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Strategic Management

Fall 2020; Lecture 18; 0 4 Jan 2021

Associate Professor Nazlee Siddiqui
North South University

´ Communication in strategic management

´ Group Project presentations guideline
´ Report due on 16 Jan
´ Final Exam Lecture 11 -15, 18,19 and the group project presentations
§ Communication between all leve
of managers are necessary for
effective strategy management?

§ Managers in organisations in
Bangladesh do not engage in an
informal communication?
Governance and

Fig. 11.4 from the textbook

The transfer and understanding of meaning between the sender
and receiver. This is a process covering the following

Does this apply to both verbal and non-verbal communication?

Non-verbal communication
Which channel to use?

Volume of information/multiple cues, rapid feedback, personal

Communication in groups
Informal communication examples A youtube video to summarise the

basics in effective strategy communication
Cultural context in communication in
Cultural Values in a country context
The commonly held standards of what is acceptable or
unacceptable, important or unimportant, right or wrong,
workable or unworkable, etc., in a community or society.


´ Hofstede’s framework on national culture

´ The framework was drawn from research in 1970s by Geert
Hofstede and team with more than 116000 IBM employees.
Initially, the framework had 5 dimensions, which now has been
revised to 6 dimensions.
Which image is reporting USA?

Source: https://www.hofstede-
Summary of Function of communication in
strategic management

´ Information exchange about Strategy and Goal

´ Management of member behaviour and organisational
´ Feedback and emotional well-being
Presentation Guideline
´ Introduce the team members
´ Introduce the Organisation ( Approx. 2.5 mins)
Example of relevant contextual background are ownership structure of the
organisation, the organogram and a summary of current business portfolio,
leadership team details at corporate level and mapping of competitors in the
industry in recent time.
Ø Summary of critical Analysis (Approx. 3.5 minutes)
Only cover the SWOT and how the SWOT of the organisation has been
impacted by the pandemic Covid-19.

´ State the chosen functional strategy (Approx. 2 minutes)

Recommend what type of functional strategy (i.e. efficiency, quality,
innovation, and customer responsiveness) should the organisation pursue to
achieve the intended goals. This section should summarise maximum of 3
value creation function of the chosen functional strategies.
Presentation Guideline
´ Introduce the team members
´ Recommendations ( Approx. 7 minutes)
Explain the recommendations regarding how the organisation can take one
specific action to facilitate the chosen functional strategy for any 3 elements
of the organisational architecture. These elements are: i) organisational
structure ii) organisational processes iii) organisational culture iv) organisational
control and incentives and v) people. There should be clear justification of
how the specific actions are aligned with organisation’s goals.

A 3 member group will present only one recommendation for one element of
organisational architecture.
A 4 member group will present only two recommendations two elements of
the organisational archticture.
Marking Criteria
a) Appropriate explanation of theory and practice covered in the presentation.
b) The presentation adheres to the prescribed time-limit.
c) Proper grammar, syntax and punctuation is used throughout the slides.
d) APA referencing is used in the slide and a reference list is provided at the end.
e) The slides look professional, with intelligent use of graphs and figures.
f) The argument has a logical flow and ideas transition between slides and team
g) Each team member comes across as well prepared for the presentation.

Note: After each presentation, the team will attend to a Q& A

session from the class and lecturer.

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