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CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION wraoteeaoz0 FILL IN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS. TESTCODE Jo} 1} 2] 4]3]0 SUBJECT ;OCIAL STUDIES ~ Paper 02 PROFICIENCY __ GENERAL. REGISTRATION NUMBER, SCHOOLICENTRE NUMBER, ‘NAME OF SCHOOL/CENTRE CANDIDATE’S FULL NAME (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) DATE OF BIRTH 9 | Db SIGNATURE ks vamgua 4 oe TEST CODE 01243020 FORM TP 2016114 MAY/SUNE 2016 ‘0 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE” EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES Paper 02 - General Proficiency 2 hours 40 minutes This paper has THREE s SECTIONA — Questions 1, 2 and 3 ~ Individual, Family and Society SECTION B Part 1— Questions 4 and $_ — Development and Use of Resources SECTION C Question 8 — Communication Question 9 — Consumer Affairs Question 10 — Tourism READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFUL tions as follows; Part II ~ Questions 6 and 7 — Regional Integration You MUST answer a total of FIVE questions ~ TWO from SECTION A, TWO from SECTION B (choose ONE from Part I and ONE from Part II) and ONE from SECTION C. Where questions require an explanatios develop your response fully. suggestion, proposal or reason, you should Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. j Do NOT write in the margins. ‘You are advised to take some time to read through the paper and plan your answers. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original age, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. If you use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. [o12430208 2016 (NOE il (0124302003 SECTION A INDIVIDUAL, FAMILY AND SOCIETY Answer TWO questions from this section. ALL answers MUST be given in complete sentences. Where questions require an explanation, suggestion, proposal or reason, you should develop your response fully. 1. @_ Define the term ‘bigamy’, @ marks) (>) @_ State TWO factors that may cause newly married couples to delay parenthood. Factor 1: Factor 2: (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 j Acca | Reason 1 Reason 2: DO NOT WRITE IN. 01243020/F 2016 sary for good parenting. (0124302005 4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE _| On (©) @_ Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies which parents may use to encourage their children to communicate with them. (6 marks) i) Explain fully why EACH strategy you suggested in (c) (i) is likely to be successfl (6 marks) Strategy I Justification 1: Strategy 2: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 Lk: INE 00 | (0124302006 Justification 2: Strategy 3: Justification 3: Total 20 marks D DO NOT WRITE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE A =| 0124302007 01243020/F 2016 r - a (2) @_ Define the term ‘culture’. (2 marks) (i)__List TWO factors which contribute to the cultural variety seen in Caribbean music. Factor 1 Factor 2: (2 marks) (b) Outline TWO reasons why Caribbean musicians may wish to promote their particular style of music, Reason If: . Reason 2:.. (marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 | Es = Td (©) @_ Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies the Ministry of Culture may use to - encourage artistes to create music featuring the Caribbean rhythm. (6 marks) Gi) Explain fully why EACH strategies you suggested in (c) (i) is likely to be | successful. (6 marks) Strategy 1 Justification 1: Strategy 2: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE L ‘ANE A _| 0124302009 : 01243020/F 2016 | 4 Lo ” 4d Justification 2 Strategy 3; Justification 3: ‘Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01243020/F 2016 ke NEE A “| 0124302010 3. Josh: Thave not voted for a parliamentary representative for my area for the last three elections. Stan: I don’t bother to vote either. The floating voters always decide the outcome of elections, (@) _ @_ What does the term “floating voter’ in the dialogue mean? @ marks) (ii) State the term used to describe the voter behaviour shown by the two speakers in the dialogue above. (1 mark) (iii) Give TWO reasons why some registered voters may behave in a way similar to the speakers engaged in the dialogue. Reason 1 DO NOT WRITE IN Reason 2 (@ marks) (®) State ONE problem that may arise when newly registered voters are NOT educated about the process of voting in an election. (mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAG! "DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AR | 01243020/F 2016 L | 4 0 [| 0124302011 (© @ Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies which the youth arm ofa political Party may use to encourage young persons to vote, (6 marks) (ii) Explain fully why EACH strategy suggested in (c) (i) is likely to be successful. (6 marks) Strategy 1: Justification 1: Strategy 2: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (AN 0 | 01243020/F 2016 0124302012 ‘Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘0 0 0 0124302013 Justification 2: Justification 3: Strategy 3 01243020/F 2016 a Rana stat wi ania 108 04 SECTION B PARTI DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF RESOURCES Answer EITHER Question 4 OR Question 5. ALL answers MUST be given in complete sentences. ‘Where questions require an explanation, suggestion, proposal or reason, you should develop your response fi Ato F. Use it to answer 4, The folllowing graph gives the life expectancy rates of six countri Part (a), 86.1 Country 88 Age WiFemate Male Figure 1: Countries with the highest life expectancy rates (a) @)_ Name the country with the HIGHEST life expectancy for males “(mark GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, {TEE 8 | 0124302014 01243020/F 2016 i a To Gi) Give TWO factors that could account for the difference in the life expectancy rates for males and females in Country F. Factor 1 Factor 2 @ marks) (ili) State ONE conclusion that may be drawn from the graph about the life expectancy rate of the six countries. S = = S = mark) (b) Give TWO reasons why the government of a country would require statistics on health DONOT WRITE IN care, Reason 1 i = eS Reason 2: srr = eason, Ss & 5 =) = eee 3 (4 marks) 3 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 ITE 0 A | 0124302015 () a) wo 01243020/F 2016 L -16- “4 Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies the leader of a community group may implement to help members improve their nutrition and health. (6 marks) Explain fully why EACH strategy you suggested in (c) (i) is likely to be suecessfl (6 marks) Strategy 1: Justification 1: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘ANG 00 0 0 | 0124302016 Justification 2: Strategy 3: Justification 3 THISAREA ‘Total 20 marks DO NOT WRITE I GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 le 0 0 _] 0124302017 -18- (@ ——@_Name the MAIN form of nonrenewable energy used in the Caribbean, (mark) (i)___List THREE ways in which forests contribute to the economy of a country. Way 1 Way 2: wn Way 3: (3 marks) (6) Outline TWO reasons why a Caribbean country may prefer to use more renewable sources of energy. Reason 1 Reason 2: (4 marks) (©) —@_ Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies Caribbean governments may use to conserve natural resources. (6 marks) Gi) Explain fully why EACH strategy, you suggested in (c) (i) is likely to be successful. (6 marks) Strategy 1 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 (NU | 0124302018 EE we 7 Justification 1 Strategy 2 Justification 2: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA 01243020/F 2016 i ‘NTA 08 =| 0124302019 e = 1 Strategy 3: Justification 3: Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE NA | 0124302020 01243020/F 2016 [- 2 7 REGIONAL INTEGRATION Answer EITHER Question 6 OR Question 7. Where questions require an explanation, suggestion, proposal or reason, you should develop your response fully, i Sports: Integrating the Caribbean Write an essay on the above topic. Begin by naming ONE sport in which the region is represented by a single team and identifying the body that is responsible for its development, Outline ONE advantage of this arrangement to the regional integration process. Explain TWO ways in which sportspersons in CARICOM countries benefit from participating in regional competitions. Suggest, giving full details, THREE actions which businesses may take to help in the development of sportsmen and sportswomen in the region. Explain fully why EACH strategy you suggested is likely to be successful Total 20 marks 1 ———————— CARICOM Governments: Speatheading the Integration Proce: || Write an essay on the above topic. In your essay state TWO functions of the Conference of Heads of Government. Name TWO physical resources which are unequally distributed among CARICOM countries. Explain TWO ways in which the unequal distribution of these two resources, among CARICOM countries, has affected regional integration. Suggest THREE strategies which Caribbean governments could use to share resources. Explain fully why EACH strategy you suggested is likely to be suecessfil Total 20 marks a GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 ‘0200008 _] 0124302022 ‘Write your answer to the question you have chosen to answer in Section B— Part II here. Remember to write your question number in the box provided below. Question No. ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01243020/F 2016 LL TEE 00 A | 0124302023 q | SECTION C OPTIONS Answer ONLY ONE from Questions 8 to 10, Where questions require an explanation, suggestion, proposal or reason, you should develop your response fully. 8. COMMUNICATION Communication: An essential clement in promoting regional integration Write an essay on the above topic. In your essay define the terms ‘sender’ and ‘receiver’. State TWO ways in which failure of systems or equipment may affect the communication process. Explain TWO ways in which effective communication can assist the process of regional integration. Suggest THREE strategies that regional news agencies may use to extend their services to all Caribbean nationals. Explain fully why EACH strategy you suggested is likely to be successfitl ‘Total 20 marks 9. CONSUMER AFFAIRS Hire-purchase: Advantages and disadvantages =| Using the above headline, write an article for your school newspaper. Begin your atticle by stating ‘TWO ways in which consumers benefit by buying goods on hire-purchase. State TWO ways a consumer may purchase an item other than by the hire-purchase method. Explain TWO ways by which businesses which offer hire-purchase arrangements exploit consumers, Suggest THREE actions a consumer may take to cteate a good credit relationship with a business that offers goods on hire-purchase. Explain fully why EACH action you suggested is likely to be successful. ‘Total 20 marks 10. TOURISM Tourism: Creating Economic and Social Linkages Write an essay on the above topic. State TWO ways in which the agricultural industry supports the tourism sector. Describe how ONE area of the economy, other than agriculture, benefits from tourism. Outline TWO reasons why tourism officials in the Caribbean may want visitors to interact with residents. Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies a Ministry of Tourism may use to promote interaction between visitors and residents. Explain fully why EACH strategy you suggested is likely to be successful. ‘Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01243020/F 2016 LE NTC 8088 a] 0124302026 CANDIDATE’S RECEIPT | 2. Ensure that this slip is detached by the Supervisor or Invigilator and given to you when you hand in this booklet. in a safe place until you have received your results. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: ' 1 formation requested clearly in capital letters. 1 1 rest cove: } 0} 1] 2/4] 3]0]2]o : SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES ~ Paper 02 : 1 PROFICIENCY: _ GENERAL 1 REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1 1 1 FULL NAME: I (BLOCK LETTERS) I I Signature So | ! Date: - : I I 1 1 1 ! | INSTRUCTION TO PER) SOR/INVIGILATOR: Sign the declaration below, detach this slip and hand it to the candidate as his/her receipt for this booklet collected by you. Thereby acknowledge receipt of the candidate's booklet for the examination stated above. Signature: __ Supervisor/Invigilator {MOT 0124302036

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