Arachne HwanniTrue

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Visual Themes: Entrapment, Beauty, Horror

Arachne are the result of a female human undergoing the transformation into a full fledged hwanni.
Preferring to lurk about in forests, jungles, and caverns, an Arachne earns her position within the food
chain in earnest.

An Arachne’s Lair
Though it isn’t uncommon to see an Arachne skittering across the jungle floor or grooming herself near a
body of water, they have a tendency to lay in wait until a suitable prey enters within its territory.
Sensing the most minute vibrations, an Arachne will stalk its prey, waiting until just the right time to

Arachne will settle in a multitude of areas depending on her subspecies. Orb weavers make elaborate
web structures in canopies, trapdoors burrow underground and lash out at blinding speeds to drag prey
into their domain. Utilizing the potent venom stored within the fangs curled below her hips and the
magic that she can cast allows her to confidently dominate most prey she assaults. These creatures have
been seen using tactics, spawning smaller tarantulae to overwhelm enemies when they are close to

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