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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Air standard cycles

Air standard cycle uses ___ as a working medium.

a. Perfect gas
b. Real gas
c. Ideal gas
d. Natural gas


Which of the following is not an assumption while analyzing Air standard cycles?

a. The working medium follows the law pV=mRT

b. Working medium has constant specific heats
c. Working medium does not undergo any chemical change throughout the cycle
d. Heat is supplied and rejected in irreversible manner


For perfect gas

a. cp - cv = R
b. cp + cv = R
c. cp / cv = R
d. cp X cv = R

Where cp & cv are specific heats at constant pressure and volume.


For a perfect gas, enthalpy ‘h’ is given by

a. u + RT
b. u – RT
c. u + pv
d. u – pv

Where u = internal energy, R = Gas constant, T = Absolute temperature, p = pressure,

v = specific volume

For non flow process, the first law of thermodynamics is

a. Q – W = ΔU
b. Q + W = ΔU
c. Q – W = ΔH
d. Q + W = ΔH

Where, W = Work done, Q = Heat interchange, ΔU = Change in internal energy, ΔH =

Change in enthalpy


In Air standard cycle, the W/Q (W = Work transfer from the cycle, Q = Heat
transfer to the cycle) ratio is known as

a. Specific consumption
b. Specific work transfer
c. Air standard efficiency
d. Work ratio


The Carnot cycle consists of

a. Two isothermal and two adiabatic processes

b. Two isothermal and two constant volume processes
c. Two isothermal and two constant pressure processes
d. Two isothermal and two isenthalpic processes


The Stirling cycle consists of

a. Two isothermal and two adiabatic processes

b. Two isothermal and two constant volume processes
c. Two isothermal and two constant pressure processes
d. Two isothermal and two isenthalpic processes

Which of the following cycles has maximum possible efficiency between any two

a. Stirling cycle
b. Ericsson cycle
c. Carnot cycle
d. Lenoir cycle


Which of the following cycles, a heat exchanger is used?

a. Stirling cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Carnot cycle
d. Otto cycle


In which of the following cycle heat is added at constant volume?

a. Otto cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual cycle
d. Carnot cycle


In which of the following cycle heat is added at constant pressure?

a. Otto cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual cycle
d. Carnot cycle


Which of the following cycle is used for Spark Ignition (SI) engine?

a. Otto cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual cycle
d. Carnot cycle

Which of the following cycle is used for Compressed Ignition (CI) engine?

a. Otto cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual cycle
d. Carnot cycle


The efficiency of the Otto cycle is independent of

a. Heat supplied
b. Compression ratio
c. Ratio of specific heats
d. None of the above


For same compression ratio

a. Diesel cycle has lower efficiency than Otto cycle

b. Diesel cycle has higher efficiency than Otto cycle
c. Diesel cycle and Otto cycle have equal efficiencies
d. Depends upon the load on engine


In which of the following cycle heat is added at both constant pressure and
constant volume?

a. Otto cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual cycle
d. Carnot cycle


Which of the following is also known as Limited pressure cycle?

In which of the following cycle heat is added at constant pressure?

a. Otto cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual cycle
d. Carnot cycle


Which of the following cycle is used for gas turbines?

a. Joule cycle
b. Diesel cycle
c. Dual cycle
d. Carnot cycle


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