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What I Know

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer.

Write only the letter of your choice.

1. It is the potential for harm, or adverse effect on an

employee's health. Anything which may cause injury
or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace.
a. Chemicals b. Exposure c. Risk d. Hazard
2. It is the likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill
health to anyone at or near a workplace.
a. Risk b. Exposure c. Hazard d. Chemicals
3. This occurs when a person comes into contact with a
a. Risk b. Exposure c. Hazard d. Chemicals
4. This includes floors, stairs, work platforms, steps,
ladders, fire, falling objects slippery surfaces, manual
handling, (lifting , pushing, pulling), excessively loud
and prolonged noise, vibration, heat and cold, radiation,
poor lighting, ventilation, air quality.
a. Chemicals c. Psychosocial Environment
b. Mechanical and/or electrical d. Physical
5. It includes electricity, machinery, equipment, pressure
vessels, dangerous goods, forklifts, cranes, hoists.
a. Mechanical and/or electrical c. Biological
b. Chemicals d.Psychosocial
6. It includes chemical substances such as acids or
poisons and those that could lead to fire or explosion,
like pesticides, herbicides, cleaning agents, dusts and
fumes from various processes such as welding.
a. Chemicals c. Mechanical and/or
b. Psychosocial environment d. Biological

7. It includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects,
vermin, animals.
a. Biological c. Mechanical and/or
b. Chemicals d. Psychosocial
8. It includes workplace stressors arising from a variety of
a. Psychosocial environment c. Chemicals
b. Biological d. Mechanical and/or
9. It is the physical or environmental conditions of work
which comply with the prescribed Occupational
Health Safety (OHS) standards and which allow the
workers to perform his or her job without or within
acceptable exposure to hazards.
a. Safety c. Psychosocial environment
b. Biological d. Chemicals
10. It is the practice related to production and work
a. Occupational Safety c. Psychosocial environment
b. Safety d. Biological

Note:If you get 100% correct in this pre- assessment, skip the
lesson but if not and only get 50% to 99% correct, then
proceed with the lesson.


Many hazards are present in the farm. If the farmers are

not aware of these hazards these may cause injury to their
body or may cause diseases and even death. Farmers
should always apply appropriate safety measures while
working in the farm. In this lesson the students with the
guidance and supervision of their teacher should identify
farm works that involve the use of chemicals and
hazardous tools and equipment; determine the use of
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and determine farm
emergency procedures regarding safety working

What’s In

1. What is PPE? ________________________

2. How does PPE protect workers? _____________________

3. Enumerate the different PPEs.


What’s New

1. What when working in a workplace with materials,

tools and equipment, are we exposed to

2. How can prevent hazard and risk from recurring?

3. Do you know what is risk and hazard?

What is It



Agricultural crop production deals with a lot of activities to
be done in the different workplace. While performing these
activities we expose ourselves to a lot of risk. Workplace
hazard is a major cause of accident, injury, or harm to a
worker who performs such task. These hazards should be
the major concern of all who are involved in a certain job
or work.
It is important to distinguish hazard, risk and
exposure when undertaking risk management.

Hazard is the potential for harm, or adverse effect on an

employee's health. Anything which may cause injury or ill
health to anyone or a near a workplace is a hazard.

Risk is the livelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill

health to anyone at or near a workplace. The level of the
risk increases with the severity to the hazard and the
duration and the frequency of exposure.

Exposure occurs when a person comes into contact with a


Hazards are classified into five different types. They are:

1.Physical – includes floors, stairs, work platforms,

steps, ladders, fire, falling objects, slippery surfaces,
manual handling (lifting, pushing, pulling), excessively
loud and prolonged noise, vibration, heat and cold,
radiation, poor lighting, ventilation, air quality.

2.Mechanical and /or electrical – includes electricity,
machinery, equipment, pressure vessels, dangerous goods,
fork lifts, cranes, hoists.

3.Chemical – includes chemical substances such as

acids or poisons and those that could lead to fire or
explosion, like pesticides, herbicides, cleaning agents,
dusts and fumes from various processes such as welding.

4. Biological – includes bacteria, viruses, mold,

mildew, insects, vermin, animals.

5. Psychosocial environment – includes workplace

stressors arising from a variety of sources.



Identify the potential emergencies.

The emergencies that may occur on a crop production
farm could include: a. Fire
b. Flood
d. machinery equipment
e.electrical shock
f. snake or spider bite
g.chemical exposure
h. injuries
i. illness and
j. accidents

1. Provide emergency facilities appropriate for the sorts of
emergencies that might occur on the farm (e. g.
deluge showers, eye washes, firefighting equipment, first
aid kits).
2. Make sure that the correct equipment is available to
contain and handle any chemical or other dangerous
materials spills that might happen.

3. To help minimize the risk of a personal injury or

property damage in the event of an emergency, people
working on and visiting the farm need to know and
understand the emergency procedures and their

4. Instruct every one working on the farm in the

emergency response procedures.

5. Everyone should know the location of the fire alarms,

fire extinguishers and first Aid kits; how and where
to contact emergency services ; and where to safely
assemble in the event of an emergency.
The following factors may increase risk of injury or
illnesses for farm workers

1. Age – injury rates are highest among children age 15

and under and adults over 65.
2. Equipment and Machines – most farm accidents and
fatalities involve machinery, proper machine
guarding and doing equipment maintenance according to
manufacturer’s recommendations can help prevent


Incident reporting is critical, and near-miss reporting is

important, but hazard reporting is also extremely necessary
for the safety of your workforce.

All hazards that are found in the workplace should be

reported immediately to a supervisor, the safety
department or management. This is a standard practice
that should exist in any workplace and every employee
should be made aware that this is the appropriate action
to take should they encounter any hazard or potential
hazard they discover. However, many employees may feel
(justified or not) that the hazards they encounter,
sometimes on a daily basis, are just how things are and
reporting them is not necessary. Designing, setting up and
communicating a Hazard Reporting Program is a good idea
for any business to help avoid this potentially dangerous
attitude. Implementing a Hazard Reporting Program will
help ensure that your workplace is safer for your
employees and reduce costly incidents or business
All employees should be trained in hazard recognition
and avoidance. Hazard Reporting is a critical part of this
training so that employees know exactly what to do when
they encounter a hazard they can’t immediately correct.
Don’t get overwhelmed by the word “training” because you
can design the training to be as simple as you need for
your specific team. Depending on the types of hazards your
employees might encounter, this training could be a
mandatory all-day in-person training session for high-
hazard jobs, or on-the-job training led by a competent
supervisor, or even a 30-minute safety meeting. For low-
hazard jobs, at least consider an annual online training or
email reminder so employees understand hazard reporting
is not only acceptable but also expected.
During hazard reporting training, the following points
should be emphasized:
What is an unsafe condition that should be reported? This
is any circumstance found in the workplace that could
allow an incident to occur that might harm people,
equipment or property. Give examples specific to your
workplace such as rusted or broken tools, inadequatePPE
provided, containers that are not labeled, insufficient
stairway lighting, brokenmachine guards, or a leaking
refrigerator in the break room.
What is an unsafe act that should be reported? This is any
behavior that could lead to an incident that might harm
people, equipment or property. Unsafe acts might not be
intentional. Examples of unsafe acts might include using
equipment in a careless manner or not using PPE as
What should be done if an unsafe condition or act is
witnessed in the workplace? This depends on the hazard
reporting procedure in your workplace so be specific. Let
employees know exactly what steps they should take which
could be filling out a form or verbally telling a supervisor.
When should a hazard be reported? Any unsafe
condition or act should be reported immediately, or at the
next available safe opportunity that the employee has to do
What should employees expect after a hazard is
reported? Let employees know what the expected time

frame is for corrective and preventative measures that are
expected and how employees can follow-up on the
corrections progress, if needed.
Where can employees find a copy of the Hazard Reporting
Procedure? Are hard copies of procedures kept at
headquarters, or is the Safety Manual found online on the
company’s intranet? It’s important that employees know
how they can access all company policies and procedures
on their own.

You can start simple when it comes to implementing a

hazard reporting system in your workplace, and then let
this program evolve as the company grows, significant
workforce is hired or new industry sectors are added.
Here are some examples of what a hazard reporting
program might look like, simple to more complex. Design a
program that works for your company and your employees.
Document the procedure in a step-by-step format that is
easy to understand and the communicate to your
employees what the process is and where they can find the
procedure to reference at any time.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Example 4:
Example 5:

Incident and accident reporting is critical, and near-miss

incident reporting is important, but hazard reporting is
also extremely necessary for the safety of your workforce.
Addressing a potential hazard before it causes an injury or
property damage can save any company significant losses.
Giving employees an avenue that they can pursue to report
hazards and unsafe acts empowers them to feel like they
are an integral part of the company, but only if those
hazards are addressed, corrected and resolved.

A successful workplace safety and health program includes

a hazard reporting process that is effective. Hazard
reporting ensures employees:
• are involved in your safety management system

• aware and vigilant for current safety issues
• respect safety management as a means of creating a
safe, productive work environment
• Hazard reporting ensures that supervisors, managers
and the safety department have the information they
need to control hazards before they become a liability,
ultimately saving the company money.

If employees are reluctant to report hazards in the

workplace, here are some great ways to improve the quality
of hazard reporting in your safety program.
• Make reporting as easy as possible.
• Ensure there is no negative stigma and no
punishment attached to hazard reporting.
• Give recognition to those who submit hazard reports.
• Engage workers in the resolution of hazards to ensure
the correction is satisfactory for all involved and does
not create additional hardships inadvertently.
• Keep an open discussion about safety issues, perhaps
following up on the specific hazard reported at the
next safety meeting.
• Never assign blame to an individual when it comes to
hazards found. Rather, attribute hazards to “systems”
like insufficient budget assigned for tool replacements,
lack of training, or comprehensive process needed.

• Post signs or posters around the workplace that
reinforces the message that unsafe conditions and
acts must be reported.

Example of a Hazard Report (Template)

What should I do if I notice a hazard?
You should report it immediately to your supervisor. You
do not need to wait for an inspection team to come by. In
fact, health and safety legislation requires employees to
report hazards to their supervisor. The immediate hazard
reporting process allows employees to report hazardous
conditions or practices as they notice them. This procedure
allows for prompt reporting and subsequent corrective
action without waiting for the next round of regular
inspections. Hazards can be reported verbally or by filling
a simple form available at bulletin boards or other
conspicuous places. The following is an example of such a
Hazard Report Form - Example
Name: Date:
Description of the hazard:

Suggested corrective action:

Supervisor's remarks:
Corrective action taken:
Signature of Supervisor: Date:

What I Can Do

• 1 sheets bond paper
• 1 Ball pen


1. Visit a backyard garden in your neighborhood.

2. Observe the surroundings.
3. List all possible hazards observed
4. Classify these hazards
5. Identify persons who are at risk with this hazard
6. Suggest all possible solutions to reduce or eliminate
the risk

7. Make a hazard report. Follow the format from the
8. Perform the activity with the guidance and supervision
of your guardian or parent.

Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly

and sincerely. Remember it is your learning
at stake!

Potential hazards are properly 20 15 10 5
Report is properly made
Suggestions are made to reduce risk
Potential victims are properly
Use of proper PPE during the
conduct of the survey
Used appropriate tools


I. Multiple Choice.Choose the best answer. Write only the
letter of your choice.

1. It is the potential for harm, or adverse effect on an

employee's health. Anything which may cause injury
or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace.
a. Chemicals b. Exposure c. Risk d. Hazard
2. It is the likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill
health to anyone at or near a workplace.
a. Risk b. Exposure c. Hazard d. Chemicals
3. This occurs when a person comes into contact with a
a. Risk b. Exposure c. Hazard d. Chemicals
4. This includes floors, stairs, work platforms, steps,
ladders, fire, falling objects slippery surfaces, manual
handling, (lifting , pushing, pulling), excessively loud
and prolonged noise, vibration, heat and cold, radiation,
poor lighting, ventilation, air quality.
a. Chemicals c. Psychosocial Environment
b. Mechanical and/or electrical d. Physical
5. It includes electricity, machinery, equipment, pressure
vessels, dangerous goods, forklifts, cranes, hoists.
a. Mechanical and/or electrical c. Biological
b. Chemicals d.Psychosocial
6. It includes chemical substances such as acids or
poisons and those that could lead to fire or explosion,
like pesticides, herbicides, cleaning agents, dusts and
fumes from various processes such as welding.
a. Chemicals c. Mechanical and/or
b. Psychosocial environment d. Biological

7. It includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects,

vermin, animals.
a. Biological c. Mechanical and/or
b. Chemicals d. Psychosocial
8. It includes workplace stressors arising from a variety of
a. Psychosocial environment c. Chemicals
b. Biological d. Mechanical and/or
9. It is the physical or environmental conditions of work
which comply with the prescribed Occupational
Health Safety (OHS) standards and which allow the
workers to perform his or her job without or within
acceptable exposure to hazards.
a. Safety c. Psychosocial environment
b. Biological d. Chemicals
10. It is the practice related to production and work
a. Occupational Safety c. Psychosocial environment
b. Safety d. Biological

Additional Activities

Write your answer in your paper and submit it the next

Do this activity. Classify the following hazards:
1. falling objects
2. machinery
3. cleaning agents
4. bacteria
5. ladders

Answer Key


1. D
1. D 2. A
2. A 3. B
3. B 4. D
4. D 5. A
5. A 6. A
6. A 7. A
7. A 8. A
8. A 9. A
9. A 10. A
10. A 10. A


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