
to the business. closing a negative gap or protecting a positive one?
Key roles and responsibilities are best deter- The innovation intended impact (III) is used to
mined through building a matrix that can establish avoid a hit-and-miss approach. This can be
a link between the expected deliverables and pro- achieved through a philosophy of less is more.
cess ownership. Role determination is critical at Focus ought to be on big ideas, delivering bigger
the feasibility stage; individuals can be expected benefits globally.
to assume a key role, a support role or an observer Supply chain continuous improvement versus
role. Unless the list of deliverables is complete and continuous learning is a huge deliverable career of
comprehensive in terms of what is expected, it will BD. A focus on quality, cost or delivery alone may
always be difficult to develop discipline and a generate effectiveness and not necessarily help
sense of urgency. establish competitiveness. The supply chain needs
to manage the conflict of long runs, high quality
DELIVERABLES OF FEASIBILITY STAGE yield at low cost in a consistent manner, versus
ability to change on a frequent basis from mass
The feasibility stage of BD can result in several deli- production to mass customization, technological
verables, in terms of marketing, benchmarking, exploitation and the management of complexity,
innovation and continuous improvement. and building robustness and process capability.

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Figure 11 The role of customer management innovation

A CULTURE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT  discipline and methods (process);

 tools and techniques;
Project management has to reflect a culture of con-  progress review and reporting mechanisms;
tinuous innovation rather than one-off projects. It  measurement;
has to encompass:  post-launch evaluation; and
 recommended learning.
 clear objectives and their effective communica-
 senior management role;
 brief completeness and clarity; TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES
 team selection and role specification;
 quality management concepts; Various tools can be used. Amongst the most per-
 project leadership; vasive ones found in world-class organizations are

A Sustainable Culture of Innovation Management 201

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What What


Innovation Project Teams


Figure 12 Effective innovation through the role of transfer teams

DFMA, FMEA, Taguchi, simultaneous engineering, Concept teams could be teams of innovators
naive listening, sequential recycling, market (poets) regardless of job functions, brought
research, QFD, SPC and digitized artwork/ together to generate ideas.
design. Feasibility teams are cross-functional teams who
have the responsibility of scrutinizing a large num-
ber of ideas and refining those which could poten-
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT tially become winning projects. Development
transfer teams are technical innovative teams,
TQM helps develop a sustainable culture of inno- who could bring about modifications and new
vation. It helps create a culture focusing on the technical elements to the brands or the processes
customer/consumer. The establishment of a value concerned (Figure 12). Innovation project teams
chain through internal customer–supplier inter- execute the project briefs and implement the ideas
faces is enabled by TQM. Also, the business pro- until the launch of the tangible products.
cess can be improved through PDCA. TQM can
lead to making innovation projects the output
from the process. TQM establishes the culture of CONCLUSION
team working, measurement, management by
fact through the use of tools and techniques, and Developing a culture of sustainable innovation is
the shift from continuous improvement to contin- achievable through away days (brand develop-
uous learning using benchmarking as an effective ment-led forums and engineering/supply chain-
tool. led forums). Partnership events could be win–win
strategies with suppliers, where learning is estab-
lished through sharing with customers. Sustainable
TEAM ASPECTS innovation culture requires innovation, education
and training on a continuous basis, co-location and
Innovation activity is a corporate-wide activity and secondments, innovation networking, and reward
therefore ought to be equated with what the busi- and recognition for innovation. Processes that sup-
ness wants to achieve overall. There could be a port this development could be IT (through building
whole structure of teams assuming different sets history of projects, communication with information
of activities and passing the baton to other teams and management by facts) and HRM (through train-
to carry the innovation activity forward. ing, selection and employee development).

202 M. Zairi and M. Al-Mashari

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