Abdul Moiz 62012 Mid Term Social Advocacy

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Mid term
Social advocacy

List down and explain four ways to be an advocate of social change?


1. Spend time in your community
2. Commit to one small act a day/week that connects to your passions,
3. Vote
4. Volunteer with local organizations or participate in mutual aid efforts
5. Talk with friends and family about the issues you are curious about
6. support products, services, and companies that DO align with your values
7. Share and retweet content on social media
8. Journal
9. Host or participate in book clubs or conversation groups.
10. Enroll in trainings to learn more about issues you care about
11. Find mentors and guides
12. Pay activists, educators, politicians who are working for change and transformation
13. Practice self-care AND collective care.
14. Use online petitions and bots to send letters and opinions
15. Check your privilege and reflect on systems of privilege and oppression

Four ways to be an advocate

 Read and research about the topics and issues you are called to AND the
ones that feel at the edge of your comfort zone:
Read more; explore a range of sources and mediums. Know that you won’t always leave your
reading or research with an answer, and that’s okay. Learning and unlearning are processes.
Encourage yourself to stay open, not only about the “issues” on the table but about yourself as

 Find creative outlets for your processing and Seek out trainings:
Research and talk, things can get heavy and emotional. Having outlets for these feelings is
important. I, personally, turn to writing most often– hence this article. Art and music are other
wonderful ways to express the depths of your experience.

 Talk with friends and family about the issues you are curious about:
Sweeping politics under the rug just doesn’t work, and, furthermore, it’s a symptom of
privilege. The call to action here is to be authentic in naming your values and concerns and
engaging your loved ones on these topics, to the extent that you are capable and safe doing so.

 Share and retweet content on social media:

The internet has allowed us to share issues and solutions in a matter of seconds. Hashtags have
helped people gather both virtually and IRL, and one way that you can show support for
movements, news, and leaders is by sharing or retweeting. #BlackLivesMatter helped us realize the
power of the internet in creating a movement and inspiring the masses to engage in advocacy.

What is social change? Why should we care?


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