General Studies Model 1

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SIL. No.: AJGS/18 upa; oan 2018 Quingy i6lay @UBasLiLL Oeror Cond: 2 worl] [tong pBiQuemrasr : 200 Aamiseee uPoshs capdr Epascn siflajnraaar seenonai) igsseud rt 12. 10. shu sPlajorsdr Dep Aeanp Aoneiny Cate pm tiGapig 15 ALI msex cpcrengns AcinamsiTiR aes cupeusiiGb Boe Dang Apresi4 100 Samaacooré AaranGcrengy. lan waflés Ggm_sigapdr QereSeamgAgneiude cxdcor Blamassiepib aiflensuinss Qi Dsdgysrareneun aren scopisld Gon uo gg Qoubgyspsmcracr w craneneun Tem eH sfiLmiggsé Gancrorayin. ¢Gpguib Gorn. DeprGen, syseren ugg AOL wee pear aopscinanedCiuienfib Opfleiég, sfluins esrer CaGpre cflems Osreidoen Quis Asndrer Cacin@id. Gsitay Gsmsidus Bey, Papa nd Hams precy ionpAp spur ton ng. Shan HemaserkGid Heowessaid. coer Bemésen swonen wp Guest Genin coou A. fisEHeLU UBloy cidrnen Ops usspfler amg Cod paid sphAsen geowwgicrar Oi she Piscr S145 Cassini. Cau cenpuis cemné AsnguSe crugpst enings. Blon_scnen egy sinc cron, clan Bnet Sony A.ASISHG leps scinanahcs Taryn gHLiLIDID. AfisteReOLU cHlennBGgmELiL| creinenam (Question Booklet Number) can gerafidr Gram md udspple pp Aner sKeo0pp60er DESO ford adas see es Cuenneflannd é srl Casinb. Gopsdmaupep Sa ggrold fuss ofloge nis saplamd Cyie@aru SPleArensde GALI OKteraND pLaysars CinpAendronins. gsiideangy Blamed (A), B),(C)tobayid (D) stan pris cSen_asnards Qaccincnany. Biudt sreausatie gr Gc flume Benen Gaiiay Gorigy clon jpnatics GPlegys m_ Coren@b. gempig; Cindi. sfiuiren cen sci Gp Casing, SLOWYSOLIL Lys) qparens Guomesemd Gigs smi Cadnhid. gaGams Cadaiie.d go; clon ous GpIRAsO sa Ben spncile Glas Coucdn@id. go Csirclxg garpEGS Copulr Aen wellégnd sys Sle faummargras soBUGD. epmraomons Priumdir G) crchieng sflunon BoLunak acpflamd sop Geraxg.onps © ans Cascin ia ®e@00 Srsdr Dams Asreidén appt Usspoopuid fasCan og AplesCan ming Cpiey CovsHlo Bis Beans AsnGiGenonGun dog, Hen sprencrGum Cpirays sai Sons AH GevathiIa Ossie Gadosecngy. speiGien riven me din sewers 4g) fi Goser(Qib. citel Conbaiier fiiactedisenou cie-feimes scnscofiuceriib Asie ) Mandagapattu 2. Music Inscription (©) Sea-shore Temple 3. Rajasimha I (@) Kudumian Malai 4. Mahendra Varman I ® © @ 2 1 4 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 Guineas (@) esonspngir Caneiles 1. wmodaoypid ) weir sti@ 2 Qorsé aiGa@ © si pscnpé Cantley 3. qppamb omggélbwen @ GOBune were 4. qppambd wCansAlyounoer (a) (b) © (a) @ 3 2 1 4 ®) 4 2 1 3 © 3 4 1 2 @) 4 1 2 3 42. — The largest number of scheduled castes are found in Punjab (®) Bihar (© Rajasthan (D) Karnataka LiLiqund Deng seuit Sesion snamLi@id wnyplarrd orgy? A) ugsemes B) Sanit (C) omggevssne (D) siigpr_an AJGS/18 a 1 43, What is called the Ganga of South India? GH The Kaveri ®) The Vaigai © ‘The Godavari (D) Thamiraparani Open Dounce arienes rengy sjompaciuGaugs ergs? a) © neff 250) B) oamsap Cangneufl D) srviqupeni 44. Which of the following rivers originate from the Mansarovar lake? 1 2. 3, 4 (A) Ganga Sindhu Satlej Brahmaputra Sand 4 ®) 2and4 1,2, 3and4 7 2.3and4 Gércugib .psae wnoneGprout TRIS Gg edLisBlunEid LB Reinamisscr AgminGescr sic TL. eg @prupd Qpmiud Bicronw TH Ae» Asmindescir eirermisds @edone TV. Be Quiiyscr Rainaamrissci Qvene (A) Vb TI yo Qgmitscr B) Todo Hl pm isc (© 16, Mb Ogmiser ©) sgBiea 29 AJGS/8 . [Turn over 81 82, 83. ‘The Boolean function A+ BC is the reduced form of (A) AB+BC OH (a+B)(4+0) (©) AB+ABC @) (A+C)B A+ BC arycStusch eriunengy aps qHCUTgy DenargLiaearpper og? (A) AB+BC (B) (A+B)(A+C) (©) AB+ABC (@) (A+C)B A and B can together finish a work in 30 days. They worked for it for 20 days and then B left. If the remaining work was done by A alone in 20 more days, A alone can finish the total work in (A) 48 days (B) 50days (© 54 days OF 60 days A wip B Qeanps gi Gaimaenu 30 presafies Qaiiauit. 20 pm adr QqaGi Qenamrsg Carcnoo Qaiig Deny B Carman eyigs lov AIC ni. Bpapdrar Goumevenus A woc-Qib 20 pac scr Ganiysri srofle apy Ceumnerenus A ot Gid Gaiiig apigés orGsgués Qancnepib pm sdr (A) 48 pmiscr ®B) 50pm sar © 54 pmiser (D) 60 pmser Accan do a certain job in 12 days B is 60% more efficient than A. How many days B alone take to do the same job? Tdays ®) 8days (A) ws 7% days (@) 6 days 12 prisoh A cenait og Cammcu dpysdpni. B erémuait Aonus of 60% Spsoouirencut cafes B gafuines 2iGs Cormmenus eigenen pmieafle apg tiuinir? (A) Tpmtscr (B) 8 pmcscr (©) 7% priser (@) 6 priser AJGS/18 30 I 84. 85. 86. 87, Simplify : 12° +13° 25° 11700 ®) 11700 © 170 @) -1170 &GSGs : 12° +13° - 25° (4) -11700 (B) 11700 © 70 (D) -1170 252 can be expressed as a product of primes as WM 202%3%8%7 (B) 2x2x2x3%7 (©) 8x3x3%3%x7 D) 2x3x3x3x7 252g creveungy usm crdneaflen Qu@ésons cregsamd (A) 2x2%3x3«7 (B) 2x2x2x3x7 (©) 3x3x3«3x7 @) 2x3x3x3x7 If 10% of x is equal to 20% of y then find x: y @ 3:2 ® 1:2 G21 @) 3:1 Sr upg epefpionengy ye 20% RG; sold alld x: y dr wBICOL Being @) 3:2 ® 1:2 © 2:1 @) 3:1 72% of 26 students are good in Mathematics. How many are not good in Mathematics? @ 18 ue © 6 @) 12 25 wnemeutsahd 72% Cur safigium phd Pperouncnariacr cad seafigt um she Aperourppeuiacr aiponen Cui? (a) 18 ®) 7 © 16 (@) 2 = AJGS/18 {Turn over 88. Who was the author of Brihatsamhita? (A) Sudraka WM Varahamihira (© Vishnusharma ®) Dandin Be@as sidpBlongier aySifusit win? (A) nat B) apmpnbaigir © Beygpeivon @) seiongeor Which of the following is not one of the earliest Tamil grammer works? (A) Agattiyam QT Kuruntogai (©) Pannirupadalam (D) Kakkai padiniyam eragucreuschie ergy Ueopeniousnen pip Qarésemnid Béron? A sap Buid ®B) @pAGpraos ©) udrafiguLeid DD) sréene umgefluid 90. Who is the author of ‘Fo-Kero-Ki'? we Fa-hien Hieun Tsang (© _ Itsing Mareo Polo ‘Gun-GaGon-al ore goles yAlflusir wnt? (A) unéwaneir Bluse scant © caw woniGen GunGeor AJGS/18 91. 92. 93. Arrange the events in chronological order. 1. Battle of Adyar 2. Battle of Plassey 3. Battle of Buxar 4, Battle of Wandiwash @ 1432 Mirrsa © 4123 @M 14238 Bérard PlpsAlaoar sro aflensiidég 1 enw) Gumir Gerredics Gunit zi 3. uéount Gum 4. euppaurdGumit @M 1432 ® i224 © 41283 @) 14 2 Who was the authér of ‘Tarikh i Sher Shahi’? (A) Khwaja Khizr Khan (B) Alberuni (©) Khwaja Niamatullah Harawi QF Abbas Khan Sarwani ‘prfl&B Qawi agra ercrp ponoo cragilus ayAlflusi wri? (A) éeumggn Bit mer B) seQuget ©) deumgn Susgicroor ange’ (D) sWuned sen siteurall ‘The Asiatic Society was founded by William Jones on AT January 15, 1784 (B) March 7, 1785 (C) January 15, 1785 @) March 15, 1789 BAU stuspeng AaSurd Cgnencd SgeGus prt (A) geneuffl 15, 1784 (B) wait 7, 1785 ©) goneuft 15, 1785 (D) wonié 15, 1789 33 AJGS/18 [Turn over Which is called “Sorrow of Bihar"? (A) The Mahanadi (B) The Damodar (©) The Chambal WP The Kosi Ssniler gum renpenyibsnQergy wane B) grGiongi © sou. ) Condi Match the following (a) Indus . Manjira (b) Ganga a Ravi (©) Godavari Hugli (@) Kaveri |. Bavani (a) (b) (A) 1 3 2 3 4 1 © 3 @) 2 Spscim_aupanp Qungsge (a) Abs 0b) stixenss © Gamgreuf @ —snGouft AJGS/18 Match the following types of cancer based on the tissue : (@) () © (d) a) ®) © Carcinoma Sarcoma Lymphoma Leukemia (a) (b) 2 a 3 4 4 2 Mss $Cp Asn @ésastiui cra ©) 214 LILIGOLW Quins (a) (b) © (@ (a) () © @) sriSGonmom sriiGamon SidGumow graCaBun (a) ) 2 3 © 1 2. 3. 4, @ Cancer of the Lymphatic System Cancer of the white blood cells or bone marrow Cancer of the bone and soft tissues Cancer of the epithelial cells YppCpmBér cusnssaer igi sna fladsdr (sensed) (d@) Aibumgé Aco. uydgGpmis Qaucronet srapsscr sicdergy srenbdyoggengy YiyGpmis agQby Wp Andu Passer ypgCpmis mBZSue Gedaoho ypopmii 35 AJGS/18 [Turn over Match the following : (a) Janakiraman Committee (b) Sarkaria Commission (© Mandal Commission Balwantrai Mehta Committee ® ®© © @ 3 4 1 we 4 1 © 3 2 1 @) 4 1 2 Bereupeuereupenps QumeBpgis (@) grendl @rmoen Gag siéarfluin Gap weird GW Ldayii mb Cogs 69 @ © 2 3 98. 99, ‘The policy of the government with regard to its reyenue and expenditure is called (A) Economie Policy Fiscal Policy (©) Monetary Policy (D) Revenue-Expenditure Policy I7Blea expend ppb Asara| Amin jon_ui Qencins Péremp sonpsscn. Ang, A) Gungernpsnyé Qsincirenss B) Ps Qancreos (©) vem Qairdreos DO) agaimis wpgra Qenays Dancin, Per capita.income indicates (A) The wealth of the people (B) The poverty of the people (©), The educational level of the people The standard of living of the people Ben UG OTEMd sy. sEM_ougy (AY wéssaftdn Qacoeu Pleneoenus B) wésafer ayer Henwenu (CO) wireefter screAl flenaronns D) waster aumpionasss sions 100. Monetary Policy is implemented by (A) _ State Bank BT Reserve Bank of India (C) Central Government ©) State Government Spéscin_auppsr umd Qencrnscouws poo cpenpiiOggnd enisd ogs? A) @GLt ema B) BpPu Noid aves ©) wa8u 20% O) ono oin8 37 AJGSI8 [Turn over AJGS/18 Register Number 2018 GENERAL STUDIES ‘Time Allowed : 2 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 200 % 10. ct 12, 13. Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS ‘The applicant will be supplied with Question Booklet 15 minutes before commencement of the examination ‘This Question Booklet contains 100 questions. Prior to attempting to answer, the candidates are requested to check whether all the questions are there in series and ensure there are no blank pages in the question booklet. In case any defect in the Question Paper is noticed, it shall be reported to the Invigilator within first 10 minutes and get it replaced with a complete Question Booklet. If any defect is noticed in the Question Booklet after the commencement of examination, it will not be replaced. Answer all questions, All questions carry equal marks, You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not ‘write anything else on the Question Booklet. ‘An answer sheet will be supplied to you, separately by the Room Invigilator to mark the answers. ‘You will also encode your Question Booklet Number with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, action will be taken as per Commission's notification. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there are more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. In the Answer Sheet there are four circles @,®, © and @ against each question. To answer the questions you are to mark with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen ONLY ONE circle of your choice for each question. Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. eg. If for any item, () is the correct answer, you have to mark as follows @e@00 ‘You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the time of After the examination is concluded, you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Do not make any marking in the question booklet except in the sheet before the last page of the question booklet, which can be used for rough work. This should be strictly adhered. Inall matters and in cases of doubt, the English version is final. Applicants have to write and shade the total number of answer fields left blank on the boxes provided at side 2 of OMR Answer Sheet. An extra time of 5 minutes will be given to specify the number of answer fields left blank. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you liable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion,

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