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Squash Leche
Facebook Page:
4504, Dunao, Ligao City

Contact us: 09467478317/09367035869

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Squash Leche Flan


Squash Leche Flan was popular dessert especially when it had an occasion also it is

suitable for everyone wherein they craving for its taste and it is particular dessert in a fiesta

event. This is dessert is good for health because it has a squash which gives nutrients and does

not have include a chemical. Yellow Squash rich is brilliant source of Vitamin C, magnesium,

Vitamin A, fiber, folate, copper, riboflavin and phosphorus. Squash Jelly Flan is a dessert made

up of squash, eggs, and milk with a soft caramel on top. This delicious desserts known

throughout the world. It has been regular item in the menu of the most restaurants of its taste.

The form of business is sole proprietorship. This owner of the business continued to have

a business to supply the needs and wants of the costumer. Hard work and perseverance is to key

to her success. They also establish good relationship to their costumer the resulting to have

demand of their product.

Squash Leche Flan
Serve people by providing healthy and delicious dessert and bring happiness to our

Provide nutrition support of everyone especially children and to introduce the health
benefits of affordable products made from affordable materials.

Aim to have different branches of our enterprise around the world and the main product
is the Squash Leche Flan.

 Build strong customer relationship through satisfying them on our service and
product offerings
 Improve and develop the business to be more flexible
 Establish a high introductory sale by lowering regular price to attract more
customer within the first day
Keys to Success
 Product/s
 Squash Leche Flan Food Enterprise offers delicious, unique and healthy delicacy
to the customers that will make them encouraged eating sweet foods without
compromising their healthy diet.
 Price
 The firm provides not just healthy food yet affordable for the inputs used are lost
lower than the ordinary leche flan.
 Promotion
 The firm used a two-way strategy in promoting the product; worldwide web and
front page account through Facebook since both are internationally used. Aside
from having a small kiosk that will serve as store , one of its strategies, the team
planned to make it made-to-order since it is best for all occasions like birthdays,
weddings and etc.
 Place/Location/Distribution
 The place where the kiosk of Squash Leche Flan located is accessible and easy to
reach by the potential buyers since it is a public market.
 People/Management Team Employees
 The team inside the company must work as one and must be passionate enough in
achieving their goal in application to their core values given.

Squash Leche Flan



The Squash Leche Flan is a sole proprietorship. It is located at Ligao City in front of computer
shop. All raw materials for daily consumption will be delivered daily. The company will be
owned by Ms. Mycca Caňete, operated by 5 managers namely: Ms. Adrianne Katrine Zaragoza,
Ms. Jenny Relao, Ms. Crichiamae Rebusquillo, Ms. Maribeth Novelero and Ms. Mylene Garcia.
The SLF will be operating for 15 hours (Monday-Sunday7:00 a.m – 10:00 p.m).
Description of the Product
Squash Leche Flan is a combination of squash and Jelatin with nutritious ingredients that
provides a delicious product. With a catching quoted line: “Your healthy lifestyle is our desire”,
simply means that the firm offers product which is nutritious and good to the health of the
consumer. This quoted line was created to easily captivate the eyes attention of the customers in
the market. The company aims to provide a dessert that is based on the Filipino preferences yet
in a different way; more nutritious and affordable. Squash is a unique ingredient of Squash Jelly
Flan that the firm offers to distinct to others. On the other hand, the trademark logo was shown
above, and was designed simple yet will mark to the minds of the customers. The concept of
making nutritious leche flan started as a part of the partner’s curriculum, Business Plan last July,
2011. However, the idea did not stop there. The partners’ think of a way that it would be possible
if they will continue the idea from just a plan to implementation. This was fully developed by the
partners for they see the needs of choosing the right food for the right budget of eating desserts.
One of the reasons why Squash Jelly Flan came out as a dessert is to simply persuade the
customers that there are ways to enjoy eating vegetables.


The product Squash Leche Flan, a caramel crème con squash, is good for every person regardless
of age. The partners made different sizes of the product. The firm have small, medium, large and
plan to sell the product in different quantities depending on the size; 12 small cups, 6 medium
cups, and 3 large size leche flan inside a box. The product is available in different shapes. The
original is oblong and the cupcake-shaped leche flan which makes it attractive and eye-catching
to the customer. The SLF offers a unique taste of leche flan with no preservatives added that
serves delicacies to the customers. This offers only one product which is Leche Flan original and
Caramel crème con squash serving delicacies to customers. This is actually suit to the tastes of
every Filipino since we found enjoyment of eating sweet foods. The squash is known for its
health benefits that it could bring to human body and these are the following: 

Low in Calories

A cup of yellow squash contains only about 36 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrates, less than one
gram of fat, and a gram of protein. It is also cholesterol-free. The few calories it contains come
mostly from its carbohydrate content, which is also particularly low. If you are trying to lose
weight, yellow squash is a great choice to replace higher calorie vegetables like potatoes and
Squash Leche Flan
corn. Vitamin Rich Yellow squash is a brilliant source of vitamin C and a very good source of
magnesium, vitamin A (particularly in its concentration of carotenoids, including beta-carotene),
fiber, folate, copper, riboflavin and phosphorus. It is also abundant in potassium, providing
345.60 milligrams per serving. Potassium is a key electrolyte in the balance of fluids and also
provides muscle energy. In addition, it is high in manganese, a mineral which helps the body
process fats, carbohydrates, and glucose. 

Cancer Prevention

Yellow squash is abundant in antioxidants that keep free radicals at bay. With its high beta-
carotene content, yellow squash is a great source of protection from pollutants and chemicals that
lead to cancer. It is also high in vitamin C, which helps prevent premature aging and cancer as
well as inhibiting cell division. 

Heart Health

Yellow squash contains negligible fat and no measurable cholesterol. One cup of squash contains
about 0.2 g of fat. Cutting down on your fat and cholesterol intake is a giant step towards helping
reduce your risk of heart disease. The magnesium found in yellow squash has been shown to
reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Along with its potassium content, magnesium is good
for reducing high blood pressure. The vitamin C and beta-carotene levels in yellow squash may
also aid in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. As cholesterol in its oxidized form builds up
in the walls of blood vessels, such nutrients may reduce the development of atherosclerosis. The
presence of the vitamin folate in yellow squash is required by our bodies to remove an unhealthy
metabolic byproduct called homo cysteine, which may contribute to heart attack and stroke risk.
While the nutrients in squash combine to make a heart healthy, disease-preventing food, yellow
squash is also particularly rich in fiber, the perfect ingredient for lowering high cholesterol levels
and reducing the potential for atherosclerosis and heart disease. 

Colon Health.

At 2.52 grams per serving, the abundant fiber content of yellow squash is indispensable for the
excretion of toxins from the body and is an extremely important nutrient for the colon's health
since it promotes regularity and adds bulk to the stool. 

Prostate Health.

Yellow squash has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of a condition named benign prostatic
hypertrophy, or BPH. A man with BPH suffers from a problematically enlarged prostate gland,
leading to difficulties with both urinary and sexual function. 

Eye Health.

Yellow squash is particularly high in concentrations of beta carotene and lutein. Dietary lutein
helps to prevent the onset of cataracts and macular degeneration, which often leads to blindness.
Squash Leche Flan
A cup of yellow squash provides about 135 micrograms of beta carotene and 2,400 micrograms
of lutein. 

Healthy Bones.

Yellow Squash contains high levels of manganese and vitamin C. Manganese aids in maintaining
healthy bone structure, calcium absorption, enzyme creation, and bone building. It also
contributes to the mineral density of the spinal column.

Future Products and Services

Product Future Plan FOR VALENTINES SWEET heart - Different sizes of Heart Shapes-
Squash Jelly Flan with a toppings on top or chiffon at the bottom. Toppings -white chocolate
chiffon flavors- vanilla and chocolate and cheese FOR GRADUATIONS Cake SEIZE
Celebration- Big sizes of Squash Jelly Flan (desired flavors) with chiffon. FOR SUMMER
Crème leche con yelo (Squash Jelly Flan Con Yelo)- a two in one drink, ice mixed with milk and
added desired flavor, with crème leche on top (squash jelly flan),as a dessert . A drink kind of
dessert that is best during summer. Note: Mentioned above are well presented inside a box. This
is good as a gift to our loved ones. Marketing Strategy Bulk Order discounts.


Squash Leche Flan office is located at Dunao, Ligao City in front of Jelo Computer Shop
along the road in Dunao Ligao, City. The office is near in the targeted place.

Squash Leche Flan

Nowadays, when it comes to food industry there are many business firms that offers leche flan in
the market place and for Squash Leche Flan it is hard to compete with their competitors.
However, the company should have bright idea in terms of strategy to make the business
profitable and successful. The firm should be knowledgeable enough with all marketing aspects
to determine its target market. The Squash Leche Flan Food Enterprise will use Niche Marketing
Strategy, is a special type of focus strategy particularly differentiation focus strategy, since the
business is small and difficult to maintain a large volume of product. The firm provides limited
operation on a particular geographical area which Brgy. Dunao in Ligao City. Also, the company
is focused on a single product which is leche flan made of squash that offer for the customer who
loves to eat sweet foods like children that could only eat leche flan during special occasion and
other elders who are conscious about their health conditions. The primary concern of the
company is to take care of the health of its customer and provides a quality service.

The company determines its customers according to their demographic profile (age) and
occasions that based on the date of birth of the target market to identify what month would be a
good selling to add more on the market share. The total population of the Ligao City is classified
as one of the target market.

Design for a slice of a

Squash Leche Flan

Special Design of a
Squash Leche Flan

Design for a tray of

Squash Leche Flan

Squash Leche Flan

The company used markup strategy to gain the desired profit of the company. The firm believes
that it is helpful to cover the expenses incurred in the business.

The company use push strategy in promoting the product to its target market and build up
customer demand. Also the firm plans promotional strategies to convince more customers in
patronizing the product. The following are the promotional strategies used by the company: Free
taste-The Company provides free taste during its opening and for potential distributors. It
encourages target market to purchase the product as they had tasted. Online-marketing
Strategy-The Company had offered the product through posting in and Through this, it helps the company expands its target market and it also provides
information about the product and since the internet is wide, it reach other customers other than
to the company’s target market. Fliers and Tarpaulin-It helps to inform the customers about the
existence of the product and important details about the company. Return Customers and
Word of Mouth Advertising-This is the best way to please the customers because the firm is
able to promote the product and say good things about the product personally. This way, the
company has a chance to communicate and know the customers. The result is, those customers
who experienced satisfaction may recommend the product to others who are interested to the
firm’s product. Discount Basis-The Company provides discount of 10% to its distributors upon
purchasing of the required minimum of the product. It helps the company to increase its sales as
well as in enhancing good relationship to its distributors.

The company will distribute the product through: Personal Selling- the Company selling staff is
promoting and selling product directly and face to face with the customer. Intermediaries- the
Company has distributors or sales person who will directly sell the product to the target market.
The business wants to make sure that the product is always available in the market. This way, the
firm can encourage the customer to purchase again the product.

Discount Basis
The company will provide free taste on the opening of the business, it will help to gain customer
easily. The company will offer discount 5% in every purchased minimum of 50 pcs .in all sizes
of the product to their beloved customers.

Squash Leche Flan

 The place has a good location site.  The company has a minimal budget and
 The owner has first-hand experience in it is competing against the other larger
operating a business. company in the market.
 The product is nutritious than other  Lack of adequate capital.
deserts.  Narrow product range.
 The product has a unique taste.
 Can relieve stress or pressure.
 The price is affordable.

 Introduce unique and cheaper version  Growth of competitor
of leche flan.  Other company are selling different
 Increase promotion to change the desserts.
perception of being an expensive brand.

“Create and nurture positive employee and customer relationship”

The company used markup strategy to gain the desired profit of the company. The firm believes
that it is helpful to cover the expenses incurred in the business.

The company use push strategy in promoting the product to its target market and build up
customer demand. Also the firm plans promotional strategies to convince more customers in
patronizing the product. The following are the promotional strategies used by the company: Free
taste-The Company provides free taste during its opening and for potential distributors. It
encourages target market to purchase the product as they had tasted. Online-marketing
Strategy-The Company had offered the product through posting in and Through this, it helps the company expands its target market and it also provides
information about the product and since the internet is wide, it reach other customers other than
to the company’s target market. Fliers and Tarpaulin-It helps to inform the customers about the
existence of the product and important details about the company. Return Customers and
Word of Mouth Advertising-This is the best way to please the customers because the firm is
Squash Leche Flan
able to promote the product and say good things about the product personally. This way, the
company has a chance to communicate and know the customers. The result is, those customers
who experienced satisfaction may recommend the product to others who are interested to the
firm’s product. Discount Basis-The Company provides discount of 10% to its distributors upon
purchasing of the required minimum of the product. It helps the company to increase its sales as
well as in enhancing good relationship to its distributors.

The company will distribute the product through: Personal Selling- the Company selling staff is
promoting and selling product directly and face to face with the customer. Intermediaries- the
Company has distributors or sales person who will directly sell the product to the target market.
The business wants to make sure that the product is always available in the market. This way, the
firm can encourage the customer to purchase again the product.

Discount Basis
The company will provide free taste on the opening of the business, it will help to gain customer
easily. The company will offer discount 5% in every purchased minimum of 50 pcs .in all sizes
of the product to their beloved customers.

The product is familiar to the people because of its similarities to the products of established
doughnut companies. Our product is soft and sweet because of the ingredients we choose. Our
products can be bought by pieces and by volumes. Our packaging is environmental friendly
because we will use a paper with our product name and logo for one-piece packaging and small
square shape box for by pieces (not exceed to five pieces), which is easy and comfortable to
carry. The label is also attached on package, with this, they will know about our products and

Squash Leche Flan




Squash Leche Plan 40 P 35.00 P 1,400

Daily Production: 20 x 35= P 1,400

Monthly Production: 1,400 x 30= P 42,000
Annual Production: 42,000 x 12= P 504,000


Annual Sales 2019 2020 2021

Annual Sales (10%) P 504, 000 P 554,400 P 609,840

Annual Operating P 180,000 P 189,000 P 198,450

Expense (5%)

Net Income P 324,000 P 365,400 P 411,390

The annual sales of the business is P 504,000 and it increases about 10% next year. We only
project 5 % of operating expense considering that our everyday purchases we do not assure that
all of the raw materials that we had purchase will be used for that day. There will be a chance
that not all of the raw materials will be consumed. And this left over will be used for the future
production. So, as the sales increases our operating expenses will not be as high as the sales

Squash Leche Flan

considering that we will not buy anymore the other raw materials. So the net income for 2019 is








2020 2021 2022

The owner expects approximately P 42,000 a month sales. And the Operating Expenses is P
15,000 a month. The annual sales of the business is P 504,000 and it increases about 10% next
year. We only project 5 % of operating expense considering that our everyday purchases we do
not assure that all of the raw materials that we had purchase will be used for that day. There will
be chance that not all of the raw materials will be consumed there will be left. And this left over
will be used for the future production. So, as the sales increases our operating expenses will not
be as high as the sales considering that we will not buy anymore the other raw materials. The net
profit for 2019 is P 324,000 which is favorable for our company.

Squash Leche Flan

There is no formal organization structure in this business because owner/manager
performs all the responsibilities in handling business.





Squash Leche Flan

Facebook Page:
4504, Dunao, Ligao City

Contact us: 09467478317/09367035869

Squash Leche Flan

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