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(U T H)

ACCOUNT: 201810010565
SAN PEDRO SULA 10-14-2020
English V

Assignment #3 - (Term 1)
Rewrite the passages in the Simple Present
Rewrite the following passage in the Simple tense. Make sure you highlight each verb
that alter the tense.
To rewrite this passage of text in the past tense first identify the verbs and then change
them to the simple past. Remember that not all verbs end in –ed. Irregular verbs change
their spelling entirely. Please include the proper punctuation and capital letters.

Passage #1:
You run across the road, but a car comes by and nearly knocks you down. You race to
the corner of the street, then leap over a small, green hedge. You see your friend, Billy.
He darts towards you, then you both run towards me. I join in, and I tear along the road
next to you. All three of us reach Billy’s house and speed up the path to his front door.
We arrive at the door, then ring the doorbell. Billy’s mum answers, then lets us in for a
drink of orange squash.

Passage #2:

We are making pictures out of leaves and twigs, which pupils are bringing in from home.
Peter is cutting out pictures of woodland animals from the old magazines that parents
donate. Emma uses crêpe paper to form a bark-like appearance on an old cardboard tube
– it looks like an oak tree. Mrs. Thomson praises their efforts and gives them both a
Passage # 1:
We ran across the street, but a car passed and almost ran you over. You ran to the corner
of the street and then jumped over a small green hedge. Dress up your friend Billy. He
lunged at you, then they both ran toward me. I join them and we ran down the road beside
you. The three of us made it to Billy's house and sped our way to the front door. We get
to the door, then we ring the bell. Billy's mom responds, then lets us in for a shot of orange

Passage # 2
We were drawing pictures with leaves and twigs that the students bring from home. Peter
was cutting out pictures of forest animals from old magazines that the parents donated.
Emma used crepe paper to form a bark-like appearance on an old cardboard tube, it looks
like an oak tree. Ms. Thomson praises their efforts and gives both of them a sticker.

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