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Q. What is an electrical network?

It is a combination of various circuit elements (resistor, capacitor, inductor, diode, etc.)

and voltage sources.

Q. What is a node (or junction) in an electrical network?

A point in an electrical network where more than two conductors meet is called a node
or a junction.

Q. What is a mesh in an electrical network?

A closed path for current in a network is called a mesh or loop.

Q. State and explain Kirchhoff’s I law or current law or junction rule.

Statement: At any junction, the sum of the currents entering the junction is equal to
the sum of the currents leaving the junction.

Alternative: Algebraic sum of the currents at a node is zero.

i.e.  I = 0


Consider a point O in an electrical circuit at which I1, I2, I3, I4

and I5 are the currents in different branches.

By convention the current entering a node is taken as positive and that leaving a node
is taken as negative.

Applying the law to the above circuit, I1 + I2 - I3 - I4 + I5 = 0

I1 + I2 + I5 = I3 + I4

i.e. sum of the currents entering the node = sum of the currents leaving the node.

Q. What is the significance of Kirchhoff’s I law?

Kirchhoff’s I law is based on the law of conservation of charge.

Q. What is conserved according to Kirchhoff’s I law?


There are three steps to apply Kirchhoff’s voltage law.

1. Currents are marked in different parts of a mesh in arbitrary direction like I1, I2, etc.

2. Direction of traverse is considered as clockwise or anticlockwise.

3. Apply these Sign conventions:

 The change in potential in traversing a source of emf from –ve to +ve terminal is +E,
while in the opposite direction it is –E, irrespective of the direction of current.


+E –E

VB + E - VA = 0 VA - E - VB = 0

 The change in potential in traversing a resistance in the direction of current is

–IR, while in the opposite direction it is +IR.



V A - IR - VB = 0 VB + IR - VA = 0

Q. State and explain Kirchhoff’s II law or voltage law or loop rule.

Statement: The algebraic sum of change in E1, r1
potential around any closed loop involving D I1 R1
resistors and cells in the loop is zero.
I3 R3

I2 R2
Alternative: In a mesh (or loop) the algebraic
sum of the products of current and resistance is E2, r2
equal to the algebraic sum of the emfs in that
mesh. i.e.  IR =  E


Applying the II law to the mesh ABCDA

-I3R3 - I1R1 - I1r1 + E1 = 0

Q. What is the significance of Kirchhoff’s II law?

Kirchhoff’s II law is based on the law of conservation of energy.

Q. What is Wheatstone’s network? Obtain the expression for balanced condition
of the Wheatstone’s network.
Four resistances P, Q, S and R are connected in cyclic order to form a Wheatstone’s
network. A cell of emf E is connected between A and C. A galvanometer of resistance G
is connected between the points B and D.

P Ig
I3 = I1 – Ig


I = I1+I2
I4 = I2 +Ig

E, r

Let I1, I2, I3, I4 and Ig be the currents through the resistances P, R, Q, S and
galvanometer respectively.

From KCL, I3 = I1- Ig and I4 = I2 + Ig

Applying KVL to the mesh ABDA,

-I1P - IgG + I2R = 0 ---- (1)

Applying KVL to the mesh BCDB,

-(I1-Ig) Q + (I2+Ig)S + IgG = 0 ------ (2)

The network is said to be balanced if no current flows through the galvanometer.

i.e. Ig = 0

Equation (1) reduces to -I1P + I2R = 0 or I1P = I2R ----- (3)

Equation (2) reduces to -I1Q + I2S = 0 or I1Q = I2S ----- (4)

Equation (3)/(4) gives 

This is the condition for balance of Wheatstone’s network.


1. Balanced condition is independent of emf and the galvanometer resistance. It depends

only on the resistances P, Q, R and S.

2. In a balanced Wheatstone’s network

i) Ig = 0

ii) Vg = 0

iii) PS = QR

iv) Current through P & Q is I1 and current through R & S is I2

v) p.d across P = p.d across R and p.d across Q = p.d across S

vi) If P = Q = R = S = X, then effective external resistance Reff = X

3. Balanced condition is unaffected,

i) when the galvanometer is replaced by another of different resistance.

ii) when the source of emf is replaced by another of different emf.

iii) when the position of cell and galvanometer are interchanged in the network

Q. What is the principle on which Meter bridge works?

Principle of a meter bridge is the balanced condition of Wheatstone’s network i.e. ratios
of the adjacent resistances are equal.

Q. Explain the construction and working of a meter bridge.

It is an instrument that works on the principle of Wheatstone’s network. It consists of a
uniform wire of length 1m stretched on a wooden board. Its ends are connected to two
L–shaped metallic strips at A and C. Between these two strips, another long strip is
placed so that two gaps are formed.
Unknown resistance is connected in the first gap (P) and standard resistance box is
connected in the right gap (Q).
^^^^^ RB

  B  
A   C
 D
(1-  )
( )

A cell of emf E is connected across A and C along with key. One terminal of the
sensitive galvanometer is connected to B and its other terminal is connected to sliding
contact maker. By adjusting the position of sliding contact maker on the wire, the
position D is found for which galvanometer shows zero deflection (i.e., Ig= 0). Now the
metre bridge is said to be balanced and length of the wire from A to D is known as
balancing length i.e., AD = 
For balanced network,  , But R   and S  (1- )
 P
Thus by knowing value of Q and by finding , it is possible to calculate the value of
unknown resistance P.
Q. What is a potentiometer?

A potentiometer is a device used to measure the emf of an unknown source without

drawing any current from the source.

It consists of a long uniform wire AB, one metre in length fixed on a wooden board
across which a standard cell (Ba) is connected. A current I flows through the wire which
can be varied by a variable resistance (rheostat Rh) in the circuit.
Q. Mention the principle of potentiometer.
It works on the principle that potential difference across any part of uniform wire is
directly proportional to the length of that portion.

Q. Mention the applications of potentiometer.

Potentiometer is used to

a) compare the emf’s of the cells.

b) determine the internal resistance of a cell.

Q. Mention the expression for

a) the comparison of emfs and

b) internal resistance of a cell using potentiometer.

a) When the key K1 is closed, E1  1 Ba K

When the key K2 is closed, E2  2
1 C
where 1 and 2 are the balancing lengths for
the cells of emfs E1 and E2. ()
E1 G
E  ()
Ratio of emfs of cells is given by 1 = 1
E2 2 E2 K2

b) When the key K2 is open E  1

When the key K2 is closed V  2
E 
= 1 Ba K1
V 2 Rh
E 
= 1
ER 2
R r A 1 C B

R r  E G -
= 1 +
R 2
r 
1 = 1 RB
R 2

   2 
Internal resistance of cell is given by r = R 1 
 2 
where 1 is the balancing length for the emf of the given cell when the resistance box is
in the open circuit and 2 is the balancing length when the resistance box is in the
closed circuit.

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