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Checklist: Assessment Practices

This checklist might be used in any teaching and learning evaluation or where the school is evaluating its
assessment practices and policy.

It focuses on these standards:

 The Teacher selects and uses planning, preparation and assessment practices that progress pupils’
learning (Domain - Teacher’s individual practice).
 Teachers collectively develop and implement consistent and dependable formative and summative
assessment practices (Domain – Teachers’ collective / collaborative practices)

Checklist: Assessment policy Yes No Comment

The school has a written policy on assessing and reporting pupils’

learning attainments and progress

The assessment policy takes account of curriculum and NCCA


The assessment policy takes account of the National Strategy for

Literacy and Numeracy

The assessment policy provides guidance on what should be assessed

at each class level

The assessment policy provides guidance on how often pupils should be


The policy provides for the assessment of skills and non-written work

There is clear guidance on assessment for learning and of learning

There is clear guidance on the provision of oral and written feedback

There is a policy on standardised testing

The assessment policy indicates how the results of assessments should

be analysed

There is clear guidance on how assessment information should be

communicated to pupils and parents

The assessment policy indicates how the results of assessments should

be used

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