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Visual Themes: Majesti c, Powerful, Regal, Elegance

Coeurl are natural feline monsters. In appearance they are comparable to a large leopard.
Height 1.4m
Length 2.5m
Weight 210kg

These creatures have a lean body that make them very deadly. Their fearsome appearance disguises a
sharp intelligence and the tempered patience of a seasoned hunter. Their bodies are shaped like that of
a large jungle cat with the exception of their forelegs with are twice as long as their hind legs. Each claw
ends with claws that are surgically sharp.

Short bundles of wavering antennae extend from either side of their head, always seemingly floating
gracefully in the air. A coeurl’s most distinguishing trait is the pair of powerful tendrils that extend from
its shoulders, each one ending in a small cluster of flexible, barb-like digits capable of manipulating
object just as nimbly as a human hand.

Their fur is quite short, like that of a lion with the most common species having a pattern quite similar to
that of an ocelot.

Thunderstrike. Coeurl antennae build up a charge from naturally-occuring electic particles in the
atmosphere. Although this intelligent creature can cast simple magic at will, it can discharge stored
current twice per day as a free action.

Coeurls are highly intelligent creatures who are rumored to lead small children from the outskirts of
villages by communicating with them psionically. They have been seen to wait patiently near hunter-laid
traps and either ambush the hunter, or the traps intended prey
Visual inspiration:
I think this image almost perfectly illustrates the ideas I had about a coeurl should look. The main
difference is mine should have ears like a lynx, and the tentacles should come from its shoulders.

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