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The curriculumobjectives include four competencies, namely (1) spiritual attitude competence, (2)
social attitudes, (3) knowledge, and (4) skills. Competence is achieved through the learning process of
intracurricular, co-curricular, and / or extracurricular.

The formulation of the Competence for Spiritual Attitudes is "Respecting and living the teachings of the religion
they adhere to". The formulation of Social Attitude Competence is
“Show behavior honest, discipline, bear answer, care
(tolerance, mutual cooperation), courteous, confident, in interacting effectively socially with the social and
natural environment within the range of socialization and existence
". These two competencies are achieved through indirect learning (indirect teaching), namely modeling,
habituation, and school culture by paying attention to the characteristics of the subject and the needs of the
students and the conditions of the students.

The growth and development of attitude competencies is carried out throughout the
learning process, and can be used as a consideration for teachers in developing student
character further.

Knowledge Competencies and Skills Competencies are formulated as follows, namely students
are able to:


3. understand knowledge 4. try, process, and present

(factual, conceptual, and in the realmof concrete (using,

procedural) based on curiosity about parsing, arranging, modifying,

science, technology, andmaking) and the abstract realm
art, culture related visible (writing, reading,
phenomena and events the eye counting, drawing, and composing)
according to what is learned
in school and other sources of the
same in viewpoint / theory


3.1 identify social functions, 4.1 compile the text of

text structure, and elements interaction verbal and written interpersonal
linguistic text interaction oral and is very short and simple which involves the
written interpersonal that involves actions
action greet, of greeting, saying goodbye, saying
say goodbye, say thank you, and thank you, and apologizing, and to
apologize, and respond, according to responding with paying attention
in the context of its use social functions, text text
structure, and elements correct
and correct language appropriate context

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