Software Requirement Specification: Ricardo Baeza Alex Liu Yudai Shinkawa Noel Villalpando

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E-Turner Corporation 2021

Software Requirement Specification

Ricardo Baeza
Alex Liu
Yudai Shinkawa
Noel Villalpando

E-Turner Corporation

E-Turner Corporation 2021

Table of Contents

Revision History 2
1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose and Intended Audience 3
1.2 Project Scope 3
1.3 Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms 4
1.4 References 4

2. Overall Description 4
2.1 Product Perspective 4
2.2 Product Features 5
2.3 User Characteristics 5
2.4 Operating Environment 6
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 6
2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies 6
2.7 Budgetary Conditions 6
3. System Features 6
3.1 Browse Stores 8
3.2 Shopping Cart 8
3.3 Update Inventory 9
3.4 Checkout 9
3.5 Order Logging 9
3.6 Order Cancellation & Driver Progress 9
3.7 Accounts 10
4. Non Functional Requirements 10

Revision History

Date Reason For Change Version

E-Turner Corporation 2021

1. Introduction
This Software Requirement Specification document will give a description of the software
product “GroFairy”, a combination of the words “Grocery” and “Fairy”, which will be a grocery
web application set to provide major convenience to those wishing to purchase groceries in a
safe and fast manner. Along with these features, this web application will be able to run on
smartphones with a great looking user interface. This following introduction section will serve in
providing a clear specification of user requirements as a reference for future development.

1.1 Purpose and Intended Audience

The GroFairy delivery web application will provide a great shopping experience to the user
wherever and whenever they wish to purchase groceries. As we continue through this pandemic
where safety is of the utmost concern, many people have taken it upon themselves to have their
purchases delivered to their homes in order to lower the risk of contracting COVID-19 when
leaving their homes. However, many current existing grocery applications seem to be very
cumbersome when trying to purchase groceries from many stores at one time, or are even very
confusing to navigate through and unappealing to see. GroFairy will solve these issues by being
the first grocery web application to solve all these issues and more. By providing these services
for the convenience of our users, more specifically by bridging the gap between online and in
store grocery shopping, GroFairy will be able to outlast the global pandemic as well.

GroFairy will be capable of being used for people of all ages, allowing customers to purchase
groceries from local grocery stores near them regardless of background. However, GroFairy will
place a key focus onto adults around the age of 44, seeing how these groups of people are the
most likely to go grocery shopping.

1.2 Project Scope

GroFairy is an online GPS-based web application that helps people find and shop from local
grocery stores based on distance, speciality, reviews, and pricing. This application is primarily
used through a web browser or similar service.

The application will require the Internet (and a GPS-connection if the user wishes to enter such)
to fetch and display information such as nearby stores for delivery. Grocery store stock will be
handled through our database and will be refreshed daily.

The focus is primarily on the consumer and not so much on the manager. Because of this,
inventory will be updated manually by the developers while delivery servers will not have an
interface to interact with the GroFairy system. Consumers, however, will still be able to see
grocery delivery progress fulfilling their order, whether their groceries are still being picked out
or if they are on their way to be delivered.

E-Turner Corporation 2021

1.3 Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms

- E-Turner Corp.​:The name of our company.
- GPS​: Acronym for Global Positioning System.
- GroFairy​: Name of grocery delivery service.
- Web App​: Shortened form of web application.

1.4 References
When researching tasks that GroFairy would accomplish, we took it upon ourselves to seek
inspiration from currently existing apps which strive to serve a familiar function. One example of
such is the app Instacart, a service which is currently the most popular when it comes to grocery
delivery. Some key inspirations which we took to heart included the ease of use for purchasing
goods in the app, the potential to search for a desired grocery, and more. One major point of
concern was the difficulty to start using the app since you immediately need to create an account,
potentially scaring away customers who aren’t ready to commit to the app immediately.

We also had looked at consumer data based upon grocery shopping to see what we would need
to focus on and to also understand our average user. From here we determined constraints of the
application, the average user age and skill, and much more.

Reference link:

2. Overall Description
Our application will be designed to allow users to order and deliver groceries from the comfort
of their own home. The software will contain general features to search for grocery stores near
customers, user profiles to save data of purchase history and visited stores, and show available
stores when looking up items.

2.1 Product Perspective

As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to propagate into our daily lives, GroFairy
takes into consideration the growing need to get groceries in a simple and safe manner. In order
to achieve such, GroFairy eliminates the need to go to their favorite stores by enabling users to
order groceries to any location at any time so long as the store is open. Whether it be for lack of
wanting to leave the house or even for the sake of pure convenience, GroFairy has it all covered.
Simply open up the web app, login or continue as a guest, choose a store desired to shop at, and
voila, the user is ready to begin shopping. From a simple and clean user interface to the
opportunity of shopping at multiple stores with a single order, GroFairy has everything a
consumer can wish for and more. GroFairy will also lead in bridging the gap between in store

E-Turner Corporation 2021

shoppers and shopping online, mainly through the effort of promoting convenience and easy to
learn shopping.

2.2 Product Features

GroFairy strives to place the user experience above all else when it comes to ordering groceries
online. Through the utilization of a home feed which recommends stores to users based on the
user’s interests to even the straightforward approach taken to guide users along the way to
purchase their goods, GroFairy makes it clear that all users will have a pleasant time using the
web app.

Remarkably, GroFairy will allow users to purchase from multiple grocery stores. This means that
there will no longer be a need to purchase groceries from different websites. GroFairy will be a
service that will allow its users to access multiple grocery stores in one place and checkout in
only one cart. This will simplify the process of ordering groceries for those who are new to
online grocery shopping and also enhance the experience for those who have wanted this
amazing feature for a very long time now.

GroFairy has also revamped the whole delivery process of goods, no longer leaving users in
speculation of when their order shall arrive. This will be done by incorporating a delivery update
system which consistently updates the order’s progress along with providing estimates as to
when all the products will be delivered.

2.3 User Characteristics

Users of all ages who have access to an internet based browser will be able to use GroFairy’s
services. This implies that they will be able to create a GroFairy account or continue as a guest
and purchase groceries.

With our core demographic being those around the age of 44, we estimate our user skill level for
familiarity to shopping applications to be low to intermediate. With such in mind, the usability of
the website will be simplistic to interact with, allowing users to have a fulfilling experience with
straightforward interface elements and a visually appealing appearance to the web app. Users
must at least have familiarity with the basics of interacting with an online website; if so,
GroFairy will be simple to use and interact with. If not however, many user interface elements
that will be implemented will steer users in the right direction.

The users of this application will include only the users who use the web app configuration. This
essentially means that the users will only be constricted to using the app for purchasing and no
one will be allowed to enter information (e.g. stock of products) into the app, all product
information will be fed directly by E-Turner Corporation.

E-Turner Corporation 2021

2.4 Operating Environment

GroFairy will be able to be used anywhere as long as users have an internet connection, whether
it’s WiFi, 4G, or a 5G connection. We assume that it will be used at a place of residency since it
is a grocery delivery app and we expect users to be at home to accept the delivery. We will
include the option to either require that the user show their ID in order to confirm that the
products have been delivered to the correct address/user or allow for a dropoff if the user wishes
to have their groceries dropped off at their doorstep.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

GroFairy’s user interface will be simplistic and easy to use; users will be able to easily navigate
through the website and purchase their groceries. GroFairy will try to follow the six principles of
design focusing on visual presentation, user feedback, affordances, mapping, constraints and
consistency. These design principles will allow the user to easily navigate through the website
with visual queues, such as icons, images etc., ensure the website reacts to user clicks while
trying to present a familiar interface to users based on what they interact with regularly.

There are several constraints for store inventory management and delivery tracking.
(​Performance, security, reliability, availability, and usability)

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

To be able to run this web app, we will be using the Visual Studio Code IDE, Django for the web
framework, React as our way to implement interactive UIs, and MySQL as our database. The
programming language we will use to utilize Django and MySQL will be Python. We will also
assume that the user will have a constant data connection to our services.

2.7 Budgetary Conditions

The amount that will be charged to the client, will be $10,000.00 USD. This will cover the cost
for the entire web app development alongside all features mentioned throughout the Software
Requirement Specification document, but more specific to the System Features.

3. System Features
Discrete System Features
FR 1: They will be presented with an interface saying: “Log In” or “Continue as Guest”
FR 2: After selecting “LogIn” or “Continue as Guest” the homepage will appear.
○ A search bar will be available for users to search for grocery stores.
○ A section for users will also be available for users to access their profile

FR 3: Grocery stores will be able to be searched for specifically; in the search bar there
will be an autocorrect included

E-Turner Corporation 2021

FR 4: The grocery stores that are presented in the users feed will have tags to represent
what type of grocery store it is. (e.g. Organic, Asian, Italian, Mexican etc.)
FR 5: Once a grocery store has been selected, the user will be presented an interface with
a search bar where they will be able to search for items and add to cart.
FR 6: Clicking on items will bring up key information like the nutritional info.
○ Will have quantity that they have of that product
they will be able to add (+) or remove (-)
○ There will also be a “remove item from cart” for more convenience
i. This will hopefully be less confusing to the user when they would like to
remove something from their cart (instead of typing 0 for quantity)
○ Then proceeds to a checkout page which will include a list of their items, the total
cost of their groceries, delivery/extra fees etc.
FR 7: If the user would like to purchase from another grocery store, they may.
○ There will be an option for the user to click that will allow them to search for a
specific grocery store and continue grocery shopping.
i. All items, regardless of how many grocery stores were used by the
customer, will be combined into one cart.
FR 8: The cart will be designed to showcase the items that are inside the cart.
○ Groceries will be sectioned off based on what grocery store they came from.
FR 9: Once a user is satisfied and ready to purchase, they will head to their cart and be
able to access the total cost of their groceries.
○ They will then “proceed to checkout”, here they will input their personal
information, such as name, address, payment information etc.

4. Non Functional Requirements

Discrete NonFunctional Requirements

NR 1: Users will be able to access GroFairy website on a mobile device or desktop.

NR 2: If the user has an account, they may enter their email and password.
NR 3: Here they may view their profile, favorite grocery stores, past orders, personal
information etc.
NR 4: Personal information, will be saved for future orders, such as name, address, but
never payment information to protect our users information
NR 5: In the homepage, a feed will take a majority of the screen real estate,
recommending the user grocery stores based on their location or preferred grocery stores
if such data has been provided for the account.
NR 6: If users are still not done shopping there will be an option “continue shopping” if
users would like to continue purchasing items.
NR 7: If they are a signed in user, some portions will be automatically filled out.
○ Name, address, zip will be filled out
○ Payment information is never stored by GroFairy
NR 8: Once a user clicks on process payment, they will be presented with a confirmation
screen, with a summary of the items ordered.
○ After 5 minutes, the order will go up for acceptance delivery.

E-Turner Corporation 2021

i. Afterwards, the user will be presented with a delivery time estimate in the
form of a progress bar.
1. Once delivered, the screen will show “Successful Delivery”.

Some of the main goals that the system will utilize include a straightforward approach to
purchasing goods along with looking great at every stop in between. The system will bring these
features to life by providing great usability with the web app and through designing beautiful
user interfaces which clearly demonstrate to the user what they should be doing.

We will also place a key focus on the flexibility of the system, allowing users to perform many
tasks through different actions. Our plans to increase the flexibility throughout the system
include providing different paths to purchasing orders while also maintaining and perpetuating
the design philosophy of providing clear and concise instructions within the web app.

One last focus that we will place on the system will be the security of transactions. By not
storing credit cards once purchases have gone through along with limiting the amount of
information needed to provide in account creation, any critical information will be kept at a
minimum for the safety and well-being of all the users.

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