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República bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la Educación

Unidad educativa colegio ¨Blaise pascal¨

4to año sección ¨U¨

Área de formación: ingles

Unidad 3

It+verb to be+adjective to...

It+verb+to me (that)
It+verb to be+adjctive/adverb

Profesor: alumna:

Tomas pulido Daliuska Escalona

Ciudad bolívar, marzo de 2021

Part 1) Answer the following question about sport.

a) Are you interested in practicing a sport that includes trainings six days a week?

No, I’m not interested. Practicing six days a week would be exhausting.

b) Would you like to become an Olimpic athlete?

Yes, I would like to become an Olympic athlete

c) Do you think that practicing a competitive sport is easy?

No, I don't think that practicing a competitive sport is easy

d) Is it easy to practice an Olympic sport?

No, it is not easy to practice an Olympic sport

e) Do you practice any sport?

Yes, I’m practice ballet

Part 2) Answer the following questions.

a) Is it easy for you to practice gymnastics?

Yes, it is easy for me to practice gymnastics

b) Is it easy for a fencer to play tennis?

No, it is not easy for a fencer to play tennis

c) Is it easy for Deyna Castellano to play football?

Yes, it is easy for she to play football

d) Is it easy for Yulimar Rojas to jump?

Yes, it is easy for she to jump

e) Is it easy for you to practice taekondoist like Antonio Diaz?

No, it is easy for me to practice taekondoist like him

Part 3) Write about any about these athletes.

a) Alejandra Benitez: Is a venezuelan politician, detist,model and Olympic fencer. She was
minister of people’s power for sports in Venezuela. In addition, deputy in the national

b) Andreina Pinto : Outstanding Venezuelan athlete of the swimming specialty who was
champion of Central America and the Caribbean in Mayagüez 20101 and South
American in Medellín 2010.

c) Rafael Vidal: He was a Venezuelan swimmer, sportscaster and bronze medalist in the 200 m
butterfly swimming competition at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

d) Yulimar Rojas: She is a Venezuelan athlete, Olympic medalist, two-time indoor world
champion, three-time long indoor world champion, two-time world outdoor champion in the
triple jump specialty, and multiple times Pan-American, Bolivarian and South American
e) Rubén Limardo Gazcón : is a Venezuelan athlete who competes in fencing. He participated
in three Summer Olympic Games between 2008 and 2016, obtaining a gold medal in London
2012 in the individual event.

Part 4) Read the following passage and answer TRUE or FALSE.

When you decide to practice a sport you have to evaluate what kind of skills you

possess . You can practice sport for recreational or competitive purpose. Many

competitive sports begin at early ages. For instance, gymnastics is a sport that girls

begin when they are 4 or 5 years old and practice it for about ten or more years. There

are different disciplines within this sport such as : artistic gumnastics (men & women) ,

rhythmic gymnastics , trampoline, aerobics, and acrobatics. In artistc gymnastics it's

easy for a gymnast to do wonderful exercises for example cartwheel, round off, flic-flac,

and so on. In our country gymnastics has had an interesting history since the 1960s. In

the last olympic games in London 2012, Jessica López , from Venezuela was the only

Venezuelan gymnast in this event.

1) Children begin to practice gymnastics at the age of 2 (F)

2) Gymnasts do flic-flac (T)

3) There are no disciplines in gymnastics. (F)

4) Skills are not important to practice a sport. (F)

5) Rubén Limardo is a good example of gymnast. (F)

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