Bacong Azucena Solid Waste Management Practices of Aplaya Bauan Batangas Pr1 Legit

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Bauan Technical High School 1


Background of the Study

Pollution is one of the biggest problem that the world is facing right now.

Humans are finding a way to lessen pollution. It’s a very sad thing that the

environment is being destroyed. It is nature that keeps us beautiful and soulful.

Nature helps us to breath and to have a good and better life. When nature is

destroyed, when artificial things replace the natural beauty, all the good qualities

that we, as human beings, have will be ruined.

Waste Management has been famous nowadays. It can help us to have

an extra income and to make new things using our creative minds. Waste

Management is vital in resource sustainability. Even if recycling some goods

uses more energy than producing it new, then so be it. Burn some of the waste to

generate power. By doing this all of our emissions will be lessen and the causes

and effects of pollution can be reduced.

Waste Management can be described as “the collection, transport,

processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials.” The term

usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is

generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or

aesthetics. It is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on

delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. All waste materials,

whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste


The researchers are aware that our planet, which happens to be Earth, is
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slowly loosing its youthful self. It has been slowly dying as time pass by and that

is because of us, the humanity. They would not want Earth to fall under the

critical level. Recycling is obviously very important if people wish to slow the

destruction of this planet. People should understand that they are many good

reasons for adding recycling to their routine.

There are also recycling practice or waste management in the municipality

of Bauan, Batangas such as having large trash cans in every barangay where

plastics, papers and bottles are segregated. It also includes an activity where

people in Bauan gather to clean and help each other to recycle.

A process of turning waste into new products that can help our society in

different aspects. By this process, the trash or garbages of an individual can help

to reduce pollution that is one of the major problems of the earth. It can also help

in terms of economy in a way that it helps to develop jobs. It is one of the best

ways on conserving because in recycling we use used things to make a new

outcome. And it also helps us to be more creative. It lessens the trashes or solid

wastes on our surroundings which makes the earth more beautiful.

The researchers want know the recycling practices that can help the

people to reduce the pollution that the world is experiencing right now. This study

will also want to focus on how to have a discipline in terms of the waste disposal.

One of the problem that the world is facing right now is the increasing number of

garbages that is thrown anywhere.

The chosen participants are the residents in Aplaya Bauan, Batangas. The

researchers relate the participants to their topic as they know that the students
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have a prior knowledge and already know the basic practices in recycling which

application will be more easy.

Statement of the Problem

The study will seek information regarding the solid waste management

practices of Aplaya Bauan, Batangas.

Specifically, the researchers would like to answer the following research


1. How does the residents from Aplaya Bauan, Batangas manage their


2. What are the materials used by the residents of Aplaya Bauan, Batangas

in managing their wastes?

3. How does Solid Waste Management help the community?

Theoretical Framework

This framework serves as a guide for the researchers. The focus of the

present study is to recognize the best practices of recycling on a regular basis.

This framework contained different techniques and practices that students and

residents may apply to do recycling on a regular basis.

In conducting this study, the researchers will apply the founding theories

of Practice Theory.

Practice theory is not one single theory but rather an umbrella approach

for studying practices (Hargreaves, 2011). In practice theory, there are many
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different theorists who differ somehow in their thoughts and ideas of what

constitute a practice, as well as in the why they define it. According to

Hargreaves (2011: p. 83): “some theorists focus on the various components or

elements that make up a practice (e.g. Reckwitz, 2002; Shove & Pantzar, 2005),

others on the connections between these elements (e.g. Schatzki, 2002; Warde,

2005), and others on the position of practices as a bridge between individuals

‘lifestyles and broader socio-technical systems of provision (e.g. Spaargaren and

Van Vliet, 2000). The theory of social practice can be traced back to Giddens

(2005) theory of structuration, where he argues that “individual actions are

shaped by a framework of social structures, but this framework is itself created

and modified by those actions. This process is mediated through meso-level

structures called practices” (In Hards, 2011: p. 24) Schatzki’s (2002) more

philosophical approach, suggest that a social practice is built up by doings and

sayings. He takes the example of cooking as a social practice. “Different actions

and expressions (cleaning vegetables, discussing recipes, cooking rice, etc.)

performed by different actors that produces the social practice of cooking.”

(Schatzki’s, 2002 p. 89).

For my study recycling would be the practice and the different action and

expression should be the doings like using and emptying food packaging’s,

cleaning them, collecting them, sorting them, and go out and recycle them in the

recycling containers, and the sayings, what people in the practice say, think, and

perceive recycling.

Another explanation of practice is provided by Reckwitz (2002). According

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to him “A practice is a routinized type of behaviour which consists of several

elements, interconnected to one other: forms of bodily activities, forms of mental

activities, things and their use, a background knowledge in the form of

understanding, know-how, states of emotion and motivational knowledge.”

(Reckwitz, 2002:49-50). Reckwitz (2002) say that a practice consists of several

elements and that they are connected to each other in a way which is similar to

Shove, Pantzar and Watsons (2012) view on practice, which will be my main

theoretical approach in this study.

According to Shove, Pantzar and Watson (2012), "practices are

provisionally stabilized when constitutive elements are consistently and

persistently integrated through repeatedly similar performances" (p. 24). This

means that the practice which in this study is recycling is created and stabilized

by elements or components that are consistent and persistent and integrated

through repeated and routinized actions by the people that recycle. Practice

theory has been applied to understand and analyse human behaviour for many

years, researchers have used it to increase and improve understandings of why

people do what they do and to offer an alternative explanation of human action

other than understandings of individual behaviour.

Therefore, this study applying the practice theory to the behaviour of

recycling, can contribute to new understanding and insights about recycling. It

can give people a new perspective where recycling is something more than just a

daily routine in a household. And it can also reveal the factors that influences the

behaviour and make people recycle or not. Since this theory proves a point of
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recycling is much way too important, it can help everyone to apply their

knowledge through recycling. It also serves as an eye opener to those people

who don't care about these daily practices.

Conceptual Framework

This study used simple model as a conceptual paradigm which is a graphical

representation which encapsulate the entire idea of the study. Figure 1 presents

conceptual paradigm includes input, process and output.

The first box contains the input variables, it is where the information, ideas

and resources are located. Then, an arrow was drawn heading to the second box

which is the process box.

The second box contains different processes that researcher will use to

evaluate the information from the first box. These includes interviews to gather

more information and know the point of view or opinions of every students about

recycling. From the second box an arrow was drawn heading to the third box

which represents the output box.

And lastly, the third box shows the product of the qualitative research and

desired outcome of the researcher.

Input Process Output

Best Practices of Interview

Proposed activities
that can encourage
other people to
Data Analysis
practice recycling
Practices that can on a daily basis.
be used to expand
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Figure 1

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

To the community , this study will help to conserve natural resources

and saves energy.

To the local officials, this study will help to create jobs in the recycling and

manufacturing industries.

To the local residents, this study will help to protect the whole environment

where it reduces the pollution and some toxic chemicals.

To the students, this study will serves their basis reference for them to

execute what are the proper practices to do in recycling.

To Future Researchers, this study will be use as guide or reference that

can help them to give more ideas that may use when doing their research.

Scope and Delimitation

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This study will focus on solid waste management practices of Aplaya Bauan,

Batangas. This study also include the common knowledge, conceptions, reasons

on why recycling must be applied, how does recycling helps in our daily lives and

community and what practices are being taken by the people.

This study is conducted in Aplaya Bauan, Batangas where the respondents

are the residents. These respondents are chosen through purposive sample. It is

a non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a population

and the objective of the study.The researchers are conducting a qualitative type

or research and the data collection method is through interview.

Definition of Terms

Community- it is a group of people with a common characteristic or interest

living together within a larger society.

Disposal- it is the destruction or transformation of garbage.

Environment-  it is the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as

climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological

community and ultimately determine its form and survival.

Practices- it is the form, manner, and order of conducting legal suits and


Recycling- it is to process materials or substances (such as liquid body waste,

glass, or cans) in order to regain material for human use.

Waste- is excreted from or stored in inert form in a living body as a by-product of

vital activity.
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On this part of the study presents the related literature and studies

which presents the evidence for the research of the study. This related literature

is done by the researchers after the thorough and in-depth process of

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searching.This provides some clues wherein the future researchers can depend

on and help to know where are the areas that the researchers needs to focus on.


The researchers found several readings and articles which serve as rich

resources for this study. This part of the study were derived from published

materials, books, journals, magazines, and other written materials that have

direct bearing on the present study both local and foreign.

According to World Health Organization (2011) the solid waste

management, in technical note, the term ‘solid waste’ is used to include all non-

liquid wastes generated by human activity and a range of solid waste material

resulting from the disaster, such as general domestic garbage such as food

waste, ash and packaging materials; human feces disposed of in garbage;

emergency waste such as plastic water bottles and packaging from other

emergency supplies; rubble resulting from the disaster; mud and slurry deposited

by the natural disaster; and allen trees and rocks obstructing transport and

communications. Other specialist wastes, such as medical waste from hospitals

and toxic waste from industry, will also need to be dealt with urgently, but they

are not covered by this technical note.

Our insatiable desire to constantly upgrade disposable technology and

consume over-packaged products has continued unabated for decades. At the

same time however, there has been a trend away from both burning waste in

incinerators and burying it in landfills. Waste management policies now seek to

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minimize waste disposal by reducing its generation and by reusing and recycling.

This book reveals the extent of our growing waste problem and examines the

waste and recycling practices of households, and includes many tips on how to

reduce, reuse and recycle. Topics include green waste, plastics, glass, paper,

metal and electronic waste (Healey, 2010).

The Municipal Council enacted an ordinance establishing solid waste

management also known as “Perkash Fashura Ordinance Na Isadanga.”The

ordinance prohibits dumping of garbage anywhere other than those recognized

and established garbage facilities; dumping of unclean and unsegregated waste

at the redemption center/facility; discharging of human feces along the creeks

and rivers; throwing of wastes in creeks, rivers, public places such as roads,

sidewalks and establishments; and burning of garbage particularly non-

biodegradable wastes. It also requires residents to practice segregation of

wastes at source. Reusable solid wastes such as bottles, plastics, cellophanes

and papers shall be brought to the barangay material recovery facility duly

segregated or directly to the agent-buyers. Non-recyclable materials and special

solid wastes will be brought to the material recovery facility, while hazardous

wastes or chemicals will be disposed in coordination with concerned government

agencies according to prescribed methods. The local government is responsible

for collecting reusable, recyclable and non-biodegradable waste materials from

the material recovery facilities; and transporting them to the recycling centers and

or to the municipal material recovery facility. Collection of segregated solid

wastes is scheduled per barangay (Saley, 2012).

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The management of waste become complex and the facilities provided

cannot cope with the increasing demand and needs. Therefore, best approach

need to be implemented immediately while considering environmental, social and

economic aspects (Aye & Widjaya, 2010). The drivers of sustainable waste

management were clarified by Agamuthu et al. (2009), which include human,

economic, institutional and environment aspect. The study suggests that each

driving group should be considered in local context as managing solid waste for a

particular society may differ from the others.

The waste management system should be dynamic and continuous based

on new insights and experiences (van de Klundert, 2010). For example,

continuous assessment of current policy and regulatory framework of New

Zealand indicated the lack of policies coordination, hazardous waste

management, consistency, incentives and markets for recycled material, and

cleaner production effort (Boyle, 2009). Thus, the improvement in policy is

needed while it will also benefit the country. As an example, based from EU25

group, it was found that the generation of waste is increasing and is expected to

continue for many years ahead. After the implementation of the new EU’s policy

in waste recovery and incineration, the amount of waste landfilled has been

decreasing slowly (Mazzanti & Zoboli, 2010).

However, based from the data from developed countries, the actual

amount of waste been landfilled is actually decreasing as more waste are

incinerated, composted or recycled. Looking at the positive angle, Lomborg

(2010) believed that area needed is sufficient to cater the total amount of waste
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generated by the world, but the problem is the location since nobody wants to

stay near landfills. He also reported that air from incinerators and groundwater

near landfills today are cleaner and safer. Therefore, solid waste generation can

be considered more of a political or social issue than others (Lomborg, 2012).

Solid Waste Management poses a major challenge in society because any

activity or process generates waste. Further, the management of solid waste

is considered worldwide to be an expensive public service. Most of the

funds are allocated in the major cost centers or service categories of the

solid waste management namely solid waste collection, solid waste disposal and

recycling (Hunt, et. al., 2009). Insufficiency of funds is a widely identified barrier

which hampers the provision of a better and improved system most especially in

developing countries.

In the Philippines, aside from the insufficiency of funds, the LGUs are

incurring financial gap in the implementation of the whole system. However, the

LGUs has several funding arrangements and options for the establishment of the

solid waste management system. The sources of funds for the LGUs

include the following: (a) general budgetary appropriations; (b) external

sources; (c) Cost recovery mechanisms such as collection of waste fees and

fines from waste violations; and (d) National Solid Waste Management Fund

(ADB, 2010).

Despite the availability of financing options or mechanisms, improper

management of solid waste is still prevalent worldwide particularly in the

developing countries. The immediate option for the insufficiency of funds is

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the imposition of the economic instruments since solid waste is considered

public good (Cointreau and Cravioto, 2009). However, some economists believe

that the developing countries are not ready for these kinds of instruments. The

reasons cited are lack of financial and human resources, lack of enforcement,

poorly developed financial markets and legal systems, corruption, and lack of

enough equipment and data. And the ineffectiveness of these instruments to

the developing countries may be due to the fact that these were applied based

on the applicability on the developed countries without considering the local

circumstances (Matete and Trois, 2008; Couth and Trois, 2010). On the

other hand, some researchers perceive that the insufficiency of funds may

not be the root cause of the problem but the ineffective utilization of funds

(Oelofse and Godfrey, 2011).

Solid waste management has been identified as an important

service which drastically increasing in volume and cost faster than the rate of

urbanization globally (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). Further, the growing

complexity of the waste management problem may be attributed to various

factors such as financial, institutional and others (van de Klundert and Anschutz,


This crucial issue threatening the environment and human civilization is

worth a scrutiny to attain sustainable future for the recent globalized society.

However, there are few studies conducted assessing the efficiency of the

waste sector especially in the developing countries. The comprehensive lists

of literature reviews about the economic performance of the waste sectors are
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presented in the paper of Simões and Marques (2012).

Over the past decades, the Philippines enacted several laws and

regulations in order to protect the environment and its citizenry especially to

tackle the solid waste problem. However, the urgency to tackle the said

problem was heightened after the disposal crisis hits Metro Manila in 2000

known as Payatas Tragedy when the mountains of garbage collapsed resulting

to the loss of hundreds of human lives. A year after that incident, Republic Act

No. 9003 (RA 9003) or Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 was


In the next few years, the estimated waste generation will increase rapidly

due to the rapid growth in population and urbanization alongside with the

development in the socio-economic characteristics of the country. As

estimated, the waste generation in 2005 amounting to 24,059 tons/day has

increased to 28,875 tons/day in 2010 (NSWMC, 2004; Atienza, 2011). The

major sources of the wastes generated are households, commercial

buildings, industrial/manufacturing facilities, institution, and health care facilities.

Approximately 73% of these wastes come from the households while 26%

come from the industrial/manufacturing facilities (Aguinaldo, 2009). Further,

approximately 50% of the waste generated from these sources consists of food

and other organics while approximately 45% of the waste generated

consists of plastics, paper, glass and metals (ADB, 2010).

Since the passage of RA 9003 in 2011, there is a slow

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development of the solid waste management system in the Philippines. The

system is facing several issues and challenges such as inadequacy of funds,

lack of political will from the local officials, improper segregation at source and

lack of environmental awareness from the households.

Sumalde (2009) found out that the LGUs incurred a substantial fiscal gap

from the income obtained and the amount needed to finance the solid

waste management system. According to Sumayao and de Guzman (2010),

the knowledge of the households about solid waste management is fairly high.

As for the success of the waste management programs, the households expect

that the local officials will play proactive roles in implementing and

monitoring the said programs. However, Cabañog (2011) found out that

lack of environmental awareness of the community hinders the success of

the solid waste management programs when conducted a survey on the

selected three cities in Misamis Occidental. In addition to that, the author stated

that the inadequacy of funds and lack of political will from the local officials

influence the implementation of the solid waste management programs. Also,

Bernardo (2012) observed that the households did not recognize the

importance of waste segregation implying the lack of information

dissemination regarding solid waste management from the government. As such,

the household failed to practice segregation for the reasons of lack of time, space

and cost.

Considering the current state of the Philippine solid waste management

system, it indicates that the government cannot solve the enormous waste
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problems without the contribution of other stakeholders and assessment of

other important matters aside from the technical or technological

perspectives (i.e. political, social and economic perspective). Specifically,

the sustainable solid waste management system and recycling industry of

the country can be attained by having good environmental governance

through collaboration with other stakeholders, effective public information

dissemination through campaigns and promotions, and shared ideas on

innovative and appropriate technology (Atienza, 2008; Atienza, 2011).


Researchers conducted a review of the studies that had been performed

possessing interrelation with the present study. This literature is full of valuable

contributions providing numerous avenues for improving existing research and

answering queries regarding experiential education.

The study of Guerrero, Maas, Hogland (2013) focuses on solid waste

management where it is a challenge for the cities’ authorities in developing

countries mainly due to the increasing generation of waste, the burden posed on

the municipal budget as a result of the high costs associated to its management,

the lack of understanding over a diversity of factors that affect the different

stages of waste management and linkages necessary to enable the entire

handling system functioning. A combination of methods was used in this study in

order to assess the stakeholders and the factors influencing the performance of

waste management in the cities. Data was collected from scientific literature,

existing data bases, observations made during visits to urban areas, structured
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interviews with relevant professionals, exercises provided to participants in

workshops and a questionnaire applied to stakeholders. Descriptive and

inferential statistic methods were used to draw conclusions. The outcomes of the

research are a comprehensive list of stakeholders that are relevant in the waste

management systems and a set of factors that reveal the most important causes

for the systems’ failure. The information provided is very useful when planning,

changing or implementing waste management systems in cities.

The study of Ballados (2010) focuses on the experiences and practices of

household waste management of people in a barangay (village) in Manila,

Philippines are documented. The data were gathered through an interview with

household members using open-ended questions. Interviews were also

conducted with garbage collectors as well as scavengers. The types of wastes

commonly generated are food/kitchen wastes, papers, PET bottles, metals, and

cans, boxes/cartons, glass bottles, cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes.

The respondents segregate their wastes into PET bottles, glass bottles, and

other waste (mixed wastes). No respondents perform composting. The

households rely on garbage collection by the government. Collection is done

twice daily, except Sundays, and household members bring their garbage when

the garbage truck arrives. However, there are those who dump their garbage in

non-designated pick-up points, usually in a corner of the street. The dumped

garbage becomes a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms. Some

household respondents said that it is possible that the dumping in certain areas

caused the dengue fever suffered by some of their family members. Most of the
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respondents said that garbage collection and disposal is the responsibility of the

government. The results of the study showed that RA 9003, also known as the

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, they found out that it is not fully

implemented in Metro Manila. The findings of this study served as basis in

developing a handbook on solid waste management.

The study of Madrigal (2018) focuses on the solid waste management

awareness, attitude, and practices of the employees and students of a Catholic

higher education institution in the Philippines. Using a descriptive research

design, the data were collected using a self-administered survey questionnaire

and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The major findings of the

study show that the respondents demonstrated a very high level of awareness

and attitude and high extent of practice of solid waste management. A significant

difference was found in the awareness, attitude, and practices of respondents

when they were grouped according to status and religion. Also, the findings

established the relationship between awareness and attitude on one hand and

the extent of practice of solid waste management. Awareness, attitudes, and

practices were significantly related to age and educational level, except for sex

which showed no correlation with attitude and practices.

The first study of Asmawati Desa (2012) focuses to identify the current

waste collection and waste data in Malaysia. In order to identify the type of waste

produce by the university, waste characterization study was conducted. The

method used can be referred from the study by Kian-Ghee Tiew, Stefan Kruppa,

Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri and Hassan Basriof waste characterization research
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team from Faculty of Engineering and Built Environmental. After sorting, the

waste was store in bins which were labeled for different items and later were

weighed to determine waste composition. The study has been successful in

highlighting the composition and characteristics of the solid waste produced at

the university campus. Thus both physical and chemical characteristics of the

solid waste are important to determine the selection of the final method of waste

disposal. Based on this findings the university provide three different bins for the

separation at source activities. Each bin is coloured differently, for example green

is for organic or bio waste, orange for recyclables and black for residual waste.

Before this only one bin is used for all waste.

Another study of Asmawati Desa (2012) focuses to analyze problems,

create and conduct interventions and then evaluate the effectiveness of

interventions. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess students’

awareness, attitudes and perceptions towards the solid waste management. The

main tool used in data collection was a structured three part questionnaire

specifically designed for this study. The questionnaire covered demographic

factors such as year of study and ethnic of the respondent as well as variables

related to the respondent’s littering attitudes and practices. The findings of Hines,

Hugerford and Tomera also suggest that the level of consistency between

environmental attitudes and behaviour is affected by a person’s knowledge and

awareness, public verbal commitment and his/her sense of responsibility. The

transfer from attitudes to behaviour can also be affected by lifestyle; many

people, while professing to “correct” attitudes to the environment, are not ready
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to change their lifestyle in ways that might mean sacrificing certain forms of

leisure and comfort for the sake of the environment.

Lastly is the study of Manaf, Samah, & Zukki focuses on the rapid

economic development and population growth, inadequate infrastructure and

expertise, and land scarcity in Malaysia that makes the management of municipal

solid waste become one of Malaysia’s most critical environmental issues. The

study was conducted by a narrative approach and it is aimed at evaluating the

generation, characteristics, and management of solid waste in Malaysia based

on published information. Currently, solid waste is managed by the Ministry of

Housing and Local Government, with the participation of the private sector. A

new institutional and legislation framework has been structured with the

objectives to establish a holistic, integrated, and cost-effective solid waste

management system, with an emphasis on environmental protection and public

health. They found out that the hierarchy of solid waste management has given

the highest priority to source reduction through 3R, intermediate treatment and

final disposal.


The study of Saley (2012) is similar to the recent study of the researchers

where it discusses the sorting and processing activities which is also applied in

Aplaya Bauan, Batangas. It also includes the method of segregation of waste.

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Reusable solid waste such as bottle, plastics, cellophanes, and papers shall be

brought to the barangay material recovery facility duty segregated or directly to

the agent-buyers. Non-recyclable materials are also brought to the material

recovery facility. They also discussed about the collection of segregated solid

wastes that is scheduled per barangay. Furthermore,a study from Ballados

(2010) is similar to the study where it focuses on the experiences and practices

of waste management. It also use a method of scheduling the collection of

garbage. Those two studies will be the support because it have the similarities

that were seen in the study same with the researchers topic that discusses the

solid waste management practices and programs that can be done to propagate

environmental preservation.

On the other hand, a study from Another study of Asmawati Desa (2012)

shows a different method of solid waste management where they focuses to

analyze problems, create and conduct interventions and then evaluate the

effectiveness of interventions. This method is not applied to Barangay Aplaya

Bauan, Batangas. In collecting the data, the previous researchers used a self-

administered questionnaire was used to assess student’s awareness, attitudes

and perceptions towards the solid waste management. The main tool used in

data collection was a structured three part questionnaire specifically designed for

this study unlike the present study which employed an interview, an observation

and documentation. Differences are noticeable in terms of participants of the

study, way of collecting and analyzing data, and research objective.

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Research Design

The research design refers to the overall strategy that choose to integrate the

different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby,

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ensuring it will effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the

blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data (Trochim, 2006).

The researchers will apply the descriptive type of research with the use of

interview as the main instrument for gathering data that are designed to know the

practices of the solid waste management in the residence of Aplaya, Bauan,


According to Dudovsky (2017), descriptive research is “aimed at casting

light on current issues or problems through a process of data collection that

enables them to describe the situation more completely than what’s possible

without employing this method.” Through this research method, the researcher is

able to get at meaning of the data gathered and give implications in a form of

proposed activities.

According to Lambert (2012), a qualitative descriptive approach needs to be the

design of choice when a straight forward description of a phenomenon is desired.

It is an approach that is very useful when researchers want to know,

regarding events, who were involved, what was involved, and where did things

take place.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at the residence of Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas.

Aplaya is a barangay in the municipality of Bauan, in the province of Batangas.

Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 8,038. This represented
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8.80% of the total population of Bauan. The selected place is large enough to

accommodate large population to the conducted study. .

Respondents of the Study

The research study entitled "Solid Waste Management of Aplaya, Bauan,

Batangas" will include of 30 residents as respondents from Aplaya, Bauan,

Batangas. The respondents were chosen because they have the validity to state

their different perspectives as a resident in Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas.

Sampling Procedure

In this study purposive sampling was used which is a non-probability

sampling method and it occurs when "elements selected for the sample are

chosen by the judgement of the researcher. Researchers often believe that they

can obtain a representative sample by using a sound judgement, which will result

in saving time and money". (Dudovskiy, 2012)

The method of purposive sampling was used to develop the sample of the

research under discussion. According to this method, which belongs to the

category of non-probability sampling techniques, sample members are

selected on the basis of their knowledge, relationships and expertise

regarding a research subject (Freedman et al., 2007).

The reason for choosing this approach was that the researchers were

seeking knowledge about Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas' practices of solid waste

management. In the current study, the sample members who were selected had

a connection and knowledge regarding to the topic of the study.

Research Instrument
Bauan Technical High School 2

The main instrument utilized was a researcher-made interview to

accumulate the required informations for the research. The most important data

employed in this research study was collected through the interview conducted

by the researchers to the respondents. It will be easy for the researchers to know

the answers of each respondents about solid waste management. The

researchers trusts that selected instrument would help them obtain the required

informations to reinforce their overview.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the interview, the researchers will ask for permission to their adviser

and at the same time to the head counselor of Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas. After

the approval of the request, the researchers will approach the selected

respondents. The researchers will ask and explain to the respondents the scope

or nature of the study, as well as the instructions and the questions they might

encounter during the interview. During the interviews, the researchers can record

and take down notes so it will be much easy to analyze the statements and data.

After the interview, the researchers will analyze and interpret all the gathered

statements and data of the respondents. Lastly, after presenting all the

statements and data, conclusions and recommendations will be formulated.



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Hanapin& hl=tl&source=hp&rlz=1R2ADFA_enPH392&aq=f&aqi&aql&oq


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Bauan Technical High School 3

Good morning, ___________________. I am Hannah Jocelle P. Bacong and I

am Keith Syrell Azucena. We are currently conducting a research about Waste
Management Practices of Aplaya Bauan, Batangas. The objective of this study is
to to determine the recycling practices that can help the people to reduce the
pollution. Tell us something about yourself, Mr. /Mrs. /Ms.

Content Questions:

1. How does the residents from Aplaya Bauan, Batangas manage their wastes?
2. What are the materials used by the residents of Aplaya Bauan, Batangas
in managing their wastes?
3. How does Waste Management help the community?

Closing Instructions

Thank you very much, Grade 12 STEM students for your time. I would like
you to know that we are the only one who will have access to this audio material
and after the research, the content will be erased. If you wish to have a copy of
the abstract of this research, I would be very willing to send you one. Do you
have any question? Again thank you very much!


Name: Hannah Jocelle P. Bacong

Address: Sto. Domingo Bauan, Batangas
Date of Birth: March 19, 2002
Place of Birth: Sto. Domingo Bauan, Batangas
Bauan Technical High School 3

Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Dominador C. Bacong Jr.
Mother’s Name: Isabel P. Bacong

Educational Background
Secondary: Bauan Technical High School (2018 up to present)
Elementary: Bauan West Central School (2007-2013)
Grade 10 completer
With Honors
NCII Holder of Technical Drafting (Structural)


Name: Keith Syrell Azucena

Address: Aplaya Bauan, Batangas
Date of Birth: August 18, 2001
Place of Birth: Aplaya Bauan, Batangas
Bauan Technical High School 3

Sex: Female
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: N/A
Mother’s Name: Mariel A. Gutierrez

Educational Background
Secondary: Bauan Technical High School (2018 up to present)
Elementary: Bauan West Central School (2007-2013)
Grade 10 completer
With Honors
NCII Holder of EPAS
Bauan Technical High School 3
Bauan Technical High School 3
Bauan Technical High School 3
Bauan Technical High School 3

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