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Relativistic Kinematics

In physics, relativistic mechanics provides a non-quantum

mechanical description of a system of particles, or of a fluid, in
cases where the velocities of moving objects are comparable
to the speed of light c.
Relativistic Kinematics
In HEP the particles (e.g. protons, pions, electrons) we are
concerned are usually moving at speeds close to the speed of
light. The classical relationship for the kinetic energy of the
particle in terms of its mass and velocity is not valid:
Kinetic Energy ≠ 1/2 mv2
Thus we must use special relativity to describe the energies
and momentum of the particles.
The total energy (E=rest +kinetic) of a particle with rest mass,
mo, is: E=m c2+T 2 m oc 2
0 E = mc = = gm c o
1- (v / c)
Here v is its speed, c = speed of light, and m is sometimes called
the relativistic mass. The total momentum,
! p, of a particle with rest
mass, mo, is: p! = mv! = mo v !
= γ mo v
1− ( v / c )
We can also relate the total energy, E, to a particle's total
momentum, p: 2 "! 2 2 2
!! = ( pc) + (mo )
c 2
Relativistic Kinematics 4-vectors
It is sometimes convenient to describe a particle (or a collection of
particles) by a 4-vector, . Where = 0, 1, 2, 3. The components of
the momentum and energy 4-vector, p, are given by:

p = ( E , p x , p y , p z ) or p = ( E , p ) or p = ( E , p) with c = 1

The length of the 4-vector is given by:

"!2 Þ p 2 = m02
mo2 = E - p = E 2 - p2x - p2y - p2z
This relationship is true in ALL reference frames
(lab, center of mass,…) because it is a Lorentz

We can also manipulate 4-vectors using contravariant/covariant
(up/down) notation: pupu=guvpvpu
In this notation guv is a metric and is given (e.g.) by:
æ1 0 0 0 ö
ç 0 -1 0 0 ÷
gµn = ç
ç 0 0 -1 0 ÷
è 0 0 0 -1ø
Thus the (scalar) product of two 4-vectors (a, b) is given by:
µ 3 3 n µ n µ o o 1 1 2 2 3 3
ab = aµ b = å å gµn a b º gµn a b = a b - a b - a b - a b
µ =0 n =0
The sum of two 4-vectors is also a "!
!!p1 + p2 = (E1 + E2 , p1 + p2 )
The length of the sum of the 4-vectors of two particles (1,2) is:
2 2"! "! 2
(p1 + p2 ) = (E1 + E2 ) -( p1 + p2 )
!! m12 is called the
2 2 2 "!2 "!2 "! "!
(p1 + p2 ) = E1 + E2 + 2E1E2 - p1 - p2 - 2 p1 • p2
!! invariant mass
2 2 2 "! "! 2 or effective mass
(p +
!! 1 2 p ) = m1 + m2 + 2(E E
1 2 -| p ||
1 2 p |cos q ) º m12
q=angle between particles, m1, m2 are rest masses 4
Thus p2 is a relativistic invariant. Its value is m2, where m is the rest mass,
and clearly has the same value in all reference frames. If E, P refer to the
values measured in the lab frame :
then those in another frame, say S¢,
moving along the x-axis with
velocity βc are found from the
Lorentz transformation, given
in matrix form by

with, of course,
E ¢2 - p ¢2 = E 2 - p 2 = m 2
The above transformations
apply equally to the
space-time coordinates,
making the replacements
p1 (x1) = t
p2 (x2) = x
p3 (x3) = y
p4 (x4) = z 5
Relativistic Kinematics 4-vectors
Example: Consider a proton at rest in the lab frame and an antiproton
with 10GeV/c of momentum also in the lab frame.
What is the energy of the antiproton in the lab frame?
Since the rest energy of a particle is a Lorentz invariant we can make use of:
2 2 "!2 c=1
mo = E - p
For an antiproton the rest mass, m0, = 938 MeV/c2. We can re-write the above as:
!2 2
E = p + mo = 10 2 + 0.9382 = 10.044 GeV
Thus at high energies (E>>m0c2) E ~ |p|.
How fast is the anti-proton moving in the lab frame ?
We need to remember the energy/momentum relationship between the rest frame
(particle at rest) of the anti-proton and the lab frame:
m0 c 2 m0 v 1
Elab = = gm0 c 2 plab = = gbm0 c b = v / c, g =
1 - (v / c) 2 1 - (v / c) 2 1 - b2

plab / Elab = gbm0 c / gm0 c 2 = b = 10 / 10.044 = 0.996

Thus v = 0.996c (fast!) 6
Centre-of-mass frame and Laboratory frame.

The total 4-momentum p µ of a system of n particles with 4-momenta

is given by

The center-of-mass frame (CMS) of the system is defined as the

frame in which the total three momentum of the system is equal
to naught. Labeling CMS variables by asterisks, we express this
definition by the following equation:
!* !* !* !* !*
p = p1 + p2 + p3 + ....... + pn = 0

Lorentz Invariant Vs. Conserved quantity
With a Lorentz Invariant you get the same number in two different
reference systems.
Let EL and pL be energy and momentum measured in LAB frame
Let Ecm and pcm be energy and momentum measured in center of mass frame
Then: E2cm-p2cm= E2L-p2L
Since (E, p) is a Lorentz invariant (as long as both are measured in same system)
With a conserved quantity you get the same number in the same
reference system but at a different time.
Let piL=initial momentum in lab (before collision)
Let pfL=final momentum in lab (after collision)
Let picm=initial momentum in CM (before collision)
Let pfcm=final momentum in CM (after collision)
Momentum conservation says:
piL= pfL AND picm= pfcm BUT NOT piL= pfcm

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